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Zurich Herald, 1926-12-16, Page 1
VL :V I' 6 aZURiCHs THURSDA 3VIORNING, D:ECiEM B;. R i.Ga (926. Ort in• tratt OTO ec, . � Xinas 1 C11J+(1i10 0370 iIYFftSt'10Eidlif Dt1e5 +(t>'}r�CADOMM ED�(l La.•s..7 l ,,CI gitt.S: 0400 We have a fuiILine of Candy aiid Notts, also Bon Bon. Boxes. Kodaks and Oranges. ES W CL WuPhone 91 �i' a DOINDC si a3fi• flilli(304.011EaflD4' Dftf0 tv Mr. Frank. Uttley ;spent ,a few days in Godorich: Ghat about the new skirts? Either Mighty 'short or the legs are Mighty long. Mr. Clarence Hoffman :of Galt was a Sunday visitor at the home n;: his parents, 61r ,and Mrs. W. 11, Hoffman, IMr. Walter Zahn war a Sunday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hy. Howarld, • Most raen know about half as much ala they ,think their wives think they do -or about twice a's. z, much ala said wives actually give them credit for. as t.1 (mamma )4.3iE? t decii i•ip.tt 9•• 9e••t ++ :+ ;••{-•1• • •%-1••i -8 +••i ,,, ••••••.{•.4•.}.44 .i..l• ++fi••f••! •8+ E•$•^E••L ++t•+3•++ +:;„� C teld r. Now is, file time to Buy RADIO. D 1jp not wait till spring and mass all the good 1• :: • i • >"• music and Concert Give me a call before haying elsewhere •1• sa + �, O ' `; `i 4.. ...if. .•+,� v+l+. ''i•�f+++ ,+,7,,•tf'F•°+wt, ^�h�°r:.•i Sr•i ,n+++++++++4++,1:-++++:++44++++.4,„.. A s MPIXITE ILINJE, OF -00000, 700 0ii0u`i:0000'041`v0000e e S An interesting program will ba. I J„'I ai,ierating foe a :wvecl. was a- t .I:'.1 de d. in Drysdale Public, ;School gain taut info motion on Thursday S7taJ ley Tp , on Wednesday ,e1'en- ai a 's:'t:s'+nct ,r; annderstt'anrl,nQ has been ready dd with the H dro Coin: mission at Toronto. Life -Buoy R Tobers Before Long You, are Ooir_t to Buy a. pair &i lll d,+aer €'siota if you. are hard on Boots, In - as stead 01 jaast asking for Rub - %1 ber Hoots., Asa. for LIFE- BUOY+ WE Claim thir.eg are thelong- gest wearing boat you can buy and your. wilt (say sol after wearing a g' air.. There is an ideal LIFE- BUOY Boot. Tor every pur- pose on the farm, in the bush, in the garage, , En fact where - ever D3>r uLYs.4it wn6'P.rpraof protection for ilheir feet and legs. Let Jo show you the boot that suits particular :re- quirement. 11) tre rums Boot • 7•I0 -41 R.EPAI.RING SNP NEATLY ][?ONE 00$SOSalaatilY,060,1t,0+eE"i'0610%0 41006C0Shigti zS1,348Q0s'B3 +a .1040 0,4ro ,co as,01,gt,40 +,'44.4F,+04444443 00.44.0004,004 ).00 4 .4 +.L1. 4 4 4 9 .:9 r alo Gilt b, ry e J1 s .aril ries en and Boys ts IT'S QUITE A. PROBLEM • TO SELECT G1.14 TS FOR MEN, BUT HERE A717 VI S STORE YOUR. PROBLEMS ARE SUDDEN LY REM0Y.l~c:,D BY Ti.1'r'r ,IIVIMENSE SELECTIONS OF .,UIT- ABLE GIFTS. M� Shirts ��., s Broadcloth ir ;i SEPARATE COLLAR B. 'T O MATCH, GOOD VALUE 1.7.5 s3.c 9 y •+11' SCARFS Fancy Hose NEATLY BOXBJ) 36,c. to 425' WONE'HRFUL RANGE PROWL 35e. r2 Cl t .f.2 n, J• 9 0 er At 4 OASCHOS 0114411? S TAN -D PLAIN; A ND PLAID ALL PR,IC1aS6 • ram" (e) ; S'�,,'aF .1. a �^' r `.. i 3'❑�'.}jy���'it? e�J 4'.a.� aNS�i PHONE 67 044,4,44eta+M**.elf 40444 444444. > +11*40©'orO.Qi4.0 BORN Tetreau-In Stephen Tp, on. (Dec- ember :I2th, to Mr. land Nils, Ira Tetreau a. daughter. Har tnnan-In flay Township on Decomb: r lth, to 3'./Ir. and Mrs. Charles Hartman, a 'son. Flobolt-1.0 Hay Township' on Dec- ember 2nd, to' Mr. 