HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-31, Page 8• • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. To owl! Customers aup Friends The Complimentsof the Season. nur.a...r4sr ...11r.24314** A few ladies' coats left to 13.0 at reduced rices. 17) Son SLE: „Cri,,OBAA,LE IN NOR THE NEIGHBOR-, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. .4. 4. 4. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 1 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44. r, W. F q13raun I 1 HAS ACCEPTED THE POSITION OF TINSMITH WITH US. WE ARE NOW PREPARED TO ACCEPT ANY KIND OF WORK IN THIS LINE. NO 3013 T00 BIG; NO JOB TOO SMALL 4. 4. .w• 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++4 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ FULL L INE OF G eller. I Hardware, Stoves, Buildiig Paper, Tinware, etc. REETER BLOCK - ZURICH +++++++++++++4.4-1-14++++++.•te,.. oteiesteeeseeseuitaelPOSSOOVOga 020%040 40 44404,904)41)09116410941)(0 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY AND SAVE MONEY, OUR PRIC- ES SUIT ALL PURSES Gramophones, $25, for $23.99. • Gramophones, $108 for $00.91 Twelve: stylee and prices to choose from all reduced. Boxed writing paper, '20, 25, 50,75 $1.50 for 17, 39, 59, and $1.19. Writing Pads for 5, 9, and 19c. Music for 9 sheets for 90e, Envelopes. 2 packages for 9c. Toilet, paper, 3 rolls for 19c. Lead pencils for 1,2,3,10; and 15c. 25 Watt Electric Lamps, .special 33c each. Comie Valentines and Valeitinee Cards now in stock. Reading Books and Testaments atreduced. prices. School Supplies always on hand. ;COME EARLY i. N1 GET FIRST CHOICE Zurich Book 0 HOOD OF 150 FOR SALE, AND IT LASTS WE FOR $8.00 PER FURTHER INFORMATION 24-Hensall LOCAL MARKETS 1Correeted every Thuseday.) TON OF SOFT COAL Eggs SELL SAME 1:1)?,,illetet(il.reee AS WILL TON, CASH. L0N'a AS Apples per bush FOR DWaleat tes PHON, ; Barley Buckwheat Flour Bran Shorts Live Hogs COOK BROS. Milling Co, Hens Ali es fob HenSall ...•• 52 42 06 ... 1.00 2.06-2,11 00-05 ... 80 1,00 4.50-6(.10 38.00 44.00 .15.50 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mr. W. F. Braun spent Sunday at his home in Creditor'. Jr. V. E. Appel has left for the west to resume his duties with' the bank. Misses Fassold and Laird Dashwood spent the week -end with friends here. Communion services were held in the Evangelical church last •Sunday be Rev. 3. Litt. D. Oauipueil attended. tue fun • red ULL1I tU1., tire lets °tin' stou, wuo diet at D JI-..roit and. vias hn erreu near 6t. l!hounts. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++4-,+++++++++++4-zes+++++++ 101$06,0000111V900ettatOstiteet5It0e98044tecoalegaaosrezorerotooeotariostarto A social time was spent nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. P. Bender on Tuesday evening in honor 7' of Mr. Abe Bender, who recently re - returned from overseas. : • FIRE INSURANCE MEETING - The annual meeting of the policy holders of the Hay Township Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held in the Town -Hall, Zurich, on Monday. The manager's fin- ancial statement and the Audit- ors' report were presented. The total losses paid in 1918 amounted to $6391.99, thirty-six of these were caused by lightning, 2091 policies are in force. covering $5,858,760.00 insurance. The assets over liab- ilities amount to $229,124.83. The company will likely make an asses- sment in 1919 as the surplus was wiped out by the heavy losses last year. Since the Company has started to do business the amount paid out forl osses to Dees• 31st .1.911? $144,312.03. The retiring direct- ors and the auditors were re-el- ected for another term. At a meeting of the Board of Directors held after the annual meeting, Mr john Pfaff, was elected president for the ensuing year. AUCTION SALE • 01 High -Grade Holstein Cattle, Horses and Implements. Mie E. Bossenberry, auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Auction in Stanley, 1 mile ncesy-kf Blake, on Wednesday, Feb -4s ruaey, 5th, at 1.30 o'clock, p. sharp. the following; CATTLE -1 cow, 8 years old in calf; 3 cows, 7 years old, in calf 3. heifers, rising 3 years, in calf; 1 heifer rising 3 yrs. with calf at foot; 1 'heifer, rising 3 yrs., due to calf at time of sale; 2 calves; 2 yearling calves; 1 thorobred reg- istered Holsie:o bali ealf, 4 months -ola. • All cONVs are highly bred and test over 50 lbs. of milk per day. • HORSES - 1 driving horse, 5 years old; 1 aged driver; 1 aged, mare; 1 general purpose horse, rising 6 yeare; 1 Percheron mare rising, 6 years. IMPLEMENTS; - Combined Mas sey-Harris 10 -hoe seed drill near- ly new, hay rack, set of team har- ness, set single harness and other numerous artieles. TERMS OF SALE; - All sums of $10.00 and under, cash. 10 mon- ths credit Will be given on furnish- ing approved joint notes. 