Zurich Herald, 1926-12-23, Page 11.••, ol. XXVU o25 ...•nrodasa.p.m.ra•a* •ft.••••••••••••••••••*•..Worm............, ZUR 1 r'H, THURSDAY MOWING, DECEMBER 230 1926 11. To our in:- u.y Readers and Frien DifellINED4DGelleDeDelele3DGleal • ceN 4 affiliiineWGENIMOWlieliMegefftE3DCDe3SelegilDOIRIDell)eiElMe3 DefilMel eetlelMeaDMIEDeiDelMEKtie firlatut attulttetto We have a fall Line of Candy and Nuts, also Bon Boii Boxes. Kodaks and Oranges. W. a Wagner - Phone 91 -ki,++4.+*4-14+4-1.4.4.++++++*1: - 54. ca. ir 4; er 1 7.41, Now is the time to Nuuy your RADIO,. not w till spring and miss all the music and Concerts 4 .4 Give rite a :can before baying Asewhere Do good -4. ./ESCH - Zurich -3. ..... . •13:: . • • ++++4.4-+++4 44++++++++--. .}-1.-'t.+4,:-+++++++++4 .e. ' • '::•S-2 .. '' • "09 e41 4., own REPAIRING Ot Shop NEA.TLY 00NE • 100111Mitgaeettemiteseoteie111,1.110 mi7,-4.?,e 3 ttfa 011g 41415M1000.6 cieDiexeceeseeQee a a a 'o. 0...b.41.0.20314t44.04-00-***-6,04404-53.041-,&4 e., mas. res FOR Me and4:Alays , nts IT'S QUITITA A I,ROBLEIVI TO SELECT GIFTS FOR MEN, BUT' HERE Ai MIS STORE YOUR PRO1LEN3 ABE SUDDEN LY REMOVED. BY THE IMMENSE SELECTION'S OF .ZIT - ABLE GIFTS. Men's Broadcloth. Shirts SEPARA.TE Ciree...LAR TO MATCH, GOOD VALUE U to $3,50 Men's Gif Ties Fancy Hose woNEEt01.1L. RANGE FROM 35c. TO SCARFS NEATLY BOXED' 4114041144143.44 Chewer L. ilreith, Pietteteleor; 0..25 a Year fin 4,4^1MtVati, VI 40 Tx AR 1,1,4. ;, M A 13 It Oh:AROMA a we extend Season's RE-:DEDICArrois - • The Be -dedication and Conse.c- ration of the, .Ev. Lutheran St,- pelerle church, Zurich will take place next Sunday morning,epece ember 26thh at 10.30 o'clock. 'Mem- bers and friends will assemble in the church !shed from whence 'a procession will be fo •rned. The order of the proceseitin will be as 'follows; Roe. H. Rembe, S., Paetor of the church conned, they Building -ComMittee, 'the peg - twist, the, Cherister, members, fri- ends -and vistors. When :the pro- cession reaches the church door a short service will, be 12ooducted, af- ter whieh the Building -Master, Mr Fred Ke1bflers2h, will hand. the church keys to the pastor. The procession will then move slowly into the chuech sayin„e' respons- iVely with the Pastor P. 12.2. Hav- ing reached the chanciel the pas- tor and church dounell shall enter, it, depositing the Bible and Sac- ramental Vessels in their places. The act of Consecration them takes, exiace followed by the regular ore der of Morning Service. . The eV - ening e; ervice cornmendes at 7.30 o'elock at which an' appropriate sermon will be preached. Spec- ial choir anthems rendered., -anneua cements cif gifts made, and. other matters concerning the trading. most cordial invitation is extended to allepeople of 'Mae _community. and to the members of. all neigh- boring churcheee SCHOOL REPORT S. S. No,. 11, Hay, for Noveinber. Sr. IV -Marie Charrette, xPrec ale Ducharme 161. jr..,IV Gee -dein S it.IL 3 It..45dtwerinnTfrir Charr&Le-214. *Anthony Maese. 211, xRaymond Keeling 141. Sr. Ill-eClarence Lafromboiee. Jr. III -Norman S 355, D e33 ni.11 Chaereete 356, Lucille Jeffrey 361, Dennie Charrett': '352, Lard Hen tlyir;k1:.: 352; Regi.; Ducharme 334 Aeila Duehherme 320, Maxim Jef- frey 287. S •. MAsse 325, Marie aLfromboise 300, 'Arnie &tenon 276. Jr. II -Therese Masse. 