'and Mrs. Arth ur Hol:.olt, a daughter. FOUND Two bags of buckwheat be -1 tween Fla.:n,sall and Zurich. , Owner can have same by ,paying for this Adv. at Geo, J. Thiel's Livery barn school Concerts Don't forget the School Concert of S. S. No. 11. Hay, on December 200: at 8 p.m. Muriel M. .Howald, Teacher. yourpshopping WWI 6e • fir„▪ - of y iii _ 1,7 C. Mr. MTh Mousseaa motored to London, on !'1 eclrnesd„ey, Miss 1P"Yart "'vurta has installed a new ruoclern radio. Mr .and Mrs R. P. Stade \veru Zi itors to Dashwood on Sunday, Mr. Ale::. Foster who left for Windsor last week, has ;returned home. Hay Council meets to -day, Wed, nes4ay, which will probably i;o: the t Ia:st sitting for the year. "Mr. David C'antelon of ITensa'll, was, th.' guest of Mr. Wm. Lamont of: the village on Tu arIay, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Waldo and Mr. ani ;tiles. Earl rVeido motored to Kiteh,ner on Tu;isday. Our local Merchants arc dec_:or- atirig their atorea very approp- eriately for the Nm,rs.t rade and arc showing a very fine array of Christmas goods. The remains of th' late Cather ine Wurrn who died, in Chicago, wore brinht to Zurich on Tuesday and ,interauent made in the Luth- eran cemetery. A full obituary will appear in next week's Herald :The Jewellery and Electrical firm of W. G. 'leas LR Sons have dissol- ved, ars Mr. W. ;G. Hess, the elder member having withdrawn anad.th', business is now managed rby H. G, and.. Albert Hess. The. local grist mill, which was 0 0 0 (10 e:. rag, Dec. 22nd at S O'clock, ;>.nni. (Bruce Klopp, Teacher. The Lig Zurich Public School Concert will ill .l•r1din the ,Town /with, on Wed;ie'sday eve. Dec. 2.2 at a o'clock, Plan of Hall at L. Wurn1''s Store, fin pogram will be rend^red 1n S S. Nol 4, !z'ttanley with on -Fri- day evening, Dac. 23rd ,at 8 p.ra., Ther, the programat.i will Con- sist of Di"li-, Monolog:ue , Songs, Phys., Musical Numb71rs, Dialogues etc. Admiss!on 2c., Children ,10:. Miss Corni-h, Teacher. COMING SOON A Christmas En`ertainmert .will be held at S. ,S. Noi. 3, Hay, Parr Tine, on Monday Decernb:'r 20111, .1026. at 8 o'clock !slurp.. A good program will b? given by the pup- ils of th ' school ,and grown up •)eoplo of the section.' Adults 25c Children 15c. T 1 e •ybody \V'1 - come. L. Welsh, Teacher. Evangelical hurch Notes ZURICH - ONT. Our Christmas Entertainment ;.ill b:: held on :Chiiitmas night Saturday, Decemb'r 25th. A !short program will be, given by the Jun io.rrs followed by "The Hallelujah Chorus from T amiel's Messiah' to be' rend -red by the Choir, Miss E. Rennie, leader, and. the 'Christmas Pageant '"The ".Star of Hopp" will be given by they ,Baffle School and Choir. Do not m'Ss ,;,hits fine nnr's- icai treat. Admission, Adults ;35c Children 15e, Thursday evening 720 Preparai- ory. service, af''r which ,the Qu- arterly Board wili meat. Sunday, 10.00 a,nnl Worship • led by, Rev, F, B Moyer, 11 +a.m.-B11.1e. Sch.00l, Mr. J. r fins^lno, hent !The Men's :Ld.atlt Bible ,Class, Wm. O'Drein, Teach"r +1'osiah Geiger, Traeh'r. Tn chh.0 e of opcning oxercises, 7.35 p it ?,.- Wor�shlp fled by Communion. Ser' ice. Rev, F, 13. l�T. 'ya+r DA.SFTWOOD Sunday, 10 a.rn.-.Worship, led by 1U'v. l' L. C,1n41 ]1,05-�B blr .5eh;>ol, A. Il , rc, Smit 5.30 pane:---tVorshit> 'lel by G. 1'J, Gross I1EV, P., a.I. YD1 , l'arst az++. Mr. John P :Ran, was stricken with a severe attack tof append- icitis on Saturday, he was immed- iately rushed to Loudon Hospital where he was innmediately oper- ated on, and is ip,rogressing as fav- orably as, can be looked for. TIi' Bible School and Choir of the Evangelical Church are ;busily r:ngagea in preparing a -fine Christmas program, which is to be rendered on Christmas night, Sat- urday December 25th. A fine mus leaf treat is in :store' for you by attending this Entertannm.ent. "Tine 'FTnllelujjlh Charm -es from ltanrlel's 7J ssialn' will be given by the Choir under the 1^adeeship of ,3-Ii'ss Ren- nie.. This i:s one, •>1 the inn:lent 1:!l ass+;:s of th ages. Also a short progranb y the jjuniors followed by th + Page' it the 1zStar of Hope" rendorad by the Bibit ,Se eel. Re- member the dateChristmas night. Wliat 'wars considered the Worst 'storm in ten years rwopt the Western Provinces, over the week end. which towed .a. rvaral :Ives who became l jet! 1314 of the