HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-03, Page 4TR . �E A L7C►
Weed Thursday afternoons
from the
Werms of subscription ;$1.25 per year
In advance; $2.00 maycharged
If not so paid. U. S. subscriuti-
e Pets $1.75 .strictly in advance. No
Paper discontinued until all ar-
• rears are paid unless at the option
• of the publisher. ,The date to
which every subscription is paid
de denoted on the label,
• Effective after Jan lst, 1919,
• Display Advertising -Made known
Ldu application.
Stray Animals -One
three insertions $1.00.
Farm or Real Estate for sale
Vic. each insertion for one month
lot four insertions, 25e. for each
subsequent insertion.
Miscellaneous articles of not
enure than five lines, For Sale, To
tient, or Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.,
,each insertion 25a.
Local Reading notices, etc., SOc.
per line per insertion. No notice
less than 25ce Card of Thanks 50c.
Legal advertising 10c. and 5c. a
Auction Sales, $1 for one inser-
tion and $1.50 for two insertions
if moderate size.
Professional Cards not exceeding
cinch. $6 per year.
Ldddress all communications to
insertion 50e
Mr. Wm. Bremner of Stratford
visited with friends in town this
Mr. Art. araupner of Toronto•sp-
eint the. holidays with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Zimmer o
Stratford visited with relativees
over Christmas.
Miss Esther Graybiel of Toronto,
is visiting at her home here
Mrs. Katzenmaier of Kitehener,
visited at the home of J. K. etoetz,
this week.
Mr. Walter Fassold of London,
spent Christmas with his parents,
Miss Luella Merner is very id
with pneumonia,.
The Misses Nettie and Vera
Brokenshire of Stratford are sp-
ending their holidays with relati-
Miss Clara. Koch of Bad Axe
Mich., is spending the pholidays
with Mr. and ars. Geo. Koch.
. - mend--
flak you to ,.accept this .Bible
Hymn -hook pis a mark of
high respect we have foe• you
as a sou'v'enir of your associ
with us, .We are indeed eol':1.
lose you but, we trust that 6
richest blessing will rest upon
inn your new home, and that
lives Will continue to be slid
through which His blessing
flow to others.
Signed on behalf of the
Henry Erratt, Artie le
Mrs, Geo. Koch returned home
on. Tuesday atter spending the past
week with friend§ in London.
Misses Alma and Alberta Koch
of London are spending the holi-
days with their parents.
Mr, and Mrs. Elmore Thiel of
Blake spent New Year with fri-
ends- in town.
The Institute has been requested
to sew for the refuges of Belgium
and France. The help of every-
•O�n Dec 24th, Barbara
passed away aged 62 years an
days, Eleven children survi3
;arrb Heist of Detroit epee
holidays at hie Ironic here.
Quite a Slumber of horses
this section are afffectei with
ilue nza.
The little child of Mr. and 11,
Wm. Winer, aged 3 years and
months died on Dec. 23rd after
short illness.
A large number in Crediton
vicinity are still ill with the
Pte. Raymond Dearing, noxi of
Mr, Abe Dearing, ,of the Mollard
line, Stephen, mid formerly off Ex-
•titer.. died' at the elilitary liospit
ale :laourdoe, oe December lith of
metimonia, followed inifluenza,
e enlisted in the W. 0, R. at
oedon early last summer and
mad been le training there .since.
/eke became ill of influenza just a
eek before his death. He was
aged 23 years end was a fine sp-
ecimen of manhood.
l Mr. J. H. Colborne, a merchant
n Goderich for more than 50 years
dead as the result of injuries re-
l .eeivecl when he was struck by an
automobile driven by Mr. E. P.
•Cross, a printer on the stafff of
The Signal, about `11.15 o'clock '
Dec. 23, Cross was arrested two
lours .later and was to -day re-
anded. to jail until Saturday by
Vlagistrate Reid.
The fatality occured just after
Mr. Colborne had left Edwards'
,confectionery store where he had
been malting purchase. The car
struck him and carried him a dis-
tance of 60 or 70 feet. He was
given medical attention immedia-
tely, but died about an - hour and
a. half later, as hie injuries were
very severe.
