HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-03, Page 5Christmas t,rv«.......v..:-.tit::a:ahms— • n tclldg h: Gifts WATCHES, LA' 'ALLIEI ES% CUFF LINKS, TIE PIN'$ BROOCH' ES, FOUNTAIN PENS, ETC. U;nsur'pa$se 1 for Christixras Mes- ents—rwil' be cherished for years Come and see our fine stock. Price es '?right, , , 1All engraving done free of eharge Agent for Victor Talking /arach- i'MeS, records, needles, etc, R. E. APPEL Jeweller and Optometrist OPEN ENENINGS AFTER Dec. 10 Zurich Boo. Room BIBLES, TESTAMENTS, BOOKS, FANCY AND PLAIN WRITING PAPER NORDHEIMER PIANOS, PHONO LA GRAMOPHONES, RECORDS NEEDLES. FOUNTAIN PENS FANCY PAPER TABLE NAPKINS. LARGE SUPPLY OF SACRED AND SECULAR MUSIC, Etc. Book Room in Lutheran Parsonage 11,++++++++÷+÷÷44+++++++++++ Dr. E. S. Hardie JE Y MANAGEMENT To Make the Farm Flock Pay Best Only One Must Have Charge. DENTIST - At ZURICH EVERY WEDNESDAY DASHWOOD EVERY THURSDAY MAIN OFFIC' — HENSALL. lidi i=1••••........16.1.1r...V.MAL.,..W.., ....,...,..'-''.......... Fresh and Salt Meats Bologna Sausa3geS, etc Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES Zuri©h Meat MARKET D i her't LOOK (iv'i'ed- r`7 vete x to Outle.Y rot .wiriaag the buildings varies a great, Electric Lighting Is n Creat Conven- ienee on the Nairn—Wii°ing Costs About $100, Waite a Small Plant Should Not Exceed $000. (Contributed by Ontario Deportment of Agriculture, Toronto.) UCCESSFUL poultry - keepers are found much more fre- quently among those who operate what is termed a "one than plant" than elsewhere. This simply means that poultry require some one person's attention, or that personal attention is so Important that it is usually not to be found efficient among the ordinary laborers. Poultry know the time of day when it is customary to feed thein, and, perhaps, equally as well all other daily tasks. They re- -spond fairly well to the bond of sym- pathy of the feeder. If the feeder rushes into the pen and throws the feed around the poultry usually rush out `of the way or out of the doors if they can get there. Fright reduces Why not use the Lest coal? SCRAN rON]COAL Chestnut, Furnace, Black- smith and soft coal. GEORGE MGLAS deal with circumstances, but prolaably $100 wouldbo a fair average, Where one is too far groin the distribution lines •: of any existing power plant he may install a small plant of his oWn. The original coet• of these will run from $3O0 to $50.O, depending on size and type, and the; interest on this amount; would be the .largest part of the cost of light for the frtrur, the cost of dinning the plant being only a few cents per day...} R. Graham, B.S.A., 0, A.- Col-.. / t;e. Guelph. MAKE CONCRETE TL Well Cured and Properly Made Cement Tile Equal to Clay. • "kill:len to the above it is gene glee to steam the nostrils oeca illy by holding the patient's tread !earn escaping from a pot of boll- ater, to which has been ,adcle•i_ e carbolic acid, Feed andwuter a high manger, as he swallows greater ease when head is cle- Give the patient two to four of hyposulphite of soda (ae- a to size) three times daily. bot poultices to the throat, abscesses as soon as ready and s above. Peed on soft, easily ed and easily digested food. ent eat keep up hie strength Icing 'new male and raw eggs n oz. of sweet spirits of nitre el times daily. Do not attempt ?rich him. Give the powders out spool, ;,lacing` them well back he tongue. Give the liquids with oz. syringe. 1f there be danger allocation, and the amateur can - relieve it, a veterinarian should ent for promptly. In cases of it re - Strangles, an 1nfeet ions Disease +,g r strangles the same treatme1rt, the local attention to the form - Colts May lie Controlled —'i ltc.