HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-09, Page 5rsdaty, D.'eeinb r 9th, ,1926 zULuca ersaALj BUSINESS CARDS.I IN n'tsq For Sale, Loot, 'CAL °JDLEYE4BOL LS @ or nd, Notice, Etc. Ads; LJ 1 'sBA BJSTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC ifeffiee, Hamilton Street.Just off Atifie Square; (..0DERNCH, Ont pec al attention to Counsel and Court Work. Air. Hotlines may be con+sn)ted at t ilo'r7terieh by phone and phone charges reversed, Dr. H. H. COWEN L. D. 'S:, D. D. S DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK, LURCH ev- tory Thursday, Friday and Satur- Atty. Main Office ;iBill,;litTLE1B'S BLOCK, DASELWOOD Andrew F. Heas, Township Clerk fssuer of marriage licenses: Notary 31),nblic, Commissioner, Fire land Aut- zernoibile Insuerance Representing :(Huron & Erie. Mortgage Carpar- t'ion. The Canada Truant Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO A -U -C -T -I -O -N -E -E -R OSCAR KLOPP eleadu'ate. Carey M. Jones Nat - *wise. 'School of Auctioneering. Try ,moo dor Registered Live Stock 1kII Breeds). Terms in keeping With prevailing prices. Choice Ifi(rtr for sale, Will sell anything tirsywhare. *hone 18-93 or write, Zurich, Licensed Auctioneer FOR I{ZTRON & b:UD.U:L:ESEX AM IN A POSITION TO CON - net any auction sale, regardless hi to size or articles to sell. I stalleIt your buainees, and if not lotat1sfi•ed 'kill make no charges for Aterviees, Arthur Weber,- - Dashwood, ire 19--57 soeseoo8'aosoosseeo••Q +oe• 0 • 4 0 0 s► Z rich Meat JflRKET Fresh and Salt Meats 2 Bologna Sausages, etc ;yo Highest Cash Price for Wool CASH FOR SKINS & HIDES 0 • r Tung'b11t & Beichert syoWro'1!•ao6Yfdos•••i000•00000 ZURICH LIVERY am in a position to accomo- +t>jtate all requirements in the Livery EXETER — ONTARIO baasitiess, have Auto for hire. Any tStiixig ,clone in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 'Phone 59 Zurich,Ont. N THIS COLUMN Farsn Help for 1927 Since a great number poverty. t trieke•n people of G rmanyapply to rn:,. for I,u'iiitiotrs on the farm f can this year !supply Evangel- icals with Evangelicals, Lutherans with Lztlera.nra, Baiat',st with ,liap- tist, and .Catholics with ,Caatholic young men 'eta domestics at $200.00 a year; each mein roust be recom- mended by his pastor ,in Germany.. 'Farmer 'pays fare and P.•OO per month, Write to Rev. K. Gretz- enger, Mildmay, Ont. FARM FOR SALE Cons,istin ger 25 acres of grass farms. located on Zueich (toad, op- posite. Babvlone, Hay Tp. For further particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. tf22 FOR SALE HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE DEBENTURES Under By -Law No. .8, 1926, the Cdrporation of the Township ..,of TIay offers debentures of the Ray Municipal Telephone System for, sale to amount of $1190.00 dated Dec, list, 1926, bearing interest at rate of k5 per cent per annum, repayable in ten equal !annual in- stallments. For particulars apply to • A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Township of , Hay FOR SALE RUB BERCASE BATTERIES $14.75 Allowance will be .made for old Paltery. Store your battery ,for the Winter with us. Also eharg<', Repair and Rebuild Batteries. We have installed an ecuipxnent for rebuildirg and repairing Batteries Lome Prang, Zurich, Ont. , FOR SALE AGurney,' Base Burner heating stove},. Apply to Hy. Gallman. NOTICE I ;Riave been appointed Solic- iting agent for the iproduets of the John C. Winston Co, Toronto, and can !supply you with Bibles, Testa- etenta Teaciherls7h'elpetRibleStd:sees for. Children, Book, of ]Knowledge, Hniver al hard books etc. Every Book will intake • a' ,very accept-, able Xmas. Gift. -. Mrs. Julia 'Hess, Zurich. HOUSE FOR SALE A very desirable property •?n Zurich, frame house; kitchen and woodshed attached, good stabl-;, 2 lots, hard and soft water, some fruit trees. For further particul- ars apply t &Chase. Weber. tf27 E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth -- Agents - Mutual 1.