The 'nominations resulted as fol-
lows; --Reeve W. D. Sanders, J.
one in the vicinity is solicited for
this work, - as the clothes are very
much needed. Also, •this work
War order cancellations in the must be done this month, as there
Vented States since the armistice', is to be only one shipment of it
was signed have been est:matetl at to Hensall, the last week in Jan -
$2,000,000,000. nary. may ob-
The province of Ontario • •twill i Anyone desirous to help
aspe�nd $750,000 in the erection and tain garments cut, and ready to
extension of provincial buildings sets, at Blake Store.
in various cities next year. A I Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Finlay spent
xtew cow* i..ouse for Sault Ste. last week with friends near Kin -
Marie will cost e2r)O,000 and one' sardine.
plalnn:ed for Po,: erthur $150,000.1 Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas and
One hundre_l thousend dollars will daughter spent Xmas. with friends
near Brucefield, is a statute of a Canadian soj
be spent.os, a new administrative' in
building ie Queen Victoria Park, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont and ler standing at ease, eet high..lima t
Falls d an additional to Mr.d Mrs P Manson and lam- ble, and about ea
1.KETi Eli.
Elsie Ray Handford, daughte
the late Isaac ki undioi•d, i.
at Winnipeg on Dec. 2L of peeie
Richard Hunter arrived lase deputy reeve, Alex. Nee o,
weep from • Salvador, Sail.,, witl Wm Yearley ; ,councillors, David
45 head of cattle, the property f
the late Milton Clark.
Roland Squires has purchased'
the farm of his brother-en-law,,T
Harris, Usborne; who has puree-
ased a farm near Chiselhurst ' j
The large brick building in lit-
eter north known as McTaggar,,..
Hotel, has been sold and wi 1 • 1
toeu down,
The only daughter of Mr, a
Mrs. J. H. Andrew, of • Usborne,di!!
on Dec. leth after a short i11
nc.ss with pneumonia in her 1.h
Mr, J. Weekes has just recei ed
a statute to commemorate tie
fallen heroes which has been . ptr-
,chased by S. S No. 1, Usborne et
Niagara a s an and
Hamilton asylum will require il'y spent Xmas.. with friends in was made in Italy.
000.. �Hensall. 1
:... .;�._.:L�. s.�..:..y. . • `_'r•-: ,'in"Zr� ea?;Gw`� S'.,5�5:.�...•>..JA�,as��..s�aa,anf...: t Passed �
O,n Dee, ;;Lst,.�liere.,p•
IN MEMORIAM l holidays at her home on the Bron- `way in J,e- 15th year, iVlase Reu(sc
dear l son Line. Eoltan of -near 'Lumley. a`h�
e I
In loving _iBende of our Mrs 4 J. McDonald entertained ea .
Iether. Henry Bender, who passed of young folks on Sat- had undergone an operation over
�. _ �.,, years ago to -day, Jan. a number a year ago and seemed to have rel-
urday afternoon, and all report a 1`yrecovered.
Ef�iS �s�
If you intend to build a garage we have
material of allikinds for same on hand.
i. 4,
Everything in 44
Building Material t
Lurnber and d
Combination storm and screen doors made to order. 4.
• tti.
Custom Planing our Specialty
�' fi••t• ie•+•i•�•+•�3��3�i•dF+�S•�•�ir++•M++�•�+�'�•3•4.�••F��•��k•l•++4••i��4••��•t++•II+++�ra�3n
Webb, Geo. Penhale, Michael F Ander--
son, John Hayes,
Tells How To Open Clogged Nos=
trils and End Head -Colds.
You feel fine in'a few moments. Your
cold in head or" catarrh will be gone
Your clogged nostrils will open. The air
',passages c f your head .will clear and
you can Lteathe freely. No more dull
ness, heteleche; no hawking,' snuffiing,
mucous discharges or dryness; no strug•
gling for breath at .night.'
Tell your druggist you want'a" small
bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply,, a
little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream
in your nostrils, let it penetrate through
every air passage of the head; soothe
and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous
membrane and relief comes instantly.
e, 191..
Peace be thy rest, dear father.
It's sweet to breath thy `name
in life, we loved you dearly.
In death we do thesame. ,
His loving wife and family.
Look and Feel
Clean, Sweet and
Fresh Every Day
Drink a glass of real hot water
before breakfast to wash
out poisons.
Life is not merely to live, but to
live well, eat well, digest well, work
well, sleep well, look well. What a
glorious condition to attain, and yet
will only
it is if one y
how ver easy
adopt the morning inside bath.
Folks who are accustomed to feel
dull and heavy when they arise, split-
ting headache, stuffy from a cold, foul
tongue, nasty breath,. acid stomach,
can, instead, feel as fresh as a daisy
by opening the sluices of the system
each morning and flushing out the
whole of the internal poisonous stag-
nant matter.
Everyone, whether ailing, sick or
'well, should, each morning, before
breakfast, drink a glass of real hot
'water with a teaspoonful of limestone
phosphate in it to wash from the
stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels the
previous 0 day's indigestible waste,
sour bile and poisonous toxins; thus
Cleansing, sweetening and purifying
the entire alimentary canal before
'(rutting more food into the stomach.
