HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-03, Page 7now, on-nnnvonnefrnInonn..,
,.w..,..,.... M -noel. -•.,.,.,.k...•.,<-., nin,..-m..,,-.. none ,.p
Mother is Taking Her Chance.1 homes, I'M going to l,;et in shape to
t, d � dent if t ht1 need 1 wonder if you have noticed
tour neighborhood these past :few
months, an inareawc tendency .on the e sol s
Matt of home -keeping worsen towards 11. s •cel: trips down to her classes.
self-expression? ' That is, a greater 1 a -
e family think it goers the thiels;
number of Ynarried women, Mothers
and exeellont housekeepers who are! now, a'i$ produly tell ev°erybod, hot?
dosoma o'!'. the things 1 the folks in charge of the course say
beginning a i that mother is the hest is the class.
They have ever on do c ae'1 hthep1 I don't 'know whether it is the war A�typical example ispresentedby. sex
but have noose orke becalm of i 1 i u '•ht these women out dyes. The value of dyes, mainly Un-' hi.
,;!h•G,t has brought •� ,.+ , the ,'t' frUln C,dllnan., set
v :tell' 1 rte.: before the wa
, I have I iiia. �, ported ,
ptei;s of housework?
tete a little of it An my own little; or tar.. lint whatever it •s• ,i fits- which were anxlutlily used iii. British .�,y
q, • wondering if (Vial:ht le e t r out of the way awl :
cerate, and I have leen wan •., , ea) ilas a long time to live. Why, textbee anti paper i�ndustrtee, wile.
1 s t about $10;000,000. :i he anne t 1 ea
at l his.
• e in epen •' (tome ."
other cae'r,ied the, day, and i.
now, and proudly tell eveey'hody how
• 1' Fin brings 11on1S ell her twice,
Key industries, Formerly Controlled
by, Germany, secured by England.
The Ley ludn +t r:iea Id:ilhtbitiou held,
in London last lnouth under the al,tis-
picsee mf the Tarty. Reform League is
a striktitg iliustratiull of what, Great
ilrituio cuts accomplished during the
War iv manufacturing essentlal.'com'
nhoditie•3 which lead formerly boon al-,
lutist completely centtollecI by Gei-
rmtuy. The objetst of the exhibition
wire to pr?Fent the Pacts clearly to the
public. •
The torte `,key' industry' is aMilled-
to those iltdoetries which in thetxt•
selves ere comparatively small, but
are nevertheless o1 vital importance,
sines, upon their exleteneo that of
outer una greater Industries fiepeihtl8•
it i`5 "purely laeai,” or if it is Le 1 not (�(. ~`(yYt'e of ell(: things- 'w 1(,l silt
vireo. �l • longed to do tai 3'`,�r �,
For ,illsta7tcE, there i, one woman]
lea- 'seerot
Lot couldn't because of the claims ut
l l�ette"
of thirty- ix who Tres a Way ; 'want.. , 1
1; i until this fall her et:"."? :,lie well do teem
- • +
to st}tdy art. i I than she c, uld have done years ago,1 this tease the key" industry was about
artist:c instinct has expressed it:e.f for age and experience have teang'ht! 1 per cent. of the plain industry., or
her their 'Value. •
something like the proportion of a key
n cutting over her old glee -e, for, • , it • for to the door which it opens.
daughter, and cutting down father's Would it not be a splendid to r g it
oY these lndus'tries. Was value
abont $1,000,000,000, giving employ,
meat to about X,+,00,000 peoiple. In
elcl pants for son .The dresses halo l us to think that [cleoid doe. e Thenar
been really rather wonderful for style•* i at over? -D.II.
and an cut without a pattern, The I a ---
- _
mother had excellent ideas, but with; Hot or Gild.
no training whatever rile elk' not ' marines said motor cat's: Magnetos
This fall An a .version for, yhiltewerinne ,
know* howode to e pat the e whether in matters of political Imahave mo or cars: and nleuu-
the rade a Meer home'e. techos5,-reli�•ious allegiance of in affairs 'of1waeh h ve beenet e fectn ending uU-
hie ' ep w 2^stein 12>r 1elans is a Ahad. diet is cllaracte1•istic -of the race. � war weredi Great
at the nishdurion. e
1louse where eight, c:tasset are held.'
