HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-03, Page 2BRITAIN 0 REPRESENT AT PEACE CONFERENCE DOMINIONS A. lies Decide Against 'Further Intervention in k tlseelel for the Present at Least. A despatch from Landon says:-- Tl:e i\F nche:4er Guardian 'believes it lett; been decided regarding the re- peesentaition at the Peace Conferee +e that each of the four great pewees a It probably have itve seats at the C outerenee, Lunt theme will not necee.; eerily aiwaye be o copied by the same Mel. The 1):aminiou representatives. 1 The Guardiar.iel•staiids, will bel hi the Grand Committee of the In. ter -Allied Conference, but will pre -1 sent their case as : r,1a111 nations bee Core the Conference, and will, of course, be in alone teach all the time!With the Imper el Cabinet. The; Cuardian further •understands that 1 T.i,licv will not be asked to laminate' a representative, but a Labor man! t, .1 probably be esked to go to Paris; t sit one one or more of the conn- reittees. A despe nth from Park says:— The Aileen (governments have cleeided againstfurther letervention in Rths- sia, at:'least for the present, accord- ing to indication- from official oir- I cies. Great Britain and the United States, it is ropre ented, while re- cognizing that Russia should be as- sisted u in a wary to permit her getting hack to menial conditions, point out that military intervention on a large scale would involve difficulties and dangers of all kinds. Stephen Pichon, the French Foreign Minister, explained the situation at length to the Committee an Foreign Ii;elaions, II.; raid he solution at present favored was to guarantee morel support to the Governments which have sprang up at various points on Russian and Siberian ter- ritory. NAVAL POLICY DOMMONS A dmiral Jellicoe Will Give Ad - Vice on Plan Already - Outlined., • A despatch from London says:— Announcement that Admiral Jellicoe is going to visit the Dominions. in turn to advise on naval matters is the subject of free discussion in the Lon- don press, many papers having art- icles • dealing with it. The Times in itc comment seems to assume that the whole question of the form of naval activities by the Dominions ie still open for diszussion, looking to the adoption of a policy. It notes the prompt attitude with which the Dominions placed their' naval resour- ces nt the disposal of the Empire, but adds, `=that should not obliterate the fact that the prohlam- of the . Do- ntialions. ehared:,in. British peace times has net been solved. '1_he broader question of peace control of naval ac- cessions in the Dominion; can hardly SPAIN WANTS GIBRALTAR BACK Proposal That Britain be Offered Ceuta. in Exchange. A ciespateh from Paris says: --Dur- ing the recent visit 'here of Count Eomanones, the Spanish Premier, ex- tended consultations are reported to have been held by the Premier with French and American statesmen re- ganding the Moroccan question, which was discussed in both its military and financial phases. The future status of Gibraltar is said also to have cone up for consideration. On his arrival at Madrid Premier Itoinanones is understood to have expressed great satisfaction over the The Canadian Pioneer. Th 1 r4y x photograph at the 8,100 ton steamer launched at Vickers wards in. ' :areel, the first of the fleet being cohi- structed by the Federal Cloven:Tient. `'Phis was taken just Before the ' ee- sel eves launched; since. thele re has been got ready -for sea in record time. She will be operated in -connection with the Canadian 'National System of Railway.;. .n•kl•W..-.,......M..--M..-...,,.. ..*.._ o...- ,.1•. -....•.. *MAW. _ SHO BECOME •••••NEWS FROM ENGLAND PEACE PARLEY BOISPEVIK ARMY MAY BE D LAY ANNEXE.. 