HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-16, Page 8li h id th e, t fick ..•0112..,.tw.wncrrs+ww.�:r.M..'u..ucuu+w'rn+"Y?� °t''a1' - - 30',01 ill t ;� tit g t'i ead4uarters at this season of. the year, in oiu' large titml attractive Store 1''i11 be found a LIALrix Or` SPL';.NO1i) 1 M 8 r ..:' W'ILI, MAKE IDEAL '`IIRIISTMAS PRESENT WE ALA TO PLEASE YOU ,BY GIVING D!..017 VIE VERY BEST GOODS A.' i'.Ii;' L`i,a' ai POSSIBLE ,PR - CRS' FOB. 'B, DI.E S 0T', EA..TERCOA.TS, WINDBREAKER -3.. GLOVES, TOQUES, NEW ErNTY PARASOLS, IN AMBER 1 IPS, SILKLO BEDSPREAD s, TOW Z:LS, FA t'CY COLORED VELVET CUSHION TOPS, BATH MATS, I!NDKERCHIE5S OF EVERY 13E!'•CRIPTION, SSTAWIPLD GOODS, LAND A COMPL' ErE ARRAY >";0F 0• ANCY GLASS AND CHINA- WAP.E OR MEN S'VEATER COATS, GLOVES, M • M'S, FINE SILK SHIRT...' •iN •SEP] RATE BOXES, 1E;, G.AR`1'1.:•t SET IS, 'BRACES, •,CAItF.i & F o r Boys s and Girls ' Everything in Wearing ;Apparel isuc'h as S' . cern. Hosiery, Milts. blot es, .Toques, 'ries, Etc. TOYS TOYS Toys and Dolls of et ery kine? for tli - :Kiddie% Set.' our display in this line at tower d'krices 't,h1n fords'r z erars. GROCERIES " Everything sin new fruits for ;Your Chria`cina:s baking, irai.,.15• Currants, Figs, Dates, Peals, i t' lt,- berrise, Shelled Nuts, Candied Cher ales, New. Wralnir:tl, Almonds. ,rii- bei Ls, Brazils, Peanuts, Orang.s an.i a complete lints of candie'sr P odu Wanted Piv) Te 59 ..'.. . . s GaragNils, Greases Tires, Tds, Repairs GENUINE !ORD PARTS $17Ss rata.} BIN ED A SHIP41EN1 OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES E .Ait1: AGAIN HANDLING "'REI FA.1 OUS teli IP IN Ni;t3D OF A BA l`1't:KY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON e0 AN it O 1'EIER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BAT" ERY REPAIRING AND ii,ATT ERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC-, ETY',ENE i:T.DING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IVIOassa . Zurich ar4iL?QTgISVorY@9 61 0e ,7004 0acpeateQis00ooeAlie0eitoaeoari€}9s$'oe to (ilarex Quabee Stoves heels Purnaaes :4a Nt lits are getting cool --- Winter will soon be 1i 3re, this pots us in mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with Less fuel than any other make on the market, namely the C areas Quebec combined Cooker and 1PR, A STOVE, THAT, WILL COOIC AND BAKE WITH A'4 Ob THEM, AND FOR Tli?ATINCx CANNOT BE BEAT, T 'Ii;Y .i. RE MADE IN TWO SIZ S.13X1.8 in. .and 20x20 in ovens AND WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. 041100000000000.000001006 C % EA WE C a:4 OWE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT ;at.)NRY CAN BtJV, "1'ifE iiRECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY t 1tt1s,N:\C"1, THAT 11 \S G.iVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU \ N OF USERS buil MANY YEARS.. The Furnace that '+4 on' ton o£ T'+;li :{1 t.t't.'t91. :%.0111 F' rrn ..•.a Work. Plumbing Job Or Eavetrougbing :t done, You make no mistake by coming here h&a' and having it done hy inn Expert Mr. Ted, Millteholtz. We appreciate your Patronage a ao 3 0 509a3e****OAeilteiteovGae ;we attrs"I [1( • • • a • a 0 • 0 aA sa a di 0 di • a 42 • • 0 W ZURICH ONT. 1 A oaa00000e00eaotaaa0.0.0ezomemisettoes400000sioig r Xmas, Fruit, Candy Nui;s, Etc .. V. M lt�E�: t'. „,iA INTEREST : M. iter iYl away asi f We a; i'e! thing. R• ford Fvau . Il t* '=t !age • erieh r'' 11ece.1, Conn:. • lets ••' 'creel c • Sunr3 • cocks. al's •,'r r Mr - :: was a Sunday; ••ocl and. Grand Beni Ruby, ,who was .,_ti on ths.• millinery 1 horse last weep. rr.ssted in St. Th,oits. .liug silk ,stockings. • of women t'.1io ..111 .:.•+d for that sort of K'epkay of Strat- servic^s in , the +lurch on SLanday, Monday in the r". Klapp was at God-- wcek, attending the -,ion of the County '- .ns,^it's Missionary Soc- ,J utc?cl church held., a :.,tff::ring service on • pastor, Rev, Ms- ; :.ir e and' Mrs. 11'Iollard address. Sweit,er,is. quite po- orly. evening about thu•t occupied the home of Mr •, 1 'IrisFred (hisser when n ;ricr, sinner was !served af- ter fter •:r . 1 tit'enjug was 'spent in T ,''•horn is daily irn,pro N ing 't :::1 recent illness. 1'e 1 ,<<:t has returned to 7lirh!'_: 1.1!0 ling Icer moth- er, Mt, , :iai:at. WI, ', to•; Ewlad. is gradually = ettin =; ,.,;or after her itines.s 'Mr ',u;• Amy underwent an r,I E;;a•t, r,; appendieitits at Lo1:d.o r; Ilr ;vital. Mrs i 1 :. r IKuhn ins t isi.ting with tri mcis .t: s .nds'>r. •:,,:, `WOOD LOCAL MARKETS BP -ter lb,_.. _., .. Eggs _•,.,i ap'ples,..Ib, Wheat --.--._..... Oats; 55-50-30 ...-. 25 42 O •uwkwhesat 65 Flour ,.. ... 4.75 3.75 Short's per ton__._- .34.00 Pran per ton.. ,_._- ... 32.00 Chickens over 4 lbs!.:__. ___16-13 4lb.s and under 13 lata its dressed Geese dressed Turkey's dressed • Potatoes per bag .__ __ ..... 2.00 Live Hugs, cwt. 1400 keorreett-a very Wedneaday) 2Ie 20e 432 • Western Farmers' Mutual OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST • BUSINESS OF ANY CAN:\IHNN CO:i+FPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND. BONDS ON HAND $80,429,01. G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO.'. DEALER IN LIGH- TNING IG i- i.NING RODS 1..J' iJ ALL KINDS OF FIRE Ila SV'RANCE, ti -39 NOMINATION POLICE VILLAGE OP ZURICH PUBLIC NOTICE is thpereby giv- en that a meeting of the Elector's of the Police Village .o£ Zurich will he held in the TOWN HALL, ZURICH On 111 •, Intel':"3tiug to auto:+ of our t.> know some tlzi15: MONDA Y, DECEMBER, 27th, 19'23 t s;