•,• lilt is! And elle hostess makes no mistier I will be readily realized that there is no
drezAmongx0 ether subjects taU� peat of when she serves a' 13et"aurae 'eit
dro�wnalcing deeign, nd. a pa i z steaming' hot or very, very i desire to permit the magneto industry
the course is le:saors in drawing, She • `lid; but when the tea is ),xougnt in to sre tlip 113ritain hes also developed the
decided �o tale up the work. Ila
• dee:: for lace neither lhot or cold, but just in he -
optical glass iudust.ry, Tungsten is
week she showed d me a gnhicll .Tier iwvoeii, she is ante of pleasing no one. the key to high speed steel and nickel
which she had drawa, mid which kj One of the first rules that the pro -
armor plate. :mother metal of vi-
tal irportanee to tho steel industry
is manganese. Lead, graphite, spel-
ter, rubber and antimony were other
key materials which were exhibited.
The Key Industries Exhibition was
an object lesson in pointing out Ger-
many's former control of key indus-
tries essential to war and the pro-
grecs toward complete independence
which has been made in Great Britain
during the war.
Before the war practically ail I(r -
ish internal combustion engines were
ecjoipped with magnetos made in •Ger-
many by the Bosch- Company of Stutt-
gart. This applied to airplanes, shtb-
teai:her said was better than the wva?
of seine of the stridents in his day
classes who had studied drawing for
yeah: s.
"Yon never ran tell what you'ee go-
ing to be called on to do these days,"
she :aye, ter,<: "Tam and I thought � and it Ztas even been suggested Lha
might as well be getting prepared. E 1 acit ho egven
in the digestive
I can do something with resemaldng i system are sometimes produced of
• l bra -in betterA=nape totakeI'ni e of very hot liquids—one wonders why
myself.d And. anyway, hop, one
a e the there should be an innate repugnance
,vented to draw. I hoped our of rice on the part of 101131111 folic for the
cliildxen vtiautd take it up, beet tllc;vilukewarm ctrink.or. viand.
d`;dli't 1raw a at •trent liner.so I am e.t This is as food -sit explanation. as
ii, after .all -chest years wishing)" anyone can • suggest: Bacteria breed
feasional cook is given is to serve
hot things hot, and cold things cold,
and to serve nothing in between. One
wonders why this is. One wonders
Why, since we have been told that
iced drinks are not entirely beneficial,
Then there is -the woman neo --t door.
Before her ire ser loge elle studied 11111-
-like maty another woman
,s,< `
s`tride's event into the diaeard when the
11a1;' e-`arr:ved and dishwashing and
etrubhing stit)'eneed• her fingers. The
girls are 1101 li.teen and SCielrteehl
,".aril old. '1 he ,• have had several
•of plata) le -- 1 and still have
in lukewarm temperatures.
cannot breed as long ,as the temper-
ature is (Tette as unfavox-abic''to their
breeding, and likewise' kills bacteria
already developed, Hence instinct
teaches the Savage to drink water
from the poul whose water is cold and
to avoid the pool or spring where the
cater is rrartn. Or rather nature
bo dering close on despot. v, tc I ilatnre, nobody knew vita:
ciples, but the p �tlt g c•f failure?.
sw. int through my mind and over-- As a matter of fact, it cauls lroni would compare 9avcrabIv with that a£
whelmed my heart, 1 can never forget,
Transcaucasia, where its prad(ietiatl
! some other b•usines es that have linen
longer established. 'I1 r4 v,c,•e ei
rhanufa.itutors who eritr'." d the toy -
making field in 1:118, aad several
wZ,i+: it d: opp.eel out. The entire indus-
try hag passed through the initial'
stages el' development, and soule
the fame are provided vided w •ith ample
terms ,
to be driven to r,rs':,ice. A. m:'nth notices the one palatable and the oth-
u 0 the ra;oi101 raid over the heel: ea, unpalatable.
