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Zurich Herald, 1919-01-17, Page 1
• Vol. XIX ZURICH, FRIDAY MORNING, JANU NRY 17, 1919. No 28 ..�2 — ^-° — —SII --�5 -�—�F — —�4-- SII^—+—+—.ir—+—+•--+—+—..—+—�—+ YOUR. HARNESS NEEDS Will be promptly attended to hero. Seeus about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand Rugs, Blankets, Bells Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc A Trial Solicited FRED T .. I EL ZURICH 1 1 1 + 41. 4. I The township auditors, Messrs. J. Haberer and D. 'Barns are busy auditing the books of the Townsh ip Treasurer at 'present. Mr. Wm., Brawn has engaged with Messrs. Stade & Weido as tinsmith and started on his duties on Mon- day, His many friends are glad to see him bank i,n town. eoesege aes • 3 0 e 3 • 0 08 0 3 0 0 a 0• e 0 0 0 soy 00000200' 00'« 9sseaa sea ;a 0260000000000E9 0000 extend a _J sit 5 1 F hes for. osper 060 0000✓tiA04006090Pb.00042"C,1" 0EE 000 e •A 3 • j all e OA.,. • 441:414,44P14 ••.TAR^+uW7AE:.'u "k.u7P"..Sh nalmrzaiiMTRZEOMEMMEMEEMZERMatiteag0=350001g5 its 3 • • 0 .3 0 s • 0 8 • .O • ,4 ;44 m • • • t • 0 446% • • Q 0 • •0 0 1q'7? ' 0 d• 04 •0 tiD • .s.».-�?�.art;,cs�.�s^!,.�...::,..�:�:�,*•s Phone 59 ats We h a.ve a splendid tassortlX.1, ent of eadym.to.we1' Suits and Y erci ata for en, Young a en" and Boys. If you need anything in this line it will pay you to look over our large stock. See our new Trench Overcoat for men. 110•001001110000064160660 01110010 *Iwo Produce Wanted i!1**wee "u• 1;7+rlC + 0** iib.. • s a • c3 d a e 0 • • • .0 • a l3 59 A a Miss Leila Siebert is on the :ick RS'. issa M. Steick, nurse, was called to„Guelph to wait on a patient:, :sirs. FredH owald of St. Marys, is ‘'..siting at the home of her fat- her. Mr, P. Bender, ,- liar. R. • E. .Appel returned Tues - da; from. a. trip to Merlin and o- ther towns. es Henry Weber, of Preston, vir;ted .relatives here for a few deers last w'.ek. lar. Isaac Hudson and family mo'• ed to their new home • near Setsforth this week. 111,', death from influenza and pneumonia reported fort he 7iro- via-1,4.e for the last three months ars 7,158. The month of October was the, highest, 3,105; November, 2808, and December, 1,508. Mr, and Mrs. Conrad Turemner ofthe 14th con. entertained anum ber of their friends to a bountiful foWi supper on Monday night;. The e\ening was pleasantly spent in.—music, etc., and all report a fine time. • The sleigh loaded with pop, birch beer, cream soda, dte., own- ed by Mr. Graham, of Seaforth, upset in the ditch near Zurich on Tuesday. :Bottles, etc., flew in a 1 directions and many were broken but otherwise not much damage was done. . The following have had teleph- ones installed recently ; Mrs. Wm. Stelck, Messrs. Stade & Weido, Mr A. F. Hess residence, Messrs. J. Albert, and Charles Bedard, Mr. Vein O'Brien, residence; Mrs. C. Fuss. A number will be connest- ed:a a few weeks,, • Messrs,- Isidore and Omar Den- om;,. of near Drysdale, have 1pu: e'lasedthe stock of Mr. E. and,are_ preparissg. to oeen ks, elnts furnishing business on - 1 F`.eb. -1st;. Mr. Appel Will assist them for a few months. We jell; in wishing the young men 1 success. IThe new motor fuel, made like gasoline from akerosene base, i:; said to give an explosion thirty per cent. more powerful than gas- oline with less heat. Scientists believe the new fuel will speedily come into general use, as it can be produced more cheaply than gasoline. The annual meeting of the •ocn- gregatiem of the Evan. Lutheran church, ,Zurich, was held after the m'.oening services last Sunday. The treasurer's report shows a neat balance on hand after providing for the recent repairs made to the parsonage, Mr. L. J. Kraft was elected a trustee far a term of five years in place of Mr. E. F. Klopp, who retired. Pte. Abe Bender, sun of Mr. P. Bonder, of town, returned from overseas an Tuesday evening. His arrival was unannounced and so a public welcome was not givan, but his many friends gathered a- round and made him feel at home. Mr. Bender was an employee of theT.Eatoln Co„ Winnipeg, when he enlisted and he has been over- seas for ;nearly two years. He was wounded several times in the war and seen active fighting for many months, 01 i 15 a EIS m 0 w 064)0 • • • c3 • • frs sa a 0 0 W • stn • • • • • • • iA • • • • 0 0 9. (Z. P. S. R E P O R T Report for Room IV. The Lewes give the average Gc- nt in the following subjects; Arithmetic, Geography, Comp.o i.