HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-09, Page 4rtt'.
ti-irs. JOS. Eisenhofltt of ► itt'h'-
' its visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Ery Price,
lz .anii Mrs, Pe icy Gram, of De-
i�aoit spent the wt t 1.-1.1ad here with.
Wilke i:orxrker% pa'1'.•nts, Mr. .and Mrs
40e6. Grant,
"!r1r s T'henipson visited for a
Am 'days le Toron't'o (with her dau
Veber, Mrs 'Barnett.
'Mrs, S. Stevens ,and children of
'It"acr'onto, ase visiting with her ,gr-
teepare'nt's, Mr, and Mrs. Adam Re
ii'art. �• '
Alfred Taylor and ,Hart';' Sal-
to Tuesday foreChicage to
"OEen the Fat Stock Show.
Mr. and Mts. `J. D. Buchanan of
` tetut1on v''s tad over the week -end
peek Mr. and Mrs Alex Bucha.anan
Z. Young and ls•on Jack. of Mit-
i!!'v'i'site•d with friends ,here,
"Margaret and Grace ;Gooper of
•Nifeendon vis ted over the week -end
lith their mother here..
The infant son tot Mr. and Mrs.
Vold Beeswax was taken tto Lon-
. Hospital for an operation.
Gladysi Luker has taken a pas -
=On as 'book keeper '(in T. C.
+s•i t'•s store,
3lstr ,and Mrs. ptto Stephan have
',vase -ed to Exeter, where ithey in -
'aced to. re'side in future.
111"lagses E •thee and 'Aneel'ne Gr'1—
ztl cf Dashwood, are visiting their
teilAer, Mrs. John Pone.
e. The Literary Society of Hen-
t Continuation School held its
ear al9ar meeting on Nov. 26th.
e annual me t'ng tof the Farm
t!a -Progressive Club was tltcld in
eta, Commercial Hotel on the even -
4e -g,;
o .Nov. 23rd.
11!fli. Jas, Sparks left last week
eta Mesons the winter with her date-
--VIeleix in Brantford.
Wm. Thompson of ;Chicago, viS
ited With hiS parents, ,iQIt'. and .Mrs
G epe X'ohnyp'sson,
Miss 13. Urquheet, lo'f London.
riit't''d With. friends in town,
Mrs, l;• Sullins and lady friend
of Detroit, are v'i'siting with, her
parents, Mr. and 11Ii's.eGeO. Hudson
The 1 'tz,aar held in St. ;k'au2 a
A.ugllean church last Saturday et.f-
t''rnoon was a big ';success, the
cerele amounting to $310.
John Moueseau and family, for-
taer]y of Hay Township; and rec-
ently of the Viliagei•of B'ceter,1iave
become r ',idents of our ,village,
and are residing at itlt•e east end of
the town.
A verb' enjojyabl'' evening \S'a
spent in the Presbyterian' jChul+elr
last Friday eve. when ,the Young
People of the Presbyterian church:
'ntertained the Coder;ch and E!.-'
ear Presbyterian churches. the vis.
iting churches put on the program;
and Hensel' provided the lunch.
A 'sl-ooting match under the
auspices of the Hensall Gun 'Chib
is to be; held len our park grounds
on Thursday, Dec. 10th, and for
which tournament valuable priz-
es are given and the association
rules are to Dv—ern.
A bazaar under pe auspices of
Carmel Presbyterian Church is to
be held in the iT.pwn Hall on Cat-
urday afternoon, December 11th,
and for which big 'preparation is
being made,. •
The fowl 'supper given by the
Ladies Aid of James'1St, church the
other evening was a big success.
Nearly a 'thousand people par-
took of the meal, the proceeds am;
ounted to over $635. (A fine pro-
gram. \vas rendered;.
J. J. Millar ,last week received
three imported Clydesdale istal-
lila thea were puechasi cl .fart ni S
Brown, of •.Culraven, Borgne,. $.
Mrs. J. Willis Powell and 'Mar-
ion, who have been in Wingham,
under quarantine with sscarlet fe-
i er, have returned home, ..