+t't abscesses is all that an amateur, Cause, Symptoms and Treatment at�� $V, , after all, that a veterinarian can of This Serious Disease. nr" (Contributed ny Dotarto Dens rtrhent of egg production. Particularly nervous hens, when badly frightened, some- times cease laying for several days. The person caring for the poultry should be fond of them and take an interest in them. One's interest us- ually goes up or down with the pro- duction of the flock. To maintain keen interest when the production is low, or when the Bock is out of con- dition, is the real test. If you hold on and study the flock, generally speaking, you will succeed. A' change of attendants, even when both are good at the work, nearly always means a decrease in produc- tion for some days. The careful feeder knows just about what this or that flock requires as to quantity of feed, etc., and further, he or she usually goes about the work on a definite plan so that in time, the birds know just what to expect, not only as to time and quantity of feed giv- en, but the movements of the atten- dants in the pen. The writer ventures to assert that if the poultry on the farms of On- tario were, on each farm, given over to one person to look after, that there would be a very great increase in the success of ..the undertaking as well as a very large increase in the production; even as much as twenty-. five per cent. in many instances. No lirfe of live stock•;<esponds more to careful s,ttention than. poultry. The boy or girl on the farm can learn much of how to feed and what to feed. They may learn something of the problems in breeding. Successful poultry -keepers know that there is a time to hatch and rear, a time to cull, a time to sell, a time to clean and disinfect, as well as a time to feed., Plenty of farmers are making money from poultry, but they knee, - poultry does well only when given careful and systematic attention.— Prof. W. R. Graham, 0. A. College, Guelph. (SUCCESSOR TO GP.. CASE & SON NOME 35 HENSALL The Home Insuarnce Co. • Paid-up Car ital $6,000,900 Surplus to Policyholders $19,536,177.25 Insures your barn against damage by wind or tornado for 40 cents per $100 for 3 years, and your house for 80 cents por $100 for 8 years. No premium note and Ino extra assessment guaranteed. G HOLM •J Agent - Zurich Dealer in Li rhtning Rods ••••.,., —....ate Real Estate Agriculture, 'Toronto.) ° PF1OW GERMS ARE P 0 make concrete tile says r With Agar Jelly, Specially Pre. factorily many things must pared and Very Costly—Millions be taken into consideration of Soldiers inoculated. In the first place it is very, ' necessary that the manufacturer haveMiens of the allied soldiers In experience in the making of concrete 41.; 'nee have been inoculated against tile; besides, it is essential to have hold fever since the war began. In order to prepare the lympth good strong machinery, a good totalsakdch is used for the purpose of rea- lty of sand and gravel, or crushed dering them immune to this deadly rock, first-class cement, material and disease, perfectly pure cultivations- of i Am now selling 1 6 per cent Achi the typhoid bacillus have to be made. 1rbosphate at $33 00 a ton from now where the tile may be steam cured, ea These are obtained by artificially , till ,Tan. 1st ONLY and mixed forti- Only strong, heavy and durable machinery should be used, With respect to material a good aggregate ETTED Principles of Electric Lighting. In the year 1800, Volta, a famous Italian physicist, discovered that if a plate of copper and one of zinc were placed in weak sulphuric acid, and connected by a wire above the acid, there was transmitted along the wire a certain amount of energy, which transmission we speak of as ,a current of electricity, comparing it to a current of water. As it requires pressure or head to make' water flow, so it requires electric pressure to snake electricity flow. The pressure .of the simple cell described above is called a volt, in honor of its dis- coverer. A dynamo generating 32 volts would have a pressure equal to that of 32 simple cells. Electric energy passing through fine wires will heat them white hot, hence electricity may be used for lighting. Current for this purpose usually has a pressure of 110 volts, when supplied by light and power companies, but private plants usually generate only about 32 volts. All current generated by dynamos is al- ternating when made, i.e., it flows in one direction for half a revolu- tion of the dynamo and then in the opposite direction during the other half, but by fitting the dynamo with a co.inenutator (which means _chang- er) these 'avec of current