HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-31, Page 4'ail. HER.A.—IS
issued Thursday afternoons
froiu the
T'errne of subscription ;$1.25 per year
In advance; $2.00 may be charged
if not so paid. U, S. subscriuti-
, 1Qns $1.75 strictly in advance. No
paper discontinued until all ar-
rears are paid unless at the option
of the publisher. The date to
which every subscription is paid
is demoted on the label.
Effective after Jan 1st, 1919.
Display Advertising -Made known
,an application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c
three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
50e. each insertion for one month
of four insertions, 25c, for each
esubsequent insertion,
Miscellaneous articles of not
more than five lines. For Sale, To
Rent, or \Vented, Lost; Found, etc,,
each insertion 25a.
Local Reading notices, etc., ldc.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than 25e. Card of Thanks 50r..
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c, a
lice. I
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-'
titin and $1.50 for two insertions
if moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
I. inch, $6 per year.
Address all communications to
I will have a car of coke for
domestic use at Exeter station Jan
30th Any one in need of fuel
'call up, D. Tiernan, :Dashwood.
,Canadian farmers and gardeners
are prot._eced from the evils; of
planting inferi:. seed of many
kends o1 crops ...sported from other
'eountrie.s. By an order -in -counc-
il that came into effect in the aut-
umn importation is prohibited of
unfit seed of clovers, grasses, vat-
shes, rape, other forage plants,
field root and garden vegetables
in lots of ten pounds or more.
In deemphlet; a-12 of the Seed
3Branch of t..:: Department of Ag-
riculture at Ottawa, and obtainable
from the Publications Branch, un-
fit seed is''described as that which
does not comply with the Seed
Control Act requuirements resp-
ecting the sale of seed in Canada,
or ?'f it has been refused admit-,
tame)e• trite) any Otktee country on
arccount of low vitality,
The regulations will be carried
put through the Custom's official,,
'who are require.i to take and fOr
ward to the Dominion Seed Lab-
oratory for examination, sample of
lots of seeds of the classes named
entered for consumption in Can-
ada. Seed that has arrived in
Canada and found to be unlit shall
be deported under Customs supero
ision. The penalty for faiiing to
•comply with these regulations is
$500 for the first offence and not
exceeding $1,000 for the second and
each subsequent offence.
Died an Jan. 20th 1919, in St.
Boniface Hospital, Winnipeg,i1lan.,
Annabel Schnell, wife of Private
Albert H. Schnell, Aged 25 years.
Died of pneumonia; following of -1
ter five days illness of influenza 1
It is reported that robins have
'been seen in several places in Ont-
ario, If so, this is the earliest
-for robins in the history of the
oldest inhabitant of Ontario, The
robin rarely arrives from the'
South earlier than Feb. 25th.Their
presence ois an evidence of elle
'very mild winter we are cxperien-
nmol; in Southern Ontario. All rec-1
ords have been brekea, it hos'
'bee`s a January thaw ,lractir illy
lfrom the first of the, month. Atter
trips have been cotnmoe the pas'
two weeks.
, 0
Row To "Get Relief When Head' o
and Nose. are Stuffed.Up: o
Count Sited Your aold in head or,
Catarrh disappears. Your clogged nos.;
itrils will open, the air passages of youi
tread win clear and you can breathe
'freely., No more snulllieg, hawking,
miucous discharge, dryness or headaches
*ID struggling for breath at night.
Get a small bottle of Ely's .Cream
Malin . from your druggist and apply el
little of this fragrant antiseptic cream
your nostrils. It penetrates through
very air passage of the head, soothing
nd healing the swollen or inflamed
nous membrane, giving you instant'
4.el1eff. Bead colds and catarrh yield
like magic. Don't stay stuifed,,fuFj_siA
4114400010#;.iatjkilik ii
A large assortment •of cholee bo-
oks has been received and is now
open to the public, A. fee- of twe-
nty-,ive cents is being charged ea-
ch reader, the same to cover a
period of six uroliths. With the
balance; alter 'the expenses are
paid; books will be. purchased to
establish a totem_ library. Books
may be received or exchanged each
Monday and Friday evening
G. S. Librarian.
The postponed school concert
will be held in the town hall on
Friday evening February 7th.
