HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-30, Page 4110.
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Iad NOltiviAL 1Fl ka `ki's NOON :`, ]? .: 3'i'.l '.1111:
no Simple Itlatts :1`a u:t ^'xu1t1 itiel':i
1letnic"-f hill .t;rea.lg• (rttl]tritatte t„
Riatr••cizvkin and Health.
11 '`•
1i l;.litieSUAY
"SICentifl uteecl ay Onterh) Department 02
ltti,n•ueetture, Toronto.)
The vitamins are indispensable con•
.„ ta:tut: nts of a normal diet. What i
?.m :normal. -diet? Well a normal diet
'4aaarisi, fulfil the following c+lll(litiona:
1(3.) The diet must be quantity-
jtliv'ely sufficient.
S) The diiet. must contain a sun.
1.1 ietat atneuut tax 1,•'oteiu, fat, and car-
(2) The diet must contain the
ytisice;Sary inorganic salts:
(4) The diet Must contain a eer-
3iaisa amount of v triuue amino :.tel -i:;.
,F (6) The diet must coatain the
..!rt tree vitamian A, B, and C.
The animal body i; unable
7tatnanufacture vitar.lius and they are
csaential to its hie. Hence the ani -
1 body re.qulies a fairly contlnu-
supply of the vitamins, and the
:only way it can obiaia them is by
•atatiug fresh anearable fecala or .
Teeing the flash or milk of other
Vitamin A, is the most st.i'ale os
"tae tbree, and animals possess eon -
powers of storing this vit -
1,ornin. in their fat. 'Vitamin C is the
z3'east stable.
Zeung growii_g animals are the
latest susceptible to vitamin shortaga
nil belt growing ar.d pre Taut:ar
ealuure an abs tient supply of vita -
.Mins. Fully mature animals do not
afeel vitamin slit Mage in their feed
,10 the same exteet as young animals
e1' =1k ` Pi'in kg0'fke
suncRIpTioN RATES — a
-year, strictly in advance, $1.7,9 Jr
arrears or $2,00 may bee eha•ged.
U, S. $1.50 year in advance, No
paper discontinued until all
areears are paid unless at .the
option of the publisher. The
date of which every 'Subscript-
ion is paid is denoted. the
Display Advertising macre known
on application.
14li'scellaneous articles of not more
than four linee, For 'Sale, To
Rent, 'Wanted, Lost, Found, etc.
each, insertion 25c.
Farm or Real Estate for sale $2,0
for first month, $1.00 for each
subsequent 1 nth
Betrayed Animals — One insertion
50e., three insertions $1.00.
Professional Carols not exceeding
one inch $5 per year.
Auction Sales — $2 per
sertion if
Address all communications to
i!t+'itaraiane A.
'Vitamin A is synthesized by clal',ro
it'y11 containing plants only, and tt
• '9chest vegetable source are the
Teen leaves and growing parts of
,'Olants. Seedlings' grown withort
:r1'ight do not produce Vitamin. A..Aui-
(teals feeding on green plants stor4
17.aitarnin A in their fat deposits, an
the find it abundant in meat rat, s•i;€-
;Folk and in milk fat. Maine ani -
amnia feeding lal'reely on the green
; •meth of numerous water plants
More large quantities of Vitamin A.
ti liver and shark liver oils are
very rich in tl1- substance. The
:amount of Vitamin A in the neat fat
,:and milk fat depends entirely on the
tanount of vitamin in the feed -eon-
a.:lnled by the animal. The fat of
,grass-fed animals is rieh in vitamin
"when compared with the fat of ani -
eases led on the dry feeds of winter.
:It. has been noted by all feeders that
arae suiatmer milk is more satisfactory
:lin the feeding of young animals.
The chief diseases produced in
tst.ninials deprived of vitamin A are:
43) Arrested growth and Keratoma-
lacia: (2) Lowered resistance to bac-
terial infection. (3) Marked effect
scan reproductive function, sterility.
i(4) Rickets and deficient dentition.
- llii itruin I L
The body does not store this vita-
.3xlin and certain animals, if deprived
<rif foods that contain it, for a few
-weeks develop polyneuritis, or i rho w
+n, deeline in body we:nit and muscu-
tar ince-ordination. In young ani-
rtsls deprived of foods containing
'Vitamin B the arrest of growth and
A;ac injurious effect oLi the nervow
',system is more masked than it is with
adder animals. Vitamin B is very
'widely distributed, being present in
snearly all forms of plant life, parti-
,rularly in seeds and yeast, The bran
cin husk of seeds and the germ are
the portions where it is to be found.
fighly-milled grain products are very
door iaa Vitamin B. Look to green
whole grain, LinpOlisled
race, milk, for this vitamin.
'Mtwara C.
Young animals deprived of foods
-containing Vitamin C develop tender-
4aess and swelling of the joints, ten-
derness of the gums, loosening of the
teeth and a marked wastage of all
the lymphoid tissu cs. Vitamin C
aoaenars in all growing vegetable tissue,
as green veg-`;tables, roots, grass and
•fruits. Small quantities are present
in fresh meats and milk. The animal
Jody cannot store Vitamin C1 so mmit
'lepend upon supplies coming re.4u-
early in the feed. During winter.
.asprotited grains and roots a.re the two
anain sources of this vitamin for live
tock;; as poultry and pigs.
;Y a terall Effects.
Lack of vitamin in the food of ani -
'amnia produces effects that resemble
starvation. Young suffer more than
A cow cannot manufacture vita,
!tins and put such in the milk. •Hence•
late vitamin content of milk (which
'Ss the most important food of young)
.tiepentis entirely upon the vitamin
Content of the cow's fond. See tha'
he gets a good liberal allowance of
green alfalfa.—L. Stevenson, Dept of
••Eactension, 0, A. College. -
single in -
not over five inch's in
:Prevent the Development of Trouble.
Roup is an infectious disease cans
'tied by bacteria. The lining °Vale
:nose, eye, sacs below the eye;, th•
'larynx and traehur are attacked ant:
leccasionally pneumonia develop:;
Weak birds are mast susceptible, Tin
:trout; ones may resist the infoct o1
'9trr have only a milk attack, Livia;
'meaner and •£ecclin; conditions pl.,
zui ilnpfertant part in this disease.
Prevontioii.—Chau, dry, wide -can:.
2a.lated attait 1', tied proem. fc_adie^
5, oem t,t be iinpoitaur. pof ite in le;
arr•evoeUon of rama. Isolate. ally :1( .
blrti. until the care of the troubi,
•tita found. Clean !rp and <linlnr'ec't;
i l'T:xe ono -third teas:pootifnl of pc.,trr
ltidttra pornrtttu ana.iu to re:tr•11 gallon ei
- tiiril3'lki.ttg water. (let the water fan 11
r. in up off the floor Mid so areae ee
' `hat the bird can drink but lea well
A wet alter is a ;