<fe of Canada LIVE IIP-OULTRY WANTS D '_';taken every day till 3 O'clock,p.ta. B➢o not feed fowl name morning *hen brought in. !Highest Cash Prices --OSIS FOR— Cream and Eggs r O'Brien 'hone S4 Zurich Subiect Radio k ., highgrade Radio is . t Home Feature that you will be well pleased with it h e ,gyp rears service. L ' WEIN, Prop botrcivt:loo,m mot!, tvA:vom , COAL 1926 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR THE GENUINE Scranton ALSO CAR Clore Poea and Sicsft Coal RY I antas Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON RAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son PHONE 35 Phonograph repairing, prOmpt Service, at Hess the Jeweller. Mr. asd M. gamy Angel were weak -end vi'aitors at Tara: t Mr, Alex. McConnell of Varna, called Zurich, friends, on Friday. Juage. Lewis of ,Goderich was in the village last T'ue'sday having eon Division Court business. , Mr. Win, Lamont, ,our popular Fire: Insurance Agent was on a, business trip to Creditor) on Fri- day Mr: Milo Snell, :Di'stri,et Ford Agent„ called on the ,local Ford Agent's, C. Fritz & (Son, one day last ,week. Mr, B. Bo'y'senberry rand Const- able Jun. B1acn., :motored Ito God- erich on Friday, Next Wednesday, .Dec. .15th is the last day to pay taxes, after that date 4 per cent. will be ad- ded We have for sale a number of the leading magazines, which ,wee are offering by 'single copies. — Zurich :Drag Store. C • Don't forget the ,institute meet- ing on Tuesday evening December 14th at 8 o'clock at the home sof Mrs C. L. Smite, (all ladies are coz•= dially invited. Rev. Gross of Auburn, conducted :services in the: Evangelical ,Church on Sunday morning. He was ac- companied home on Monday ..by. his brother, Mr. Earl Gross, who spent the 'summer months ;with his brother-in-law, Mr. Wm. Koehler, of the . Go'shen Line, (south. A. nice. blanket of 'snow visaed this auction on Sunday morning, accompanied by, a very cold wave from the east, and the wea- ther is se—v. 'seasonable like Win- ter, the roads,t hought rather ro- ugh, are. getting 'somewhat (smo- other, while the auto 1'a still the kind of -vehicle seen mostly. Dr. A .J al'IaeKinnon motored to Londo a on Monday, he watt ac- companied by Mr. Harry Rau of the Sauble Line, and )who has not been enjjoying gond health lately and Who consulted a ,specialist We hope Mr. Rey will itteon be. able to onjjoy good •heelth a- gain. Mr. C Scluag, 'owner of the Hiller:zee Dairy wishes to draw the attention of his, cu>tomers to the fact, ,that they acre experiencing a 'shortage of bottles, and want peo- ple to' .empty and, set out their bottles ata .soon as they can, .incl also pay for any bottles that are accidently broken in the ,homes. HARBORS AND RIVERS. Among the. votes for hrbors and rivers in Ontario included in the es'tintetes. ,submittedat t Ot-• tawa listYt ick are' the fol1o11 to : Kinea'-dine 51.3,000..; Meaford $1,0,000 Midland- $121,000; Owen ,Sound 250,000- Pt. Stanley 1$18,000; Saug- een River, 35,000, South:aninton 16- 400, and 1550,009 for Goderich hare bor. HURON OLD BOYS Tat1 'aeons Net sof a'sociation which bi•i I nit're's of 'Huron Coa"n ty to their birthnlaee •w^r^ nted the other evening when th' Huron Old Boos' Asso' iation of Tovonte, held it's annual ,meeting; there was a. lsrg ' attendance. The a'ssoci i tion wa: ; said to li,ave some 1100 nm'tes on its books In the bui•sne'si part of the meeting there was some discussion on the meth- od of electing officers and the prevailing plan of doing tan theou n nominating ,committee \yaws con- firmed. It was openly conceded that Goderich had been gat^curing too many members on the exec- utive. LONG WINTER If birds and (animals know any- thing about the weather, it's going to be a long winter, predicts M. P. Skinner, field naturalist for Yellowstone Park. Squirrels let - gen . to hibernate 10 .clays earlier that, usual, Wood -chucks -went in- to seclusion two weeks ,before their ordinary Winter be.el tim^i. Anel rad. pine squirrels started. ,to gash.