f en e,
"I want t. = pita, t.o began their mu -
41c• but I dread it., There is al -
AIDED_.. _.- ........ -.,:—••--o^•-o�o o«. c, _.q M.c, .q a-•`-„..�.,r � NAD��6,
y %UUt, ilii; Fingers!. TOY
��/{fppj, }f/q•. [�"j �( �� j��',{, �FyS,
R SSKILL, p says .ops Lift Out
> ''•&)� c' SKIN
'Without Any Pain OI;'1•I'L 1 1 LA,.•1 in i41ONTHS
I.' L
Tq A�rTF,ID cones d1
Sore corse, hard' c cru., eoi1( ct u
any kind of: a corn can shortly be
lifted right out with the firhg4 ra if you
I Achievements of ,army will apply directly uLlml the corn a few
s Are Result of Experience lI drops of freeeolle :ay.s a Cincinnati
in the Battle Zones.
it is elattned that. at smell wet, one
• I can get a quarter of an -ounce at:free-
zone at any drug store, vchioil is Sufil•
B y `fent tel rid one's feet'. of (wary corn
DOUBLE rt1EAT OF 191.7
In(iuetry Is Now four Year Old and
Additioual :'Avenues for Exton- -
sl(rn ..4.re Open.
Canadian toys manufactured in 1118
•are estimated to be Worth approxi-
mately $8x00,000. Cone ttera.ble pro-
ctioii of itnaesthetics. Itis ;the 1 or cantle without pain or t+areuest ul s Fess has Item made by the thirty-
sy nowadays to realize elle dan„rl of infectiati. Fe
,' :i Ye concerns molting 'cations lines of
s` of hospital practice, when ` This neva drat; 1" u e the nuG*lnent it t.-) t euring the last year. After hay -
Y e surgeon's knife ' and wail() stielty, dr prevail -
ei the niianze. 'elite. Evan1 .:. 'tr trying conditions ,
the patient's soul as well as,I is applied. and does not 1 21*,, met the y
George Wilson, file irritate the surrounding tiss,ie. ing m •elle labor market c11.iing the:
} . Prof. Gea „ This: announcement. yell interest l lst. tvt eiw e allot>tta:,, t.s( Crtnatiiazl
patient on whom the famous I nla.ny wvrrnieii here fat it i, tali', that
put -
:performed his operation of tele 1z7'esent 131(;11-i1( e!1 f*.?Ut,wP!i' iµ tlllt: t
ti tt'•: feel that theti li.( aesau•eti of cx
(first corns e11 i ....eic.all, every p`. reorient place Ili the Domiulon'a
'c ankle -joint (fi tlhig i ,�,e wwhiah
, a1i s de .
c m - workers were 'a 1 E to collimated
mations during the ordeal, r,G'l+ T'fbTi'i)l h } munitions plant,: made it difficult tel
Wil -1. Iti.�:.
ring the operation," wrete
' hold labor. Such probleene will not be
as acute in tile future. and -, i :le in-
creasing. efheiency and a consequently
elation at the n d z industrial lila The high w -.
td out ' ] 840)has left en aaold ;s o`e f t .ahle
"I watched all the surgeons did
mated curiosity. Of the i The Process of Its Manufacture i
i "'o Longer a Mysterea
t �castosed I will say nothing
iy i o- • enlarged production, itis belfereci ties
eri21 so great as I underwent can- i In em grandfathers' day elle so- a greater measure of static -stat be
e 'expressed in words, and Ilius, called Persian insect powder (corn -
cannot he recalled. The af•t:afne.d by the manuf<t.:turer cf cs,5'c•
monly sold nowadays under elle name
In the four years through v:h (li the
miler pangs' are now forgotten; of "pyrethrum") coat $10 :a eoend• i.:.lu y leas passed have b(eu
the black whirlwind of ernotion, I Pretty de3ar for tt br. -hiller, a number of concerns therethat have i=tc':
horror of great' darkness, and the The staff was a ntrsttely, Beyond
and man, formed to make.toys v.-+iich were 1,1$
e of desertion by God•h•h the fact that it was of a vegetable aria,
fi operated ou sordid b tsi::e :
William Hohenzollern's Fortune . Is
Estimated at $98,500,000.
