HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1919-01-03, Page 1i Vol. XIX I YOUR ARNI3S MEDS * Will be promptly attended to here. See,,us about DOUBLE TEAM HARNESS, SINGLE HARNESS, 4. it. REPAIRING OP ALL KINDS 4. 4.All our sewing done by hand4. '�' Rugs, Blankets, Bells 4. * Full line of Whips, Sweat Pads, Curry Combs, etc ZURICH, FRIDAY 111IDRi •* .0 to b _to yr t a i l ii4 1 . our best wishezpf R r bright 1 an prosper •Nus hie Ye I, :m: : M 4a+ • : em 4* -41: Suits�. � ver a, 8 le „so )71„ . : I „. „ ,44,i,, „,, „.. : , . : M � Wehavea 0 011 �, e�. Splendid ;,:.. �........ ,. �w..� assortment of e Ready.to.Wear i •.. Suits and I a! u t::':.:..>x:>`: ��3.` > Overcoats for "ate' '���'��''�••. tie• 1 , ,<.ti Men, va 4,4 L i•h 'e• .�� /aS Young Men aild 41 eta. Boys. A Trial Solicited • FRED THIEL ZURICH +.= JANUARYS, 1919. don Howa1d, of Leedon, epc i few days herelast week, 1l9s m;. Lehman . of Caledonia, Mid 1zsited relatives here over the Mr,. Albert Desch, of Milverton, visited relatives .here this eireltee Mr. George Kalbfleisch, of Dee troit, visited relatives and friends here for a few days la'st week. Misses Selma and Gertrude Wes .e1oh of Detroit are visiting with their parents Me. and Mrs. H. T Weseloh for a ' few weeks.' 00000.006000 X00.000.+c 06•0ea00a00000 ssese e000000e0s ! iesosses00000e00 e00vmas* 4* ce • 4* s • • ..* 4* 4* ,® 4 4* 4 4* w 4* 4* 4* 4* e* 4* 4* era 4* a* 4* 4* 0 P 4* 4* '0 a* 4* 1 ' 44* 4* .0 4* e» 4.1” e* 0 4* es 4* *e • 4* Phone 59 �f you .need anythiD®, in this line it will pay you to look over our large stock. See our ziew Trench Overcoat Dodo men. *a* 00040, 00000 eseensesseenses Produce Wanted 0tF41Y0Nb� 041, �E9 4* 4* w 4* 4* 4* 4* ea 4* a 0 e* 4* 4* 4* 4a• xaeamlh 4 1?ig'• ,• Mr. day • Wm. Braun of Crediton, few •days with ffriencls week. .arga et SLe1ek, nurse, of Iv visiting at the borne of her,' Mr's: ?4I, Stelck. Byers, a farmer being ,cerioo, was fined $1000 and. Ls for running a blind oses Geiger Left on Toes - Baden to attend the fun- ,hin. aunt,' the late Mrs: J., which was held yestcr- Joih{n Widruch, and ••sister, ' New York and Misses L Eli `.': x3.. Strire, of Baden " are guest.' or£ Mr. and Mese John Gaaelhe of this village, this week. The' rveces' of the E'vangeiica.l churca Will be Conducted on Sun- day a; follows; morning service, l nglis,i; at 10 o'clock, Sabbath Sch- ool 11 L5, :and the evening ,service at 1.301 o'clock. }oi•+ was received here of the death, l.f Mrs, J. Kaercher, which took pace` at her home in Baden Deceaeed Tonnerly lived on the Brohisfn Line, Hay. Her husb- and predeceased her about five years ,ago. A New Year's service will be condo,, '•cd in the Lutheran Church newt luziday Jan. 5th, and S,. S. �n tthA'afternoon, the evening ser- vice, •e, ie be dropped. The ainnual meet{',, ¥' „oi ; the congregation will b Dicre'lrj;. 12th, after the ,rxtor n- dV iPension i'n' Premises Wil csrltrely hind • Tlie Fanners' ,Sue:' a p ,citable and ,candid friend. Its ! • repo s, both- stock and grain, are u!neq tilled,• while its endependent I vie* have long been appreciated. E. `One, ollar for a 1hill year's sub - scrip is n. The•, FARMERS' We- ,ekly un„ Toronto. Pte. 'Charles. Hartman arrived a the, lrm,e or his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Hartman, Goshen Line south last Saturday. Mr. Hart- man ienlisted over two years ago and leen active duty in the tren- �ches in Prance. He had a num- ber of trying experiences, but ar- rived home well and happy. ,• SCHOOL 14TEETIN'a The annual meeting of the rate,iayers of S. S. No. 5, Hay, Zuri4b. Public School; was held in the s pool house on Thursday of last week. The financial report was esented. It was decided to s.ectir storm windows for the, schodt, rooms in use at the sugg- estion of Inspector Torn!. Mr. 1'. Scir,walm was re-elected as trustee for another term. Cap:. Asa :Kinard, inspector o Doinizion Military police in Lon- don listri'ct, returned from Otta- wa with instructions to re-engage 30 Miitary constables, who wi 1 be utilized in seeking three classes of offencers,—those who failed to register, those who tailed to report wheizn ordered, and men who fail- ed to comply with the terms of •exemletion granted them. LATS] LOUIS DABUS After sufffeeing ior some years •_ from tuberclosis, Louis I)abus, a; 8 respekted 'fanner, living on the 4* a* 4* 4s 2 4* 4* 4* 0 e4 0 d 4* Babylon Line, Hay, passed away. on sect as lav, Dee2Bth, Deceas- ed w 's in poor health for SCITIC tinge , ,'n11 ' s death was not a n- expe ,ef, Tee leaves lhis widow and ;ereelly of small cbildre a t) mo it's Toys. The funeral 117a9 held "rnomday, interment tak- 'rying , ii the' R. 