HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-16, Page 5Thared,,, :1.)ece eleer :bath, .t926 'art ° � .� t or ki's ou rid Noticev Ettou Ads IN THIS:COLUMN DUDLEY t... .ouvi�.ii 111.k,RBISTEE, SOLICITOR, NOT- . BY PUBLIC, I+IPO •'I;h:ffise, 'Hamilton Street. Just off Mee Square, GODS RfCR, Ont. Special atte atiora to Mu/veal ' and Court Work, Holmes area be once tedi ;+��, � 1 y �: � ;it }telieriokt by phone and phonies charges revereed. DT. H. H. COWEN L. D. f D. D. 8. DENTAL SURGEON „8tt DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- %tay Thaw qday, Friday and Satin, - gay, Main Office 1ABTL!1IB'8 BLOCK, DASHWOOD Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk )'ser of marriagemarriageli:eeiases. Notary !Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- /one ID bile Insuerance Representing Boron & Erie Mortgage Corpor tion. The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH - ONTARIO earewronmernammor.somestimonametakmet own . OSCAR KiiOFF filltgaduate Carey M. Jones Nat - Email Spool of Auctione ring. Try s Tor Registered Live Stock le,11 Terms in keeping ism prevailing price. Choice ttirust for salry. Will aell anything 'AIWA ere. Mime 18---93 or write, Zurich Licensed L cti ser FOR HURON & MIDDLESEX AM IN A POSITION TO .CON - Mace any auction sale, regardless WEI to eine or articles to sell. I • /elicit your business, and if not Wetlefie i will make no chargee For Arthur Weber, e Dashwood. ate 19---51 11, 11. Zurich Meet :MARKET. :F'.Yesh ianc3 SaIt Meats Bologna SD:usra.ges, etc Highest Cash Prise for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & FTIDES 'anablut &q Deic e t iteri"r eeNIEB®@e4t+'lA' eseocheeseo ZURICV-I LIVERY i 21111 in a position to zYccomo- ialrate all requirements in the Livery business, have Auto for hire. Any 'thing done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL IP sena 59 Zurich,Ont. LAVE 111) OU LT R Y WANTED 'Ta'ken every day till: 3 O'elock,p.m. DDo not toed fowl name morning *bo brought in. 'Highest Cash Prices 1-0A811 FOR -- Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien n Phone 94 Zurich • Subject Radio A :>highgeade Radio is . Home Feature that you will be well pleased with t h e . years 'vice. > . Wdrop,: 54 NOTICE, TO CREDITORS NOTICEEs hereby ,given.. that ail persons having claiius again'nt the estate ai iViiki.:t u John ;Iloward,lato of the 'Viii 1ge of7xen u.1l, retired fal,n:ar, d.ec,,::r:z:td, who cried ton the lith day of August, 1.926, are zt}.. + quired to forward. and tlheir •t lurrnts,chny 1 proven, to the undersigned exec:- 1u0r',l, on or betorre the 31st, day of December, 1926, after which date the Exoeutoi's will proceed '[o distribute the estate having regard only to the claims Of which they shall then have had notic(j: • Dated at Zurich„ dint. thio 14th day of December, 1926. ' Henry 'Howard, Henrietta English, Executors,• Hensall, Oat, ,OST A. light to gin.• chain between g g� Bronson Line and Zurich last week Pinder kindly return to Oscar Klapp ,and receive reward. I. NOTICE Having dissolved partnerehlp 1,y mutual consent, 'toe wish to advise' the public that we request an lin- rued! ate rs t 1>>uent of all outstan l- Cing accouts, Johnston&Koehler, Butches, Zurich, Ont. 13AKtNG SALE T1i's .Ladies' Aid of St. Pett're' Lutheran Ch 'rah, in conjjunctioe with the La 1iee of the Congreg- ation are holding a Baking Sale: on S.tturcity,. December- 18th,. ,Co m- menciog at ,, faro., lin the store of Mr. L. Schilbe. Farm Help for 1927 Sinew a great number poverty Stricken l,e:)1.)le of Gerrnan} apply to me for positions on the farm I earl • this year )supply Evangel- icals with Evangelicals, Lutheran's with Lutherans; Ba•ptistr with Bap- tist, and Catholics with ,Caatholic