The Kaiser is reported to have tad
about $3,500,000 of German public
money follow him into;' Holland, U
even without looting the Treasury he
need not fear starvation, if he could
lay his hands on a' small part of his
private fortune. At the time of the
German war levy in January, 1914, he
was the richest person in Germany,
with an estimated fortune of $98,500,-
000. Next carne the Grand Duke of
Mecklenburg-Stralitz, with $89,000,000
and Frau Krupp von Bohlen, with $80,-
Houses owned by the Kaiser in
Berlin were valued at $4,500,000, while
castles and lands in other parts of
Prussia were valued at $27,500,000. It
would not be easy to realize on these
assets, evenif they were not confis-
cated by the new German Government,
but his liquid assets were enormous.
He was,for example, one of the larg-
stockholders of Krupps and had in-
vestments in many other commercial
enterprises, notably shipping come
panie� and espolt bush •s hi general.
w \treys such a time to get thein to -1 Banger Will Exist in Chief Ocean
y Currents for Many Months.
practice. Seems £tinny, v;heet I've
always loved it and would give It is stated that twenty-five mines
for han'e.
good deal even non, their c were sighted by a steamer recently
t thought of my friend who is off the Atlantic coast. There will pro -
drawing, • "Why don't you take tlhe bably be many floating mines for
chance?" I asked, "Let the girls wash months to come and doubtless some
the dishes and slop he floor and you marine accidents will result, Of
isle the music. le -cans. They are cour;c, tneaeures will be taken to pick
cid enough to show same talent, it up an;
l deetroy these menaces to nevi-
avi-th y have it, and. if they don't care gation, but it is almost impossible` that
. i ODUI1 aboltt music to practise for all should be found; and -ship captains
love of it, why drive them to ft? You must run a certain degree of risk.
5P001 the .money me yourself." After the Russo-Japanese war ships
"Do you hinlc I could?" she asked were sunk for a long time after the
r,s.st1 ally*. "(lecrrge wants mo to. , Cessation of hostilities; as nines were The foundation of the present Ho -
'We were i:tlldiltg about it just last'carried' out into the Pacific, ,some of henzallern fortune was laid by Fred -
However gladly I Would do so. was a very important ircicstry I or
theI used fel
t i .3
• Time was torture then, and 1 i centuries it had been widely t y
Tony, deliberate• operations of to -c ay Asiatic countries, and the source Of
were impracticable. the material ::'asa ve.ret carefully
Horrors of Old-time Surgery, kept.
If the hospital was a torture- Eventually the secret was revealed
chamber then, the battlefield was an by an Armenian. merchant, who, tree--
inferno. The visitor to the scene of a cling through Tratiscr ucaeits,,etdis ov- capital to make expansion a3 uirour
action (so we are told by one ered that the insect p 1 ctanti1i :lake advisable. tilt output
who went over the stricken field of simply the grouhld-up flower hestl;t of I in the Tat=t twelve months isestimated
SoIferino) had an illusion of being on a plant nearly related to our own field { to he 100 pc•r amt. larger than in the
the seashore; the; miserable cries of daisy. , ,,,ceding vcKl, and a greater x in
Later on, attempts were made to 1 preceding
the wounded resembled the rhythmic T ,lir + of 17td*_ices are being tunnel t :it•
Clamor of waves; there was a salt tang introduce the plant into the ti 1 Difficulty in Getting u arts -
that had i
in the air from the blood
been poured out. The progress of the
surgeons, always far too few, was
marked by the breaking out here and
there of dismal wailing. War has
been purged of half its horror by the
invention of anaesthetics and of more
tl to ,half its destructiveness of life
abe aseptic technique, which pre -
c "ufection; and, has put an enol to
"hospital diseases" that so puz-
b. b.
periodical destruction of hosplta
bvdlgings as'a heroic remedy.