- ioln and Spelling. Sr. 'V.— Mildred Hoffman 1 6 William. Blackwell ti3, Olive 'et - tel 85, Leonard Hudson i6, Jac:o) TTnbeTer 43.5. Jr, V..-- Meda Surerus 7.47, Bruce Jr. V.— Meda Sonans 71.7, 13rn- iwe Klopp .68, Russell Precter 61, l.iliam .Weseloh 62, .Ruth Hattl,irt !'0, Edna 'Zettel 1;0* Freddy Wesr..!oh -,n,5. Tvan Xalbfleisch 18, Iva Ka!h- fle4s'h n8. Dorothy Camnl>e11l T ,6„ '1"'elnomme 44, Theodor:' W:'- ,nnr. 42. Sr. TV.— Bert Siebert 66, 001* 011 Wainer 63, 'Hilda Neusehwanger 0 *'ttloine Geiger 52, Dorothy Fr - r2. 'Inez Yungblut 56* Whitnev Truisms -ter 42* Lennis O'Brien 213 * +^r1nv approximate average st- ensling, vr,A, ilurerus become the Wer- oess o" +he Nelson Shield. ' 1ST. 'E, ifIfi S, �PTin ileal, WE EXTEND THE SEASON'S 4* * i'ilitrrfa+e9$ GREETING TO ALL, BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRITZ The Shoeman 70,44.cossma 4 ilflogessee44 ++4" 114.1 d8 4tr "s .42-I4• phi, �`3Ili'.liilli;W �Jll;fiiffi�tiflfldi:'r�eil �I °j I! c "I a t„' "F, '; 5,a' II^;,n;pq;� ,pnm, ,., „, . , u r I s .n r•v * JI,,,Ifl1,�ll„illl(,lu ulllhb,11111lIGui,e.,w1,,,.,,,,,,,uul,.tlhliVul.uN;,:llil,li111!Uh6:flili,161fIIliflflfNlltlllle, n I ,1I„„n!IL.�1, IIIIHlut21fl1('r'�ill!!!li A MERRY XMAS and Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR to our customers and friends, FRESH GROCERIES A.L { igliest . 'Hoes for 1 vg .� a. n. Procure Ne,D`L P:jONiE 11 on 97 DIED ]Turlock—In Stephen, on Jan. 1st Wilbur H. Morlock, aged S5 years, 10 months and 6 days. Morenz—ln Ailsa Craig, on Jan.ath Mrs, Albert Moreno, formerly of Dashwood. Ci11is—In Exeter, on Jan. 7th, Alice I M. Gillis, aged 20 years and 1 month, Kuntz—At Dashwood, on Jan. 7th, Jacob Kuntz, age.i 87 years, 1 Month and 25 days. Next Monday the annual meet- ing of the Zurich Agricultural So- ciety will be held in the Town Hall. The treasurers financ;al ' statement wilt be presented and the officers for 1x119 elected. Mr. Vi.t•:r Appel, son of 2iii'. and Hits, E. App.l, of town, has rec'iv ed his discharge from further military duties. Mr. Appel was manager of a bank: out west when he enlisted with the aviation corps. and has been in training in ITam- ilton , MIDSUMMER EXAMS. . In sizes' of the unavoidable in- terruptions to schoal work which have taken place ;luring the cur- rent half year, the holding of the midsummer exam'nations wid h. deferred in each ea.s far a .tort - night, in accordance• with Mie' fol- lowing :' -lowing :;chane o: initial dates; 1 Tunica high eehool entrance, July unto: public s:hool graduation, seem so; lower 5 hool, July 2; rei-1- Cllr s:hcxtl, Jury 11; pas matrizel-I ;lion, Juts, 2; upper se'hool and, bonor matriculation, ,Tune 30.1,Vith the foregoing prov:sious and those made in they regulations for the conduct of these examinations, the ill cffeets upon the school work of they aforesaH.. interruptions may be reasonably well overemne. .Easter this year will be nearly th roe weeks later than in 1.1118 it is uunneeessary to aroma the farm regulations which were issued last September, except to provide that th.' teachers' examination may be deferred until the week foliowang the Raster bolidays. BLAK S'ISHING YOU sLL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON W.G. Jess Jeweller and Optician Incorperated 1255 The inOL.S0 NS BANK ^S CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,©00 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking Business Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDI'.i'. BANK. MONE\1 O1.,I)EiL Savings Bank e n t Interest at highest current rates 7urich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Mauager