young men or domestics at $200.0e a year; each man must be recom- mended by hie pastor ,in Germany, Farmer pays fare and ;$5,.00 per month. Write to Rev. K. Gretz- enger, Mildmay, Ont. • �. FARM FOR SALE Conlaistin gof 25 acres of grass farm,- located on Zurich Road, op- posite Babylone, Hay Tp. For further particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. tf22 FOR SALE RU.I3BERCASE BATTERIES $14.7:5 Ailowance will be made for old Battery. Store your• battery tor the winter with us. Also charge, Repair and Rebuild Batteries. We have installed • an equipment for rebuildreg and repairing Batteries Louis Prang, Zurich, Ont. . FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner heating stove. .Apply to Hy. ,Galiman. NOTICE I ;:have been appointed solic- iting agent for the iliroduct'a of the john C. Winston Co„ Toronto, and can 'supply you with Bible's, Test -.t menta, Teacher lslhelps; Bible Stofrits for Chilcirn, Books. of Knowledge, Universal hand books, etc. Every Book will make a very accept- able Xmas. Gift, Mrs. Julia gess, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable property .Zurich, frame house, kitchen and woodshed attached, good stable, 2 lot's, hard and 'soft water, :some fruit trees. For .further partienl- a -s apply t °Chas. Weber. tf21 E. C. Harvey & L V. Hogarth -- Agents - Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -- ONTARIO COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton o ALSO MARRY Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal r o'OT.I SUPPLY ON 18(AN D TELEPHONE 3r+Ot1E ORDERS EARLTO o• Son 4,41u N,,4, ;aa. ;s l.a,.l. rx 'GTJRIC`1FI ITERALD >4: Mr. and Mrs, Sorry Angel 1.1.0 r..- ored to London on Wednesday, o,: r1f I e.,�r � Ward Frith 1x11.1.:7., Oc�scll 1.motored to London on :Wednesday, Mr. Wes, ?Korner was on a bu'i- in:ss tx•`p to Loncit:iu ou �Ar e+»i,rfis-� 1c. . Mr and rI a C. 0. Smith and. at • Muriel. ;Ifo t, aitt family, ,ily , ,i nd , motored to Londo,l on Z rid ay. mr. 'rod .M.i'a, Tbt.o McAd:un end family visited laat :Sunday at the home of Mc, and 'ALE, Sri t i;.- zera, Shiplta. • Don't forgot the Baking Salo -held by the Ladicie .of. St. P'tor'^ Lutheran. church oa? f3aturday Dec, ember the 18th, commencing at 3 pen. in Lou[a• Sehilbe's Stare. Sunday, December Eith •is tha day when the plan's, are for the re -dedication of St. Prter're Lath-- eras church, Zurich, when a big day is being looked for. Mr Je'.s. Meldinger, i01 Zurich,ha- 1}ut•eha'sed the resicl'_,1e of the late Mrs Dearing on the north Fide of Huron St,, the transaction saction ,being put though by finers. Gladnxan d Stanburry-Exeter Ten -nee -Advo- cate. Mr. jos, Gelinas, General Mer- chant at l)ryn:rale is conducting n a two v eek's sale of their entive merch:111"tisce. colnmrnoillg of Sat- urday, Dec_. lgthh, A few of the scary bargains are listed i.n tll:ie week's Herald. And„te be convinc •l of the wonderful 1targain's, one tuft go and actually„ tsee. Don't ,tliss it. On December 10th the Atwater :; ,,nt Radio Co. of Phtlad.ell hia, Pa., Larne sat their zuill'onih r;•- E'iving c`w't, it being i' a '-.ix Tube Single D'a: ;rt Mr. ;Kent himself ';are the its final 0.3L upon its Ca.',1i:1'tton in the preso lc Thous 1 t:t, of r.ilploy- 'z . frim 33 and. k ntc)rs at the flab•' Atry /ter Kew: Factori:''e, ,V ERE FINED A 'fifty -Sellar fine was meted. out to etch off flea'-, McKinnon. bre- ther:3 'when they '; :' foiled guilty if common asseult ill Ciba Cnnnty Court, Peri hill, the other elny.The The ce t:) of the,court were „ r -• itted in we :in senten: e All thee if the McKinnon brothers1wei'.' ch- erged with ' tel a11161;; t'Kpotters lent •out under tiler ,direction of the Provincial nettle-. HURON 1'iE+ DrCAL MEN MEET. About ei'gh +, ra' n.brra lof the Iluron Median. zn 211 /not in C11n'.o' on Dec:. Sth, Whee 1)r. ThomasGr.t. Et St. The its Rive a very in'sten- -•tive a ill,, .i+ cei ch ` "Use and Ab -- .;;e of the X-jeina ' ,Dr. aro. • 1)f 'Terrsarl't g ire a talk on kir "Phy- Ecal P1'ui)crtiee of Itadiu.n and 'r.