HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-30, Page 5Tlitersday, December ,30th,1.9211 jeeii SC,35 CAPSDt.-1 DuDr..,ux E. °TAMS 7.14A1RESTER, S'OLICITOet NOT- ARY PUle1,10. ETC =flee, Hainliten Street Ja off ea Square, GODERICH, Out eneeltel atteotion to Counsel and Coort Work. Irlolneee rnay be consulted at iffiledericia by , phone and -phone charges reversed, IL COWEN L. D. fee S DENTAL SI.JRGEON At DEA% BLOCK, Ztaucta ev- ery Thuradity, Friday and Satter - Keen Office IfillARTLEIB'S -BLOCK, DABIlW001.1 Andrew F. Hese, Township Clerk iesnex of marriage liceuses, Notary iltenblic,Commissioner, Fire and Ail - mobile Ineuerance Repreeenting !Entron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- *fation. The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO ,11,g4UNI,CARILVACycrsLn. OSCAR TCLOPP eleraduate Carey M. JOI3e8 Nat - School of Auctioneering. Try rgees for Registered in keeping Watt prevailing priees, Choice Mews for sale. Will sell anything Weerudeeee, ramie le -93 or write, Zurich Page 010TOCH 10/IA1Fie* .4D •-reeeemetneeeeneeneerreeene---ene ertrr-reeereeee—e""er'' Vt.? a nt r Salevt„esz.„ F rid,, 4.16...444$ N THIS COLtflitfN P1OTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE id. hereby given that all preens having clams agile t. eatale of Wiliam john Howard,late of the Village of Hemeall, retired farmer, deeeased, who died on the leth. dey of August, 1926, are re - to forward their nro-yee, to the undersigned .exec- utore, on or beforre the e1st, day of Deeem.ber, 1926, after which date the Reeeutors will proceed . distribute .he estate having regard only to the claimsof which they shall thee have had notice. Dated- at Zurich, Ont..thee 14th day of December, 1926. ' Henry Howard, Henrietta. Eriglieh, Executors, Renault, Ont. licensed Auctioneer FOR. I4,13.R.ON & MIDDLESEX. AM IN A POSITION TO CON•e Bela any auction reale, regardieee Yee to ;size or articles to sell. 1 atilleit your blueness, and if not iceetlefiedwiU make no charges tor werrices. Arthur Weber, - Daebevood. tine 1-51 nee-- VistergeeetteeeatelleQlefeeteefeeeteeeAgeee fiD birkh Nag 2 Fresh arta Salt Meats t Boiogina Sausages, ete 11) Iliglacost Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS e.111DES illrangta-at (Szi Deichext 0412 3346*******00***10006190180600 LOST ligitt loggine elude between Bronson Line and Zurich last week Finder kindly return to Oscar Klopp and receive reward.. ZURICH UVERY NOTICE Having diss.olved partnership by mutual. ciineent, we wish to advis.‘ the publ teat we request an im- ir ed a 0 s •t• mien': of all outstan Mpg accouete. Johneton&Koehler. Butchers, Zurich, Ont. am in a position to accomo- date all requirements in the Livery Ibusiness, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 7lio2e 59 Zurich,Ont. itrwasaraesarancraffn,xvoasnuazea..r.r/eurvozarrns.ftromr..••••armits•inerum L I VE I'OULTRV WANTE,D 'fiaken every day till 3 O'clockne,m, 133o not feed fowl teams morning 'when brought in, fogliest Cash Prices: —CAS t FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone fe4 Zurich STRAYED Unto my premises Bronson Line six spring calves, same came tht r ' , on Oct. 24th, Owner ,call forsame and pay all costs. Philip Masae te e i01,411til Val Mi'A-FP Vera piriv.o.: is 'spending: It few Weeks in Mr. Claude Meidinger ,of Lon - ( don is veelting at Ins home•hone Mrs. Joeoph Ci•aecho i visiting for a few days in Holt Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Brown motored to Kitchener