HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-10, Page 4THE:: ,IFLER.A....i)
issued Thursday afternoons
from the
',(rer+ns of subscription ;$1.25 per year
ad-steam; $2,00 may be charged
if not so paid. U. S. subscrioti-
[ons $1,75 strictly in advaaice, Nu
!,paper 'discontinued until all ar-
trears are paid unless at the option
of. the publisher. The date to
which every subscription is paid
is denoted on the label.
• ,Effectax-e after Jan let, 1919.
• "Display .Advertising -Made known
ten application.
Stray Animals—One insertion 50c
11ree insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
eaeh insertion for one month
lot four insertions, 25c. for each
iflubsequemt insertion.
Miscellaneous articles of not
lnore than live lines, For Sale, To
Rent, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.
each insertion 25a.
• Local Reading notices, etc„ 10e.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than 25c. Card of Thanks 50c.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a
Auction Safes, -$1 for one inser-
tion and $1.30 for .two insertions
if moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
1 inch. $t3 per year:.
Address all communications to
+IATION jelee eee
For the convenience of the sot-
1iees' parents and friends, awe -
lateen. municipalities, :Great
War Veterans' Associatiene, Sold-
iers' Aid Commissions cud ,)miler
lscacieties, a Returned Soldiere 7n-
tformatioe .Iureau has been estab-
lished at the Arm curies, London,
,Ontario, The ._;.phone member
.DEATH OE' Mita 11'1:L'r1N
A highly .rf spci tea _resident a,:
this eommuhiiy passe1i away to
the great eeeunct en 'ihursaay rear
'dent; Jan. 2, in the person of Mrs.
lg, Wattle. 1)eeeasea had not
bees, as good heultn tor the ;est
few weeks ant her death tame une
tepeeLed. being ceased by .heart
failure. She had reached the age
of 57 years 2 months and 15 days.
Beside her sorrowing husband she
is survived by one daughter and
two sells. Orville at home, .Edward
of Clifford and Albert of Milk
River, Alta. The rema.ws were
laid to rest on Saturday morning
interment being made at the R. C.
cemetery, Mount Carmel.
Mrs, Wm. 141ore!nz, a former re-
sident of Dashwood, died at her
honkie in Ailsa Craig on Sunday
morning from pneumonia, followed
by an attack of influenza. Int-
erment was made at Nairn on Tu-
Miss Nettie Brokenslhire has re-
turned to Stratford.
Misfi Rosabell Pfaff, who visited
her parents, has returned to Lan-
don to resume her music course at
the 'Milliken College.
Mr, Clarence Yager in on the
sick list.
Mr. Oscar Graupner has return-
ed to Elmira alter visiting with
his parents over the holidays.
The Evangelical church and the
school have been re -opened after
-being closed for several weeks ow-
ing to the outbreak of the Influen-
za epidemic.
Mrs. Sellery of Seaforth is vis-
iting at the home of Wes. Wolfe
this week.
Mr, and Mrs, R. Willert, who have
spent the past week visiting rel-
atives en town returned to their
home in Ailsa Craig,
Miss S. Laird has returned to
Toronto after spending the holi-
days at her home here.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Dietrich, o•f
Waterloo attended the funeral of
! the late Mrs. Weltin on Saturday.
is 6650.
This Information Bureau is op- HENSALL
en twenty-four hours a day for
seven days a week and is in clow
touch with the despatchers at the
aailway stations, with a view to
tsupplyin; information regarding
aeturr�i solders, This Bureau is
intended to kc e h everyone inform -
,e4 oi;,, *an"rr 'eupnta; Of • "spital
and troop trains coming into this
District, It is not• intended to
furnish information to the return-
ed soldiers themselves, who must
submit their enquiries to the Dis-
trict Depot; but. all enquiries from
the publics re personnel on trains,
the time.. -trains will arrive and
names of soldiers in each party
should be directed to the Infor-
mation Bureau.