The action of hot water and limestone
Phosphate on an empty stomach is Dear Mr.
?Wonderfully invigorating. It cleans
"out all the sour fermentations, gases, a at
`waste and acidity and gives one a
splendid appetite for breakfast. 'While
discontinue your connection `with Detroit last Saturday. le, eteras
you are, enjoying your breakfast the this church, we as a congregati-I ill dnly a few days with �ren
acer and phosphatevolume
is water
on wish to express our appreciat- za.
tractinge a large or readyder orom Miss B. Mousseati was in
the blood and getting for a ion ofyou le citizens and es church last week an busines. s
thorough flushing of all the inside j u ollcems, also our regret at your Mr.and Mrs. Alex. Masse
organs. removal. Windsor are visiting relit'
The millions of people who are We have come to think of you
pel1s,ed with constipation, bilious as almost indespensable members St. Joseph end Drysdale at
spells, stomach trouble, rheumatism; 1 •
,others who have sallow skins, blood of our eemmer ity and of Gosh eixit. George Denomsr left
!disorders and sickly complexions are en Methodist church, for since Saturday Ge 'rg 'Detroit to atte
>n'ged to gena quarter pound of lime- vatlr cliitdlrrnod you hate been i
stone phosphate from the drug store ! ,entified with the work of God frllneral •of lits soca, baits and wornbroken Parts Oil
in will cost very little, but is to thiss place. You have always
good time.
Mr. end Mrs. Robt. McBride en-
tertained a number of relatives
and friends on Tuesday last.
A family reunion was held at the
home of Mr. Robt. Allan on Xmas.
Mr. and Mrs. Hays spent a few
days with friends near Zurich.
Mrs. Wm..Elsley of Mount For-
est, who spent the holidays with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens
returned home accompanied by her
sister Miss Lillian Stevens.
Mrs. John Parke and son %pent
the holidays with friends in Hen -
- Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Mitchell an-
'nounce the engagement of their
youngest daughter, Gertrude, to
Mr. Carl ,Stonem.an. of Hibbert,
the marrigae to take place in Jan-
A hearty reception was given' to
Ptes. Wm. Baker and Peter Ne;-
Naughton, who arrived home last
Robs, Thompson, a well-knowp
whai�,verv'colrr end catarrh
aid misereible.`'"
• e I - s,al tr' :a %tuffea up.
Mr, and Mrs.. W. H. Stogdill of
Sutton spent Xmas... with their fri-
ends here.
Mr. and Mrs. C. LHaugh of
Brucefield visited at the home of
last wee,
� . J. Dawson one day
Miss Campbell of McKi'loPP ep-
'nt the holidays with her sisters
Mrs. Robt. McKinley and Mrs,
John McKinley.
Miss Eva Boyce of Brucefield is
visiting her cousins the Misses St-
ephenson at present.
Last. Sunday morning after the
services en Goshen church a pleas-
ant surprise was given to Mr. and
Mrd. Nathan Peck. They are lea -
ring the farm and are moving to
Ff ensalt and the congregation took
this opportunity iof expressing
their appreciation by presenting
them with a bible and Hymn book
and the following address,
To Mr, and Mrs. Peck.
Brother and Sister;--
' As you have removed from
our midst, and are about to
Get Corn Binder In Shape.
To handle the corn crop expedi-
tiously, economically, and successful- w
ly some kind of a corn harvester is Will nay highest cash price for Cream
An Old Fashioned Custom
The appointment of individuals as Executors is
an old-fashioned custom that is gradually dying out.
In naming friends as Executors of your estate you
unconsciously burden them with additional responsibilties.
The appointment of this Company as your
Executor will relieve you of any feeling of obligation to
Apply to the local agent for Zu' kh and • district
he _ will gladly explain the extensive service which this
Company/ can render your Estate.
'Managed In -connection -with,
The.Huron & Erie Mortgage Corporation,
Applications For Guaranteed Investment Receipts received by
Cream, Eggs and Fowl
an absolute necessity, and it must be
in good working order. Various (911
found wanting, but the corn binder Zupan, at any time during the Week.
has become a permanent fixture on a
cheap machines have been tried and
Fowl € r d Eggs delivered at my residence,
large number of farms in this pro- �o 1 �J DQ -N Phone 55
wince. A--��
'There are several kinds of Corn •
binders on the market, and while t
each kind may have its special merit
resident of Hay township, passed as to the arrangement of its essential
away on Dec, 2•lth. parts trouble must arise if these
Mrs, F. Leibold, of Stratoffrd, parts are not properly cleaned, oiled
was'here last week, visiting • her and kept in alignment.