on Tuteeday, Kr. Lawrence Rao of Detroit, visiting at his home here. Mr. We Callias is epending a few days at Sarnia, Mr. Hamilton ,of Chath9in 'spending thhe hollyehre with ;Mrs Hamilton of..thevillage. • Prof. and Mrs, :Alvin Su.rernsof Toronto, are visiting with the for- mers mother on the Bronson. Mr, Herb, Krueger of the 14th Lon. Wee a 'visitor to Kitchener. Mr Irvin Fisher of. Kitcheeeseie elating his parents here. , • Mr. Edler of Elmira visited the poet week with his daughter, Mre Moon Weber of town. Messrs Gordon Walper of De- troit and Garnet of Toronto, are visiting under the parental rear. Farm Heip for 1927 Since a great number .poverty stricken people of Germany apply to Inc for position on the farm I can this year supply Evangel- icals with Evangelicals, Lutheran,. With Lutherans, Baptist • with Bap- tist, and Catholics with ,Caatholic young men or 'domestics at $200.(e) a year;. each Man must be recom- niended by his pastor an Germany. Farmer pays fare and $5.00 per elonth, Write to Rev. K. Gretz- enger, Mildmay, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Consistin gof 25 acres of grass farm, located on Zurich Road, op- posite .6abylone, Hay Tp. For further particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. t122 e 4.K, V. ri , 6 4 0)4'. •%1U SURI 01! • tel,!mOve. 1.11m, pipt, :4tiam •• BetteriHi (ecntributco by Ontario DApartment of iso.anoultore, TbrobtA.,) or I:311,i 4-441e. ptnds on th destruct:inn :,quaus of d1s. it also ciepea:,-.1 on al.- remOval and exclu.don of a that may deposit n.uo(1.1111 in the et.1*—as tete.;: lei the tuberculin test or diechane .e from animals harboring coneen. ;.i.s abor- tion. Old Stables Difficult to Lee; fect. The etable that is roaeier con- trUCt ed., mainlining open eJedwore. cracks, crevices, and open er rutting wood iloors cannG1 bEl sepeen ted irons its in fecting mate:Hal. FIropth. tight walls, couent iroa. work structure3 can be tr...!k4 with a dogrel of thoroughness that neente in the complete removal of the in- fecting agents.. Cleaning Up. fine etop in a eeieeten ' infection of a stable copels.'s in the dr • end 1\11'3. ROY Weber O' removal of all Weise dueti11d ith. Ffon,vtii wow) VI tori at ill's Dirt Anust 11:11101.41,411 1::*011.1 '1 I era D1,3 home of the forteees parents, Mr. mid crevices, everything screped un- til the materiel nthend. Mr. Louis 'Weber.. 'eully exposed and 01011. eare•epttig, PleaSed to report that Mr. n ecraping the removal of deceyed lum- P. Rau, who underwent ,an op.'- ber from fi aAld inange.il, :ttion at London Hospital, ee en- ea by thorough serutbing with hot soapy or lye water ie. a nevi pre- ro v in g health. pannion prior to the Et pl:!14:ition of The annual Sunday School Pcst- the disinfectant Tins cleane- ival of the Lutheran church ing Process is of equal or greeter be held on New 'Vear's eve. linduy evening of thee week. FOR SALE RUBBERCASE BATTERIES $1475 Allowance will be made g01' old Battery. • Store your battery for the winter with us. Also charge. Repait and Rebuild Batteries. We have installed an ecnipment for vebuildirg and repairing Batteries Louis Prang, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner heating stove. Apply to Hy. ;Gellman. Mee. E, etaeleo,et of Kiteh- on-ir vi's1.0d ovor• Christm-ts wiitit tv,,r pr nt•'•>, Mr. and Mrs. Ti Johnson. Me. and Mee .0acar Kiopo e- tert dried t eioe.. o; the Luthente eburch t,e .enippee o enday evening, and all reported an ideal time. • The gam') "Of hockey by Exetee being