1'h:' program promises to be alive
one. Admission 25 cents and 15
cE'nts, reserved seats 35c. Plan of
hall may be seen at Reids&'Edigh-
offer's store where tickets maybe,
purchased. Doors will be open
at 7.30 program at 8 p.m.
Rev. J,. G. Litt, P. E. of Kitchener
conducted quarterly services in
the Evan. church on Sunday.
Me. Oscar Uartleib returned to
Detroit after visiting with ids
Mr, Harry Guenther spent Sat-
urday in Hensall,
Rev P. Graupnei visited in Chic-
ago last week.
Messrs. R. and Milton Cook and
14Ir, and Mrs. Katzenmaier, of
Kitchener attended the funeral of
the late J. K. Goetz on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stade visited in
Zurich a few days this week.
Messrs. Tiernan and Edighoffer
have dissolved partnership. Mr.
J, C. Reid purchasing Mr. 'Tieman's
Mrs. Wm, Ehlers in under the
Doctor's care, we hope for a
speedy recovery. '
Oen Tuesday evening word was
recei , ed of the return of Pte. H.
uatser. Accordingly, a proces-
sion of school children, cars and
mounted men went out to meet
him and taking him off the stage
accompanied him to town where
several hundred citizens assembl-
ed, and from Mr. Howard's veran-
da a right royal welcome was
given him. The assemblage pre-
sented a unique appearance lined
up with the children, each of whom
held and waved a Union Jack, in
the foreground, the citizens behind
and the mounts in the back `gro
end. Mr Howard, acted as chair
man, and addresses were given by
Re'vs..Graupner and Yager and
Dr. Taylor. Choruses were sung
by the children and rousing che-
ers given to Pte. Geiser, who res-
ponded thanking all for their
warm reception to his homecoming
The children deserve great praise
fey the way they acquitted them-
selves in ihO:F mar'ehing and sing-
The funeral of Jacob K. Goetz,
whose death oecured at the home
of his brother here on Thursday
last took place on Sunday.
The deceased, who was in his
59th year was born in Fullerton
Township, Perth, County. About
a year ago he noticed an infection
on his longue which developed into
He spent several years in differ-
ent cities in Ontario following the
shoe making trade and while still
a young man left for Michigan,
where he spent most of his time
principally in Detroit until the
last two •or three years in Marine
City, About six months ago he
came to reside with his brother in
this town, where his once rugged
constitution gradually failed until
death relieved hien of his suffer-
He is survived by one brother and
five sisters. Rev. Yager condu-
cted the funeral services assisted
by Rev. J. G. Litt, of Kitchener,
who is also a cousin. Interment
beim; made in Goshen Line .cem-
etery: m-etery:
Mrs. F. Carlin announces the
engagement of her eldest daught-
er, Mary Catherine, to. Dr. H. C.
Swantzlnader, of O.yrn, Alta., the
marriage to take place early iln
' February.
Miss Esler, of Minneapolis, Minn.,
visited relatives here recently.
Se•rgt. Thomas Sherritt was wel-
comed home last week from over-
seas He was met at the train
by a large number of friends and
the Balnd.
James Carlin, who has been very
ill, is recovering.
Our schools re -opened last
Mrs. Peek has retuurned from a
visit to her home in New Bruns-
wick, accompanied by her sister.
Mrs, Z3, Cook has returned from
a visit with her daughter, Mrs. X.
Johns, of G't`teipllj...
,. .4 ,4 , 1. '. DRYSDALE..
;Edward ;Fah�ncr has purchased Mas. Peter �Coriiveau. has sold
the iai'm of air. Aifrea ar ellek ;encs his house and lot to Mr. Joseph 5,
gets possession in March, Bedard, who intends opening up
elr, J. H. Holtzman was in Kit- a general store at the eoxner: His
hexieer last rwceie attending an ore many friends wieh him success,
ganizat.on meeting of the Suxl.day Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartman
Scliooi,,visited at elle horne of Mr. Wm.