may all be sent in the same direction along the distribution lines. It is then called direct current or D.C. Now alternating current, or A.C., may be used for lighting, just as well as D.C.. If the altercations are very rapid the light is perfectly steady, but if too slow the lights will fluctuate in brightness, and the light is hard on the eyes. Many light and power companies supply A.C. However, A.C. cannot be used to charge storage cells and hence psi- vote plants which usually have stor- age batteries must be of the D.C. variety. This is also true of lighting systems for automobiles. One-horse power will run 80 ordis nary tungsten lamps, each giving from 28 to 24 candle-power, while if they are nitrogen filled each lamp will give about 45 c,p., hence it would take only about half as many to give the same light as before. As the ordinary farm probably would not re- quire more that, say, four lights on an average of two hours per day, tak- ing the whole year round, it is easily seeai:.S t.1li.9- g m„D,unt L gofer *e: List your property with me. I have the following' properties for sale ;•— 100 -acre faun, in Stanley. Well improvea. 'Eine 100 -acre farm, near Hills Green. Well situated and in good state of cultivation. Good build- ings. t31 -arse farm in Stanley, 1 mile 'north of Blake. Good house and 'bairn Good bush on premises. Will be sold right for quick sale. Andrew F. Hess, Zurich townessomillassrmematonommestmomm CO'UN'TER CHECK BOOKS Do not let your supily of Con. safer Check Books run too lots. We sell Appleford's check books, first-class in every respect. Let ilia hate your order. i ESQ America's Greate t bake UNITED ENGINES We buy direct from factory.' No middle men's profit. Can sell cheaper than most can buy wholesale. Engines are first-class, We have sold a large number. Ask users how they like their flitttiH Ot Vire handle pumps, piping, etc ZURICH arab DavieN FERTILIZER Special for the Holidays cement thoroughly nixed, and a kiln would be one part material, which. would pass through a twenty -mesh sieve, and two parts, which would range from the previous size men- tioned up to one-quarter inch stone. Only good sharp material should- be used — one in which there is clay should be avoided. 1f this cannot b procured a sand• washing machine will have to be added to the equip- ment of the plant. Where a great many tile manufac- turers make a mistake in the malting of concrete tile is in the fact that they use too "lean" a mixture, that is not enough cement to the material. The proper mixture for first-class tile is one part cement to 2 e parts. of crushed material, and in no case should the mix be more lean than one to three of a total aggregate, sufficient water being added to the mixture to 'make a gum consisteney. When thetile are completed-the/6o ai° •What a railroad Did. should ae placed in kilos where tai rke l;?": me cite one instance of •whist may be steam curedtkless he '.�'Y, the gilding of a railroad has meant, f a period of not less tl►iin 4. breeding the microbes in government- 1 lizers accordingly. Order Early. controlled laborato'. es. -The deadly ' germs are kept in little glass tubes, Guaranteed Analysis carefully sterilized, and are fed with agar jelly, an exceedingly expensive Wi.hing you tl,i Compliments substance which comes from Japaa, of the Season. where it is prepares from a particular I ,t I I �., l� E �'PL i"'Yc s � E species of 'seaweed. i Nothing can exceed the care and , AGENT, — — DASHWOOD • attention that is lavished on these ... ---- lothsorne little organisms by the scien- tists in charge of thein. The typhoid microbe is not a very little fellow as microbes go. There are others far smaller. Nevertheless If a pin's head were a bellow capsule it would hold four hundred million typhoid bacilli, a colony of ]iv- ing organisms about equal in point of numbers to the combined population of the United States of America, Rus - sin, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. o writes B. C. Forbes in Leslie's. Mon - hours. ' The kiln should be about six feet ttina had always been regarded as a in height and of a width sufficient to allow the required number of trucks on which the tile have been placed to rest during the curing process. Tho tile should be placed in the kiln, not more than lye hours after it has been manufactured and kept there for 48 hours during the steaming process. After it has Bern cured it night be removed from the kiln and piled in the yard, and should have at least two weeks hard- ening before being again disturbed. Before the product of any tile plata is offered for sale samples should be tested either at the plant or sent to the Drainage Department at the 0.. A. C., Guelph, to be tested to see if it is of the proper strength.