her as advertised. on Mon day .evening has been eeostponed. until Thursday evoeing of tries week. • Mr. and Mca. Ewa Koehler of Kitchener visited friends here the pest week, , They attn.:sled the funeral of M. KoehlerS ;mother, the late Mts. Kennel NOTICE ;have been appointed Solic- iting agent for the ifiroducts of the John C. Winston Co., Toronto, and can supply you with Bibles, Testa- ments Teacheele helps: Bible ,Stolries for Children, Books of Knowledge, Universal hand books, etc., Every Book. will m'afte a very aeeept-: able Xmas. Gift• , 'Mrs. Julia dless, Zurich. ......mmeeoryom••••••.... HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable property in 'Zurich; frame house, kitchen and woodshed attached, good stable, 2 lots, hard and soft 'water, some fruit trees. For further particul- ars apply t .oCha's. Weber. UV importance than ibe applieation 01 the specific germ destreyer: Filth protects bacteria. Orailary dhlatoe- tion does not penetrae, e need eeet of manure or a woeden eeor that has become porous by decay. Been- fection is comniete when, 211 ex.pf.,14••4 surfaces, as ;Jeers, contrive., wane, 3tannion.,3 and equipment are Melee -- ed. One cannot expect to promptly euppress any contaelous deeetse as tuberculosis, white scours or coetag- inus abortion unlees the. work is thoroughly done. All stablemat- ter how well kept should be given a complete disinfection once a year. Application of Germ Destroyer. Disinfectants should De applied under pressure in the form of a fine spray. Spray the surface until IL is thoroughly soaked, do not soave Lim disinfectant, you are putting It on for a purpose. In outbreaks of acute infectious diseases special attention should be given to the floors and nmegers itt frequent intervals. When animals the Parr can be isolated control is easier. William MeAlreteeEvery fs.rm should have its isolation Line ,who waa takee isome week,, Pens, always ready for tho possible tgo to London Hoapital, for 1:1?e- outbreak. atnient, died on Supday at )(heti place. Moro particulars fol - Agents that Destroy Germs of Disease 1 Sunlight readily destroys bacteria low next wthat are exposed during the bright - eek. The Christman program render- nese ot summer. Very weak in this respect during the whiter when most ed in the Evangelical church on' eieeded. Like all other disinfectants Sa.terday e .tin e WAS 111 every war sun's rays cannot reach germs t .decid,a eraccese as the program that are enclosed in filth. was well receive:1 by the largo amid Lime is a cheap and useful agent nce presnit nelich consie.:ed o against the less resistant germs as over 400 people. hug cholera or anthrax bacilli, but it is not strbng enough to destroy an- thrax spores or tubercle bacilli. Sta- ELECC.TION IN PROVINCE blos should 1)0 whitewashed from two to four tim' A-3 a year. On thbrats of con Chlorinated lime, when fresh and .e necte • var,!,' olstitu tti1 turna frola dryls much stronger than lime, it is r•:y which oting to.)k ths.' used in the f,aiite way. It is objec Ontario election of Dec. 1, the Can- tionable in dairy stables. adian Pres>. shows that the tot :1, Carbolic acid in solutions up to 5 per ceue. es widely used. It is rather vote Wall 1,103,18e. On tho elace- ensive and not as efficient as a ion is -sue the vo::e •was divided. For exP three per cent solution of a mixture of one part volume of crude carbolic acid and one part volume crude sul- phuric acid. This is readily soluble in water, strong enough to kill tub- ercle