'TO.ITALY • Italian Deputies Aoin Redeemed Provinces Present Memorial. A despatch from Paris say s:---lt», alien deputies of the redeemed prov- inces who represented their elistrict;s in Sienna and Budapest Pa'rliamente and came to Paris expressly for the pur- pose of submitting their case to the American mission. have been received key Col. E. M. House. Through Col, House the deputies presented a mem- orial to Pa.e.eida:nt Witsort. The deplr ties are I'itaero for Triv;rc, Bennet' f 1.;; Zanelia for eri.uneee ani Glzigle Areinet'Y'or Garia: „ The melm- oi4al recites that their ce`intry has been for 2,000 Years Itaiien; that NEws BY MAIL Allffin JOHN BULL Mg) THIS PEOPLE' Uccurreihces in the Land That Reigns • Supreme in the Commer- cda'. Wen id. The death was announced recently of Sir Joseph Towsey, British Consul at Milan since 1902. Partially disabled soldiers fere to be taught gardening in Iiew Gardens. Black scab iias •been. elhsoovereil in the -potatoes' grown in the neytou al- lotments,' ' According to an ofil,eial-notlee re- ceived in the Cheshire salt district salt exports are to be stopped. Trieste has suffered under Ai -esteem }at l Dr. ,Fames has been Inst:+,heel es I'ro- '1') es5siu11 for five centuple:,, and 1)81_ vest of Eton College avhtlt the t1a1411 matin since 1797 has ate el fill Meth ancient reronlonial. Four German. prisoncre who eeee p• O. penhetlep:s to defend it. nation- ed from tale l:lowingston iat;rnmt'ut elite.}itt. plipeck e al the da„x,c.ea, a�::. the memorial, have you; he in ail wits oinnp have been recaptured. -ter Italian independence end partici- Among the donations to the Ring's pated in the present war with 4,000 Frani for froDism led Soldier:, was ansa: men. Regarding'. the anoex.ation of of x1.,000 fzura Lord l'arringit paz: Ata meeting; held in Manchester Trentinu, Trieste and Istria the mein- over £10,000 was stiliseribacl to the oriel says there is no question that sting's Fund tor ambled soldiers, cant be raised, but adds that Fiume To attract lads :into the Mercantile being a free city, similar to Bremen Marine, hostels are being built by the and Lubeck, has the right to decide Seamen's `M. scion at variourl ports. its own government nt and any contrary The Kingston -on -Thanes T o er n decision would be against the pr]n- Council, by a vote of ;r2, to 3, have, de- ciples proclaimed by President Wilson. cllued to elect a woman member. Fiume already leas shown by a plebis- The .London County- Council has ;+i- • cite her determination to be united fered 260 trade scholarships for boyo -with Italy. • between the ages of twelve and e ,- Dalmatia has 810 utiles of coast, of teen. which Italy claims less. than 100 miles, i1Ir: CIynes states that the Food comprising the cities of Zara, Seben- Ministry has not considered any .o- posal to set up national or municipal bakeries. The London (County Council Trani - ways Department distributed R.1,614 among the drivers and .conductors as iso and Spalato, besides the greatest t part of theDalmatianIsles. Austrian ,M m statistics, says the memorial, show - (' that the majority of the . population 'are Slays in Spalt(to and Sebenico, but Appointment of Pelega:eeg Likely Disorganized 'Ilr/1o1D5 Retreating they y to he .:preen Days. Within Northward Toward `e'en Iia 4. Perm. • . r .. . A despatch from 1 'ashzngtoa are .actually as markedly Italian a bonus. - as the population really is predomhn- Queen Alexandra lead sent to erre. wetly French ill those districts of Al- Lloyd George a beautiful Welsh den sate -Lorraine, where German sta- for the Welsh section of the Doll Ex- t of nconferences.A clespateh from Pari, ,.Htis:--+.C1z-. tistie:/ shot, b per cent. ef.. the iropula- inbttiou. �, result ahs o - ficial notification thea` says:—Defeat of the Beisi eite arrey 1 tion as (;acro. Besides the ports of The mansifelu Cu -operative etmese It spas reported in Paris on De of app•uatirnjient 28p of the ' arious delegates to the k"e�ce On the 1' 1 aterinburg front in decisive Andvari and i)u1ci.,-no, forrner}y be- have been tlestro;-e 1 by fire, but the cenlbet that Premier Romanor_es g planned to return to Paris in the near Conference, it is believed, •will -'gent; battle by tee army et Ioya1 Russians longing, to Montenegro, and eventually Stour imine -and 1Y'.reliouee • were planned future Within days .