storm, it is .said :gnaw. bank. wore drivon up to the heights of ten and twenty feet The eastward move of thisd istur- ba.noe rapidly changed our mild and :slushy weather on Monday to very cold and frosty ,weititli' r with very little wind and only a few snow fIuries. There is ,a big var iety of means of transportation at present, we see sleighs, .buggies, and autos going and the roads are in fairly good condition to ac- comodate all. vehicles. ' DIAMOND SET ENGAGuMEN r RINk.1S Ner''r b*f>r' htve we had a more beautiful .Sock of Diamond SA T i In';b .'1' now. ICT US SHOW IOU .THESE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS In Prices from $25.80 to $100.00 G. HMS ' Sons Cheater i« Smith, lt'tt:blis t . - $1+35 * Year IFI Altil►>34ar } t1.61ri- A.rc }_+,.HATDJI:C'.ii.fa.le<,d•J i3 17.1-4 ettt The Cold Days Have A➢rrh. 'k1a,a, Are You Prepared for thenaw WE AR11 PREPARED WITH. fen ''AR LOADS OF HIGH GRADE'. P UEL IN OUR ,YARDS..., ANTHRACITE 1 LNUIN1i D. & II. ;Cres SCRANTON Egg, Sloye & Nut-. Sizes; GENUINE CONS'OLIDATTO MILLER'S CREEK.. GENUINE CONSOLIDA'TIO. POCAHONTAS Genuine SOLVAY COKE: Our te•lephan>'s are at your alis ,; poral, and the information: s`:sJrea C' rlt i : i,.. H ENSALL °NMI' ;'hones -Office 10w. owe 16,7', '.•••••••••.* e•90•n +,•2A4, v u at m..0,,t•r>4..D,t 0.04400**,4/9400.Q* 4 • • a • s LEA HER GOOPS, E arness Trunks Va res q, the Auto. Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, ,HARNESS, OL+' ALL KINDS, LEATHE'R CLUB FAGS, LADIES' YI•i.'•AGS, COOIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OP MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE R•L. ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW+ , Come in and see ,our fine display of Usefull Goods. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE1 'FRED THIEL 4'.0••v'9••C'•A '0.0'0aQ3.004 0 *. 0 . + $ai,>�.� �R I 41* 1h. •.., + + 1r++iw+F+f+d+^3+0+-7» + ++ + k; + :+++++ i++ + ++++b+:+ 4feWEE Sg?i'R I eati, BEL:ER VALUE. RUBBE FOOTWEAF - THAT WEAR LONGER R IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WR,I+77 RUBBER FOOTWEAR. WE ARE (;LAD TO S11OW YOU A PAIR EXACTLY SUET' l+giD 1'OR YOUR REQUIREMRN rs. OUR. STOCK 1.s E1'E IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. 3 - NOW IS TIIE '1'IMPJ TO IIAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED i4 Mon's Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 Women's shoes soled 3-7 at 75c 341 ;secs Shoes, soled 11-2 at 65c Robber heels, 50c and 35c pr. i• ++++++404,440+4044++++++.H.++4 V414 +44 ÷ q..I++$'.i°,,1,°g°"6.+Y.44i,°i'«,"1,01((tr4F!',tart4: 0. FRIT. & SON SHOE MERCHANTS lCHANTS Ther Deeenebor meeting of the 711-1 .h WVom ?n,;s Inst tate wa, h 11 at tin home of 3 rsl. C. Smith. Mrs. 1? Marrsin tool, charge ,Of the mo.- otirg which o•penod by coinniun- ids n in ;, l4I'ss Sarah Manson gave. a flee reading !t'ntitled 'Lit - tie L ttit Brown Girl and i,' A. t;r;n was =ating by Misses Shirley and Grain K',ehle^' and Man Snaith. A paper then ' iven by ;11'It+s. C Fritz. entitle: sr1l''lpfialneas and 1g rviee 1,t1, whit a.t the Institute means to goal an'l M',''• nn lin+itrinut,ntll 'twos the ng leen bt•Mre• 1O'Dwy'r 'which W:r•s• very much, enjoyed by all pr- dent. Benin as's wits then taken, alter which exchange of Xmas; t.s •st:I+, ed -the Ladies •very much, alga rot:el1'ing ting ifta every one en ne l thnu with great matin:s- i'15Yt Xn1as.s on s was tha'] by all pane v Solent 111.' ra;1'+L1+a,, t1t ni t'1 >.s,rl ;,rassi: g th Sr feeling lir the gatharilnf Well 'Ont. YuietideGreetin k Christmas a• e r and we are ready with,a nice asSso1`''',1 x•6 i of C .ristm tq No*u+TwRies nil Gifts ALSO PEEL... FRUITS', '5UT,3 ANT: €°•:1.If1ES.' EARLY W11'I:l+l OUR A•SSOf rmE:' '1.' IS cOMPLEre. to F-11"ud°-0%. 1 hileArfc K N zti••:nr+eriKi•Anrwwim,:wx;;o ,.'"�,�,,,, r,.