HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-23, Page 4p1 fi,:cck of Merchandise, t =r ; 4 . : a m ood' , S 1 ,ai.1wareso Specials I. ca'{.: ;a s ts and Shoes Sale starts Dec. 16, ends Jan. 1st. OL R 'i ERAS FOR 'Mils S.,1LE ARE .CAS1 Pure Lineal Table Clouts, ,different Siees, Reduced 1-3 tla'regular ];'rice iIEN'S .AND ROV : e EA'T'ER Reg.$1.090 for .. .. ...... . 75e " tL4 erexfa Rem. $3.511 new. ... ...... GLOVES A i' 1) MIT 1'S '`.Men' Reg $1..a5 foe 1 Beg. $1,1a to!' ..... ..... ... Reg. $l ;1 I s 1 'Fin' Niel'Mesas i 1:,,1 l' ,l t's. X1.39 Reg, $1.73 now .. MEN'S ALLWOOL 17NDMIWE lR • :Bibb, Reg. :8t ;n .fn.. yet.'^, all es Fleece. Lined, fns e1 neefor ... !oyes Pleela Lire Ree it neve !Boy''s allwo0l Comb eehl at Speeial :Reduced P •'r°''. :+l`° Toy` tend Men's Overalls, Shirts, Blootn- era, Etc_. LADIES' UN1)i;RWE? R -'bilk and Wool, n11 eee:lea and 75e (3c .sizes, Reg. 75e.. fnr Me per gtrm't FLANNFi.EF PE 'White and miff t'•1 25 -in w i l 'Meek. Flannel, Table oilcloth. 27 -in. Ging11'L O•ingh:l.n, zm X 't iHf,ENSAL ,,.. mr. aria Bbs, iAl• J. Sweitzer, of Detroit., v'ielt:ed with Mr. ,and Mrs. Robt. Higgins, Carnzac Presbyterian charch S. School 'will hold their' .yearly Chri- stmee concert in '4e ,Town Hall on weda,esd.ay, pec, 29th, The many friends of Prof, An- derton of London, forrrierly sof the vicinity, will regret t, o learn hatt he had been very poorly weeks. Mrs. Rumford, who leas been Isp- erdiog the past few weeks, being ill at at the llernee oX Ivir, and Mrs H. Price with a fractured hip, tea recovering and was taken to her hone in Crediton, Alf. Taylor and, Ily, C. Solder] recently returned from an extend ded trip and visit ,in Chicag' , other places in Mich, 1.',T, ` L.ockwood., who has been conducting a barbering business here. hes moved to Brussels, where he intends to 'set 1111 a business, they mads, many friends during th- ee stay here. ' Ceo. Hudson is busy fixing up the ••skating kink and iintendshav Celle .P' VferIYG '.fell^ county jailer; Goderich, -rt,- por.3.0 the daily co.it of eationsLor thc' prisoners al Castle Reynolds to be 12'i cents. At tlhe, county house of refuge; T' Clinton' the daily ati crag e expense. per inmo.te, in- , - clotting, 'uu a. 1)ra s ul't?, othor e *p<•ti sea besides meals, is reported to be `4/4'cents, per de.y. These fig- ure's are not given for the .) ilrpose of comp 1lison--perhaps them* should be no comparison between the in'mate's of the Jail and the innocent old folks at 1 he house of refuge. ! ' NEW RECORD 1 able Linen yd. reg, 75c Iol' 50c Pillow Cotton, e2 -in, reg.45c Ott 370 PRINTS Reg. 25c prints at '13c per ;r,l, A Reel Bargain. Fast colored ,Gal- atea, Reg. 35e. yd. now 25c. See our yd. Fide Quilting Chintz u pry newest Patterns, Reg. 25c. Now 18e.'Per yd, - BL13.\.CRI D AND FACTORY CO'TTON'S, Reg 25 , now 9e can Cabesueed for Reg 35c for 29c, •for 'sheets, Piloiw Cases. Reg 183.• now 13e. I Cotton Batts, Reg. 20e, now GROCERY SPECIALS 1 ti' -in et ... 23e IS - 150 " Reg, e. nt'ur .:,r. p 7;4,e nen- 5Or 1 e 13e '' ,2e 11t)\v e. h. YARN •.Canadi'in 11e. +,,1• ::C •iii !fingering ),e• ear •,.., u[i. 'Denims and :"1 .t:,r,r ; at I.tn,lalr•"t1 l ricee. Soo Our ;;1'•'et de till Linen 'toweling, Witoh' ; ,,.:' ;+1'11x5, Wool '? iami:eta, etc. and 15c. Huron County C'ouncillor's !set a reeord at the December ession which opened on Tuesday after- noon Etat -when they ,wound up the affairs of the County by Thursday night. The most important mat- ter befog:: the board was the equal ized va:uit'on, on wh.