34, Roe - ilia Deeharrne 390, !ray Millard - in' 386, Marie Masse 350, Leona La freneboise 301 Fint-Cherie J-Mroy 393, Eva Mass' 376, Maxim Dulharme Sr. Pr -Alphonee Mase 347, Jr. Pr -Join Mts!'e 158, j Trill Lucharme 154, Hireld Siemon 150, Leo Ch. Lafromboise 150, Norman Beierling 135. Those pepilsmarked were ab- sent from school for .one or more eeams. Miss M. Howald, Tevacher. A fin" pogram wili be rendered in $ S. No. 4, !itrinley ou.th on !Fri- day evening, D 23rd at 8 ',vixen the pron.:1*TM •- will cOt- sFat of Dr'lls, Moeo'og:lies, Songs. PI tys, Musical Nernber!;, Dielopeles etc. eetimise:en 25c.. Children .10a. Miss Cornish, Teacher. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH, - ONT. One Chr vs trn e n t rt a inm en will 47! held on Christmas -eight Saturdiy, Decorah r 21th. A !short nrogrem bo given by the Jun lore followed by "'The ITellelujah Chorus from Tlandel',1 be rendered be the ("heir, Miss E. Renaie, leader, and. the Christmas Tectreenit "Thn Star of Ilope" will "given by the ;Billie School 11" Cboir, Do not rolse Pell treat. Adiniseten, Adults 350 fThildrrn 15e. Rupp and 'Mrs, W. F. Rot:inger' eri nAroit, Mr. J. Oliver 1' P 9 etd.n. d's .,•••••••m,•7,-. Aleti9grAVS7.%7"g. margeoloworswifteaslumnosulosmus iyamanwr Merry Christmae, •is our most sincere, isles to all lour readers and friencle. .0 The various Directors and Offic- ers of the Hay Tp Pire InsuranceCo. Co. m'et in Voisin's :hotel on Sat- ueclaY, whhich will likely be their last meeting fort phis .year. SAD:DEATH What seems ono of the :sadest ,death e that ever happened. in this community took plana on the Salable Line, Stanley, at the home of Mr. and Mre. Eramer- son Snider, when Mr. Snider met 'with 'almost instant death through a.n accident &lased. by his, (doilies becoming entangled with a rano ing -.part of a gasoline engine:. wle:ch had been started to do some chopping in the ibarno Mr. Snicle4 while putting on the belt caxne in contact with .part of the clutch peliey which was revolving and before hie hired man who was - assisting ,him, could 'top the engin Mr. Snider was drawn in and wletried round. eeve.eal tirrxes, ono of turns was nearly severed from: the body, while hiss body as as well as his load wore bruices to 'such an extent that living was irripe!Ss;ble. It Is a very sym- PP.thetic core:1We nas deceased was luet.:14p the..v1:er of life, aged 40 year; 8 months, .and 15 clays, and leaves his bereft WiCi0 . and two iuiji children ; a'so hi th J. Snider and one Isieter Bessie, of Kite.hener, a sister, Mrs -Chas Mc- Griggor of Grand Bend, and als ne o obro they0, ?raid Snider, •Nyho lives opposite the road of dec- eased, 'Stanley Towashile The funeral IL as held on Tuesday to' 4 the ayfield ex.n.exte.ry, Re. F 4•4.‘++++++44++.444.41++: Moyer of Dashwood, officiating. 4 The most heartLat svmpathe of the entire community goes out to 4. the bereaved ones. DIAMOND SET ENG.A.GEIVIENT RENuS Never before have we had a more. beautiful Stock. of Diamond Set Ring e now. LET US SHOW YOU THESE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS • In COS from $25.00 to $100.00 W. G. Hess Sm PRE RED 71/1is The Cold Days Have Aricivedl Are You Prepared for thenir: WE ARB PREPARED WITH' CAR LOA De OP HIGH ORA104. 33' IN OUR :YARDS. .V711RAOITE CE iENUINP. & H. 'Co's- AN 'RANTON Egg, St. 11)-t, & Nat Szez , GENUINE CONSOLIDATION: MIL I. ER'S CREEK GENUINE f...`0 NSOLIDATIONI POCAHONTAS Gennine SOLVAY COKE Our teleph ex are at soar disre, pu-sal, and ie.! information i'sfr•ee::. IDA carLtaion„, H E N SALL ONT, Phonevs-Offiee 10w, Howls 10,T,, t' • 1)4, ii.t; • • % 4 0 4> 0 * 00.0 ••• •;;••4.. .11, 4; + 44. 0.4, 4, 00'egEf.E5fMETIEr" LEATHER GOODS, ETO. %A. Harness Trunks Valises Auto Res 4 WE' ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS O , F ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS„ LA DIES' i!AU.S4 COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND e,;1- GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BL- ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. zee tge; SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. ey. Ice • Come in and see our fine display of Usefell Goods. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE‘ TH 'V= FON rill, pais I 2: ,=me tij Et.L. **117 f,1 001M4i,M14, LATE CATHERINE W.U11111 It pleased God, to call from e timinto .. blessed eternity ,the heloved Mrs. Catherine Wuree on Saturday evening, December llth at 8 o'clock Fitt he re'sidene, of her daughter, Mrs, J. Oliver Jacobi 1216 Winnemar Ave., Chicago, at the ripe old age of 84 yew% Th., VI:it six weeks ;of her lire IV a !spent with ,her daughter Mrs. Jac- obs, enjoying the comforts of ‘el.r:st fellowship with Me. andivirs. Mre. ,T. Oliver Jacobs, and their !many friends as well as that of her former pastor and ,his family. the Rev W. C. Miller. thr, end d.rew near which Ara% due to, old ng' and. a. woakrning heart, elle celled aimed many Limesafor her belo ed diesel -teed daughter .Anna and her hmleand. Henry, be- fore that she frequently en luired as to whhether the •other members bad enquired about hee in their lettere rind expressed. desires to, again her ow home, child.rea. and friends. Wh.tt a loving ten- der concern she had unto the end foe all her children. 0f'a truth Blessed are the dead ;who die in the Lord." Mrs., WUrin was born in Weterloo, 'Ont., 'Dec. 26, 1184e. end 'shortly thereafter came to Zurich where She was united in mar yi to Mr. Wary Wurm, Marh c 10th, :851. Thie ttn:0.1 Le.e d claughtors and thre.? sonsnarroly-MTS, Julius Block and Mr; Teltn F uee of Zurich; Mrs.- Wm, 1 bursie y e‘. enin r • t 1 . err eel!. ;ion, a ft , r e • e ' ch the Qe.... jawitex, Chicago, ill. ; J aeob IV urn) 54e. !to $1.25 • ertiely Board wili meet, . if Merlthein c.!.eitferth, Ont., end E D. Wurm, Ont TI.'": huklAnd Aunday, lint:,,Thiltr,r At111"1. 1.,1-1 'son ,William L5.00 a ,m‘ Wor.slili, led by, i ',,,r,.,(:ey ding 11',r into lle lite ' be- ll - 0 L. 'Gra 4- ,e,nd. On Monday. 'Dec, 13th n t 11 la.m.-Bible Sehe !I. Mr, j. 1,, i 2,0n il n.). a br:0: !nlor.,;11 ,,s,rvico Or14,71101 So)t ' was hld at the eeteelers of the 7.30 p,m.-Woriship 1P4 by Piser Undertaleee ce by th,Ar form '1, paisto‘' ",'- vV, C. Mill^,r, DA SITW000 and then the , '• l'!"v" 1111:01,Ight to Sunday, Zurich wly.,ro. 's - . c -• wore held at 11,, fl m., --Worship, h ,1 by hex' dought!)v'.ex e; " s4.., -e, Mrs. John PLAIN AND ,PLAID, ALL IiRICES, ip', Ilan& r Rev. F 'B. May,f)r ll'un Dr 14th , .• '' "ei oxen •nt m Ado 11.05 -Bible School, .k,13irk, Supt In the Lutheee• - •-v.‘tOry ,eontl- IIROE 81 7.30 p.Ynt.-Worship id by tv'tod b.' R 7 '''nb', her pa,e. An% ' All her ch :'* -11 Were pre'j , . V. P. B. MENTI1,, Past6r. tvnt. 4. ,11,1 .4++++++++++++14.44=E4F43147,Ndifier:.01144.01. ETTER VALTJE IN RI:BRE • FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER 'IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT RUBBER FOOTWEAR. 'WE .ARE GLAD TO .SHOW YOU A PAIR EXACTLY SriT ED: FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS. OUR S1OCK IS COMEL ETI IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Men's Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 Women's shoes soled 3-7 at 75e M:sses Shoes, soled 11-2 at 65c Rubber heel's, 50c and 35c pr. O. FRIT Z, SON SHOE MERCHANTS Yuletide Gree in Christmas is drawing near and we are readywi.L a mica assortment of Christ ntH,,, Novelties and. Gifts A LSO PEELS, FRUITS*, N7.T3 AND c4Narts &-Knar IIARLY wurt,n OUR ASSOtUMENr Is COMPLETE. 0 PHONE NERAL MEROPI 97 4-V1;4=4' SLAK wt. OA 44 0