HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-10, Page 1Volt.XIX I ZURICH, FRIDAY MO .� YOUR HARNESS NEEDS .l 1 ,I Will ba promptly attended to here. See7us about I DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, 1 REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS All our sewing done by hand �' I .� 6 Rugs, Blankets, Bells f 4.1. Bull line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, ete J. 4.1 t FRED THIEL ZURICH 1 11/ • • • • • • • •• R • 0 9 • `• 90 • • • • • • • • • • Suits.n •• • ce• Mr, Calvin Williams, who is en gaged with the D. & C, Na. rigat " ion Co„ Buffalo, N. Y., is 'spending a few weeks with his brother and sisters here. School re -opened on Monday with all the teachers on duty ex- cept Miss 0. O'Brien, who is re - .covering from an attack of the �. ••••®•s seessaes eiso•000se•o•066441 2•ae6••e•••®•••••••••• s�• , au t r •• y :y? �3 cu Our est wishes r nPty rosperouse '• •- • • ti • 9 •ft • ♦ la • }F� : •a . ` ®• `{}'y+�.'•" Eby: '�'"^Cq 44,1 .,i'.: • • ::.ay<'�'ii¢`$S � •• T• • s�. Y4,,:::•.,,,,,:....—:•.,1..,%: .1,.: • t• tip y; }o n m. 5, L ev,`•` '::::5:� .. , ,16. ni? :. 4.Q}•.: • ;•':.•,',....::;,.. "4 'ti:}� �ict•. ej t% : ry c 4.t,• ' • 0 00000P10•C®•r00®®Q'1••�"1i ••.*0• • 0 • • ca • 0 • • • • • •m • • • • • i • o''!:'£<%:•9:3:1.e 4 w} s.1 •, 0 0 0 '0 9 0 • • ,• ® e 4� a ta, • 0 • 8 w i5 See earn verco ts • e have a splendid assortment of • 1i�end'�Tj v r to-eax V- Suits and Overcoats for Men, Young Men and Boys. If you need anything in this line it will pay you to look over our large Mock. Sec our new re ch Overcat for 502217,..,E= Phone 59 tAi YlA tlitaii'31•••• •••••10,61!•• ll• 1NM16• ;e•n• •, lVir, ,Geo, Roberts of Clinton was town on Wednesday, Mr. Wtn Siebert, Jr., of London, `rrelpt a few days at his ohne .t"exe; eer '•Mr, Roy Geiger, of Toronto Un- R'sity, spent the holiday's at his e here. r. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf Vis - Yd friends in Mitchell and Strat- 1 'last week. is., Veda, Weseloh, who was v:s- ;;.• ig with her parents, returned to !leo 3don on Monday. ait'r'rs Harrison. Becher is visiting tt ` tl>e horns of Iter parents, Mr. 0'4 • Mrs Wm. Klopfi, of town. Zr, J. Elgin Hess returned to ionto on Monday to resume his cries at the School of Practical .ince, *fhe 1918 automobile license have e.lpired and new licenses for 1919 left have to be purchased before, t`'.e care can be used. }1E' fiat meeting of the 1919 con'neil of Hay Township will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich, Most Monday, Jan, 13th. Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey Daymaj aaut son, Leslie, of .Kennedy, Sask.; are visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. James Green, Parr Liine, Ladies please take notice we would like to have as much of the Red Cross work in by the end of • • 0 •i • 0 • • • 0 •1 tids;'week as possible, or not lat- a Then beginning, of next week Some work has been out for quite a while and we would Like to get eti•erythi'ng shipped to headquart e'•M;,f possible. Please return same rs, W. L. Siebert. 3e Christmas program held in Lutheran church on Monday ev •yi3'a eveeveN. attend d and the *es creditably- in the fine i limbers rendered.'The church -I'as nicely decorated,t wo large 'Chrisiuiae trees being the renter of attraction for the little ones. • • • • • • • •0A •• • • a • .• • e • • • A • • • • • • • r • • • • • • • • 0 • • • • • 0 The annual election of officers of the Evangelical church S School was held on Sunday which result- ed. as ,follows;— President, J. Preeter; Vire,-Pres., J. ascho; ;Secretary, Miss F. Surerus, assist - sec Mass L. Siebert; Treasurer, C. Fritz; Chorister, Mrs, C. Iieyrock; Superintendent of home depart- mente Miss I. Ortwein; Sup. of Missio!nss, Miss L. Faust, Temper- ance, N, E, Dahms ; Libriarians, R. Preeter, L. O'Brien and M. Hey. We notice in Saturday's 13ufaflo E.cpress that a sale has been con- summated whereby Direct Tial, J. 2.03% passes to the ownership o: parties living at ‘Zurich, Ont. This was the sensational race horse and the: •'favorite of his trainer, Mr, 'Deers, in the summer of 1910, who- se achievements were closely wat- chew .by all interested. The arti 'cle goes on to say that the passing of this horse to Canada is a dis.i net loss to American horsemen,his breeding combining two of the 0 greatest racing