•clia commit- tee had been working', a Their re- port was. accepted but action ,was deferred until the January Isessio,) to allow the municipalities :affect ed to look the matter over. During the closing moments the Council had the usual banquet' .whet, 'short addressees ever) given by thhe older members of the Council. At this time tho warden, J.,W, McKibbon, of . Winghain, was presented ,with a gold headed cane, (suitably en- graved, which has become the an- nual costum. Robt. Coulter, t e^vz of East Wawanosh, read the ad- dress and A. C. Booker, roeve of Bru-s'1; made the prjesentetion.The warden thanked the members of. the Council for the hearty co-oper- ation during the,yeee. The. "Mid- right Quarte'.te' 'composed of mens bers of the Council ekave three, v o - eel numbers. • Ourea, Beet iDc lb. sJaprin now 21bsffor :$LOr' Pioneer Table Salt 15, ib. rags. Reg. r25c. now ,19c. l The. for 25c hacc, .. 15c Ce • pound .. .. ,...... Cocoa per 5e. 3 Bottles Extracts for .•. National Matches 3 boxes for 25c Red. Bird matches, 3 l,oxeas tor 30e All laundry Soaps 4 for .. Seedless Raisins, Currents, Dates 2 lbs. for 23e.. icing Sugar per lb, • .. ... 10c Soda Bescuits (Choice) 21bs.. 25e Corn Starch 10e, Lion Macrons 2 bores for e5c. mains Reg. $1.00 for 75c. Toilet Sor•Lp '20e. per dozen, WE HAVE A C1LUI('is ASSORTMENT OF XMAS. TOYS ,H..YD- -TeERCHIEF , VVOM1 $ AND MEN'S SCARFS, GLOVE . AND HO MY, ALSO CANDIES AND NUTS KINDLY GET ACQIi A.INTE1) NITMI, OUR PRICES BEFORE YOU PURC''HASE. • 'SAVE MONEY AND GET YOUBMON" EY'S WORTH RIGHT HERE. 'WISHING OM MANY FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS A A. VERY - .RRY XMAS. AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR. 1 Jos. ss M rcha Drysdale in°• it in good !shape for Xmas. The choir of the United Church are preparing a cantata,"The Nativity of Christ, to !lig given on Sunday evening Dee. i26. The council xnet ,Tuesday even- ing for its last regular meeting with all the members resent e x- .t'1)t Councillor Campbell, Fire Chief Bates was present •and made e report to the council on the fire tat" BLAKE. The annuli birthday. piarty of the SV.bl S. was held in the church la e- Wedneeley with a fair attoeti- liice, owiug to the ,extreme cold 'veather, many -ere unable :to be. 'resent. After th usual meeting Mrs. McClynlot eat Varne igav ' .1 splendid. report of the Piee;sb-- terial Which 1u• s held in Seafv 'th in the fall. The ;Str1ck orcheatre rendered sVied)rvevel selectionsVied)was much enjniye :i by those prpx; ent Lunch was then iserved and e 'soci-tl time'spent. itlr. Wm. Cai v lnie ,of Engla'tn 1 ereived here het w-'ek a::.3 is it.ipg with his aunt, Mrs•. E. Cla.k end family. Mr. and elmi'Ross Johnstone re- turned atter a pleasant ,visit with friend:, in Fullcrtm>,. Miss Alberta Finlay who spent a few weeks witht rinds i,fr Lon- don, returned home last week. Mrs. Z. Meyers )spent a few days 1•tfit week att h' home -of Mr. and Mrs., Thos .Meyers of the Babylon line. Mr. and Mrs Rudy Schwartz- entruber spent Saturday with.Mr and Mrs Val, Gerber an the vil- lage. ( Mr. and Mrs, Earl Weide, of Zur ich and Mr, and Mrs Ross John- ston spent Sunday evening at the home of Mrs. E. Clarke. ••10•11r40•0•00••00•0•1990000040.00001044000911•0000 •41,004 Are buying Xmas.. presents a prob- lem to you? If so come and see our fine assort- ment in stock, and you will be highly pleased with your purchases d' OOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, C}IICI{ ;tams STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND WE (,AIM TO SATISFY Louis Schithe 1''I.1 - Zurich • 1 0 • 2 • 0 • 0 i 0 • • men's dance aril. stated .that proceeds over expense were 571.00 and this amoant was banded over to the town treasurer for the p•ur .chase of coats and :bioote and caps •ir the DEINV fire birigade. The col- lector reported the: taxes iscolning in 'well and the ,roll leafextended to Friday, Dec. 31st. Clerk Murd- ock reported that ha Chad reeeived +:nrd from the Lorne ,Fire Engin? Co.. of Ingersoll, •stating that ,ht? the near fire engine would be here about Dec 24thh. Thursday, :Deeenlbor 23,, 192a In your own home with an twater Kent alio ALSO CHURCH SERVICES, NEWS, HEALTH TALKS, MUSICAL, I',ROURAMS, COOKING R +'CIPES,1"1OUSEHOLD • RINTS, MARKET' REPORTS, TIME SIGNALS, ETC. :S i ,VATER KENT, THE ONLY' GENUINE ONE DIAL CONT'ROf.R.AI)10 RECEIVING SET ON TTI'. E MARKET, TUNING AWAY WITH LOGINCY CARDS AND bila; ~SIG WITH 3 DIAL CONTROL IF A STATION IS iBROADCASTING YOU GET 1P :ZN A SEC OND. A SIMPLE TWIST OF ,THWItIST YOU GET :IT ,ALL AND GET IT GOOD. ASIC THOSE SVHO HAVE ATWATER KENT IN RADIO. EXPERT RADIO SERVICES, NO GUESS WORtt WITH ftEPLi- ACING NEW TUBES, WE HAVE SPECIAL RADIO INSTRU ' ENTS TO (PEST ALL MAKES OF SETS AND TUBES. [ °`...SonS • 0 0 • 0411•0109108015•100440•000••a!•+••••••••••••••••• A 1 • 0 • e • 1 i Dashwood Ott exec\,clonally good pro-, - gram will be given in the Evan- d,,eli.a'. church on Christmas night . a1.urday, at 7 30 p.m. Admits - Adeii 250. and 15c, The children will %Ivo yi ,short mise::llt'anouus pro- ,brace consisting of songs, drills, :.t1£ategues, pantonine, nett exerci:s- .es in r oanectiun tt ith th Cl,r's.mWis ree•..after .thieh the Pageant "The elereatest Gift" will be given by the •::atb tt members of b h 1 Sunday seli- - eal,. ihhe. to.1 blv Prof. W R, :Goalding o£ Exeter, ,will 1,t :t -*Niptxi.)i feature ie tlit' program. :Delft miss th11i.A fins (' hri;.i n"e3 *lorbrit. .iijirii44 Ida '7itnru.:yr is visiting in fir• 43 Natli;d^ who has been 'K45111; has Urtll.;llt Vii'* irJ."rst„lte> t tn'' returned, Iso Mai -g. r:0 11"i,1 01' Surat. .10•,r'µ ;•; :,,; ,i:iirl ; the ,Holidays with •Ares p crent•s. t .111$si'itl'.ttylit Criltas of Detroit is visiting her father. Mr. :and Mrs Herman Zimmer of. Stratford 'spent Sunday in town. SCHOOL REPORT 9.-S, No; 5, for November., Jan. IV --Elgin Harter. Jr. IV—Vera Smith, .Grace Rob- inson, Margaret Robinson.. Sr. III -»Bo: t McBride', Bruce McC:linchey, Edgar Mc(lttic'ht-y . Jr, III—Russel Hayle„ Flnlorr' McBride, Campbell McKinley, El - mere St rphenson, Jr. 'II --Margaret Lamont, Allen t rsrastrong. l " .Jr. I—Ilazel Hayter, Elva Me - CI inrhey. Telmer -- Isabel Robinson, 'Dor- othy Armstrong, Clare 111cflride, Lola% Mell:neh'r . r 'i , 0. E. Brid, teacher. FOUND `lett° r gages of buckwheat 1,ee twe'en Jlcnaall and Zur.ieli.. O:;lle'r teen hav:'1• tiamo by ,flaying for this tLdr. ,at Geo, ', Thiers G. Hes . 'RADIO HEADQUARTERS. NOMINATION - PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the, Electors of the municipality- of the Township of Hay will be (held in the TO'VNSHIP HALL in The VIi,LAGE• OF ZURICH On MONDAY, DECEMBER, 27th, 1926 At the hour from one toae wo of o'clock, p.m. for _ the p 1 nominating candidates for Reeve and Councillors for the Township of Hay for the year 1927, and in ,case a poll -is .d.enlanded, poll's will be opened on MONDAY, THE 3RD. i,AY OF ' JANUARY, 1927. In the Several Polling Sub -Div- isions of the Township US foie CREDITON Eli Lawson and Godfrey Nich- olbon received a carload of ‘yo- ung cattle from Artlaind, Sask. John Rollins is quite ill and un- der the doctor's care, John Bedford is. quite poorly at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Frk. Roeder. 