6 per cent. per annum added on credit aniou'nts. Fe Bossonberry, Chris. Schrag • Auctioneer. • Proprietor. -4aq* AUCTI:ON SALE • Of Farm Stock and Implements 0.n Con, 15, Hay, 2 1-2 miles west of .Zurich, on Wednesday, February 12th., at 1 o'elock, p. ml., sharp; the following; HORSES; -1 mare, rising 8 yrs. old; 1 horse rising 7; 1 mare 12; eetisatessele rising 3; 1 slicking colt ;CATTLE; -1 •cow due to calf in March;1 UM' due in April; 1 cow due in August; 4 steers, 2p yrs. old; 8 steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 1 heifer, rising .2 yrs.; 8 calves, rising 1 yr.; 1 purebred •Shortho b tl Id 1 d DEATH OF C. SCHWARTZEN- . TRUBER. Another one fo the pioneers of this :section passed away last Friday in the person of Mr. Chris- tian Schwartzentruiser, at the ago of 75 years, 10 months and 22 days. Decease clhad been in poor health for some years and his death was not unexpected. He was born in Waterloo county, and wheu stili quite young settled in Hay, and has lived there ever thice. He was a man of eterling qualities, a Ind by his upright living had made many warm friends. He The fun- eral was held on Monday, Rev. C, Schulz of Topping conducted the services. Besides his widow four sons_ and. two daughters survive viz; Jacob, Chris., J., Rudy and David; Mrs, John Erb and Mrs, John L. Gerber, all of the Broason Line. es.• KEEPER OF' HOUSE OP REF- UGEE'O HM • Mr. John Brown, who for sh,. past few years has been keepingo1 the House of Refuge at Clinton, died on Saturday Jan. 1.8th the age of 61 years, 11 months and 2:* day s. Mr. Brown was - nit ti of Stephen Township most or his life be7ng spent them bis home be- ing a 1 ittle south of Oraod JvI He succeeded the late Mr. Muteb, as keeper of the House Re.neee ani during his term has proved. a mcst efficient and paiesmking 1- per, Besides his widow he is survived.- by one so., Willirm, flees Grarel Bend, the remains beieg red• teken inler rn. ull, 7 mon is o ; g e • Shorthorn bull 7 months old. 1 sow, due to pig in April. IMPLEMENTS Massey Harris binder; eft. cut, nearly new, Mas- seY-Harris mower, 5ft cut, nearly new; Maxwell hay loader, Massey - Harris manure spreader, .nearly: new, Massey -Harris bean cultivator and harvester combined, Deeringeultivator, cultivator, land ro'isr, Noon drill, disc dri:1, Deering hay rake, gang plow, 2 walking plows, set diamond harrows, set spring toth harrows, Chatham fanning mill, bobsleighs, turnip seeder, 1230 -lb. scale, mew hay rack. 2 lumber wag ons one new; gravel box, wagon box, prg rack, coal box, 3 set team harness, cutter, wheel barrow,work bench, emery stone, grass seeder, set pea harvesters, hay fork and rope, chains, forks, shovels and othe rartieles, 10 ton of hay. TERMS OF SALE; - All sums of WA) and under, eash, 10 months credit will be given on furnishing approvea jeint notes. 3 per cent, off on credit amounts for cash. Hay casb. • E, Bossenberry, Mrs. J. Meldinger, Auctioneer. Proprletoress GRAY 11111R BECOMES DA AND BEAUTIFUL Try Grandmother's Old Favorite ,Recipe of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Almost everyone knows that Sage Ten. and Sulphur, properly compound- ed, brings back the natural color and lustre to the hair/when faded, streaked pr gray. Years ago the only way to get flgiS mixture was to make It at home, to his old home and in tilt, Grand Bend 'cemetery -bleb is mussy and troublesome, on,!,'itt',Iirst:icir'elor7`.Wyertill's Sage and r ai t Tuesday last. A short ser vire, ' they, Compound." You will get a large atiltipernIlocomns,ectoirndettre.teea•,,, bottle of this old-time recipe improved. 11:g vthrey a?ictigecog. otgreriyribgorgieunste% simply ask a ny by Rev. A. E. Jones, of Wesley en- this -preparation now, because no one m•embers of the Clinton 1Vfasobie nTevittlif.'sr."Yoltu ioaensipiett soasliptLetnugTiollfr Lodge attended in a body. Thee,,Seft bruh -with it and dra,w this body was taken to his old home;,,th"ligh hair' taking one small IVIonclay morning by train, wh,ere' tairrligpapetai.mrs? time; by maf6trenrinagottrergranZ service was held. and interment lineation or two, your hair becomes M'At*r tilt Grand -seed cenv?„.tel.beautifully dark, thick and glossy and ery, you look years younger. Wyeth's Sage . aud Sulphur Compound is a delightful toflet Teouisite. It is not intended for tbt, ,riagation or prevention ,ot 4isesne, urrh. pastor of the deceased vnii can possibly ten that you darkened ...44.44,...4444,444..“444.444,44416 noucement WE HAVE BEEN APPOINTED LOCAL AGENT'S FOP THE CELEBRATED MASSEY-HARRIS IMPLEMENTS AND BEG TO NOUNCE THAT WE CAN SUPPLY ALL YOUR WANTS IN TEM LINE OF FARM IMPLEMENTS ,ALSO REPAIRS FOR MACHINERY, PLOW POINTS: ETC. GIVE US A CALL Zurie at rs s lat. SOLD WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN The Dominion of Canada offers 12-S ving: Stamps •at $4.00 each during this month And will redeem them for $5 each on Jan. 1st, 1924 Every dollar will be worth more.; W-S.S. can. be registered against loss THRIFT STAMPS 25 cents each 16 THRIFT STAMPS exchangeable for one W-S.S. To the People of Zurich and Vicinity Ne have opened up a Gent's Puurnishing store in Mr. E. AppeP% stand and are prepared to show Elk/ yov. ea•dy tti-wear Clothing 06 For Men, Young Men and Leave your measure for thhat ma de to • order suit EGGS AND BUTTER TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOF GOODS Deno ros., Vir ,4 '41 ric We Extend to One and AU T. IL Ph W A PATTE.R1,