H lttie S•west, who ;ha's, been core-
fined 4a he; oo ',,With n fractured
bone in her foot, ;1'11 able to; be out,
she was out beechnut hunting ion
T'li•anles.giving, and made a 'step,, witht he result,
On Sunday, fast ,Rev. A, A,
T'rumper, L. Th,, occupied the
pulpit of 'lrivitt Memorialchurch
for the last time as rector. They
ha'vec left ..for Windsor ,where he w 11
commence his new rIttti'es as rec-
tor of .St. Paul's. church, '
The Ontario .Railway, <and Mun-
icipal Board n'et in ,the, Ton Hall
Exeter, Yriday last. for the por-
poise of hearing an application by
„the Canada Trust Coi. for the lap-
prevail 'of' the 'aa1e of the • Hynd-
:.man. Telephone Line. to iWm R.
Erayne, of U'sborne All• parities
interested were given an oppor-
tunity to be present at t'he hearing
in order to liaise any objjections to
the approval of the ;Board.
Wm. N. Powe, (passed. on ,_Nov,
25th, being ill for about threern on -
the, during which time ,he suffered
considerable. He was born ion the,
Alb. con. Biddulph until the family
moved to Stephen 15 years ago,
when about 'six years ago he mo-
wed to 'Exeter, to retire, he -..Was
in his 70th 'year, and is survived be
sides his widow by ;2 'sons and 2
daughters. L
A quiet wedding .took place at
the parsonage of the "Wesley • Un-
ited church; Clinton, on iTnesday,
Nov 30th, when Miss Ielen Ladd;
T'heersdroy„ December 9th, 1.:2
aau2;h.4er of Mr .and. Mils, win,Lad:i:l s ,#: +3 ' + I X44•++ °+++ ++1•"lh+ '4• '+ 44+*1. ' ' ,,' 4. ,' p ' .
of Clinr;an, was united tin marriage +
to Mr. Bruce IL Rit ergs, youngest
'son of Mr, ,and ,11'Il's. Wm. Rivers,
of Exeter.
An explosion took ,place while
Lorne Epps., Varna wa's in the act
of 'soldering a tank. Fortunately
h.e eseaprd with a bald. 'scare and
a. few burn's,
A 'smart wedding took .place at
the United church manse; , Grand
Fend, recently wizen Hazel ,Ruth_
Lovie, daughter of Mr.t and. Mr ,
Geo, Lovie, was united in, marriage
Earl T. Hayter, 'son Sof Mr, and Mrs
Aug. Hayter, Rev. J•. ,NI. Co'i'ling
officiating. After the wedding a
fine dinner was iser;Ted at the bri-
de'•s home; The wedding ;gifts we-
re numerous , and costly, . after a
honeymoon trp they will make
then bottle on the ,groom's 1' arm on
the Crecite') Road. ..
The 'summary of expenses of
the two N. Porth canddate's in ,the
recent federal electon show the to-
al electon expenses of. the ,succ'es-
sful canddate, F. wellington Haiay, i L
1 '1he New Day Gar"
t Having been appointed district
,} R agent for the above celebrated
t Car, I will be p1 rased at any Si
• time to give a demon•stration, t
ndidate David Wr-
glia, are given as $2,885.32,
John Banko, Parkhll, .who wor-
ked for Peter A McIntyre on his
farm five mile's away, on No.
highway, was killed ellen he fell
front the haymow to 'the barn flo-
or and broke his neck on Friday
Obtaining a bottle of carboli4
acid unnoticed by his (small 'sister,:
who. was alone ' ith him ir. the ho
use. while their parents ,Ivere out
doing the chores, the 12 -yr -old 'son
of. \Wm..Colquhoun, of Fullerton 1'
Tp. narrowly .escaped poisoning
him'salf fatally the other eve. The
Iitile fello,t•- elimoed up on 'ahigh
chair and (took down the jb tittle
of acid.' Removing the ;cork the
little fe'low pti!+= afin'ger in'io the
' Plow points to fit most makes of plows
a's $2,688.15, whle the expenses of
the defeated cd
at greatly reduced prices
d•+4'4.'1»i'-bar-a•++++•'p,+k F"f'.f'a..F++++"1h3•'eFeeleBeeete;+rpt'd'd+lede++++++y'»l+at'4ni4-
acid and Men into his mc,uths. BIs
Liles and tongue were badly bur-
red, but fortunately little .on the
poison reached his throat.