1 rvr and Mrs. Russel Clarke. of Detroit, accompanied by Les- ter IIcIssa'ac and .Elgin tVoodall, visited relatives here. 1. Mr and Mas G. E. Wenzel vie- ited at Listowel). The friends at Mrs. E. Gettinger are glee to know that 'she. had t' turned :roux London Hospital, wh- ere she tnderwcnt 7a serious tfper-- ation The Christmas Festival .of Zion I't augelieal church will be held on Christ'ras night, Dec. 25th. lA Inns- ical program of recitations, lexer- (-is'.i, etc., will ue followed L'ty a cantata. "He Came to sus All" 'T he, ::ynrpathy of the co'Munn-, icy k extended to Me. and Clinton' Brown in the lose • of their only son- aged 3 years. The Community Field Commit- tee are grateful for a cheque of $!19 from the Woin,ee's Institute, Cr- editon with this h:ttlment clears the Field from debt. The regular meeting of the Institute washeld on the eve of ,Dr'c. 17th, when the treport of the London ,eonyention was given by Mr's. Maynard, The treasure* reported that they had cleared 10 frore the recent bazaar end ul:pper.. lows ; Poll No. 1, Polling Place School House No 2, E. .Campbell D. R. 0. and C. Prouty Poll ,Clerk; No. 2, School House No.. 14, ,D, BLIMP' D. R. 0 and W. Alexander Poll Clerk; No. 3, Town Hall, ,W. O'Brein D. R. 0. and 0. iSurerus Ppil Cherk; No., 4, SS''•. G. Hess' Shop, W. G. Hess D. R. 0. land 3). Oswald tall Clerk; No. 5, School House No. 12 E. Bender D. :Ri.O. iancl J. Geoffe y I oil Clerk; No. 6, Hartleib''s Hall, J. K, Goetz D. R .0. and A. Weber_' Poll Clerk; No. 7, School House No. 3, J. B. Forret D.R.O. and Jae. McAllister Poll Clerk; Na. 8, C. 0, Smith'el Shop; P. Ducharnte ,D,R1 0 and Jost Corciveau, ;Jr. -Poll Clerk. Said polls will bo kept open from 9 o'clock, am, until 5 o'clock, p, m. and no longer, ANDREW F. HESS, Returning Officer. Dated at Zurich, this alh day of December, 1926. 1926 Christmas Seals The 1926 Christmas Seals, in aid of the Muskoka and Toronto hospitals for Consumptives, have just been is- sued. These 'handsome seals, o4 dif- ferent designs, are put up in assorted packets of 10, 25, 50 and'100. The .rational Sanitarium ,Associa= tion is in need or funds carry on the work of its hospitals in Muskoka and at 'Weston. Every dollar received through the sale of Christmas Seals is used for rairntenauce :04 patients there. Why not buy these sealis in' lieu of others? Not only will you get good value in return, bait your money will be made to serve a ;greater end, for it will go to hells someone in distress. Look for the double -barred Red Cross or, every paeltet, None others are genuine, Por sale by •schoolniiildi'en an Donee, els crireot from eter ats Seal Liege Ia lf,tli i, 'i' rant() 2, •k444-4.444.4•44.1.•1.444.1.4-1r44+}.•g.,i••i•.1..1•,p..l•,fi•.i-eia w?. N OTJ CIF,yEN T The ei e awl hwen Sales 1D.ISTRIBUTORS FOB WESTERN ONTARIO OF PAGE ,AND JEWETT MOTOR CARS WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE APPOINTMENT OF Mr. H. ANGEL AS THEIR REPRESENTATIVE IN Zurich and District AND THAT A COMPLETE SOHWING OF PAID AND JEWETT MODELS WILL BE SHOWN 1AT Mr. Angel's Garage ON' Ha a r:L9 Psops .i. a•444+a•4l4,aAa•+a• a••;~-t•.a-.• s-.,.-e•4..a•4•€.