To -day the surgeon can carry,q„pt
the most. complicated example of
"reconstructive surgery" with the
deliberate carefulness of a chestplae er
and he can be sure that the wounds
will heal healthily without natter
forming to destroy his artistic handl-
•k And tate present war has so
night." 5/ Ityou them torn from their moorings and
"Of course you conld," said. fou, others being drifting mines. It is not
ten play better non, that, either of the
known how many free mines the Ger-
tour'; set afloat, but it is believed a
A ]toff hour inter I heard her at, l great number were thus started forth
-the piano, and for two hours he g ` .
s and linger et:ercl000., on missions of destruction. Fortunate- to Inc son. In the next half century
played scale, e fire • 1y the trend of the currents in the this sults was judiciously handled and
At noon she called ac rosy, thought' rth Sea is into the gulf stream, William II. came to the throne wit• h
gars aren't near as :tllf as I thought , wenn• toward 5pitzbergen. There is • excellent prospects. He was lu,
erick William III•. the ex -Kaiser s
gr•eategrandfather. After the Napo-
leonic wars Frederick William III. set
about restoring the Hohenzollern pri-
vate fortune and left about $;5,000,000
States, but the seeds refuiicd to sprOu .
This (as finally ascertained) was due The, industry
mn its fronted
to the circumstance that the persons -with near f ifii ueaisteies Int co ether
from wham they v.F'rt, bought had atively
countricc, such as Great
baited them.
At the present time an al . A. It?nt ',Britain ls for example, ale, is,gizatiy a�m•Ple
sunny*'of insect powder 15 p:: ague .d in , of dolls,
fled be, parts being secured from mak-
lifornia, �-- ars vcho specialize in a single phase of
Doll -makers ers have been
-Carpet sweeper and vacua -in alt:a.n tile' industry-. ¢`rLttar-.
^ tools for cleaning assemblers lather than '101. ' •w-;
are the lest t n 11°°Trico enlarged vol -
Isuch , cializ
e Br p
d ,the pre=Listerias practitioners rugs. _
actuallyproposed the ____..----------=`=�""^---""'-" Uses of production is poscfble, t ;ts .
oma of them t ,, �'-"""'"� " """" reducing caste. Such developments
they'd be. I ant going down t12te
afternoon to see about my lessons," a return current west of Iceland which
tt might bring mines back by the Labra -
Perhaps the most surprising per-' dor current into the navigation zone
r, though, corners the quiet neighborj
who always conics between the golf sitcom anti. the I seems to have
he een oveltat in lookedlls tlte division
In1around theis y more coasts of Newfoundland-, Nova Scotia, I of
toif anyone n 1 and does in north-eastern United States,'; bility of the war lord speculation, fora-
lido in than hour. average Woman and steamer lane. `ing a prosperous and growing business
tell n which is the principalJJ
would do in at, She elan had athat chance to work their way I into bankruptcy. Bank cashiers have
large family, sou children. ansi The Mines
l rough the English Channel might I tried the same combination with equal -
Is now fourteen, is their, they all get clowny'into the Canaries current, ly disastrous results. And there is
assure that rustics is personal
tro erL•y aril, enc'dentally, that she and 00 flow into the � gulf tsirenlnconcli� town talk of extraditing Williain.
i p an‘
Were and Mistake.
< n
they are Natural
Na ora
tent quite careful
wise rTheyleave tions otherwise than they are the A
need, eah bit telling.r danger from this source Would he ex Readers who leave hnalTelecl tet the
been inf the habit mother
their pert ought tremely grave. Mine sweeping must cryptic chrarnntel• of physicians' pTe;
lives of tellinn mother what she ought scriPtioiiel Will al
t (lo aittl deciding, things for her. , be continued with unremitting safe ry•nc: ,predate this bit of
Tlt s fall ,.hrs made a der, ion for het- i rnee until the seas (.ze sla;OustI:nee --By mistake I left my
self. She decided to go doww'n and, nein. ��� ;
Chinese laundry check in dere aphis
tape rice Red Cross t11 ' '.lid course.
'.Che family was ghast. The idea Grown 13050e. looming.
of not -leer going down town to do: 1':w•erVonet should celebrate the re- Prescription Clerk in Drug Store•. -
was beyond them. They! � newel of peace by planting
Roses, That explains it
anything a ` oa old grow anlvwvhd.10 in Canada
Customer---Lx1d. ins what? 1
told her outright she was, t �, ; they even gr Clerk I've been trying to fill that
Politely hinted that slip wast t; if a l,ttle, atttelltioli i', given then h perk- ll thing, all ltigiito;•
and p y tier' 1 • while Roles mom•ted from cot
bright enarlj'tl, 1#tYt• for
good a business man as he was a war
lord, and retired with nearly" $100,-
000.000 on pvaper.ti Ilia great trouble
wv ortunities and
vastly increased his opp . p� „,, ,,,�_,,,,,,,,,,.,m,art
experience that he can now accomplish ..� d
H I RA M iO 1iN S O t L . 112ave not been entered upon i ally
yet. Eyes for dolls., for in -
Canada ,
The ol(i�••at establi had i stance, are not made in the Dominion,
a 1 but have to be eecured from outside.