• Ise. in Treatment.- D:' Gnn ins' a11aWd 111:tte•; c,c ,:,7wer1l su gicar gases, Dr, sic^.n derx re,trat 01011 t gas nxnchiue which he hal in' -t•1-. 1.E1 in the 110,e)i..tl .recently for the ed)riinietrar:iou +)t' aneetliei.ics, Thii. its a valuable equipment. neeting being h''€:1 in tin-.h1�?l.'ial i bounteou3s lunch was tserve'd by Supt. Grainger, The .November Mooting :pr th \Stamen's% In,;itute %vas held in the Pawn Mall. on Nov. 18th with 33 present. Mrs. J. Hey Jr.' took. .harge of the meeting; 'winch was opened by singing the opening Ode followed by coraminnty .,iog)n ,;v' COnxpanied by the Moonlight ne- cheatre, a reading, was .then• tree by little Sarah 1^i'lt1SOn,• followed V.] ill tr h.,olo by Mise Vela Siebert an orcherttra sel oetion wae then ren dered. which was numb enjoyed by •_lit present, Mrs. C. L. Smith then gave a very intere'st'ing report of her visit to 'the Lowden Conven- tion, which was held the a eek be- fore. The orchestra again favored the audience with e selection, fol- lowed by all Singing "My Darling Nellie Grey;." After whhich the i1):^aidant I t'4. 'Smith took up the' 1: ueiness'. 25TH A.NNIVER.SAII (Elkton, Mich., News) 1V Ir. and rvir-s, ,..Yater: Muriel were takken by lsur•,pri:ae Monday Evan - 'mg whet the Adult Bible Culss of the Evangelien1 Church of which Mrs Meliek i% a member, led by the pasltoar and the teaeher, Mr, David Schluchter, came to their home with b;uel:ets ofg food things to eat. After all wer' comfortably seated, Mr. ;Sehluchter, the teacher. in a few well chosen -a ords said .� the purpose of the ,comma Was to eitnresis the esteem in which Mr, and Mrs. 1Vi:.lick are held in the . i ' , „ and also It .and nlmu 1 church co �, to them, a future of ha pin- t'z's and prosperity. Then the Pastor, Rev, Binder, !spoke "of th;)/ past twenty-fivo years of 11'hor}l�^ Xh. r lit Which Mr. +ted ;Mrs. Macka rived togeth.''. A beautiful gift. was presented a`3 n token of ap- preciation and tin honor of the twenty --five 'yo:ars of wedidcd. lige'. 1111, 4111d VStis; Melick responded ;ri i very fitt.al; Way, •eN.prerrs:n; th,!1r thanks f or the gifts and the com- memoration orp-m mloration of the occrestnn splendid, evening wa4 enjoy., l ;• family and neighborly feIlo;a slip,. After the lunch e.':l:'3 art'^rl • n „ , p11 ll k N 41 L1i lit, pp W �0 F.. .i fl � �j ! ! lit PliN�J 11�46a7'L);) �, �itb tE 1. p^' ti�l3 `1 � €Y:uiSilA i ui f�°iil fi If .4 0471' 1(i)1,'11, Ji'L .11714 B1+.FOlelr ass ' OfX ru t� ,l For o Suggestions 1 estit)lly ! �•, t 1r. 'M29 tionn of a 'ruble Vt'lr,+'lt Will 1'rc vont liVit.ste and . rreonv'en'1enc'e. 1u k'-•,,'ztrattot.•cl br 0zztttrto Department of . • Agriculture. ulture. '1'„z'untu,) �13u lzlze! ., 1 s on +atius and t'1. e• are where aye eeonneus. 110 tholig11t; , lwc pnllr;t have a barn or 1' i4ouse, will pat one' up and think ,tbotic; it afterwards. Hence we see 50 many structures that c:anr_of give e ifs hent eervlco for til,:t 611,111,1 , invested in them, Buildings }lard to work in, waste spano, unil:;ncly and' time -killers. Hours spout hi careful m - ' planning will save y .a.. of 111110, to say nothing of the saving of money, temper or the giving of pleasure. Skt1 arab Foatuelation. Stables should be built on a slight- ly elevated site where t11)rc is ample air circulation and drainage, Dry, coarse graveIiy o1' sandy subsoil is a desirable material on which to rest, a stable foundation. on, Ciay soils