HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-09, Page 8Store with the Stock Fail and . Winter Goods We carry a heavy Stock of Fall and Winter Goads to meet the need of our many Customers Our prices are reasonable NEW COVERT CLOTH A 54 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, similar to Jersey cloth, twill not 'stretch or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses. CHARl4Il'lAN - in pretty shades of Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits i or Dresses. 'LANNI::LS - We have 36 pieces of 'Flannels in Stock, comprising the Newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 54 inch. widths, col ors ;such as cedarbark, G-ypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Rose- wood, Coral, Farience blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin stripe, also black and navy. WOOL SANTOYS - In in Pototan,Rosewood; Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy, This cloth is very popular .fa,: fall wear. COATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 'yd FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTFS, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various .width and ' qualities at lower prices than last- season. 'DRAPER CLOTHS In pretty 'shades of Pinks andBlues with gilt scroll pattern 1 yd. ' wide at 60e. yd. and 75c. ayd. SWEATER COATS -For Men, .Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's newest styles. XYNDERWEAR-Por Ladies wear. Penman's, Velva and Crescent Brand,a, also Wooltex for Children's wear. - IDEAL PATTERNS Wei carry a complete Cline ,of- IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No seed of waiting a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and at the remarkable flow price of 20c, each. HAND AT RIGTH PRICES FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON Dutch Setts Wanted. Bring them as soon as you can J. GASCHO& SONS Pmdu.- Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS SUSI RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WB ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S., L. BTTER7 ilF IN N EED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO , AND O'PFIER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING. ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. Mousseau Zurich «•*• •••••••••••N•••••eeaw••46•ve eco••••••••••••• Clarex Quebec Stoves= Heela Furnaces i Ni ,hts are getting cool --- Winer : wilt soon. be here, this puts us in • mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any i other make on the market, namely the . Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and IHEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH ANY OF THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18K18 in. and 20x20 inovens • AND WILL BURN COAL OR -.WOOD. •••••••••••••••••••••• . IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST 11HAr MONEY CAN BUY, "THE HRECLA'' A REAL OLD STANDBY I`� URNA.CE THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU SANDS OP USERS FOR MANY YEARS. The Furnace thati ' • saves, one ton of coal in seven, Z In having your Furnace Work, P1nmibing Job or Eavetron thin_. and Repairing done, You make no ;mistake by corning h•ereg here and having it done by our Expert Mr, Ted. Millteholtz. • • We appreciate your Patronage 1STADE ZURICH - OI' T. 4110.0000006000110604111000000•00041)00m000.444,44000600, • • •• r • . ••• • • • • • • • • • • . • e . • • r. 1 • s •r)R U t1ElttAk.er D4YS LE There are still a lot of Good Bargains at Merner's SALE Come and get Your Share SALE ENDS DECEMBER 15th. J. W. MERNER ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST I wish to advise my customers that we request payment pf all our past season outstanding ;ac- counts. V. V. Siebert, Zurich. CHEAPER AUTO LICENSE The promised reduction pf $5 en automobile licenses will take ef- fect with the issue Of the 1927 mar- kers, which will be wady lar. tribution all over the province a- bout Dec. 15th. With <approxim- ately 340,000 passenger ears at pr- esent owned and. operated through out Ontario this reduction will a- mount to some 1,700,000 in the ag gregate. The legislation, it is stated, clearly stipulates that the revision in license charges will ap- ply to passenger cars only, and not to -any commercialized vehic- les. Thos it is understood, if any car is used for ,business p/arpo,see, it cannot qualify for the new rates THE ELECTION • The Provincial Election, i last Wednesday, December '1st, passed off very quietly, and ,there wa!a rather a small vote polled in Zur- ich, as many of the electors were not out to cast Itheir ballots. How- ever considerable enthusiasm pre- vailed in the evening, ,as to the results in the Province As a whole. Premier, Ferguson, with hi,s Gov- ernment control of 'liquor ;policy was re-elected with ti vood.'r.ork ing majjority in the House. The last and final returns hof the ,Prov- ince are as follows -Conservatives 74; Liberals •14; Progressives 11; Liberal -Progressive 5; Ind. Liberal 4; aLbor 1; total 112: The Gov- ernment on'. liquor control meas- ures easurea have the promise (of 79 mene- ber's support. While there creno law as yet framed up how this control will be manipulated, yet the Province has the promise of very stringent restrictions, and municipalities that were under lo- cal option or . the ;Canada Temp- erance Act, ,'will remain dry as formerly until such adt ,ha's been voted out, So Huron !County will not be supplied with:la liquor ;dis- tributing place, as we are 'still un- der the Canada Temperance Act, which is a. Dominion measure and must be voted out 'before it becom es void. This Act tpr e- ple from bringing ii;lu ii., Lien County, other tthan having ;came ishipped in, 'But we hope with the passing\out of the O,. T. A. that conditions will be ,even much improved as 'seemingly the big majjority of people were opposed to the measure. While many re- joice, at a more lenient law in 'securing liquor, yet when every- thing is framed up It may not be so easy to 'secure .the excessive a- mounts of liquor as isonae wish to have. We hope the Government will consider that booze and auto-, mobiles on our highways make a very poor mixture. Huron ICo- unty again demonstrated their vote in favor of ,dry by electing. both prohibition candidates, in North Huron, C, A. el3obertson, Lib- eral was elected with a majjority of 1846 over ?'