- er pine much 'sooner th;u custom-. ary Stich nests -of ;hibernating an- imate are a g oo:d deal deeper this fall in order to ,get away from; the frost. Birds from the north are coining indicating that they are adhering in greater number's and onsiderabfy in advance of tin petted time. HBNSA.LL -17 c ANAD A WARNING TO USERS OF RADIO 411 Radio Receiving Sens MUST be Lwensed Penalty en tsuiumary conviction is 0, fine not, exceeding 550,00 License Fee $1.00 per annum Licen'aeS, valid to 31st March, 1927, may be obtained from; Staff Poet Offices, Radio Dealers, Radio. Inepcctors, or from Radio' Branch, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa. A. (J1UN SON, Deputy Minister of Marine and Fisheries AUCTION SALE OT 'HORSES AND CATTLE Affi' The, HOTEL, DASLIW'OOJ), on SATUBDA:.lr, DECEMBER 18th; Coa.meueing at 1.30 p.mi. 12g ova cow's In .calf, 12 y:eari- iu gs rite, ug 2 yeaei; a good and quiet reliable driver's, 5 Rercheron colt's, rising 2, all in good condit ion, t TERMS -6 months credit will be Capproved n on furn;'illz,i.ng' rotes, .4% off for cash, Hugh Brown, Pra,prietor. John Greybeil, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Dashwood Don't foeg•3t Weyburn School Concert on tiL edn esclay evening, Dec:embu:• 15th—Clorecen F. Turn - hull, Teac:ler. Rev. Bruer •spout !a few days in London last week, Miss Laura M. Reid spent tIv week -end in Goderich and Blyth Miss Alice Hoffman of Stratford spent the week -and withtier t^-_ pa puts. Miss Theda Hayter is visiting in Stratford. Mee C. Kellerman (spent the week -end in Kitchener. Mr. Otto Willert ,moved to the farm ha recently purchased from Mr. Win, Deitrich!, A most appreciative and timely musical concert was rendered by. a London Orchestra in .the Evan- gelical church on Thursday last and the 'selections rendered were Well received. by these artists, STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs, J. Stephenson, Sr., who has been staying with her son David J. on the Goshen ,Linz, has te'one to Clinton to 'spend the winter months with her daughter, Mrs. Robt Armstrong. Mrs, Frank Redmond of Leth- bridge, Alta;., spent a few d.aysi ra'ith. her ;sister, Mrs. Gea. Dowson. Mr. Herb, W. Smith is at God- erich on the flat y this week. Mr. Chas. RathWell shoe return- ed to his, home on Goshen, after being three weeks in London, tak- ing medical treatments. Mr. Peter Gingerich has purch- ased the 100 acre farm on the Bron 'son Line from Mr. Robt Boyce... The sudd.en cold tsna-i and snow storm of the past few days is aa real ti:ste of Winter and put a stop to plowing and farm work. Threshing is almost finished and mo:'c of the machines have pulled in for the winter. The teachers and pupils of Goschen School intend holding a Xmas. tree andez t tertainlnc.nt on Wednesday evening, December 22, when a good program of Recit- ations, Monologues, Dialogues, Songs, Drills, Etc.-. Will be rift e. Melia • be the McBride .Orchestra,. Everybody Welcome. , CREDITON Frei .Mangus and daughter, t1 ed1, of Si' i•iaw, were guests of ), Mr :i•;:i ares•,, Wm.