should he thoroughly drained. , The material for the construction of a foundation, must he compact and waterproof; stone, cement, hard bak- ed tire; with the additional protec- tion of asphalt where needd, are gen- tion of asphalt where needed., ;are generally satisfactory. Waite ('eitinge and Floors. Stable wails should be constructed of materials that are non-c',nductors of heat and cold, that such walls re- tain heat -in winter and exclude it in .ummor. Wood, air spaces, heavy building paper, tile blocks, cement blocks and Hard cement plaster are very desirable, for wall cane/Auction The outer end.izuier surfaces must be waterproof and free from cracks. The inner surface may be of smooth whitewashed or paiutod board, pias,•• ter board, glazed tile or hard cement plaster. Cansider'i11g cost, the hard cement plaster is the beet. Walls constructed • entirely of cement or stone are too cold in winter, such, however, bars the advantage of be- ing cool in summer. Walls that are *.waterproof on both. outer and inner surfaces and fitted with porous ma- terial between retain the heat and prevent sweating on the inner sur'taGe, Ceilings require the same smooth and waterproof construed ni as wails. Avoid permanent open ilire through the ceiling to the loft above; it you . desire to prevent losses from dust, stable gases and interference with ventilation. Floors. -Concrete is the best avail- able material for stable floors. It must rest upon a flan dry sub -soil or a well -tamped layer of cinders or coarse gravel, or broken stone. Upon such a base spread three inches of a mixture of one part cement, three parts coarse clean sand and three parts o'+ fine stone , finely broken st are or gravel. Cover with a finishing coat one inch thick made of two parts cement and threearts osand. P . f clean .,u d. Cement . floats upon which animals must stand all winter should be provided with a covering 01 'boards -or cork briek. Dimensions of Stables. The spare required by each annual, taking 1,000 pounds as an average weight, should be from 500 to 1,000 cubic fret. The smaller space (500 tub. ft ) is better adapted to cold sec- tions or for :stables provided with a very active system of ventilation. Double row co..; stables are made 32 to 36 fret wide, single row stables 18 feet wide. The stall space Tor cows varies with the cow, it is us- ually 4.6 to 5 feet from manger curb to gutter, and from 3 to 4 feet wide. Stall partitions should be lower at the flank than at the shoulder so that the cow can turn when leaving the stall, and not have to step in the gutter. Ribs are often broken by the corn lying against single pipe par- titions wring the post is too far from the gutter, so that it comes in con- tact with the ribs instead of he hank of the animal when lying down. Gut- ters should he 18 inches wide and seven inches deep. The partition in the front of the manger should reach to about the lovel of the animal's nose to prevent throwing of feed out of the manger. The top of the man- ger for horses should be about the height, of the elbow. The height of ceiling in cold sections may be as low as eight feet 01' 113 high as ten feet in farmer sections and where a lot of animals are kept. Temperature. --For horses the sta- ble teniperature should be at 60°, for dairy cows 55° to 65°, sheep 40° to 45°, 'except at lambing time when 50° to 606 1s more suitable. Feeding and beef cattle 40 to 45°. Ventilation:-Molstufe In stables is an indicator of the degree of impurity of stable air. If the walls are cover- ed with frost or moisture it indicates poor ventilation, or damp floors, or both. Ventilate to keep the degree of inside moisture as near that of the outside air • as Possible. Light. --Windows should