Funeral isersrie s were c.,c,nducted.
in •'Brucefield, on Sunday' ;Nov., 28,
far J'.. B. Johnston, a resident of
Alberta, who died in a London !sud-
denly ' the previous Friday. Hewes
fl forme r'e,'dent of Brucefied and
went to Western Canada Tome ye-
ar's ago to take up farming: Sorest•
time, ago he returned past for at
visit and was staying at Landwa,,
where h') was taken e%ith illneel
and !shortly afterwards passed a
Bray at Victorian. Hospital. He is,
survived by one brother, Robt. cntF'
Hamilton, and two sons, John anti.
Richard of Seattle. He was pts
deceased by his wife by several
The pictures, with C*„'�
printed instructions
% se
illustrate and describe
briefly a system of shear-
ing sheep that has been
developed by the thou-
sands of professional
shearers of America and
White trot mettlgca•"
lions in the directing of
the strokes taken with the
shear are made by differ"
ent shearers, the beginner
should follow the instruc-
tions alis+closety as possible..
The sheep is here shown as it is
being finished. Shearer, if he
wishes, can drop onto his right
knee, but sheep's head should
be held over against its.
right side, and hind leg kept
straight by pressing hand in
flank as shown. As men-
tioned before, hind leg
should never be pulled out
for shearing. If this is
done the sheep will start
to kick. With leg held
straight as shown in
this picture slj.ep
cannot yank les
back against comb
This picture shows how the shearer
has put the sheep in position for shearing
right hind leg byraising its head and moving
his feet still further back to let sheep settle
down on to its left side.
In shearing the right hind leg. strokes
should start near the back bone and
run well out on leg.
Aeshearing continues towards
'tail, shearer lets sheep
down flat on its left
side and takes posi-
tion shown in
next picture.
As this picture shows, the
sheep has gradually been
brought to a nearly upright posi.
tion again as shoulder is being shorn.
Sheep's head is lying down on its left side,
which curves its body stretching skin tight
where shearing is to be done. Shearer con-
- , tines with strokes from near the back
around across right side, with sheep in this
position until wool is removed down aide to right hind leg. As last stroke
is being made on side shearer should raise sheep's head letting its body
down on side,
Set sheep up squarely on its rump,
your feet close to the-heep's body.
Grasp sheep firmly between knees.
Have pedestal of the machine two
feet to right and a little back. Be-
gin eat point of brisket, making
strokes downward. In this posi-
tion never allow sheep's head
to fall back between your legs.
After shearing brisket, grasp
sheep's right fore leg, pulling
up well, at same time press-
ing in with left knee. This
curves sheep's body to left
in which position three or bap
four strokes should be
run down from under h loosely sheep's right fore leg
to flank. These
strokes open a with starting place for
strokes across ki
The sheep'', right foreleg is folded and held
under your right knee, leaving sheep further
k onits rump. Remove belly wool with
strokes nearly straight around acrossbelly.iiofd
shear oose y in the hand, with rear end well out
from sheep's body to bring points of comb -
teeth down on sheep's skin. Make strokes
carefully. wi comb cutting full width.
Be sure that teeth of comb are down on
sin as stroke s ended, to overcome
the necessity of making second
cuts.Continuestrokes across
belly until all belly wool
is removed, when it
can he kept sopa.
rate ,rom fleece
wool if de-,
As last long stroke is taken up back ending near
sheep's right ear. bring your right foot forward close
up to sheep's back even with shoulders, leaving sheep
lying flat on side and Without lifting sheep more than
to raise its head. This picture shows the position hav-
ing slloriefight aide"of sheep's head and ready to sheat
right side of neck with strokes running downto
shoulder. As the neck is beingshorn, move both
feet back, first one, then the other in short
steps holding sheep firmly between legs and
rolling it into a more upright position as
you shear towards the shoulder.
