HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-23, Page 8cru app e- tEr4 +lams Th fth F, � .7tSiSi1fk hill Becomes a great Gift het:dF u rters at this season. or the year, is oar large and attrctive Store will be found a 'WEALTH OF SPIEECD1 f) TIIINOS THAT WILL MAKE IDEAL CFIRISTI,IAS PREEN I' ., WE AIM 1O PLEASE YOU BY GIVING 'EOU 'EEG V±d BESL GOODS AI' THE LOWEST POSSIBLE .PR - CES. FOR LADIES 1SWE.ATER CO TS, WINDBREA.KERS, GLOVES, TOQUES, NEW ISUErrY PARASOLS, IN AMBER TIPS, SILKLO BEDSPREAD ., TOW BLS, FANCY' COLORED. VELVET CUSHION TOPS, BATH MATS, .IRANDKERCfIIEFS Ob' EVERY DESCRIPTION, STAMPED GOODS, .;AND A COMPLE.L'E ARRAY .0F FANCY GLASS AND CHINA- WARE. HINA-WARE. FOR MEN --� SWEATER COATS, GLOVES, MITTS, FINE SILK SHIRT 1N SEPERATE BOXES, TIES, GARTRR SETTS, !BRACES, :,CARPS BELTS. For Boys and Girls • Everything in Wearing Apparel uc1t as Sweaters, Hosiery, Mitts, Gloves, Toques, Ties, Etc. TOYS TOYS Toy's and Dolls. *° e;ee'y kind for tit. Kiddies;, SE: our cli-.play in th:s line, at lower .}irEtes t.han gornler years. GROCERIES Everything in now friths for 'Your Christmas iak.iig, Cnl'r..nc.s, F ., u_e :. pyla, Ci.1n- berrise Sh:r.1Ei ;Nuts, Cn r'l.'e,1 Cher Ties, W41.1: t.'4, J l o ":I i. - 't Peanuts Ora,tg sand a. complete lin.: o: caitdEs, GASC.t. Prod Li Wanted Zia has, o ]s, Greases Phoicie 59 arag Tires, Tubs, Repairs (flENUINE.ORD PARTS 1fUS1 rti.e i , r,r, A SIIEP LENT Q:4' DOMINION •it Rs 1LND TUBES WE ARE \J" H A N t)L l N u 'I R :A FAMOUS .. hC._ et a SLP' reimi &11 IF IN L 1)' WA BATTERY. ERY. W E SOLICIT YOL ai PA.TR0NA.GL, WE- GUARANTEE OUR PRICES 'f'0 EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., A NE er i'A1,H ('HEAP BATTERIES, AND BEFrtlES WE GIVE YOU ER VICE. EVE 41.kit E •sA t'ISH'AC'ORY ALLOWANCE ON 'k+)UR OLD 7d3.TT- E: ERY. RtATTER`• H1'PAIRI1NU AND HA'1'1BRY CHARGINri EXPER'rAUTO EMPALME() EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANE vi. ALSO AC- e`4TY1,.RNi• v r. r TlTN( ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE :�... r ioasseaa Zaric r ;. is cp $ FJ, ea Stoves a i 0 10 •e •0 A ee Furnaces "� .. :ire ;getting cool-- `Metter w. ,i0o a be ite t»e, this puts us in 2 m n, : r,f that New Stave, one that will gi '::-store heat with less fuel than any oth make on the market, namely the :; i uebec combined Cooker and i O VE THAI +V ILL COOK AND BAKE WIT.I-I ,ENI, AND FOR ,{EATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T • ;DE IN 3 W SfZES18s18 in. and 20xz0 in ovens ui N COA1. OR WOOD. vVti a i• : ^, YOU THE VERY BEST THAT I , . '•1 all.; le :'t+;CLA" A REAL OLD STANI)8Y :I k r !a t v'EN SATISPACTION ret '1110U •N 1,0•1 JI ; °; Y YEARS. The PurnAve that CIL.rA c9� I{Fi g A:41 - I IN 1 MO: E A I+. SAN rile sane In hr and hare rte se 1 rA'" ., Plumbing Job m m ke no mistake .i d.,ue: by 'Jur Expert Mr, or Eavetrunglling by coming here Ted. Millteholtz. 1pprec ate your Patronage ZURICH NT, 0460••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••m; ar.411it11ii;* i1G 4_4,44j TO OUP. FRIENDS AND CUST- OMERS WE EXTEND CORDIAL GOOD WISHES FOR A AND A 1133 ITEMS OF IOC/4L INTEREST Mrs•, John .t ogland of Detroit, is visiting her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. John Schnell. Mrs. Tlerb Uttley and daugh- ter Goldie w^re. visiting in God - Oriel, last weak. Mr. A A. Weber was p Visi to Elmira and Kitchener the p week. Mm. H, H. Cowen and Mrs. E. Oe"st'h were visitors at Dashwood on Wedneeed.ay for as.':: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elsie of Gr- and Bend we.Ei Sunday vi'sitorsat the home of Mr. tend Mr's. Herbert Uttley„ The coast of the Provincial ection on Dec. 1st last to the p lie treasury is estimated, ,at $7 000 Ou El- t50- Western Farmers' Mutual LOCAL ART• Butter lb.... _ 40 Eggs -.. 