—W. R. Scott, B.S.A., 0. A. College, Guelph. Strangles—Its Cause and Cure. Strangles, commonly called "Colt Distemper," is an infectious, febrile, erruptive disease peculiar to horses, especially to colts or quite young horses, but those of all ages are li- able to suffer. One attack does not render an animal immune from a ' 4 - , "`— ses a— second, but there are few cases in EAT LEsi'F �1J 3 which an animal suffers the second t®8 I66��� 3 time. ° The disease appears in two form's, SALTS FOR KIDNEYS YS known as (a) regular Strangles," (b)' Irregular Strangles, often called "Bastard Strangles." As with all contagious or infectious diseases it is caused by a specific virus which is communicable from animal to ani- mal by contact or surroundings, may; be carried from a diseased to a! healthy animal on the hands of.. - ----- clothes of the attendant; on pails, The American men and women mast forks, harness, clothing, etc., and if and Comerica afnst Kidney trouble, is possible it tnay be carried consider-, becausebewe eat tooyuch and all our food are. distances in the air, al is rich. Our blood is filled with 'trio Symptoms When the abscess k acid which the kidneys strive to filter out, they weaken from overwork, become sluggish; the eliminative tissues clog and the result is kidney trouble, bladder weakness and a general decline in health. v When your kidneys feel like lumps of lead; your back hurts or the urine is it'm/oudy, full of sediment or you are is bilged to seek relief two or three times Suring the night; if you suffer with sick sheadache or dizzy, nervous spells, acid tomach, or you have rheumatism when "the weather is bad, get from your phar- macist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine. This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with lithia, and has been'used for generations to !lush and stimulate clogged kidneys; FOR SALE Thorobred Shorthorn Bull, reg- istered. Wrn. Miller, 15th con., Hay 3t21p LOCAL AGENT WANTED for the "Old Reliable" FONTHILL NURSERIES Thousands of Orchard trees need replacing. War Gardens call for small fruits early bearing fruit trees, Aspar- agus; Rhubarb plants, etc. The demand for Ornamental stock Intowns. apd „villages is large. Secure a paying Agency with lib- eral commissions, Experience root FA1t1iIS FOR SALE 160 acres on 15th con., Hay, and 75 acres on L. R. E. con., Ha.y Former has good .house and bank barn 41x74, driving shed, pig stable and hen stable and is in good state of cultivation. On the latter farm is S a res of lush Will be sold reasonable, Ii or particulars apply on the prem. i ises or write. Wm. i1lilier, Dash- wood. 4t21p. BUSINESS CARDS LET the people nkow the nature of your business here. It will help you to do business. ROUDB'OOT, K1L,OrsxN, & COOKE. Rairistors, Solicitors, Notaries Public ;u. Office, on the Square, 2nd door from Hamilton St. Goclerich. Private funds to loan at lowest rates W. PROUDrooT. K `]. J. L. Kix.Loaes. H. J. D. Comm. Mr. Cooke will be in Hensall on Friday and Saturday of each week. ANDREW P. HESS, Notary Public, Coni rnissioner, Conveyancing, Fire and Life Insurance. Agent Stir Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation and Canada Trust I Co Herald Office, Zurich. STRAYED Front Lot 16 L. R.E., Hay Town- ship, a red heifer rising 2 years old. Finder call phone Fria, or address, P. N. Denomme, R. R.No. 2, Zurich. PO 11 SALE Good frame dwelling with kitchen Good `barn with brick foundation and 2-5 acres of land. Good wells, hard and soft Water 1 and some fruit trees. ' Fine loe- 