Edgar VV ue.rth, of Kitchener, D . nomy on Sunday.
was Calle dhorne, owing to the Mr; C, Hartman, recently from
illness of his mother, Mrs. Bea'vei, overseas, visited friends here on
A wood chopping was recently SuInday,
held by the members of the Ev-1 1Vlr. Edward Laporte is home
angelical church here, Enough from the *est.
wood for two winters, was cut. I Quite a • ,number of the -young,
Mr, and Mrs. W. Winer, of Mar-, folks attended a reception at the
le.ttc, Mich, are visiting relatives home of Mrs: Louis Jeffrey, GZ zr-
here. I ich, on Tuesday evening in honor
war • 1 of her daughter, Miss Marie, who
STANLEY TOWNSHIP, 1 arrived at her home from Chath-
Morton Elliott, reeve of Stanley, ani having been married earlier in
is attending County Council at the day, :. e
Goderich, tele week. ---' —`---c
Quarterly communion service EXETER
will be "held in Varnia Methodist I Norman B. Fanson, an Exeter
church next Sunday at 130 p. me old boy, died in Manitoba on Dec.
No service will be held in the GosseelSer
h n church on that clay. D. Hurdom has received a
Robt E. Robinson of Toronto, }ver trophy from his son in the
spent a few days at the hoate of shape of a German bugle.
his mother Mrs. E. Robinson. 'He 1 One of the old residents of Ex -
has been farming in Saskatchewan .eter died at„Clinton on Jan. 20th,
for the past 10 years but last fall in the person of John Mellott
he leased his farm and came to! C. T, Brooks has been appointed
Toronto to reside. t . e.leanadian :Express agent to succ-
Mr, Richard Robinson of Tuck- eed the late T. G,. Creech.
ersmith is visiting friends in St -.I John Dancy, a respected res-
anley at present. 1 idemt of this place passed away
Miss A. Curvin has spent thepast on 'Jan. -17th in his 76th, year.
two weeks with friends in Stephen! Earl Parsons has purchased the
Township, I farm of Geo. Williams,. Upborne,
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Levis of Clin- censisting of 150 acres,•,,
ton spent Sunday at the home oil ' 'Thos, Newell has purchased the
the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. home he has been occupying from
"Mrs. ForwellL
John McKinley.
The township council met in the
township hall, Varna, on Monday,
Jan. 6th all the members present, ,coil 15, Hay. Large bank barn,
Ree'v' Elliott in the chair. ,straw shed, driving shed, hen
Considerable routine businesswas stable and a good 12 roomed dw-
transacted and the officers forthe ,elling. Good water at barn and
year were aoppointed as follows; ,spring. o rear 50 acres, 5 acres.
Clerk, R. J. Richardson; Treasur-, sowed in fall wheat, 6 acres in,
er, Geo. Beattie; Assessor, Art. Sall rye and 55 acres fall plowed
Keys, Collector, Thos. Wiley; Care„balance is in grass. Convenient
taker, T. Keys; Auditors, R. Gs' to church and school. Will be
Reid, A. Mc.Ewan; Members of.;;sold reasonable. For further par
Board of Health, Thos. Brownetb; titulars apply on premises or add -
Sanitary Inspectors; W: Potter,.' hese Henry Brown, ER. R. No.1,
David Tough. The Board of lie Dashtivoo 1. Ont. 2-30pd
alth consists of the following; Dr. .;.—.g.
Rogers, M. 0. H. the reeve and the • ANNOUNCEMENT
,members appointed each year b Change in terms of Mr. C.
the council.
iSchrag's Sale;— 10 .months credit
A motion was carried appoints will be gid en instead of 6 months.
council a comniitte� .�; y At tlie sale 'the . followin :high
ing' the , .. � g g
obtain a 1 ist of al', flee likeel' hogs will be offered,-
enlisted from the township p ani[' ” 2..,Berkshire erkshirc boars, 6 weeks .old.
also all who made the sripreree 2.Tamworth :sows, 6 weeks old.
sacrifice and that tablets should bne 1: Tamworth boar, 6 weeks old.
placed in the township hall nou'a Terms, Caeh, Papers futfnished if
tanning both lists. desired.
The annual meeting of the i3ay.;,
field Agricultural Society was held.
Jain. 15th, when the following of-
fleas and directors were appoin-
ted for 1919. Maln 'and wife rto take charge
Pres., D. "H. McNaug'hten; 1st of the Huron 'County House of Re -
Vice. J. Reid; end Vice, Dr, Woods :fuge and farm in connection there-
with, also an assistant matron'.
