HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-30, Page 1• v L XXVII No26 ZURICH0 THURSDAY MORNiNu, DECEMBER 30, 1926. 14" Chester L, Smith, Pubt2A,WE 0.25 et YeRor fug Actinfigoriik. 101.50 IN AR R1c... \ RS, $2 MAY BI4 COAII030 0 r any q;adr-1t4.; --ro andcv Ell, =MD Li DOZED a Ci,Cliit,11.10 (11Ein MEM (1.0431211=43 EDGEED („i DOM, floGlint? cs4-1 t al Notsorttei We have a fall Line of Candy and Nutts„ also Bon BonBoxes. Rodaks and. Oranges. T. Ch Wo ner Lone 91 " we e) rte. 0 u •41¢,E.Pra.. -1 nd Season's Greetin L Miss Mary Aids worthh. of near • " • ••-•:"- _ 1F,xeter, is spending her Vacation at the home ofMr. 8, iGreb, Baby-. lone line., -, Beginning next week the stares ci7 in Zurich will be Closed every ev- ening except Saturday, for the months of January, Fefruary .and es March after which they tiwill again. ,1 co e•3 Duisgocomitacta, GSM CDOTzlin,q.i).4.14IICED(11)44 ,auciame Dammo d Pupplie Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 41... -4, not wait till spring and missall the god -4: ii, MUSie ancl Concerts •i.l. .4. .4.- -* Give call. before buyiag elsewhere 4. 4, 4. 4, 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. E. ()ESC fri Zurlch • 4,1* 44++++++-1-44.tr4.*•.94404+44-14+4 -14+44 4t.++i'.+•£.4-fri•,f.+,I,.4=,t4++++ +414* pivslat4cti,11:,000.01000414•00A003,0%4700 saavaglowaaaaaaearteaoaoaaes .,------------ jtI.\kai. The Thoughtful M (itsitzti,;satL,,..t t 'VA I Here we have every kind oipper ior every 4.0 • 0 boi.y„ Slippers for tiny folks, to those in 4 WHICH FATE1ER REDS 1-11S EVENING PAPER,. Wo.nierN, Felt Juliets, a splendid .am ssortent of Colors at $1.75 Women's, Felt Comfy and leather Boudoir Slippers from to $1.93; See our new Wolien's Overshoe.s„ the .A.djusto style Meal's 'Black null Choc. Kid Romeo's at $2515; Men's Pelt T.Boticloir emit Choc. Slippers at $1.95. • Children's Felt gipp;..rs, a larv, assortor.cmt: Frani 75c. to, 41.25. Alisses. sizes 11 to at Browa's cot Shen REPAIRING NEATLY DONE 41) be opened Tuesday and Saturday t,c/trYfr."14 tallOSOCC.15.01•••••••11111•••••• el" enings. asusual, Miss Pearl Wurtz was a Wed- nesday visitor at Da,shwood. Wo extend to our many readers and Mends a, Happy New Year. a a a et 0 41 a 0 ri ei 8 .., a As ac *.mta,..avaigoaeasaaeoe.,011;1 41 60 flitO eio agaesele 4,6..egeseoecsocgc.a, re: .------------=-=.:7--.. -7.••••-.,....---7..M.7-'"----"--7.7-7.. -_ ---- ., .9 41.4 • • ^ , - '', "4 c''. ', 4 . 0414, t.414), ‘:•?. li, 4 li? 0•44•4*. 421.• 0-0 ,t ,io - 0 4 0 ,,•,:..,;,,,,-,.)04•44. -9 4 SCARFS. ‘,$ 1.1.,c'1% rt t sen •. .s FOR Me- an oys I9' Q,.."TCPY: .4. PROBLEM TO SELECT GIFTS FOR MEN, ---r A 'F," rs',' 4.r THIS STORE YOUR PROBLEMS ARE SUDDEN THE .11V1 NIENSE SELECTIONS' OF UIT- 81,"6 0,1107.5i„ avoadcloth. Shirts S P f!'fOLLAR TO MATCH, Mei e07,1 &if 17.: Ties F 17.7,7,7 RANGE GOOD VALUE iLTh to $3.50 NEATLY BOXED 511c. to $1.25 FROM 35e. TO $1,25. FLAN AND PLAID. ALL PRICES. n %.0 iTABID .4` NOMIN.A.T1ON Hay Township nomination pas- . ill 0 ir: and Mrs. Hy. Eickmeicr are sed off very quietly on Monday at- sp one mg tithe lacYdays at ,St. NI trYs telt oon and the old. bloard were lid London. all re-alected by acclamation. --i.' Miss Leila Siebert of .Detroit is 'spending r Zurich Police Trustee her holidays at hehome .Nominat-Ahexe‘ al ion an Mond a.y evening gave the • Mr, Clayton Hoffman Of Galt, ratepayers present a very fine line i,s vis ting over the holidays at of of entertainment which Jested for nearly two hours. Mer. C. his homeh ere. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandt Fritz and 0: C. Kalbtleisch augag• speat Chhristmas with r Ettives and ed in an interesting idebate on proi ie curing a better fire Pratetclont frDds here. ' Wry. and Mrs. Hy. Siemon and. Six men were nominated ifor Ti*. daughter Lois of London ,spent the tree, namely, J. Hey Jr, Hy. True holiday with relative's here. nner, P Haberer, riC.Cot sn'Slietlhil.lbel, Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Josiah Geigivairr:aijid, :i.i...c,,,,, Jr. sigr:.A.cl• Preston, sp...int Xmas. '‘Nrlthh Mr, and Mrs, Geo. ThieL Sr. Only one, the papers of qualification hence the Clerk is obli,ged ito call an -v. isitIold. Chliasr6pnactrenlitsuflfallTiraen o(,)vfer Gtahle other Nomination on Jan. 10th, .. with the electio•n date Jan. 17th, holidayi. Dr. and Mrs, II. H. Cowen •sp- Stanley Tp. nomination- paSS&d ent the holidays at the former's off very quiet with the old board. home at Fergus. , being ragolected by acclamation. Mrs. Marris W'eber of. Goderich During the dIscussional part- of , is visiting at the h*kne or Mr. the m..,ting Mr. Alex. McConnell and Mrs. Chas, 'Webar. of Varna delivered a very,instr- Mr. Nesbitt Woods of Toronto uctiVe address on no:dons weeds, spending the holidays at tho which commanded very muCla at- is home of Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Wurm. tentsiot:p.hrin Tp. 11,,,e,,e, J. Ira, JForest is visitiing •with friends in Mr, and AL.4•., W. P. Brown of acelm. Councillori-W, Dearing, . te.wri for a few 'efr a few da”. acchn.; Eep. :R-ov2, Reuben Gates R. M Love, P. Martine, C. Maw- Miss Geralclin Sueerari of Lon- hinney, NN. Sche.mk, I. rreatrea.a. (1011, spent Sunday with Mrs. Nor man Gass.cho. Mrs. John Kunt.", of Ihshwood t;;,a,s. cisiter at tlin hotro of PROCLAMATION - Ed. Paters. POLICE VILLAGE OP ZURICH , Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Pfile of Hen.-- aY NOMINATION- AND ELw ECTIO N honio ot• • Mundrs. Lydia Pfile, Public Notice is hereby ,given to the Electors of the Police VII--; loge al Zurich aforosaid ,that the 1e,', -.'d inmablr of persons have not bam elected. to the office of '• TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE EXTEND ew 'Year Greetings Hess sons PREP e' The Cold Days Have Arrivett. Are You Prepared for them? WE ARP, PREPARED WITH CAR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE: F UEL IN OUR .YARDS.• ANTHRACITE (JENUINI- D. & H, Coeis. ANDi SCRANTON Egg, Stove & Nut Sizes GENUINE CIONSOLIDATION4 MILLER'S CREW?' GENUIN CONSOLIDATIOft POCAHONTAS Genuine SOLVAY COKE Oar t,A e flea are at your dils,u posal, antt the information c HENSALL ONT. phone -8-0f flee 1077 Ihoaaci 4.04 • 14. 4. LiAlr Ell:1R Tri • 0 g 4,, ,D4 0.4.t•A•44•41,400441064/00M0112111W. GOODS, ET Hairless Trunks - VaHses Auto Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OFALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB FAGS. LADIES' BRAG% COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON ITA GOOD SUPPLY OP MEN'S IyIITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BL- ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. rr; •OP • • SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. 4', i Come in and see ,our fine display of Uscfull Goods. 11, c• co HARNESS REPAIRING ALW4's..YS AT YOUR SERVICEI. ..'' • •$2"---. ▪ ia? R. .,a4 0 T P 1"' ' = 7. Li R U..11 ,,,,ia ss.ss • 1 osts L. . s 0 IP 47,..., 4' ,4, % .. ct,j,,,,.t.• , ,t, .. ',‘. n.', ne 'fa O •• • 444444+444,4A+.4444444,44.1444÷4,„00+,4+4444.1.44,44,,€0441101414,041-,i: Mr. P. G 01100 of •Corlic It, Mr. Mrs A. Gollen and on of Green- Wav soent ChhriStmai_ at Mr. and 4. Mrs. T. .141cAdatris, 1-11 -rjri L 4. Police Trustees of .the soad ag• Mr. and Mrs, -Jas. Laicilaw and for the. year 1927 and 'LIM& Ore a chughter Ealh-r of Crowell. Then, new Nom.nation wal be held in the spent tha week-nd at the home of 4, Mr. and Mrs, Chas. Weber. TOWN HALL, ZURICH • 'Mr. Adolph Frangrant of :010 41* On Saubie Line Mr. E:1 Frangrant of Hanover spent Sunday with Mr. * MOND A Y., SA.NUARY 1.0th, 1927 ., and Mrs,. J, Albrocht... 4. IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN. WET WEATII.ER YOU- WANT At )i:he hour from 7.00 to 8.00 RUBBER FOOTWEAR. oclock -in the, evenin14 for thepur- il'ad WE ARE GLAD TO .SHOW -YOU A PAIR. EXACTLY SUIT pose of. norninat,og CaLdidates for B:11,71,i), ni• " 51- ED FOR YOUR REQ ig NI'S OUR. S'I OCR IS C0.11.t2iL hit r i KU BER FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LO.NGER Police Truster for the year 1927 Lort D',.1n111,11 clr-"11". i" Ern IN li.LL SIZES AND S -Ti." -I' and. if a is 0,,,ilaivie.d, a poi; big tn.:, holidays at 14.11 ‘ home * Mr Mr1 s.. :11.as.. A.\ €1b -l'. 4. w T 13 .11 i•NT if, To fiAvs will be open,cl on YOUR SHOES REPAIRED MONDAY TI -1E Lith ()AY OP 3.1T1,i .S E, n-,.,, •- and t0 . Meh's Shoes .soled sizes ii -11 $1,00 sons of Mitchell, ,1.1'. :111(1 mvi, w-. $ Women's -shoes soled 3-7 at 73e IIARY, 1027 „ t. Ti. Finkbeinor an Jaught.;r Miss * Ns4,,t Shoes, soled 11.-2 at 05e Hazel of Stratford •v. c‘r visit ()lT' .'s at .1. At th,i• Clerk's on c.e, zur:eh. Rubber heels, 50e and 35c pr. fliffruin. .. 111r. Kennth A. RoMP."eige,1•111 Said Poll be open at 0 o'clock, a. 111. until 5 o'clock, p.rrt. Aida ElectOrs aria h..,reby requ- red to take noti.c..- .and, govern Lie co r d gl y • A. HESS, Returning .Officer.. Zurich, January 291h, 10,2s, • Evangelical bnincli Notes ZURICH - ONT. Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise Sunday, January 211:1, 10.00 ani. Worship led by, „ Rev, W. Yi Dreier, 11 oan,-Bible ,S,•hool, Mr, 3. E. Gasho, Supt. Niw "Vaal. Do not miss this Clailes will b.s arraaged for the iscIsAon . 1,3a 11 .111.--,W Or sh p 1,(1 by 8,30 Ro-organizatio 3 of S-.•• S. • 11,,v B. Moyer. • . DASHWOO D ,3u0d0y, January 2nd - 10i a m,- \,,i., meaty, ,et.i. by 11.06-1ible School. A. Birk, Supt. 4, • 7.30 Thm. Lime Light pictures onclarlod 111 i.c a c. n th aiiaimi, as the .l C a El ari6'in :ind o y.,lopment of e- irq 41.11.V 1 Cl! ' ri,1-1 all the it saes : ,,,.. 4 Cia• in Evg lical Church, in eh- styles coupled with all mod ..rn ',ni- t ergo. of Rev. W. Y. Dryityr, , i, 0,,'--.::' ,,, ;it., - 01.,i.•• •, ,,,.at, - V6 Crediton. ..,a• • il .41 it ...., h..i ,',.0 i1.,1. Mr : You are cordially invited to al- Aligel Tuts bans appall) 1."4 as 11,- 67 4:4 tend the SerVices, 1::". • •,,,•• .11 1,v tilos, ,,...virts and 4,‘tith rhts better tAst.ii of cars sho- 4v, 0, Env. P. B. MEYER, Pastor. vdd find many buges of thesq, thYlinme of NIT. ,and Mr'. \V, 4. 4. 4E. 4. has 'est •th., past six notain't4. the 3%7,•7'w Engl and. States and Vir-1 as travellirg aal"Almlii for iv+44.14+4.÷.144.4444+4,,+44.4,++4.4.4+4..i,14+,.7.44-+444,44,4•4+44,11,40,t4+04.41,0**,04 D M 1'e7ry's S -,ed Co'. is holiday ing at Ws, home b-?r,e,, rwear...latni NV. *TWA...44 Mr, and Mrs W. R. Malior of Toronta; Miss Noa, Frank, Will and Lel S'eb ,rt, Detroit. Miss Ea'rnic. Milhausen, Kitchenr, Mr. Albert Siebert, all spent Xmas.. at Siebert, all Xmas. at llama of Mr. and Mrs, W. L. Sie- bert Tithe weatherman the pfaSt week 11-.0 Le i1 the kindest to us than for 'some raanths, hi fad: have h la the £n -a. Christmas that we know of, ao snow and ftO temp- eratur.' •a -t at the freer.: -':f point whla tn" •••1%;.y v."as el,ar ulth mi, -1.-'1,01 that is so rara 'it this season of thl year,' Ono can go -dace with tia„, luta. as out, ina•n travelled roads are 3 1.15 I liko-numrcor: - Tho jeAti;`tt and Page .aulotn- .ind showing at Mr, Angers Garago last Fr)d.s FFUT & SO N SHOE MERCHANT PHONE New Year's Greeting We look back over the year or 1920 in a spirit of graatitude and. appreciation for .the patronage our Custathers have given ms. And we look forward. to 1927,, and ask you to got,tinne to beoor business partneri and frionds, and we wish for you, all an oven more Prosperous and IIA.PPY NEW YEAR than the last. \i. MEI? OH 'vv P C S Al E" 97 BLAK