�Siil"eca�IS Bisque sand has been discovered re -
1.1 �r'in a i' a.1 cantly* in Ilastin s county, and bisque.
re -
HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAM dolls' heads are now being manufac-
tured that arc stated to be of fine
getisfwcfiian ctu<.rarte:d to elt;i.pars
quality. Silrilarly hair and other parts
410 St,Pathl St.West, Montreal are now produced within the coteetry,
Foreign -Made Dolls Cost More.
The making of dolls' clothing has
been another problem for toy -makers
to 'solve. The manufnc.t'lre of stock-
ings, shoe: etc., demand special
equipment, and these articles have
not been easily secured in the past.
All orders received before Febiu• • Low. cost of imported toys has been
April1st will be delivered about jI a feature that has given them a se-
1lpiril 1st. ! cure place in Cant:dinit t1tarkt'.ts.
Catalogues free on application to i4Ialiufacturiuf costs lrtve motlnte•1
T, 1, rapidly during the last four years,
lice • on ST S a; ' One German -made doll that formerly
24.26 Wellington St. West I retailed in Canaan at ehout$5.r.0 new
PHONE t`i.3480 TORONTO `. is quett'l by its manufacturers at
I about $12. necoil•dart to ieformaiion
a� �1k � s supplied by a Canadian ofl3rex who
r -- been interned in Switzerland.
-.__-.......r- e-aate 111.1.:�
,Japanese toy -makers here made cen-
i siderahle steidest in the last. few ;tears,
and their wares are being i'l -.aced ion
'markets that were formerly dominated
by 'European toy:
1 'rh • manufacture of wooden toes
feats of physical reconstruction t.1.
were utterly undreamed of in peace
time. Nobody who knows the pro-
gress made by surgery on every scien-
tific front in the hest four years is
likely to challenge the saying of a
famous military surgeon: "ellen t
something to be said for a great war,
after all. A century of p
practice could hardly have told. us
what we know now—arid our new
knowledge may iti the end enable us to
save more lives than the war has coot
ttsl" •
Wonders of Modern Surgery
ansa m0 atnY7Ct19 S .,- --
"sole" - i our Alliee, and, neer°e •Yl ee ,n'tr:ea 1
" * , • e be a 1 bloom for a se: ase or two. it is the
I. vc always ww a,?tt. I to
�l1 t , .
s she stuek to it, "and doctors 1 Reece of ingland, the t t 11 and
nut.l , • slick -room` 11coni from year to yea. linitish.
ail. say I. do better 1u a
n lots of trained nurses, YolY ; Remet c ; ';1t I,r?tish soil.
tilt ,, .1..-.
never Gait tell Nvhat's going to hurls
on I+"ether tnty rb'op off anyr int . t t ::s .. ^,c better and.nint'e t1..tri»
nitre with hie wool: heart, 11111.1 the 1 t tits:'. coolcecd its skim milts nstc'u a ' trying,
'abildr�en wwmli't want ine in their 4011,t6•;t
tTlhe transplanting of skin, flesh al
btnle,—often contributed by others 1. m ,�.,
tIih new method which most amazes ;
the lay mind. In one military' lto:api-
tal there is a patient whose defects
have been made good by bone borrow-
ed from three comrades. The repair
of shattered and dehumanized faces is
another crowd -compelling wonder. But
t e taking of new joints, the re-plac-
and re-education of rtervice. ad,
eve: ,•all, the new idea o'£ a useful
s>[>)np, though less easily explained,
even more wonderful. The last -
ted advance, which is ma:tnly clue
tl Italian surgeon:, is nothing p Vers•
To mak your ii hues wear twice as s
togettallow end coin- s. zoa., d :t` e•1 that she is cru: z1n ,
long melt ' er .t f t b Ulna rt"ilt'". t°•1 tiro ether hind,
C1 irae•a1. ,.still of two ,^,`� l '�
mon t{ felt 'l the p r 1111d (' 1Ti1 r,• 5015 i ,,,r dOwi1,
parts c:f tallow to one (+f resin. �`tll
ilr.. frit ,.