+ •44-&'•i•44•t••r•444•t••1••1•.s••€••1••i••4d••i• a Friday, December 24th, 1926 A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO EVERY- ONE Churci, was held at Clinton. Eug- ZURICH HERALD EER sue Howey of Exeter, was at inner Established 1900 for the south group and Miss lain tel of Goderich norlhg roup, and ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY carried off the honors by a near- NOON FROM THE • row mafginu. It has been itt. fairly busy week 1.4 in Magistrate Reicl'•s office, ,God- erich. On Thursday last Nerl was fined 0.TA. charge. On Saturday Nel- son Ricker frons Hen'sall, incurred 'similar fine for an O:T,A,. viol- ation. For driving a rear while in tc,:oicated, a second offence Joseph was sentenced to 11 ')days in Dail FFor illegal purchase of liquor W. Weiss fined 5200 and ,costs. On Tuesday, for an assault' upon R. Knitting, Chas. Herd was pied $20 and coats. COUNTY NEWS An out otruek on its way from Ciuett-cich to London, skidded into the ditch four tines on ,Friday. last. The retain streets of Granton aricl Thorndale will be paved next year, the Middlesex C. Council de- cided last week, Other towns ;wh- ere streets will bep laved are Stra athroy, T'arkhlill, Dorehe'ster and Mount ,lrydgeiii, Mr \.and Mrs, Joh Bothwell,. of Varna, left last week to 'spend the, winter with friends iln the St- ates of Oregon and ;California.Thei.r many friends wish them get pleas- ant trip. L The people of Clinton ,and vic- inity were sorry to learn of the death which took place in Winni peg on Monday last sof the Rev Alexander Stewart, M,A , D.D., .who for ovewr thirty years pas paastoi' of Wills Presbyterian Church, pi - (inters. - . Tho ( death took place :at the Huron County Home, Clinton, on Thursday last of Private ,Albert Sidney Bolton, he Wass a Home boy and had no relatives in this part. Before he enlisted piney in ipil and was engaged with Robt. Munni of near Iiensall. John Rocsaler, of near Crediton has received in cash 11261,00 egg money from HO hens, he seine what he used, during the past year ;and that in the past 11 years he ha4 received over $i3Ot)0.00 for eggs,' 1' x" finedt in',the Young People's Huron Regiment, whim ha& ibOetr rstt ri e1 ni ;alt t'': li'.ty+ u1;"' b1i -a calcine'' cions" t for t ° 1 i i t' lief n. i'x.' 1a'..;•lli't. 1 tt':'el: f ,' •:Jule puelle r w ,;k:,.'. LOW uri,irit.ha Uair titl lit •,11. .a. ' ,•l;i,..1 '1.'.l,:i: j;ilrCtn att',!' )11 X;1'aults Or thlri '~,ndt 4the: 1 ' ! ' t Orniand Hutchins, aged 17, flur- ou Road, received a ballcit ,wo- und in the left uerrn, last Saturday ri ternoon, whhen ag un carried by a chum, Fred Oram, accidently di.a charged, the bullet lodging hi the arm. The. 'two lads were out hent ling in a bush: wear tho Maitland Rivor, when the accident occured. The boy suffering :severely was taken tr, a farm Itonse, and after- wards to Goderich Hospital, where liW is improving. EXETER Muriel How'ald is ill at 'her borne with two trained nurses in .attend- antie. The Ford coach belonging to W.P. Abbott 'skidded on -tLhe icy road the other morning end colli- ded with et telephone pole, the c tr. coming off ieecond ;beat, Ed. Willort and Bruce Tuckey left Monday :lent in ,a. Ford car to motor to Florida tole the win- ter. Thursday last while John Oke was driving wi.tnn ii 11otse unit.l;ug- gy he narrowly eat:aped eel'i0tr5 ac eido!at '(hen be t:orlided with ,an auto truck, part of the shaft And •harn'::,.e were betaken Gencxal A.rlYrktteng, and Capt. Lawson, of London headquarters staff inspected D, !:omli