HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-02-14, Page 1Vo i. XIX Z0131(31-1, FRIDAY IVIORNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1919. + + + + + + + + + + +++++++++-4+ • YOUR HARNESS NEEDS be promptly attended to here, Seem abont REPAIRING OF ALL HINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells 1 Fall line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited 1 F.REU THIEL ZURICH 4. -4 -it -4 4. 4. ++-+ + + + ++ + + 4, °I" • DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, 'SINGLE HARNESS 1• +1 +1 Mr. a41(1. Mrs. Wm. Vale, of Ex - ter, Visited with Mrs, 3. lielick on Tuesday. A number from the village at- ts.nded the hockey match held at Seaforth on Tuesday night, Mr, W. L. Siebert and family have moved into the dwelling, Souther the village lately vacated by Mr. jno Wal )er'• 1 • Wednesday. On Wednesday of next week the, ti 6.400: annual meeting of the subscribes S. 01 the Hay Township Municipal Telephon , System will be held in the g'7own 00 Next Sunday evening the ser;- tz,...",aolowciutchtee.d.L. uilllbet.rhaen ;10117. ejoli er vice of prayer for the members 0. or the Peace Conference now L Lession in. France'. 0 :LI he Unique Farmer's Club of the Jlth on., was re•••organized 0 0 a No 32 To -day, Feb, 14th, is St., Valen- tines' Day, 11(fr, Isaac 'Hudson, Qf near forth, was a visitor in town en Moluday, Mr. Thos, McMillan, of near (3 -)a - forth, was a businass visitor i the village on Monday. Mr. and IV/rs, E. :Deters spen:: a few days recently in Kitchener, :A - tending the funeral of a relative. Beginning with the month loebruary All hydro account; s,re, payable at the i:ons Zurilch, Eissrs. C. Frtz, 3. Preeter ..and J. ...,aporte attended a ineetingof the eentive of the South Huron tia- 'nal Association held at Hensall o rt Dilfritseint Ultstaaei-kiHttettaf 9-00004 VP -100W Itimagaiffetaxlifftagliaziko • , „les ,*00060ee09000000Se020Mneeeesee 0 0 • • 0 0 0 0 '4 4 GO 0 0 b 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 • 0 4) 0 0 0 .0 114 • 0 • 0 (4;) • 0 • 0 0 Ali Our 00000000 aye in rdcsi rice. Now Ls your chance to puirchase high-grade C at% Shi eitc., at a 090000 000000300000 MA. 114,. 4 itrl. 4.4 .444,74.4rUit.41, +twat, 1.114, TtfIr • ! A Vn44%-7._ .1 for 11 ? V., a NM" . Phone 59 r annual tkI 7.40===.31i2M2r143=====iint karelfe.4kaTSESTP,M1 00.0efoolosesoweihooestipipoot etteseSeseeemecooes Proci Lice Wanted 0000 • 400000 Shoes that will wear well. Also Rubbers, SOCkS, lvershoes, etc. Et 7 rrP Ef Gq WANTED 30th, the Toliowing officers -Lre eleeted;- President, O. IcipP; Vice -Pres: L. Rader; Sec - 'mut., L. Schilbe The Club nets 'very ,first and Third Friday o' .e,ach month, The need of a number of mod- Li mn piked houses in Zurich. e ,gvery nook and o. - s oceupied and houses in the. 1 0 !- ()wary are .ssow n desua.nel. 0 better investment could be found our capiitaliszs than building 1 - e feiw 44:t houses in Us.: villag.:),H ,hereby beautifying the village aad ,.,aking a neat return on the cap-; • ". invested.. If, & D. - 0 The iollowing is the number cy:i!,4 0 Births, Marriages and Deaths rog- 0 telexed in Hay Township during the • .0 year 1.918;- Births, 7t); Marriage; S 11; Deaths 29. Births znust be reg. istered 30 days and deaths irranaliately. The penalty for s.solatior of registrations is pro- vided for under the Vital Stats ins Act and is severe. 0 0 4) 4) 4) 4) C, FRITZ The Shoeman A MERRY XMAS znd Elappy and Prosperous NEW YEAR to our customers and friends. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND - HigheSt Pricesior- arm Pxot nue I DOUGLAS PHONE 11 on 97 MORE CHANGES !PUBLIC. LIBRARY . I Mr. Henry Krueger has sold The rirst s:eps towards re:airing 0 farm on the 131h con., Hay, - it public Library for Zmich were WISHING Mr. David Ha.ugh, son or 0 Mr.. taktn at, a well attended meeting 8 John -Haugh. Mr. Krueger has 0 since purchased the farm er Mr. j7c t Tiurac'.dsd ab3'; eiesydellicientgissL :ITIbi• oemle)rye- Joseph Gascho and will gc:ei.ta,P Is; 0 1111'141S:1 agiKeiZnOL111:;d11 account ueohf tittrinwe.istr has purchased the residential p:o-: toai 4.onditions were moro fa vor- 0 erty in Zurich of Mr. Jacob How- toile. 0 0 ald and will move to this villlago Nov that. the war is over the 0 with his family. to reside. e Iti,7 To\e:!tS!0tiCiev:.:the runiored that Mr. Howaldua;ittr7ipi,1,oftiTldentsof al family intend moving to Kitche,:o.• Zurich and vi2h3ity. a Mr. John Brenner has purchasod : Ulu: Zurich Public Library Ass - the ten acres, just east of the va- Gelation was formed WiLh 41 Board e lege, owned by the es tato of the oi.' Management cons:s :in of, e late F. Hess, Sr., and gets immed- nine members, viz. Dr. B. A. e 0 late possessiont Campbell, Dr, A. 3. MacKinnon, 0 LATE SAMUEL REICHERT 1 Mt.ssrs. N. E. Dahms, 3, Preoter, 0 e There passed away an Friday, ' R. T. Dunlop, John Clascho, REY. S Feb., 7th, at his home here in Zro,.., Htmbe, ReaN:.1,;'f.13.A.1,ey;offic31. s,aeT 0 ieh, Samuel Reichert, in his Us'. A. El. Hc.ss. hL0110\1irl 0were then elected for the year; year. Deceased was a Victim of • that dread disease, consumption, president, Mr. Andrew P. Hess; eif and he although he received t1,0E Sy..-Treasuror, Mr. R. T. Dunlop ocare and medical aid, it was; h.:, Librarian will b' appointed W h n his OP her tan.viees aro flo,. avail, JIo gradually becanv:, weaker and about a week before needed-, o his death was confined to tit, Th., Executive Camxilte.e will be bid, uotil death relieved. him. ITe en) osNi of the Pre:iident and tho oung man, who led e) was a. a„ S,ey.-Treasurer, with Dr. A. 3. . K:nnon. 'rho nook cormnittco exemplary life, and had made 0.7 mainN- warm friends by his fair lvid w:I! 1)(' omposcl of Rev. F. 13. o upright dealings. He how h;, Dr. 11. A. Campbeli an 64) SrafiNirig With Chrlstian fortitinie r$1e N, E 'Dahms. rind had strong faith in the Giver Pi' h se.•.0 fling o a suitable pro- of all things. The funeral, which to house the institution was Wasleft 11' the hands of the Board of held on Sunday was largely at, ended, intern -ion( h the Lutheran v-"' it 1:.•::11 ihlt a 10,1 t»' erv. in !Turvivel by. h parr. bOr hug '1 for the 0ts. M-. and Mrs. Itv. Reichert. e" Year. AnY person ')e'r 0 4)a 0 0 0 4) 0 4) 4) a 4) 4) 0 4) th'a vil'ae..e. E' hVO 'her. Pdward. 1'31''' ago ean 1oni arnern- of fly' Blind tine, and three s's- bvr, Ors Mrs. Tt. ,S'etnbEth, Mrs. L'sts arc now in the.sL hands of the aRir.107.1;saiTio Tvolnsi\i/l.it,ps.„ 13 toard 01 Management and any iv Tann dolling 10 become a ni_nriber of the librnry a'an joto! F .1 1.1 t q. maeting of the subscribers t' ("1"Itit1 hat parties the Hay qtcywnship Telephone 14'.F1* -4n3 11 donate any gond books trim 1V31I he flne.let in the Tryvvi )7.'1 to 1.110 sn,th as history, rel-! 71ro,t1h. 13' 1, no,, 1.1.,atio,nr.1 as! fictlo-a. 11 11' or s>,-.1.1 ,ea 711n19, at 2 o'clock 1.) ,to the 'Herald Office where 13 °ram,. A. p. ue8s, Town., they will bo repaired, if ne.:.pssary,t, 0f1. Shin (Clairlzi. ,classi,,leel, Let us all help i act...A. Feb. 4th.. 191L to make flan r4uri411 Pub' e Library - huge success. • BLAK YOU ALL THE COMPLIMENTS THISEASON W ess Jeweller and Optician' 44k Incorperated 1855 The Ari•LSONS BANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8400,000 98 Branches hi Canada A General Bankini Business Transiaed CIRCULAR L8TTER OF C11.1)17: WAS& NIONNY ORDER, Savings Bank pepartment IatetzA at highest Current rages Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, titiauager riOgraurocansor =imuctrzazussoramana.....t.