,nl..t:t:ad of 1t t 11, 111.1 s•1 il.w e gent -
preparation hat, to the Wee. a },
ofy this p % as latter e+ and in tit' ratio: ve to
met tel; 1 r
a£ the l -tb This as ett 1 2! r cern fiat til. • e.eie b, the nine
al; n :tb, is well worth :(t:et m.
will cling s. -
The Figh t r
Karr RA
to us, uo matter what quantity. Z�' e
pay the highest price, also exprt,s.s
Try once and you are assured of
33.10 St. Paul W. Montreai, P.Q.
iir,rcran::ec' lrat,i: o` libchelai('a• St.
I hoes ,ass x:;!.
'. -
s titan a revghitiohl in amputation, x..esonnne..__ Lei:1g', de in l;.tr 'cr qua/Italie; +1t., sled se
is longer a question of pi:esere-
Ault' w alien`., .eta
lta:l been a field in which Cana,li::11:a
have excelled. 'Val -love types of
wheeled toys haw leen made, with
', c+7neilleraule ' :0' - 'White enamel-
led woodahl h';1 ore t,: nt 1 out in
fairly large nusnbe ..on t ' irg doll
carriages, beds, cit 141,x•1 .1(al toys
of improved worlanceiehin me being
produced. `Steel +'onstrtrct•i .ii t •Cs are
-- -- --- - --~—•"""._- + . ,t was the case a
no question
of mosaic �;��,� your ro.ro
• Fibre dolls, nailer}." Y:i' r,.Lrs
year t e•
sinew that can ev kept is nor u ,(,;i:;g to be :mita at,.a..
iued as motive pawner. for the moo- " :�8 `_ � � �i ti:,'.
•' designed ,r ;, ,, v•. s i of reit to:°3 it rvr elle.
• f wonderfully :. * '. , �, at earl-tlu
tarts o ', ti,.y �,.
'' made
heel limbs. As n wounded soldier1051i ,.. •; cit:• wvn in the I) :Melon ate t
be -
me the seller day: "Why, I can - j old think down thie new leg of 1 N,, (.:b,1 'Ret. l.leinaii(i are Nellie, 't,:il'le
. d� ,w , a riwwote and bt.grit t•Liii' us
a mere stump—every
rwree:i as neteity, drygooe1 sited depart-
itecsa ls
nothing mote than duty TO
„ y ;Fierce. vonduee are e
done. itttlmore
.fi+tcrtthee el1;i
f'oaleeting l'r iib American Toes.
L... t, , al itran toys are the pr+1 , felt'
t� which It is 17'Pll at csrricsti I , rc•titt x:, w itie t are met 11.111 in
'earn shout t I+ usually
cult, 'iter- of pl, rq '! 'lel St "'i1£ 1c!1.c market 1211 pe from Ge+r
w:lfllr)l11 til°' least dl%.ictz(t."y', t(Il:l , "Wes*. teeny Vibe.`. 1arg .t (J'io t.t tit• war.
her feet
: - iv9 o p 'rfl 1'a: has.
able of epriny, ng en to d `litt'l 'Lion the IT tilted Stet
Being i:,anufact,arers teed trot befit*.i: to to.
sell we %livers n,!<ure the tithed giodinS rola
the highest market price:. Qulcic satanic$
lin �
rice list igsuerl lout we CAuaret1tee to
S>,it 4,1 year endive: tlairc'li, Teel ?, w"C'Pt^^• t'rillte
or xejoct our of€cr.� ,tI Ogil 81+
kagazonam�sr*•a `r na aslasi » ;a at ,
sirens toward.: U11ti11'oix Tree trL
oe,.uried fent place« Jolson114 50-
Cur.•c•tl a growing portion .of i•llu Clean -
titan. trade« 1ltuport-a of richt, and toys
of all kinds into Canada for the, 11s:eet