55-50-30 Dt ee d apples lb. ___ _ 9 1Vheat . ... 1;,25 Oa La 42 Harley 60 Huck. wheat 65 n Flori..__.__. .-... - _. 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton_.._.. __.._ ...34.00 gran per ton... __, .__ -. 32.00 Chickens over 4 lbs. __. .. ...16 -IS '-61b,4 and under 13 D,1:•i.:a dressed .._... ...... 21c Geese dressed _..... 20c Turkeys dressed __ ......... ......... 43c Potatoes per bag ._.... '2.09 Live Hogs, cwt. 12;00 (Corrected every Wednesday) The Cyclone League Hock season will open next Tuesday e ening schen th:' E::titer team will be over and play the locals. An in:e_estin; schoo'. tonere'. be held on Thursday evening, Dec 23rd, in the Bronson Line Hay Tp school to which all are invited. Mr. and Mrs. Beers of Buffalo, and Mrs. Demuth ani )son of Tor- onto are visiting at the home of Mr and Mrs, C. ,Weber. ,ru; ey miller Inman Cc. v - Mr. Roy L.atnnnt,while driving in his car at th . big s vamp the other day, insome way the• enr skidded into the ditch and turn.'d over on its side with the result that the. fenders were bfldly dam- ag:'d, while non of the occupant's were injujre'd. 'Mr. Ed. Warm ,of Markham, who atterded thhe funeral of his moth in., the late Mrs, iCatherin ti'i urm, stayed over for a £ev days ren- ewing old friendship. Mr, Wurm made a good. move• ,going to Mark- ham as he has a most splendid business at that place. Mr. Harry Angel, Jewett agen and 3Ir. Garnet Ja^obe. sof the Par Lire, ww°erT at London ;on Thursday when 1rr. Jacob& purchased a fine. Jewett four door :s t u in exch- tnt. for his Grey Dort touring. A Jewett dmnonstr,tion will be 1V9. 11 at Mr. Angel's '� tra..e on Friday ,of this week .Coma and seep this wonderful new On Satt,rday of his week we are again being cailEd upon Ito celebrate* the Annual Christmas Day, when all ChriEtIa.n worskiping npaple send nations obserm: it as a esact•ed holiday, TVhi1e we have. no definite proof that ;this was the actual day upon whi :h the saviour was horn, yet tradic'on tells us that a. prominent Monk write in the fourth century that this was. the mast likely dat,' upon which • the birth took piece However, tet i:s al: observe th°'r day in the r ght a+ti u.lo w:th c' e r"ulnessand luyyul1y to our &natal,. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO, CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $8b,429.61, G Holtzman -- Zurich %GENT, ALSO DEALER IN LI(_1H- E. ING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, , t1-34 NOMINATION POLICE VILLAGE OF ZURICH PUBLIC NOTICE is thereby giv- en that a meeting ,of the Electors of the Police Village of Zurich will be held in the TOWN HALL, On ZURICH MONDAY, DECEMBER, 27th, 19.26 At }the hour from 7.00 to 8,u0 o'clock -au the evening for thepur- pose of nominating Candidatesfor Police Trustee for the ,year 1927 and if a poll is demanded, a poll will be opened on MONDAY, THE 3RD. E.A.Y OFi .JANUARY, At the Clark's Office, Zurich. Said Pe11 beopen at 9 o'clock, a m. until 5 o'clock, p.na, A. F. HESS, Returning Officer. Dated at Zurich, this 8th day of December, 1926. REAL DE N.LS A number of ;real •'state trans- actions l,av•.i ta:ten