&.i. Joynt the '.Ind-. Con'serv.ative, wnile in S. JHuron, W G. Medd, Progressive, took She• lead with 1460 majority over Alex.,. H Neeb, Conservative, Mr. Meeh had the real jerity of ,two constit- uence's in the riding ,namely, Hay Tp. 17, and Bayfield ,75, Follow- ing is the, votes ;se.et in Hay Tp. No. 1 No. 2 No- 3 No. 4 No. 5 Na, 6 1C"o, 7 No. Neeb Medd. 24 57 ,18 7 107 131 127 81. 35 '55 107 69 38 28 69 28 85 w 5011 Western Farriers' Mutual Weather !nuance C% OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO.. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman - Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 NOTICE. OF REGISTRATION OG BY-LAW Notice is hereby given ahat a By-law was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the Town- &hilT of Hay on the let day of November, 1926, providing for the issue of Debentures to the amount of -0$1190.00 for the purpose i of ;paving for the coat of, telephone extensions to the Hay ,munieiaal Telephone System, and that .such B3 -law was registered in ,the Reg- istry Office foe the RegistryDiv- iaion of the County of Huron in Book II, for By -lava ,on the 23rd day of November, 10266, as num- ber 489. Any motion to .quash or set aside the same or any part there- of must be made within three month's after the firstpubiica,tion of this notice, and cannot be;made thereafter. d Dated cut Zurich, this 24th day of November, A.D., 1920. A. IF. HESS, ,Clerk of Hay Township STRAYED 'Unto my premises Bronson Line six. 'spring calves, same came there on Oct. 24th. ' Owner call forsame and pay all casts. Philip Mande BORN Fleming -On the Saubie Line, :St- ,anley Township, on December 5, to- Mr, and Mrs. Richard Flem- ing, a 1,13en;1 Robinson -At •Carl3"le, Sesk, on Nov. 23rd, to Mr, ;and Mrs, Rich- ard Robinson, formerly of Stan- ley Tp., n, on, , SCHOOL REPORT S S. Net.16, Hay Tp. For November, based .on exam- inations and daily work. Those, marked were absent a ,week er more front (school. Sr IV-13eatrice Farwell 637, Beatrice Adam; 636. Sr. III-EIcl%c Gingerich 682, lyriiseill,i Farweil�671, *Alpbon'se Dam bus 20, Jr. III -Neil Witmer 583, Doris Grab 538, Andrew Foster 375, Wil- liam Watson 100, *';,''tries Adams 40, xEari Gingerieh. 20 L . Sr, II -Olive Witmer '571, Martha Foster 561, Violet Adams 410, Ken- neth Grob 336, Loniu, .Farwell 276, Alvin Gingerich 269. 1st Class-Winni€red Battlerj17 Orlando Battler 412, Gladys Ging- erich 350, ,Lorne Gingerich ,278, (4e- .ace Meyers 268, Jon'ltioffmaia 266, *Anthony Hoffman 117, Sr. Primer -Grace ace Wein 131,Te one Foster 118, 'Rest Rofhnan 26, Jr Primer -Freddy Farwell 110 Edna Adams 83, No. on ,roil 29, Average attend - Wade 23.6, . •,, G, Pepper, Teaeh 1 F T'h revel y, December 8t 11120 Th R 1 mmomilguival.nosiammait We have received a large shipment of new Furniture including Living room, new diningrooara suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEB OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. BRING YN YOUR PICENURES TO BE FRAMED, HARD A FULL LINE OF SRELF A•ND HEAVY HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND CEMENT, LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGHINo OR ROOF- ING, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF' HHo'% PURE MARTIN SENPOUa PAINTS, 01LS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES, SUPER TEST Gas and Coal Oita. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH lc. Ih. Johnston 86 Kalbflejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 Surplus Seou.rity Totals $6,850,000 This large Surma is back of every IN ADDITION TO "LOLLAR FOR DOLLAR" FIRST ,DIORT- GAGE SECURITY, uron Erie 'abeture Choose this trustee inveiinent whenever you have ,$100 or more upon which you would 'like to receive a. ;higher rate of interest than paid on depositsr, • 5 per cent. PER ANNUM IS PAID ,HALF' -YEARLY UPON •$I00 OR MORE FOR 1 TO 5 YEARS. Let me arrange for a Huron & Erie Debenture Invelstment in Your Name, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO ;-SERvTCE AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUINe, & DECORATING" WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE D0, TRY US ON YOUR '- XT. JOB. H. EICKMEIER, ZURICH' 6JT`, •xneememas imam JOTIN WARD Drugless Praction2- eer and Optician EXETER _ phew, Vit AT WALPER HOOSE, ZURI Every t'nesday, ib tutu, -�--fi-t F +-iia-�F--&--�klh-ih-�^-l-�k--d�-4h-----3S, W&re Ready poi wINTzn With an extraordinary showingy �'o� t Newest Materials for Men's 'Su is Season a WHERE, YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY THE BIGGEST TAILOR- ! INC& VALURS EVER HEARD OFF. to. YEARS OF EXPR iLtIENCE COUPLED WIT ECONOMY IN M. AKINCI 41*BUY ING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM T$"EIOLLS { AND SELLING TO, YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVING S. THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKW?, BE OUR ORDER IN EAitLY. 7'TER FFd'1.�111Y' AND MIT Y` WH H p - MAN• 1V117AtG'`>BIAI+1'T TAILOR 'par H, 9lOilxlllAN 6a Song, EMBALMERS TAILOR, , ME LAND 'UItNRRAiu fIRSCi1hOR3. Day )11Ard tight Phone Na. ilk.