1 ation in iZur:ch. Por further par - 7 particulars apply to Mrs.. J Mie',^k, Zitrich. necessary. grazing state until A. J. Ending, press- STONE & WELLINGTON dent of the St. Paul railroad, while iplstnblisher7 18371 traveling over the state by horseback, I spent a night at a ranch and noticed a bumper field of wheat next morning. The owner confided that he had raised similar yields for over ten years with- out one bad crop, but had not gone in for wheat raising on a large scale be- cause he was 60 miles from the near- est railroad. lir. Earling's peregrina- tions convinced him that, although there had.scarcely been a furrow plowed in the whole Judith Basin at that time, it could be developed into one of the greatest wheat -growing sec tions in the world. Last year, thanks to the St. Paul's railroad building, the Judith Basin, extending some 200 miles east and west and 160 miles north and south, produced the greatest part of the 22,000,000 bushels of wheat lerovvn in Montana, as well as a large dart of the 62,000,000 bushels of all $Ain marketed by Montana, placing it 4oaong the foremost grain -growing states. Take a glass of Salts before breakfast if your Back hurts or BLidder bothers you. form in the space between the arty. of the lower jaw (called the maxilt lary space) the general health 1 often so little affected that nothin wrong is suspected until the abscess' break, but in most cases there is 1 dullness, more or less loss of app" tite, increase of temperature, nas•. discharge, at first watery, but so becoming purulent, cough, often d, frculty in swallowing. A tumor • tumor's can be felt, and generale seen in the neighborhood of the hea usually in the space already refers to in the throat or higher up, ju posterior to the lower jaw. in sevo, eases the patient becomes unable t swallow, the cough becornes ver painful and breathing more or les labored and difficult; and he usual' stands with his nose protruded, fat to neutralize the acids in the urine so it ing a supply of fresh air if at liberty. . Treatment, -lar mild cases good no longer is a source of irritation, thus care and comfortable quarters are all ending d dg baa er gaenaive; cannot in- sorders. that is needed, other than flushing 1' fitful effervesceix- out the cavities of the abscesses three lures makesaebeverage,andl fferves in t. UMW daily with a five per cit lee Bola -piles eve home, because nobody, can make tion of one of the. coal tar aritisCeptics every or ca.r;belia,:im1 In. more acitto_egs: A mistake,by tM'ing a, mid lackey: iluelir jag 0411 PAY IN ADVANCE • Pay in ad vance is almost sure to become thel acv. Recent ar':- vices from Ottawa seem to incite - ate more stt -& that th' Canadian i ,Government will follow the lead of the United States authorities in requiring newspapers and maga- zine! subscriptions to be peid in advance. -The purpose of this measure is the conser ration of print paper. The new year was ushered in by the ringing of the church bells, the shooting of firearms, and ot- her noises. CANADA WARJ SAVINGS STAMPS The Canadian Government offers interest-bearing War -Savings Stamps Issue of 1919 --Payable Jan. 1, 1924 ORDER -IN -COUNCIL P.C. No. 2462 authorizes the issue of War -Savings Stamps for the pur- pose of assisting in the financing of Government expenditures. As Sir Thomas White, Minister of Finance, points out; W. -S. S. will provide "an excellent investment for small savings; and a strong incentive to every -day economy." $5.00 for $4.00 Until January 31st, 1919, War -Savings Stamps will be sold by all Money -Order Post Offices, Banks, and other authorized Agencies, for $4.00 each, and on January 1st,1924, Canada will pay $5.00 each for them. Registration Against Loss A Certificate is provided for the purchaser of a W. -S. S. On the certificate are spaces to which 10 W. -S. 5. may be affixed. A certificate bearing one or more W. -S. S. may be registered at any Money -Order Post Office, fully protecting the owner against loss by fire, burglary or other cause. The Certificate also shows the Cash Surrender Value of W. -S. S. at various dates before maturity. SOLD WE1EREV13R THIS \ / SIGN IS DISPLAVEt