bacilli and anthrax spores. It is cheap. Milch cows should not be returned to the stable until the vapor of carbolic acid has disappeared. Crealin, in solution up to 5 per cent. is active against utoet forms of bacteria, but it is not strong enough for spores unless used in excess of 5% solution. Cresol is highly efficient when com- bined with sulphuric acid or soap to render it soluble in water. One volume of cresol and one-half volume of sulphuric acid, made up in a three per cent. aqueous solution makes a very efficient dietufeetant. Corrosive Sublimate, one ounce to eight gallons of water or 1 to 1,000 is a very strong disinfectant, It is very poisonous to cattle and must be used with care. A little salt added (1 per cent.) is an improvement. The losses on the farms eatth winter through failure to clean up and use disinfectants, run into millions. Poor animal husbandry never made any money for anyone, Wild animals keep healthy, so if domesticated animals become diseased it is the fault of the domestication tit.t3 practiced by ttio large a number of our farm people. —L. Stevenson, Dept. of Extension, Ontario Agricultural College. E. C. Harvey Sz L. V. Hogarth — Agents — Mutual Life of Canada EXETER — 'ONTARIO A highgracie h 121:10Inge F1eature that you will be well )Lae ; with t h e year s of service, IL S.1 WEIN. Pro» Avi piatun aLl alitt,bmou giout. 1 2 JhU WE ARE SOLE' AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton Coal sale of liquor under ,I-overnment control 679,173. For the 124,173. Meeority tor control 2e5,- 639. The complete return's are included from 1100 of the 112 pa- vjnoial The other three returned Gov. control :supp- orter& without oppositten. By parties the popular vote was re- cerded. as follerws—Consere ativ0s, 042,377;, Liberals 199,799; Progres- sives 92,102; Prohioitionists, 81,830' Lib.-Prog, 35,856; and. Cons. 10,7231 Ind Liberals 20,897; Labor, 16,931 Independent 3,46e,, rathee disagreeable tgarne of hockey was played between Hen - salt and Dashwood on Tuesdayev ening on thhe Zurich rink, when a diSpute. :50011 raged into a heated argument, with the result that both teame left the ice with the game unfinished. its a poor kind. of sport, when it is carried that far, end very little .encouragement to the spectatora. There passed away at her home Bronson Line, Hay, Mrs. Kennel, widow of the late ;Nicholas Keneel on Wednesday, December 22nd, aged 64 years, 10mOnthe'and 12 days. She was b.orn in Waterloo comity, but lived practically ether life in these parts and was well and very favorably known. She leaves, to mourn her lines besides some brothers and sisters, a grown up family. The funeral was held on Friday and was largely ( at- tended., The re -dedication of the 01 [Neter% Lutliberan eillirch on S day was, 111 ,ver" way a decided mineei81, large audiences Were pr- eStnit, and liboral offerings Were donated, The pastor, Rev. It Ronibe h9.(I full charge pf tLlC ALSO CARRY . two son ices, which were very ably . , Coke Pocahantas addresqed bY IvEr• Rombe. . 1.. Thilp entire building program of flier and Soft Coal now largo shiNd anti rolirf,7,46,04010 nlittrell bY Putt:1;1g Id ti fine high °C)°T) "flvFILY " ilLA" boAm64wilt von in thhe meighle TELEPHONA /MIR mavens . ber$6 hOod of 900 'which is prattle- / . . 'WM V 'CO •'I IlY C3 A' e l' -1 'by c.ish nna .4. 4" - , . • - 4..,.%-, I i., :• • i :,,,. -• 0,', —,t, • ' 4+.44.“.411 ,L+..; ,!' . ,.1 • '. - - . 