'C. cenzeter;r, �/ltrri, THP; , `11,Y> \ ,E FATHERS OIX! tt>rz' ee ,evening the ncrmnie- atioln .rst Tnlf,ce Trustees for fur-. i,ch for the :rear 1.91.9 Was - held. ':the e-tenalaa t•re was very small end the ttee':ae'ii were not able to del- iver the flowery addresses they had pr,..pare'! for the occasion. "lye oinly nw^r•" nnininated were the niernl^e,,,e r,1 the 1918 board, and they were re'em'eli•tigl•y declared elected, by eeeleree.it n They are as fel- t:Milt IT. 1". Weyy�seioh, IL .A., Howw*- •eld '"4 : ?, +,�1.,88 LD No 26 • 4SW efeeieslifteaceliefiumooft4 t,•ilefe efet14 sci4 4 410 WE ?EXTEND 'THE SEASON'S ,GREETING TO ALL.' BUTTER AND EGGS WANTED C. FRIT, The Shoennan tf f4 iitestoe 624102 4441i444f4 1111111111111N111111811NI111IINNIIIIIIIIIIINIINIIIIIIIINIII111111111111181i18111181111111111111111!!!INlllll118RIIIIIHI 1111111111NNIN1111NIIIN1111l11181111111!IIN811111811NIIiNIIINiNN dill 1 illiNNIIIIiNIli111111NINilt1 A MERRY XMAS and Happy and Prosperous NEW '. YEAR to our customers and friends. ghest .• P'rices. for Farm Produce R. N. DOUGLAS PHONE I1 on 97 BLAK IiilelliNlltel NIpN1NIIIIN11111111111NIIIIIII111111111111811N8111NN11$111111e41111111111111111118fINg111111CIN1911Il1111111e1111IIINIIIIIINIIIIIle11IIIlllpl1111M11NNi11111ii18N'lilli1i11111111:111011@lN1Ff D -IED Dearing—At London, on Dee.,. 17, Pte. Raymond Dearing, son of , Mr. and Mrs. .Abraham - Dearing, of Grand Bend, aged 23 years. Winer• -4th Com, Stephen, on Dec. L3rd, Inc Kathleen, daughter off Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Winer, aged 3 years and 8 months. Haist—In Crediton, on Dec. 21, Mrs. August Hoist, aged 82 years. Dabus—At 13abylon Line, Hay, on Dec. 26th, Louis Debits, aged 46 gears, MA•RRI.E'1) Finkbeiner—S];otson — At Grand Bend Manse, on Der, 11, Miss Margaret Hotson of Greenway, to Mr. Lorne Pinkbeiner of Shipka. 1919 1919 Miss 'Verda Weseloh of London is spending the holidays with her parents, Miss Gainer, nurse of Crediton, is nursing Mrs. E. Wurni, who is seriously, ill at present. Mr, John Mittelholtz, of Strat- ford visited relatives here for a, few days this week. Mr, and Mrs, John Dipper,. and family arrived here from Biggar, Sask., and we understand Mr. Kip- per will open up another blacksm ith shop is Zurich, VOTE ON U. T. A. AGAIN :the C)ntruvo Temperance Act, which was passed as a war mneaas- ure, has to be submitted to a, voti;. of the electors. The time foe the taking of this vote has been ,changed once or twice, but as it ,now 'stands under the a';et, the electors will be asked to say on the first Monday ,in June next if the act is to remain in of ed. , Whether that date will stand re- mains e-ynnns for the Legislature to de- eide.., - The moratorium, which became; law early in the war, ' nn - dor present legislation, wi'l re - mein in ,force until six months af- ter peace is declared. Thus the go't:erinm,ent `will have ample o.p- portu'nity, ill it desires, to pass further legislation in this eegard.. .1.,,w«w .wm.mua vwng WISHING YOU TALL • THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE ' +. : . SEASON W. G, Hess Jeweller and Optician Incorporated 1855 The MO!ASO N k�^ A CAPITAL and RESERVE $8,800,000 98 Branches in Canada A General Banking insi nass Transacted CIRCULAR LETTER OF CREDIT 13A,N1 worm- OltDElt: Savings Bank Nutmeat Interest at high©se current eatee Zurich Branch R. T. DUNLOP, Manager Some people are in the habit, cri throwing ashes on the roaal wwYli� a sleighing is good, This spoils thee. .sleighing and makes it unpleasask for people •tiriviing. „