tae' reeently which. ars oe more t iln usual in- tc ea,. Mr. Mrm. 7,'e nont, of the st1ln 1; has .gold 71:" yen.aciegens, farm in Sttnloy, to h's son, left% R•rt< T,anlont, who n-=ris the adjfoii•) irg 101.i acres, Mr 11•Frod-Sree'nan has s•,ld his farm ion the; Blue We- t,r Tl!g1iwav, north o Drysdale. to Mr. Lary 1 cnee Donn'nl lr, 'son :of lair 1 Ililh, i)•momme, who will get )tow session on Anr it 1st next. Mr. -rn1; Corrine a his 'said the Durand farm, also +rule Drysdale to hi-, son Mr, Len Cmriveau, who his b,cn living 00 v,t•r nri iSom ye- ars, Mr Di. DatrNrs1t +a sold h1 50 aorn the 2r•rl n,oneewai01114• Ian' to. IVIr Ervin Willem' who gets n'' C.',ssion in the ar1Tr,'i'j(1`'. ".Mr, 'tt'itt"r'twill u!se tM •sand fors pa-- tOraga;. NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION OG BY-LAW Notice .is hereby given ahat a By -,law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town- ship of Hay on the 1st day of :i ovetnber. 1926, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of !$1190,00 for the purpose of 'paying for the coat of telephone extensions to the Hay municipal Telephone Sytstem, and that such lAS-law was registered in the Reg- istry Office for the Registry Div- i.ion of the County of Hirron in Hook II, for By-laws on the 23rd day of November, 1924 a•3 num- ber 480. • ' Any motion to quash or set aside the same or any paint there- of must be tirade Within tincts months after the first publication of this notiseee, and 'cannot barnacle thereafter. Dated at Zurich, this 24th day of November, A.D,, 1928. A. F. HESS, «.)Clerk of Hay gown ip Thursday, Deoeniber 151,11, Our Thanks and Apprec.. iai;iorn are extended for the generous share of patron. age we have enjoyed. May this he your r gulag Christmas And 1927 be yi nr Bright., est and most Prosperous E YE R Joafltop & KaibfleIj1 . Hardware Furniture. Phone 6 - Surplus Security $6,859,000 This Iit,rgL Sum, is back of every IN ADDITION TO f°1,OLLAR FOR DOLLAR" FIRST MORT— GAGE —GAGE SECURITY, ris Choose this trustee investment whenever you have ,$100 or more upon which you would like to receiver 'h'igheer rate of interest than paid ,,on deposit% 5 per cent. PER ANNUM IS PAID ,HALF -YEARLY UPON $100 OR MORE FOR 1 TO b YEARS. Let me arrange for a Huron & Erie Debenture .Investment: • in Your Name. Andrew F. Hess, - welch 1l1Y MOTro;---SRRVIOE AND SAFETY Fiavee You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging u �„ 5c C1 l ]rt PAIN TII,Ttx, Ic:e ; .117 L�RANINf>i P LET US DO , APERHANO IN u & IINa. WE MAKE IT A mono oTO SATISFY OUR CUs- TOMERS •FR'fl EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY IJS ON YOUR " XT x.1,Elea-M IE , ZURICH • With an Drugless Practioum eea_! and Optician EXETER 411 iiiALP.EH RODER, l� sear l F � Z1u3Ip Every Tuesday, 10 a.ra, to IN "�° N �'�&M—•fib--��pe--.,II�_.,�,.....G--9f .�,._.� 1*r 1' t extraordinary showing of - the Season's Newest Materials for Men's Suits 3 .10 WHERE YOU WILL FIND ITIVEL 'LTI, y 1 ING VALUES EVER HEARD OPt� 'i BIGGEST TAIL Rli TYEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED '47IT''lt ECONOMY 1 IIS' 11 .AKIN&rT --^ BUYING THE MATERIAL l)IliEdr , . T.` PROM THE BULLS J AND SELLING TO imp' AT TREMEiNDOi~lS SAVINGS T A,T'S WHAT PUTS TIeE DOLLARS EN YOUR POCKET' BETTERR.RY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY a,Y T r® , OFF f NESIICHANT TAILOR, W. II. IO'FMAN la Son, EmnALtixtRa °AND PUNSRAL DIRIZOTO.RS. bay and Night Phone No.