The advancing part of the corn
mother, Mrs. Woolley, who is ser- binder consists of two diverging jaws
iously i11. which may be raised or lowered by
Dr, and 'Mrs. J. W. Peck, visited an arrangement of levers. Attached
relatives at St. John's N. B.,las�t to each jaw are two or three travel
week. ling chains, furnished with fingers.
HENSALL Their function is to convey the stalks
tReeve, G. C. Petty, J. W. Ortwe-i o the binding deck inan uprightes.
position as the machine advances.
in, Thos Hudson, D. A. SCantelon, The chains should not be too loose
A. W. Hemphill; councillors, Dr.
Thos G. 1 ,
Hudson, 'Hardie.
Tho.. ,
R. Bonthron, J. ,Stewart, W. E.
Pall, Geo George; school trustees,
D. Foss, D. Dew, G. Sutherland, Dr. see to it that the packers yield
Hardie, Rev. McConnell. . slightly while the bundle is being
DRYSDALE. tied. Too many bundles crowding
the carrier will interfere with the
Mr. Peter Corriveau is busy chop binding attachment properly freeing
piing for the public. Call and itself, The knotter and the needle
see the fine work done, cannot do their work efficiently when
Messrs. Marcel and L' awrenc4 De- covered with rust. Polish them with
$ne emery cloth If the knife of the
le., ou knotter is dell sharpen
or they will ride the teeth of the
sprocket and slip down the teeth.
Machines having packers,-topre-
vent ears being knocked off by jam-
ming the stalks behind the needle,•
nom had a runaway whtit orit will -
driviuig last Sunday. The corse cause trouble by purling the twine
took fright and upset them. The from the hook before the knot is
g made. As it requires considerable cutter was broken but the ,boys, ower to cut the sappy stubble, and tee
lllilhlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllVlilllllill!1111111 IUlilllllllllllllllill IIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllHlllllil lllllllllllilillllllillllllllllllllllillllinllllllli�'"�
escaped unhurt .
Wedding bells are ringing
Messrs. Elmer and Alex. ]3r Ot of
Stratford are visiting at theiom•e
of Mrs, A. Mousseau,
Mr. John Denomy, son of
and Mrs George Denomy,
not tear it up by the roots, the knife
should be thoroughly keen, otherwise
it will clog with grass and weeds.
The stubble -cutter should also be
kept in good condition. It is a use-
ful device, and when rightly sharp-
ened and adjusted does not add very
much to the draft.
Do not depend on a superficial
examination of the machine to ac-
quaint yourself if it needs repairing,
because if you do, you will surely
miss some small, but vital part need-
ing attention, if not .replacing. 1i
there break during the busy season
they will cause'greater breakages
and serious loss.
Clean the machine thoroughly with
last benzine, gasoline or kerosene. Go
d t•1ie over every part of the machine, and
while doing this you will loeate loose
or ro .
Owing to the recent raiustorma, holes and wells should be clean
tethe wells: it fill the grease
•sufficient to make anyone a pro-
nounced crank on the subject of
?internal :sanitation,
1'For good results advertise' in
given your willing .support to
the extension of the Kingdon of
Christ, and by your quiet unaastur-
Ing, yet admirable Christian lives
you have 'wielded din influence that
has been felt by every one with
'v holia you, came in contact. We
Me -
the telephone ,lines were out of out,and new waste if required, put
order, as a number of posts were in
do'r'm, Mr. '. corn. veau repaired' thetIg Inanshortd, reneweverything andthat repairreq.. d,nyuire-
them and made 'a good job.thing
'attention.--µ Prof. John Evans,
fr. Te is home foi io Agrieulkural College, GuelpIL
the holidays after assisting
Mr; I
Snider the past season, 1
T e HeraLi.i's
1 1
Clu bin Li._ t
Herald and Daily globe ...,.;
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(Herald and Daily Mail and Empire
Herald and Weekly, Mail and Empire
Herald and Daily Star ......... ... ...
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Herald and Daily News ...... ... ._
Herald and Free Press, evening edition
and Free Press morning edition ... .......5.00
and Advertiser, morning. edition ... 5.00
and Advertiser, evening edition ... ... ... ..... 5.00
aind Farmers Advocate .... ... ... ... ... 2.75
and Farm and Dairy ...... ... 2.00
and Weekly Sun ............ ...2.25
aind Family Herald and Weekly Star ... 2.35
and Canadian Conn tryman ... ... 2,00
Renew your papers with us and save money
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