�iltheiu h it i i'e "'ti was. reported .in an. oitseias despatch to that of Scutari, the a}htricte will have ,,saved. rt t re to conifer with atl,'.ed• and Aln , g s i e Russian Enebassy from the Olnslc i the excellent porta. of. Partox•e, Bemearl, i • The Lord Moyer of Pristul handed y not the e e t. ovich Iia uta, Greivosa to Sir John Taverner L2,Ofi0 as I3rts- , t eminent. The message said the.: Segni. Me c b aoa � Brie - : sat ort of Guttare 1 ton's contribution to the Italian Red. disorganized 13o1slle.zki were ratz:eat- and 'the- military p erican representatives over questions ed that tbe British delegates n1 vitally concerning Spain. in connect be chosen until the elections a - tion with the status of Gibraltar, it of the way. . was declared in some gleno �' t the The coming of the Ge 'rL. .,Jd �`'�^,k...�.a,,. ]rim'. northward tcovarcl Perm, and that capable of seas: i,rg the entire Italic Ile 'usefully isetlsse �.t a rh ,z) ll.' d d , U l, ... , ,e, . armia1~i rzYl:” •vl3el. 1� .. li ca3J 131 CUlh^ , A ria a •pellet the shoe �tC,+iki a a •��+�. I�al • i- sec. •• i;� iu�, :F Jin ,,. ot;nlame g s n cltisioli air s t(\ 1 � �"�' t t S af'�'ile Gln questloil Uf Russians i' f y t;q f t le clnestloh'n. e,f 1:ts re ut'l.i o pain, r _ ,. s e- t . f rt of a campaign that was expected Trieste and Fiume free rots for every 'slxzou.;houi"tile a�oi]d has been al- that country exPressillg its willing 131c..or.rattiar, .gas gone no fihat,.ai,: a pp 1 y tweed ." !miss if necessary, to concede Ceuta, on so100 informal clisc.ussiotze bettyto unite some of .the local' districts of" country, That The Times does not aplrre- t] 'Moroccan side of the strait to the American commissioners d Russia and biberia. Much tzar equip - elate the actin s nlatle Great Britain in exchange fat• Gib- prominent Russiazt: here.. Donuts al situation i • teear by a public statement of Sir miter, holding that possession of being expressed by some diplomat ,luseple. Cook, Minister of the Navy Ceuta by the British would afford that the conferenne actually earl •for ?tiasar,.r..re Australia, as follows: equal strategic ad\anlage in modern gin work the first week of Jane "Itis fundamental to the idea of as expected.' e Somof them fere Empire naval defence that, though Cross. Sir Foitn Dlokit son Itt onsezlt• ri to 1 orlt.iuta. fib '.011tef i11.;i�,"i5i1 t Street, London(, although now p s. the' age limit. The now general socret•iry of 'he Navy League is .hear -Admiral Robert e 1'1nGnt since booty aa'aR captured.-. 0�t . 5 The Embassy also was informed sal � 1:,. . itneeteY P..e' n+ldinund Ross Benson. ee i that A:ttannan Doutot, Commander y, .of the .Cossack 'k troops of the Oren- in- burg region, had i.slced Gen. Senlennofl' S. 1 oufuld as their Mayor. ____a_______ clined• to think that the first xnee prig to submit to the authority of Admiral -- Lieut. 13. Mansfield, It:l+..:l., recently Dominions retain centro} of their 1 �0C),000 FRENCHMEN nlipht not be held olefin l `briar; Ko}chak, Dictator of the C)mst:. Gov- Rl;d•ld;?q P1'isoners FromGer- many ger- kinesin in action, was ae soli of Ii. R. tete NEARLY -. way indieated in �� _ , Join . ., . Mansfield, Yr rz v...- Spalding. ;.hips, there ahuuld be a complete ! MADE standardization of • personnel. ships' SUPREME The Town Council of I"o-ticesteno ��j �+ have for the twelfth time elected :fir �s\P1�1[ NO FEAR OF' A COAT, '• cablei;ram that the people of Siheria- rtrd equipment, and that this should; A despatch from Paris says: --An- :FAMINE IN C A:„tiAPA were united in support of Kolchak. le. un -to the level of the best." 1 nouneement was made in the Chain- ---"'" 1 ----•-_ee, -•--- This statement is in strict keeping ber of Deputies on Thursday by M. �\ despatch from Ottawa sy:i:— p.tRT.L1.:4IEN'r' OPENING with the memorandum adopted by Abrae, Under-Seenetaty or. State, that The return to pear-' conditions, aiid ABOUT MID -FEBRUARY rend the Dominion Premiers defining a France's lora in officers and nice kin- more esllecially .he exceptionally tt.ilt „_,_, 1,asic naval policy for the Dominions, led up to November 1 of the present weather so far hove greatly lesselt 1 C1llaava--Parliament av]ll be called, pa itumnlary of which was given in a year aggregated 1,071,300, divided as: the problem of the Fuel Cantrell*. former despatch. Lord Jellicoe is follows: Officers 81.800, and peen 1,- Tilers is now no likelihood of a cera. it is expected, i'or the second. week thus to advise the Dominions on the 040,000. The number of dead, prison- fanzine this wove. wi ter, and endues ,Til basis of polio y which has been adop-1 ers and men missing