Start Tomorrow
and Keep It Up
Every Morning
Get in the habit of drinking a
glass of hot water before
•. We're not here long, so Iet's make
our stay agreeable. Let us live well,
eat well, digest well, work well, sleep
well , and look well. what a glorious
Condition to attain, and yet, how very
easy it is if one will only adopt the
ramming inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
<iu11 and heavy when they arise, split-
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
longue, nasty breath, acid stomach,
+can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
leach morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag-
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
*ell, should, each morning, before
reakfast, drink a glass of real hof
iter with a teaspoonful of limestone
.pbospllate in it to wash from the
ntomach, liver and leavers the previo,i
clay's indigestible waste, sour be
sand poisonous toxins; thus elealisine
'sweetening gad purifying the eatir
!alimentary canal before putting mea
ood into the stomach. The action o,
of water and limestone phosphate ot,
n empty stomach is wonderfully in
yigorating. It cleans out all the sour
fermentations, gases, waste and
a acidity and gives one a splendid
aappetite for breakfast. While you aro
enjoying your breakfast the water
end phosphate is quietly extl•acting
•a large volume of water from the
;blood and getting ready for a
thorough hushing of all the inside
The millions of people who care
`bothered with constipation, bilious
;bpells, stomach trouble; others who
i lave sallow skins, blood disorders and
sickly complexions are urged to get a
aluarter pound of limestone phosphate
'from the drug store. This will cost
every little, but le sufficient to make
ienyone 'a pronounced crank on the
subject Of ineldiebathie re before break.
Mr, Lloyd Davis of Toronto vis-
itcd his home here last week. ,
I Dr, J. W. Peck has returned from
his trill to New Brunswick.
A congert will be held here this
evening, The Munro children of
' London are fuenishing;ibe program,
I Mr. and- Mrs. S. Dilling announ-
ce the engagement of their dau-
ghter, Laura Beatrice, to Mr. E.
Maurice Qualeee•, of Exeter, the
marriage to tale place in Janu-
The weather during the past
week is putting the skating rink
into fine shape..
Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Artwein had
a family re -union during the
Iholidays. Nearly al their child-
• rein were. home.
Mrs. L. Wolper and son intend
returning to the west to stay with
Miss Grace Elder of Toronto sp-
ent the holidays at her home here.
John Jareott, of the lake road
has sold his house and seven ace
res of land to Credie Stanlake.
Dr. Corsant of lateen has pur-
chased the veterinary practice of
Dr. Sweet and the late De. Reid,
The 191P council was elected by
acclamation .
Mrs. W. W. Taman is recovering
froth her serious illness.
Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Laing rec
ently received word that their
son, Pte, John Daniel Laing had
died of broncho -pneumonia on
Dec. 20th in l3elg`ium•. He had en-
listed with the 161st Hurons and
had been fighting in France since
last March. He was Only 19 years
of age.
Mrs. ,Sineth, of this village,
`1 he soldier, who was a., yr ars of
age, had spent three years la the
trc!nehes, and his family were.
planning a warm welcome home
lin hiEs honor; including a ' eowi
supper, instead or festivity and
a happy reunion their home . was
1;alunged into grief and hroterning.
Another brother recently ret,
bed from the front, having b =n
Mr, and Mrs. Mervin Brokenshire
have moved to Exeter to reside.
The municipal elections caused
Quite a stir here and the contest
was keenly fought, No doubt the
best men won out.
v, s.,of 5 n -
• EEckert,
Dl. g
ville, is looking after the practice
of his brother here who is ill at
.Charles W. Finkbeiner passed a-
way an Tuesday of last week, a-
ged 2,6 years. He was ill for
some time.
Chris, Beaver attended the fun-
eral of the late Mrs, Peter Beaver
at Elkton. Mich„ last week,
The Misses Clarissa and. Wane
Hill, of the staff of St. Joseph'
Hospital, Landon, visited their
parents there over the holidays,
Pte. Geo Smith, who was one of
the three Canadian soldiers killed
in the recent troop train wreck on
the way from ;Halifax west, wag.
a Crediton boy, a son of Mr, and
The regular meeting of the
Blake Woniens' Institute will ' •bei
held at the home of Mrs. Wtn,.
]?inlay on January the 1411. `;tell
ladies are welcome. •
The annual Xmas. entertainment.
was held In the church on Tues y
afternoon, Dec. 30th The 'eha
ren and parents only being presnt"
A .short program eonsistiag 'of
readings, recitations and singing '
was given by the children .wefeeh
was much ehjoyed. After' w'rtrie'h
Santa Claus appeared on - tier
scene and distributed gifts eto
the children and young peoesle,
which broughtt he • entertainr it
to a close,
Our school has not been opd
this week on account of the iteu-
cnza '
Miss Lillian Stevens returnee etc/
her home, after visiting
her e
ter, Mrs. Elsley, near Mount For-
Mr. and Mrs. Clark of Shipka,
accompanied by Mrs. Pfaff and son
spent a few days last week with
frielnds in this vicinity.
Mr, R. Allan, accompanied by
Mrs, A. J. McDonald and daughter
spent New Years' Day w ith lila
ends in Dashwood.
Mr. Jake Kennel is recovering
nicely after an attack of influenza
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Allan spent
New Years day at the home of
Mr. Jas, Carrie.