be placed that the eyes of the animals will not be hi the direct sunlight at any time. The total irindow surface should be equal to one -twelfth of the stable floor space. That is a stable 60 feet long and 36 feet wide should have ve 180 square feet of glass. -L. Steven- son; Dept. of Extelision, Ontario lgriculturai College. /Tapeworm arch the Poultry Industry. This parasite as lotig been a ser- ious drag on the business of poultry keeping. tosses to half kept flocks have been heavy, even the best kept flocks have had tlu'lr losses usually in a degree in keening with the hy- giene Of y-giene,ofthe poultry house and yards. The greater' the fcgicet in poultry lc,eeping., usually thea, greater the loss. Tapeworm injuries in poultry are enihriftiness, a condition simulating paralysis, in malnutrition and the oc- casional death of a bird. Tile latest remedy for the tape- worm pest is the tree"of T{.amala used in a n11eh 'lain dose after f t't ill T;. +")•130313 i, *I!a t„1•v...•1 /k3L ., r' • . •null::',! i' �l more. happy returns of the wont o irdi tLt%n1r in • tirtltry, v 718 -811 Eea Pa g P. Iirut iAk StOre ,w :.n . «,.. < M... ,,,F..,,, �<, µ....,gm.. �..,.,.. ,..� . fins a fine, stock of Toilet' fs, ilankure sets and TOO Preparations; Also a dee Ns of Bottled Pertums and Bath See Our fine gine of Stationery suit- able for Christmas Presents, also have some -fine Fountain Pens,. Togs! op For the Children: A la % ; vark tye of Toys arid Dogs, Picture [ u thz and Story Books, sEfi Lk 111 q' Dr5 IL J e MacKinnon, Zuric1. e 69Ui� AWN U Y PM KW11iRj• _ l (ii ''Pxf r r•7C :.+A Ctt :Jv. 14, .H.° c i.4. 1.4..t+4+4.'i'.Fi4.44.44.444++-x`44° ri-4•F•4 4.4444.4.44++ ++4 4' 4.4i HERE WE H AYE 111 COMBINATION DOORS THE DOOR. THAT ST',RVTsS i±OS WINTER AND SUM TIEe BY TAKING OUP THE SCREEV ,a.N''D 1 Et'LAC,1NG A ULAN?t, S ASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS 'f Tl? z'7, No need of taking 'off a 'sh•zhey looking rscreen door cneh f it and trying to find a 'sp')t - , Lh • ,t cele to ss cue,dy f,t-i.,••1 a batten door which darkon's 111/ neon./ ;tn [ • `pails the outs:de nppearance of th hon: -e, STANDARD SIMS ALWAYe ')NT SrOl'K. 001) n,OORS MAdE TO ORDER Place your order foz' ,Storni SEA New; guuri have: then, when the cold 'weather conies, iht:,'..h:• 4 ,e PHONE :.•1 0 69 n' leleeielr eeegar•'}•,Y,,:! i-e+-r••r+t'✓ed+.e.1.'s snv'r1e; tons of 01):11. YLI'ISCR ZURICH f,0 ss 40 20 4) 4) 4i 4) 40 4. +.1.++++++++++++++++++++9+40 y: _ _ _ _ • .hi ndeselasese. IEA $QUARTERS For .Secondhancl Buggie 834(100 and up Auto Tops, Wagon .i: repaii'ingi Paiiitln t.', Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE,W11 HAVE IT WE RERU.BI3ER YOUR UGIGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURIOH HERALD OFFIO Do You Know? 1r eliAT WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE FOR GOOD PRINTING THAT WE CAN SUPPLY YOE' WITH . PRINTED WEDDING INVITATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS PRAT WE PRINT CALLING CARDS; STATIONERS, SUCH AS LETTERHEADS, $ILLHEA.DS, ENVELOPES AND STATEMENTS PRAT WE ARE AGENTS FOR TWO LEA.DINi7 MANUF.A0T UILERS OP COUNTER CHECK BOOKS, AND CAN SUP- PLY ANY QUANTITY AND SIZE OF CHECK BOOKS nrHA,T WE CARRY IN STOPS WRITING PAPERS, FNVEIY. OYES IN ALL SIZES, CARD PAPERS, CARBON Ot• TRACING PAPER, SHIPPIN(/ TAGS, MEMORIAM ST- ATIONERY, NOTE BOOKS, RECI1IP`l.' 1300KS IN TWO SIZES, POOLSCAP, ET,C„ ETC, ";TILT WE FILL YOUR ORDINARY SIZE INE BOTTLE WITH GOOD FOUNTAIN PEN 1NX to OR S1t:. LAW:4- G= QUANTITIES AT BIGGER REDUCTIONS HAT WE PRINT POSTING TRILLS, .ACTION R.ATA POS- TERS, MERCANTILE POSTE1ttS AND ALL GENERAL PRINTING hill;' SPECT,SLTY .! . , 1,'. v'ti•�"t"I+•ft''1s•�!+•s~++4+A`'dt+'§"t'„r't'ti'r•�••rro•r+..,., rt., :'..:.... s