was given as ulry should plo. e to bei vary y , even the opening. Arrangements are bo- leti. 1 42,1,00 officers and 1,789,000 mels. The month, little. difficulty in meth. in made with the middle of I e}at2r- "`�""" ' `"""'—`" i Mien missing aggregate 3;000 officers tin ougsl is anticipated. :I t the sat o r, STILL ITOPE TO GET prisoners still time, there is. little prospect. of tthy • ary in view. and 311,000 men. The pr so It was first expected that the ses- COLONIES BACK; living total 8,3110 officers and 418,000 let up in the restrictions for Kline tip :inn spouted epee about the second tut least. The requirenments of War i'n-. A despatch from Washington says: l mei7. _��r. r._ ._ dustries for 00x11 has naturally tie- week of Tannery. Such a course lC PT.F 1S�>I�!'S erettsetl greatly or disappeared, tiv•lilo. was, however, found to be innprac- the 'fiilee weather has not only fatili ticable. tated production and trau 1,e 1 tatoti of February, although the Cabinet haat not yet decided. on a definite day for --That the Germans hope to regain their colonies is indicated in a de- OI' TLOHENZOLLI1IIINS `patch from Berne received to -day through official -channels announcing that Dr, Soif's regent resignation re- ferred only to the Foreign Office, and that he still retains the post of Secretary of the Colonies. Thi: the Sidm of 900,000,000 marks, accord- de�tpatch quotes The Berlin Tageb]att• ing to figures ,'antpiled by The Frank - es authority for the statement. fort Nachtichten. A despatch from Basel says: --- Seizure of property owned by the Prussian Royal family (the Hnhen- zollerns) would. produce immediately ONE HUNDRED AND WN TY TOSIS AT PEACE ABLE Representatives of Twenty -Seven Countries Will Constitute Membership of Conference—Details Being Arranged. A despatch from Paris says:—The -personnel of the Peace Congress is gradually taking form, so that the American delegates express the hope that the delegations of the various countries will he announced and that the delegates will arrive for the ac- tual commencement of the negotia- tions moon after the opening of the new year, A number' of the main details of the 'composition of the Congress are now fairly well settled as •a result of recent conferences. These indicate, that the total membership or the Con.. greys will be between 100 and 120. There will be 27 countries represent- ed by delegations, including those which declared war and a number which have coma into exiItonce as .at result of the war. - The great powers, notably Great Britain, Prance. the united States land Italy, each have allotted live de- llegates, while the other delegations i will vary from one to four members, i according to the size of the country and the interests .involved, 1 Word has been received that the 1 Belgian and Portuguese delegations soon will join the representatives of the United States,who o t: nus fararo ted n I the only members of. the Peace Con- Igross to arrive. The non -arrival of the others 7tas been the subject o e mnient, the Americans taking the a Jamul that they are here ready to proceed to business but with the per- sonnel of the Congress not yet an- nounced. It is understood that Presi- dent -Wilson's visit to England is likely to result in conveying quite definitely the view that it leo ;highly desirable that "the Congress should Tse put into /notion with the least posy oible delay, but g?'fatly leeeeitR'tx ttu1�(nlnTirtttur, p , great leanly people have been ttbh to , AGREES 1N P1; TNC'TPLE tion or rubles. heat their premises so Afar with .oft LEADERS oi' ALLIES 1 ""•,' `." "' "' -- '.the death took place recently at A despatch from Warsaw says:---- Y ark of \Villiani Wallace Hargrave, 1 The flocks of releasee' Russian pre- owner of the Yorkshire Hsrald. senors who are making thea away Dr. J. Cl. Shipman. Radical M.P. for homeward , through Poland, "all of Northampton from 1900 to 1010, died when appear to be -tainted with Bel - recently at the age of seventy. ntv. shevism, and arc recognized as a , Y t' 1 danger its this resect by the Polish the Queen and Princess visit .- p et:lttlY paid an informal visit to Pea - 1 authorities, ,are in fact already- ecus- worth Inouye, tuberculosis caluny. 