0 " huilding committee. on their Inc %1/4k41 I 7 k 2 ..1.111.1' rtt ••• ft, 4.1% r s te PRk PIO pi/dil tcre) 4.11•11.,411. 11 1 Y- 4 s. If l[no a fine !r,Itock of Toilet efs, Maguire. uis tang Tait Preparations; rSD a nice line of 13 'Pa (AO Da See Our fine lire a Sat:orAery suit. able for Chrisnas Presents, also have some fine Fountain Pens. Gartantent....../arar.ara..4dr.r.rmg.......ra•larry.or4 nsvcroeneaorsaguct4 fee 6"11 A For E Chrkere: ipVai(ty Toys and BoVx BoYiv and Story ktuckE, tiqm 31— .‹* Pcf 4Dr r r • , 1 4 4 "ilAitkkr' AMR fkMM WAN RANWMPAPiPAIW,TAPAYAZ" COMBINAT: THE DOOR THA.r F.FR.VRe BY TAKING 01.71' THE SCREEN AND SASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS TilEetie. No need of taking off a 'shabby lookhig ,screen door P:1Ch f1q1 and trying to find. a spot ee t lasteo a battan door whieh derkene 'sea , ,1 spo.le Ilto outside appearance of the hone,. STANDARD SIZES A.LWAye ODD i,oaas MAdE TO ORDER. Place your order for Storm Seeh the cold weather comes, theeebv ( ( • • s, e; e4U-NT;l'fFn . REeLACING A. CLASS 16 4, ee PRONE 9 ll5=11111111n1Stat...,tral-11,1 . Why Chickens Die. An autopsy record kept on 1,013 post mortem examinations conducted on birds over six months of age gave the following interesting results: • Roup killed 210 or 27.5 per cent, of all speeinaens. Tit worms killed 129 or 12.7 Dor Tlinfetiosis killed 25 or 2.4 nor ceVk')ritonitis killed 66 or 6 per cent. Leukemia killed 19 or less than 1 viireuertlenota. la killed 1 or less than one-tenth of one per cent. of total. Liver troubles killed 19 or less thafkpat?aniyesil)evskiltid et Mtn .a • 4r. ihr2`.1111PhejOrCltlitliod 15 or less than one Per (vat, rericarditis killed 10 or less than ' p "IRCATe7TILE POSTERS '• • S1LK. ti 11.1'..e thorn when 'AfIV 1) 1. 11. C y AR ZURIC -1F 45 45 4- 4-, 45 4. 45 45 4. 45 Tamentinvaroungolarmszmismcmaty. ERS For Secondhands Bu $40,00 and up Auto Tops, Wagon :Repairing, &2a1 nx fe'.6620serene IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGLY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH -ViggaLittIEWM12-3415113WEILIMIRNEEM1311=4MINF +4.444.44.44++++++++.1.44+4.44+44,-1.1-40-1.-r-ev.t..t"r1P,1,1,„,,,, t t + 4.` 4. IIERAID OFFICE 'ql '..1.- 4. 4. iir'l 41, t THAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR .1, GOOD PRINTINet I: .1. THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH PRINTED WEDDING i• + INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS I: THAT WE PRINT CALLING} CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH 'cit„ AS LETTERHEADS, BILLHEADS, ENVELOPES AND *.1 STATEMENTS * 4. THAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEADING MANIIPAOT i• 4, 'EIDERS OF COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUPe + .112 41* Do You Know?k 4- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OP CHECK BOOKS 4' THAT WE CARRY IN STOCIC WRITING. PAPERS, ENVEL., q - i• OPES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON OR 4" TRACING PAPER, SHIPPING TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOKS INTWO ÷ ''. SIZES, FOOLSCAP, ETC,. larre, ill:UT WA FILL YoUit ()WAN MO SIZE INK BOTTLE INK. FOR 5e. LAH0- REDUCTIONS AUCTION SALE POS - .AND .ALL GENERAl WITH GOOD FOUNTA.IN' PEN GER QUANTITIES AT BIGGER It is ittieresting notn that Rout) i• Tata WE pEINT pOSTneG BILLS, i Pe raeit leen wore by 1110 t he most TERS, A.114 P.B.iNTINO OUR SI'll`CI A.L.TY .,414.10, IA/ (.i'. 1„A)A160.1.4,, AtS LAIC,: ILLIArgf I., ..ttbr` t ,,,,,,,,....., . , ., , 0,-. ••,, • - .. • . 1 ily pr veetnble of. poultry ailmeute. e •