Mr. and Mrs, G. Freckelton en-
tertained a number of their fri-
ends to a fowl supper on New,
Years. • i
Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnston spent
New Years day at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, John Douglas.
Miss Violet Stevens returned to.
Arkolna, on Saturday to rest'
her duties as teacher.
A family reunion was held at
borne of Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
.en . New Years Day
Irvin S. eobb on Salvati
•ah Reeve, W. D. Sanders; de,puty-
•s,e., ilex- lleeb; cotrneillors,.. J.
a;eE'ie Geo: Penliale' and D, Webb.
Some of our churches aro closed
again on account of a, freash out
break of the flu, Goshen school
retr,aers d+;red for the sante reas-
Mist; Eliza Robinson 'of Victoria
ela.epital, Loudon, is spending a
-"me or two at her home here ,
Mr, Wilber McBride has return
ed. to Bothwell, after spending the
;holidays with, his parents; Mr. and
:Mrs, .k.ebt. :McBride.
Mr John Etue, one of the new-
ly elected councillors of Stanley
;ro.e.taliip, takes this opportunity
c,l thai,king the people of Stanley
Towiated ' for the hearty suupport
given hint and putting hien at the
lead .of the polls. lie promises,
to serve them to the best of Wel
The Municipal election for the
Township of Stephen held on Mon-
day Jan, Oth, resulted as follows;
Poll Noe 1 2 3 1 5 6 7 8 a t'al
Love 25 817 29 55.50 13 51 69-347
40• 21
,Sanders 38 65 58 91 1', 2 9 29-379
Dep;. -reeve
NNeetb 29 35 37 60 34:9 7, 30 :4 54-410
Yearley 27 25 37 55 39 6 34 32 32-287
Ander=son 57 25 39 4618 2015 23 9-252
Hayes 30 19 53 84 59 58 54 44 5e -t..,
Penhale 28 69 51 86 30 52 32 24 45-417
Weibb 33 22 40 50 45 77 38 62 75-443
H. Eilber, Returning officer.
Election Results
Morton Elloitt was elected re-
eve of Stanley township with a
majority o: 33. The following we-
re electe.i councillors;—John Etue
G. Hawle, ; M. Mossop, J. Hood.
Reeve, G. C. Petty; councillors;
Geo. Rude. en, Robt. alcArthur, , T.
Hudson, J. Jones.
Trete, A. Erwin; cour.eillors,D
Dewar, S.. Cleave, J. Cameron and
W. J-, W;e,stolns
I have yet to meet any .soldier, •
whether a grigadier or a private
who, if he spoke at all of the Sal-
vatio+n Army, did not speak . in
terms of fervent gratitude for
the aid that the Salvation Army
are rendering so unostentatiously
and yet so very effectively. Let
a sizable body of troops nh:ovefrom
one station to another and hard
on its heels came a squad of men
and women of the Salvation Army.
An army truck may bring them, or
it may be that they have a batt-
ered jitney to move them and their
scanty outfits. Usually they do
not ask for help from anyone in
reaching their destination. They
find lodgement in a wrecked shell
of a house or in the corner of a.
barn. By main force and awk-
wardness they set up their equip-
ment, and very soon the word is
spread among thet coops that at
such -and -such a place the Sal-
vation Army is serving free hot
drinks and free doughnuts and fre
pies It specializes in doughnuts,
the Salvation Army in the field
does, the real, oldfashionerl, home-'
made ones that taste of home to•l
a home -.sick soldier boy+
I did not see this, but one of my
associates did, He saw it last;
winter in a dismal hole on the
Toul sector., A. fiile of our troe
ops were finishing a long hike
through .rain and snow, over roads
knee-deep in khalf-thawed, icy
slush.. Cold and wet and miserab
le, they came tramping into a,
cheerless, half -empty totv'n with-
insound and range of the Ger
g man'
guns. They found reception com-
mittee awaiting them there --in the
person of two Salvation Army las-
ses and one Salvation Army Cap-
tain. The women had a fire go-
ing in the dilapidated oven of et
vanished village kitchen.
One of them was rolling out
the batter oin a plank with an old
wine bottle for a rolling pin and
using the top of a tin can to
cut the dough into circular strips
The other woman was cooking the
doughnuts, and as fast as they
were cooked the man served them
out, spitting hot, to hungry, wet
boys clamoring about the door,
and nobody was asked to pay a.I
<tent . • l
If you intend to buil
material of allrkinds
1 F. C. KAL]?L
Pt ONE 6q
4. ..,..
+oeetti . s, ts�.