• Swe;taer th1 ^•est yr' et - Sv.e ° hmrdown and son Kail. of Ged. t ch, :were visitors with the f-,raterix mo;:aor, Mee. Hy. ;Shear- :preen, P . Mr. and Mes Wm; Heatherly and d%tught.r Thelma and Pearl Mots, of London, viliced with Mr. and Mrs, Hy. Metz. Thos. Appleton and Ila have. gone to Exeter to E ;•eter 'spend the 'winter with the foroirr's ;son Ern- est Appleton. Frei Wa;•harn is confined, b .his bed with an attack iof pleurisy and pneumonia. • A very pretty and quiet wed- ding was 'solemnized in the Evan- .;e1ic 11 parsonage on Nov. 3oth, when Kathleen Wilhehmin, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs, John Mor - lock was united in marriage to Royal Vernon, 'son of Mr. and Mrs W. B. Geiser'. Some time during the other nigat the :safe of the Huron motor Sales Co, was broken into' and up - ward's of a hundred dollars in cash Was taken but several cheeks re- niaining. Tho work was 'that of orofeteei°oval safeblowors, ijudg-'ng by their method of operation, En.. trance to the garage ,was gained• 13y a rear door, (the 'sale 'was mo- ved out to the centre of the floor an inch, hole was drilled in the up- per corner and the door with th aid of a bar and. Iseedge hammer rapt ut,g the. door sufficiently, :to al- low the two bolas to come -outs The whole back of the door had given away. Little Girls' Game Causes Heartache To Lonely Mother Two little girls sit *at a window playing a game. They make believe that every woman they see coming up the street is mamma coming home to them. They shut their eyes until she gets almost to tats~ door and then open them hoping it is really the one they long to see. They firmly believe that some day their wonderful dreams will come true. rviother knows of this porins, and she is doing heir best to glesto t stamake it come out. n thle i llayiptr�" h at"s l att 'just She is taking the euro at the lYfitsw koka Rospital, but had allowed her- self to 'become so greatly run down that there isn't witch left of her for the kindly nurses and doctors to build upon, The worieerful quiet of the great hospital, and the care ;she t5 getting, are soothing to her worried 'Mind and body. Some dater she holies to he With bei• lits} an nt ! tin. ,, bt, 6tt, , 'F'Vr ai►., t,lhn.riton, r�resideht, 22'3 College OitrOOt, PEeronte R, anted*. ate iiVAAIIMIVIIWWWWWWIIIANWAMIlarlAWAVIMAW Zurich Drug S ChristmsPres+l" , ; we have a ,fine stock of Toilet Sets, Manicure sets and Toilet Preparations; Also a nice ° line of Bottled Perfumes and -Rath Salts. See Our fine line of Stationery suit- able for Christmas Presents, also have some fine Fountain Pens, Toys! Toys! For the Children: A large var y ty Of Toys and Dolls, Picture &inks and Stnry Books, see them Dr. A. J. MacKinnon,Zuri&i 11lwhi`yyYlWAMW&Y tkWMWMMM.?!` WVWWVW ti +3 1 +++++++'b+++++fie++et+++++ r. •_ •h•h,rv+++++ecce - e+e-rea l! + i ElFE}1 WE "IA V1 -:;,IT • COMBINATION DOORS THE DOOR TTIAT SERVES- POP„ li'?':''•ItR ANT) 'LINT MFT;. BY TAKING OUT trHE'SCREEN AND R E PLACIe t.x A G LA f'..; SASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS THERE. No need of taking off a 'shabby• looking arisen door each `,1i and trying to find a :spot on the: fret u.- toe _ur. ly f.taten a. batten a 11 a oor which darkens ke n s the0,1•o .. t 13 yJ ).1.5 ,tile ol_te.d , appearance of thv hou.,tr. STANDARD SIZES ALWAYS 0\7 STOCK. ODI, `t.00:RS MAdE TO ORDER Place your order for Storni Sash Now; and have them when the cold weather comes, the. -•rbv 'say ng tone of .coal. F. KL.YLEj8CE PRONE 69 _'ZURICH 4. 44 4. 4. 4, le f -÷++++++++-1.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++,H.++++66+0 - ++++++++i,1.'9eef++P+•r+$•h+•Mdr'I M++++'r +++++++++I ,H.+++.*..F4'1t 1 • WA CH This Space for Pries Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Pal siting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZIIRICH �aor0000r�o���0000000+roe©000�000cao®o�0000eo�000moo v HARD GOAL 3 • We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom I ers with the very best] gi'i,des of 1 Scranton Anthracito CoalT Leave your order with us and we will fill••. 1 them as shipments arrive, i It 1 (IOQD SUPPLY of BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK PE - FES STOCK FOODS, ETC, ALWAYS ON HAND 'UiE iali`tM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe Zurich • itO000tll0601• .4 ,0,a'Jii,w7 'S,emo Wo_+i9.Q'zp000esecom 61ote • • •