Duties to commence as soon as
possible. Applications in writing
Consisting of 1.19 acres, lot 15,
Keeper, Matron and Assistant
Secretary, A. E. Erwin, Ti'easur.,F,
A. Edwards; Board of Directors,
Messrs. J. McClure, T. M. Woods,
J. Stewart, E. H. Wise, G. Couper, roe a personal application to the
CP, R. Higgins, J. Be Mustard, J• undersigned as soon as possible
Rathwell, S, Huston, J. McKinley,. preferred,
W. H. Talbot. T. Snowden, J. A. John Torrance, Inspeeto,r.
Ferguson, W. J. Stinson and 71
, H. R.,,Clinton
McMurray. Clinton, Jan. 21st. 1919
Auditors; T. Cameron and J.
The announcement of the death
of Mrs. Jas. Forrest, at her resi-d
'once on the Parr Line, Stanley, in
her 83rd year, was learned with a
feeling of deep regret by her ; j
many friends. For several mon-'
the she had been in failing health'
butt he immediate cause of her'
death was a severe attack of bron-
chitis, She came to this country
from Ayrshire, Seotlan ,
seven years of age. The funeral!
was held on Wednesday ,Tanuar•y,:.
8th, from the family residence,
interment taking place in the
Bayfield Cemetery. The services
were conducted by Rev. Dr. Alt -
kens, of Kippen. She leaves to
mourn thel oss of a kind and
loving mother, two daughters,Jan
et and Barbara, at .home, sand fid; e
sons, George, of Alberni, British
Columbia; Alex. of Tuxford, Sask.,'
John of Hay Township; William,
of Tuckersmith; and Robert at,
home. 1
d when but
1 fresh cow, 1 cow due March
1st; 1 calf ready to wean, Apply
to Sol E--eehler, Bronson Line.
Fine rc,sidental property in Zur-
ich, has been placed in my halide
for sale. On the premises is a,
good 2 -story modern.. brick rest-•
d:enee and also a large 'brick .ste
able, all In good repair. Plenty
of good drinking water. Por
particulars apply to .A, P, I1fs„
1Zurieh. t•'
Hot Water for
Sick Headaches
Tells why everyone should drink
hot water with phosphate
in it before breakfast.
Headache of any kind, is caused by
autointoxication—which means self-
poisoning. Liver and bowel poisons
called toxins, sucked into the blood,
through the lymph ducts, excite the
heart which pumps the blood so fast
that it congests In the smaller arteries
and veins of the head producing vio-
lent, throbbing pain and distress, called
headache. You become nervous, de-
spondent, sick, feverish and miserable;
your meals sour and almost nauseate
you. Then you "resort to acetanilide,
aspirin or the bromides which tempore
arily relieve but do not rid the b1o,d of
these irritating toxins.
A glass of hot water with a teaspoon-
ful of limestone phosphate in it, drank
before breakfast for awhile, will not
only wash these poisons from your sys-
tem and cure you of headache but will
cleanse, purify and freshen the entire
alimentary canal.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of limestone phosphate. It is in;
expensive, harmless as sugar, and eh'
most tasteless, except for a sourish'
twinge which is not unpleasant.
If you aren't feeling your best, if
tongue is coated or you wake up with
bad tastes foul breath -or have colds,
Indigestion, biliousness, constipation
or sour, acid stomach, begin the phos-
phated hot water eure to rid your,
system of toxins and poisons.
Results are quick and it Is claimed`
that those who continue to flush °a'•
the stomach, liver and bowels everyi
morning never have any headache, or
lkflow-a Womble inowatt
0. X:ibfleish,
An Old Fashioned Custom
The appointment of individuals, as Executors is
an old-fashioned custom that is gradually dying out.
In naming friends as Executors of your estate you
unconsciously burden them with additional responsibilvies.
The nppointnient of this Ccinpany as your
Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to
Apply to the local agent for Zenith and district
he will gladly explain the extensive service which this
Conipany,tcan render your Estate.
"Managed In-connect/on-with
The Huron & Erie Mortgage C®rpdi�ation
Applications for Guaranteed Investment Receipts received by
;/I ,/U[-
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Herald and Farmers 'Advocate .... _.. .._ ... _.. 2.75
Herald alnd Farm and Dairy ......... 2.00
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Herald and Family Herald .,and Weekly' Star 2.35
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BiliJ leads of all kinds
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In fact everything that can be printed.
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Zu e ' 'HERALD