+!i' +++++++:1.4..44.1.4..1.++++++++++++ i.-1-4-+++++++4- 4-+-1. 144-1-1.9..1. +44.14;
Everything h
Lumber and Building
Combination storm and screen dccrs made
Custom Planning our Specially
I�.�,• � I�1 I�•I
An Old Fa shimmed Custom
The appointment of indiri,:rn)s -es Exccntors is
an old-fashioned custom that is t;cecint,lly dying out.
In nearing friends as Enmities t t ecur estate you
unconsciously burden thcm nilh :aide it eel naeonsibilties.
The appointment of ibis C'cuul eny as your
Executor will relieve you of any fee]irg c f obligalicn to
Apply to the local agent for Ziuiell and district
he - will gladly explain the extcnshe ;ccvice which this
Company/can render your Estate.
'Managed in connection wit')
The Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation
Applications for Guaranteed Investment Receipts received by
TUCKERSMITH liliI81111111111111111HIIIIIIIIIII81111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIMIiCllllllllg61111Ili111111111111IIIIIIlli;llillllill611ili11116,iil111111III111111111111111111161111i1161111111116111111111111111161111111N'
Reeve, H. Crich; councillors, J.
McNaughton, C. Riley, I. Moore, !
J. B, Crich.
Of 17 choice grade cows due in
January, February and March, 10
head of young cattle some sheep 1 R
and some hogs, on Saturday, Jan-
uary 11th, at the Dominion House W.
TERMS -6 months credit will be ra
given with 631 added, E. Bossen-
berry auctioneer, Milton Lo.t'e,
120 acres on Sauble Line, L. R.
E, con , Hay, 2% miles south of St
Joseph. Good 2 -story brick house
and good bank barn, 42x66, new-
ly shingled, with cement stables
and in first class repair. Land
all improved. For particulars ap-
ply' on premises, E. Hendrick,
proprietor,' j.9- St.
The post office at Eliruvilte will
be closed after Jan. 15th.
It is probable that before the
eind of the present month most of
the war -time res:rectio!na upon
trade and business will have been
It is thought that the operations
of the Canada food board, and, the
war trade board will cease within
the •next two or three weeks
Notifications were issued on
Thursday by the C. P. R., G. T.R,
C;. N. R. and all other Canadian
railway s, under instructions of the
Canadian Railway War Board, that
-effective January lst next, all tr-
ansportation charges including de
murr.tge and storage charges,and
storage charges, and covering pas-
s•e,nger, express, freight, baggase;
.etc,. ratea be paid for; cash in au-
valnce, just as in the ,case o (ship-
pers of large quantities of goods,
that • otn the execution of a bond
attested to by either a band or
.rust company, credit to the exp
tent of 96 hours will be given.
Mr. !Ernest Gies wishes to con-
.vey his thankfulness to the fri-
ends and neighbors who so kindly
assisted him during his recent ill
Wee, • r .
The Heral
and Daily dobe ...... ... ... ... $5.00
and Weekly Globe .._.__ ... 2,60
and Daily Mail and Empire ... ... .......„,..... 5.00
and Weekly Mail and Empire _.. .__ 2.60
and Daily Star ..
and Weekly Star
and Daily News ..
and Free Press, evening edition ... ...
and Free Press morning edition ... ._.
and Advertiser, morning edition ... ...
and Advertiser, evening edition ... ...
and Farmers Advocate •
and Farm, and Dairy .._ ._. ...
and Weekly Sun ...... ... ... ...
and Family Herald and Weekly Star _._ 2.35
and Canadian Coun tryman 9.00
Renew your papers with us and save money
••+yj.- ICI r` r
ass e;
The HE A Ziis :�a
rich.- . —
I � R11113I !'' I I 1111
IIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllilllllllllllllllllllllil111111111111111111111illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll1111111611iillll6111111!lii16111 LI6111111116VIllllll,11111161,,,�V,uL„IIIu11111111111111111111116Jlllllll•ILi11611VIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVII I
The annual tweeting of Zurich
Agricultural Society will be held
in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Mon-
day, Jain, 20th, at 1.30 o'clock,, p,
in Business of the meeting, Re-
ceiveng the annual financial stat-
ement and auditors' report, ap-
pointing officers for the year 1919,
John Pfaff, Presidetet,
A. F, 'Hess, Secy-Treas.
Pay in advance is almost sure,
to become they aw. Recent ad-.
vices from Ottawa seem to iridic-.
ate more surely that the Canadian,
,Government will follow the lead,
of the Limited States authorities in;
requiring newspapers and maga-.
sine subscriptions to be paid in.
advance. The purpose of this
measure is the conservatica iSt
print paper.,