Now earn sheep a Tittle to tight
and lean it further back on its rump
to shear inside of right hind leg. Hold
sheep's left fore leg under arm With palm
of hand towards sheep's right bind foot, graap
a handful of skin and wool on iron aide o1
sheep's hind leg at flank ioint. Twat this
wool and skin witharm held rigidll• straight
to keep sheep's hind leg in position for shearing. Neter ho5d's]leep s bind legs .far show+
lag by grasping the foot to pull it out straight. All strokes is Shearing tate inside of
the right hind legshould be from the foot in towards the tail. •
When shearing inside of right hind leg is finished, roll sheep over a little on right hip
and shear inside of left hind leg with strokes out towards foot. This completes cretebrng out.
Now the sheep is finished, note the un-
broken blanket of wool and the smooth
appearance of the sheep. 'No ridges,
me gashes or outs. By follow-
ing this method you. ewill
alwaye get the best
The position of the sheep is
somewhat changed. Left foot
is moved back from the sheep a
very little but left leg is still in
front of both thesheep'sfore legs and
foot well in undeethe sheep's shoulder.
Right foot has been placed outsideGboth the
sheep's hind legs and the sheep is held Mat on
its side by knee resting lightly on its hip.
Have the sheep's right shouldef resting
en your Left foot and press lightly on
the hip with right knee, at the same
time forcing the sheep's head down
nearly to the floor, to put sheep in
position for shearing the rest of side
and one or two strokes beyond back
bone with long strokes the whole
length of sheep's back and neck.
The leg is kept straightby pressing in
flank•the same as is shown inicture No..
4. Now put sheep in position for shearing
outside of left hind'leg by moving feet
back to allow shaep to be partly on its
right side 3d this position strokescan be
run from leftlhind fbot in to flank. After
two or three of these strokes are taken.
ending atflank, all laterstrokessoaid
run in on leg then curve down,
ending hear backbone above
tail base. Continue these
strokes until left bind leg
acid laparecleaned.
Sheep 19 how In position for open-
ing up neck and is shown after a few
strokes have been made. For this
Position, straighten sheep on its n,mp, at
same time pladeright foot between sheep's
hind legs. Tarn sheep with foota little
more to the right. Press right knee &saly on
sheep's brisket between fore legs, left foot and
leg below knee being lnatinfront of sheep's back
bone. With left hand on sheep's law as shown.
bend sheep's neck around•left knee and open up neck
with stroke from brisket to law and one or two
strokes on right side of sheep's neck. Sheep's head
is rolled up as shearing proceeds to turn Seek ao
shearing can continue on to left side of sheep's
neck. As left aide of neck is sheared, continue
strokes on up to shear leftjaw, sided face and
top of head
ear estop of woc�
head la is i
sheatCW ,�hc�,q?1"
Here the sheep is
• in position forehear-
ing left side. With
right foot still between
sheep's hind legs, grasp
sheep s left fore leg,nlove
left foot forward and with
right foot swingsheep more
around to the right, at the
same tune laying the sheep
down almost squarely oh its
back wit h its left foreleg pressed
r 1 ft its
and Haveifoot
bolding the sheep's body curved
aonsound ssheep's eftside,maktightensipsible
thhuAutfoftieanolderr. About half he sd
be shorn in this position then change
should be Made to position $,
shear left
shoulder and fore
login positionshown
• in this picture.Shear-
er has not moved feet
and only moved sheep
by straightening it up in..
to a little more upright
shearing a oulder shouldkes rbe
run towards back, but not
entirely to back bone, each
one ending with comb teeth
Well down on skin.
With the left fore leg and
shoulder sheared, the shearer is
now ready to put sheep in posi-
tion to shear left side as shown
in the pert picture,
a, l:
Photo Courtesy of
IAiF'219h"f k, 'PROPtsSIONAL S1{EAR1 R
Copyright, 1426
:it it