families the world • has known, the Iia1s and the e Directs. Our sporting editor is making en ciuiriies as to the identity of the e local owners. • 3 BOGUS COINS CIRCULATED o.Counterfeit 50 -cent pieces are ® reported as being circulated i 0 c Lndont and Western Ontario. a • • is claimed that the superious eon * is being put out by a man who dee. • votes his time to making five and ed ton cents purchases and collre.inti • the change. The bogus charie- eter of the 50 -cent piece was ,,t,,- ccied by the fact that they lack • the milled edge. 40 FARMS SOLD Mr. Fred E. Dueharme has sold W his 30 -acre farm, north of St. Jos - 4o Lph on the 5auble Line to his i=ro- 3 ther, Mr. \Vin„ Ducharme, who gets irnrnediate possession. The form- es er hat purchased the 91 -acre farm; • south' of ;5t. JosepSh, from i��ir. o mired Laporte and gets num-. rdrate possession of the saw. • Mr. .Chris. •Schrag has sold the. roduce Wanted 117 •• • • l• 00016• •O •• 81 -acre farm north of Blake, which he purchesecl from Mr. C. Zirho, lest. June, to Mr. James Masse of St. Joseph, for $3250. Mr. Nasse gete possession of same nex.. ltiraSa. ,w torateaseeeteritreetolasOff 1 w 4. 4 1 1 No 27 f5Oda f f 11096kerf ,W04.054Fes10094 fe00484 WE EXTEND THE SEASONS GREETING TO ALL. BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED c. FRITZ The Shoeman 79 0* .90106 4 f 3f•k tffi44 4'1f�'+ 4tr• X44 t 44 4..;.1,:h,!1.::!,i!.?,a,!';n3!tLliflt!II111111Bi+11!!!ill!11!'lf;l;ii!!!!illl;l:; ;il ;I;Jif9iliiflllll!lilt!!!1111!I!!i"l.'.i':411;!!I!Illllli!Illlll1111!11J1 ;'f' ,�' ui" i es; �, h...,ill!luuri,grralrl!Ir:.!I!Ilr 0. A MERRY XAS and Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR to our customers and friends. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON .HAND° E ighest Prices for. nrin Produce R N. DO LIGLA PHONE 11 on 97 BLAK (ii1h111u1!,'.II r;!II{,{f!.!,1',!�;!';!I'llll!rl!i P tl �((, fn 11 f i�ni :, ; nnrr�,y •nn n. i • ,, ., il,r • 116„II!1,I,I,,..h.,.I,,.,,u..1!,,:,I,,,IIk.1hIL,!,IIIIIILt!611111!;all,lu!Il!!!Iilllil!Illi!IiiilG:!Itil'ilib!i!1i6Gi�rlei!1(!II!I!l1111illlll(iiilNl!iUlti DIED Finkbciner—At Crediton, on Dec. 31st, Charles William Finkbeiner, agen 20 years, 5 months and 3 ciays McLeod—In Hay, on Dec. 26, Isa- bel Thompson relict of the 'ate Donald McLeod, aged 76 years:. Welton—At Dashwood on Jan. 2, Mrs. J. Welton, aged 57 • yrs, 2 months and 15 days. MARRIED Wickert—Willard— At Eyebrow, • Sask., on Dec. 24th, A. E. Wick- ert to Miss Pearl Willard, dau- ghter of Mr. Albert Willard of Lake Rd. North, Hay. Mist Clara Cook of l3ad Axe, Mich., is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. H. 1+`. Weseloh and other relatives Miss Ada Howald of Kitchener spent the holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. How- ald. Misses Selina and Gertrude Wes- eloh returned to Detroit on Monday atter spending the holi- days with their parents. Mrs. J. W. Stewart and children, of Kirkton, spent Christmas week at the home of tho fornier's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, James '.green, Parr Lin:. Miss Olga Howald of London, I after spending the holidays with 1her lr erents, Mr, and 11rs, J. How - aid, left last Saturday for• Colum- taus, Ohio Three will be three eclipses, two of the sun, and 'one of the moon, tart this part of the world won'i1 , see Hauch of them. good Friday' eomes 031 ..April, 18. Dominion Day l falls an `I'ues:iay and Christmas an Thuradae. There will be' five Sundays in March, June, An - gust and November. IFebruaryi 1 has 23 days. Spring is billed to arrive in March 21st at 11 a. Hat Summer will get here at 7 in the • Imorning of June 22. Autumn can- ! tcrs around rot' Sept. 23rd at 10 I a, nn. and King winter begins put -1 t:'ng on his show at 4 p. cembee 22nd Signs of Zodiac will be the same as rn 1918, don't forget WISHING YOTY • ALL THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON .'a W. Jeweller and Optician Incorpc rated 1855 The MOLSONS ANK CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada. A General Bunking!, Business Transacted CIRCULAR LErr ER OREDI BANK NIONEY ORDER. Savings Bank Department Interest at highest current rates 'Zurich Branch R. T.. DUNLOP, Mattager 'Arr. a.ncl Mrs. herb Wilma' spree, the umli lays IA the ho no of Mr. 1` Sleuran and other feit:n,as. 'Thor have retained to their new horns ice; Iaittktner,