1 ing much trouble by t.lieir litwloss•- Ttze death took place recently at i ness in their search for food. Tloaiughan, Norfolk, of W. L. Devi - The The iic;?sllevilci are tasting aclvarl- M.P. for \Vet Norfolk shine 1910. rage of the pilght. of these first thou- During, one week the Loren n ' 'salols of released Primers' whose Y.M.C.A. shipped to soldiers in T-+a•arlre total 1't.un1%1er 13 estimated fit 2.tllll),- no "less than 11.601 pati.ages. 00 at leave neked ulr several 0 Bonar Law has submitted a pre , thousteipd of thein for :heir al'nly by al to tele DominionGovernmentst'. h offering the men cloths.., food and money, of the last of which there is plenty, since the Bolehevi}ti control the printing presses for the produc RETURNING MONEY coal or wood, leaving eon?iparatiroly .1 despatch from Chaumont says:-- intact their allotment of anthracite. In his address to the American .o No "heatless days' are looked 'or. tilers on CIna'istrrias Day, President "Uniless ,Tauual'y pros*ee pariicehrly Wilson saki he did not find in •the• severe my wortiet are about over,'ro- hearts of the great leaders with whom marked Fuel Controller Megrathto- he was co-operating any difference of day. principle or of fundamental purpose. P.O. of W. h. ns,11 ? Plead try•- everolo ./1.-Nf, u4S ita?e «(I -'/:74 7. cif 'u! 9e,e .444 4':i !.st`.d - 4-' ni ire4.00. 1;1i, 6/14, An Ili;,tot'it 41,*,udir;'c^ lt:it'r,14t!St'• 1.'r 1)15 naval 9ignrl :;ent ft'tnti the Queen l•+li:011101i he Stir Dael„t Beatty on'Not1rnhe 21�t, telling (If the ,,Un getettr et the (t:Y t1F.➢, 1 <'i. Ii. a4tils he,,cla e et;+ 'illwtot:' 4i^i eeeloceee famous inQ':: -1. c at l raj:a:gar. RESTRICTION'S ON EXTORTS REMOVED Jif U.S. 'A' A11 BOARD STOLEN FR1 31 FRANCE A despatch from Pavia says: ---The Germans have returned stocks taken from the banks in northern Fran,:` A despatch from 1,14'a iliiingt on says: amounting to six billion francs. ---Sweeping relaxation of restrictions Several safes weighing from five to on the exports of fuodst.ulrs, :fodders ••oven tons each, which the Germans and feed to the Pan-American repub- diad not open and are now in Brussels, lice, Canada, Cuba and the West in- will be brought back shortly to Velen dies has been nnnutnncod by Chair- man McCeteniek, of the 'Kar Trade Board. The list of exception e named only wheat and wheat flour coffee, -sugar, corn, butter, cheese, eggs, linseed meal and cake and cotton :teed meals eiennee. Iron Cross No Credit. Revolutions have avant regard for the Insignia of royal favors. And ,hist as the great upheaval in l+ra.n:.° abolished the ancient and historic Or - and cake. To avoid any lnteappre- der of Soxiche Spfrittis, so in the pre - hen: ionn as to the ..sapply of these rent crash will frail those marks of artiole;s to the eou,rtrlee, named it was approval which modern Caesars have enn;t11asized that practically all of been bestowing on their heroes. thein are' avallnhl' in desired rluentl-+ The Iron Cross, quite a by.tvord-eltir•• ties through Government channels. DR,'it:tCTIMEN'I,r; FROM CRIMEA TO REINFORCE ARMY AT ODESSA A despatch from Odesaa Ray's: --- The zoltntteer army which is holding Odessa, under French command, is to be increased by lotac}nnlents from the C.rime:i, The mein Vireo of the re- pnbixean army, wh:ch b snow ten ani]ea frorl Ocloetut, is reported to have reeei ed reinl'foreenrent.a fi'r'm Xiee, .eho carni in an armored train, Mere than 200 perseee were killed in the ;'Lreet battles here on TDe)ceniher 18, et revised count shows, One- third of thrive were e vilians, Several se'liool children wore wounded. ing the war, will soon become it mere catalogue number in local nntaetima, though the collector wllnelways ;et it cheap on account' of the amine supply. Doomed also sego the Austro-Hungarian Golden Fleece, ,ani' St. Stephen, the Prussian Order of Merit, with its Free ell inecrietiotn, the Gorman Black Tingle the Atte Crown of Saxony, the Family Order of .Loyalty* of Baden., the Knightly Order of St, Hull) rt of Bae, vairia; as well as tlmt schi;amnatte-ortho• don Carder of which Penis, the elle- ipontlt king, was hennsl. An old rule for cooking „wee: eorhi says it should be only. half an hour from the field to the table,