HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-09, Page 1m1, XXX11p trio 23 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 9, 1926, Chester L. Srubth, Pokitisaaog $1.25 a Year h Ad Sar $l,69 INARRt.Aii,S,$2 MAY BB OWAR6100 Only 2 more weeks till Xmas. Do your shopping Now! in Zurich DellitifienfkiiilikliKtialigif0m3DC111111Denamap4taastapfifTOIDIIDON4WINDO ECIAL Just Received fresh ship - eat of Neilson's Jer3ey a Milk Oh.a3late Bars, re • 253 while ws they last at Sale Price 19c. Wagner - Pbone 91 eee D4 f 0,MIED41;iL lY4:11111111Df1601111111D4IDOIMI 3 DOMINO I )fid t 1 A e7 1 Z *71.4•+Y +4.4-+ -04.4.'E4.� k Int ++,++++++++ FAL II.+++d+++++++41 :} 4 R rid Supplies t Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 4. not wait till spring and miss all the good Atresic and Concerts Give me a calf before buying elsewhere ESCH : ;:rich 4+ 4+ 4. .1. 4+ 4+ ,f. 4.,•144.4 -44.14-4-1-0444.11444.44.4.4)44.+41+++++444-14+++++++++++++++* .3 if1A0bmiris.aiiketmeavo e4100•tr^,yNiA•i1a•••00ii1'.0606600•••••80• A QOMPLETE LINE OF Life - Buoy Rubbers Before Long Yoe are Goint to Buy a pair of i3cabber Boots if you are hard. on Boots, in- !stea,d of just asking tor Rub- ber .Beats:, sale for . LIFE- \B3.1.OY t WE Claim they are tlieIO n gest wearing moot you. alter I .gest .and you will say • wearing' is. p air- la air la There is ars ideal + LIFE- * BUOo 33a a farm, in every bush, �. r - ease on the Fin the garage, in fact where - ever mercy need . - waterproof protection fuse *Lair r feet and legs. .et tss+ show you The, boot that suits your particular re- yyt quiremen€,, LIFE -606! r + Br r s Boot Shop REPAIRING NEATI:' DONE ujtLllK000410Wttm!dl1ti+%ti'1tagi+1Ae&.t.TAW .,,eAGBfb*NAQAIWa4511)414.1$31lGe*aR646000 . • 0 40 0 0 0 • • 0 • • • 0 0 p 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 • • •O 0� • 440 410 ur -....its and Overcoats e4)0m4.0v0o40e40a0o4) Q + e �1F -10 .10 4 40 ..yy; .40 -40 wt. nntilk .4 N Thrown together to dell Sewn together to Serve Y 4 THERE 11TENWORDSISTl PRINCIPLE ON maxi! DUEL 8tLITS AND OVERCOATS ASCE 1NIAI1tI+l IF 1 YOU. ry4 • • a A 4' e • • vt 4 • 4. 4, 4 4, 4. 4 4 a A 4. • 4 4 0 4, 00; GAS tek ' t tl$ NAND NOTICE. TO THE ELECTORS O1 SOU'T'H 1TURON— I wish to express my, heart- iest appreciation of the splendid support given me. on December 1st And especially do I wish to thank the large number of workers who through faithful work during the campaign and on election day made my election secure. Y o ars Seel' ely, W. G. MEDT:). NOTICE Having dissolved partnership by mutual consent, we wish to advise the public that we s4quest an im itsediatc s "tiiem.ent of- all outstan d- Xing accounts. Johnston&.Koehier: T;atchers, Zurich, Ont. BAKING SALE The Ladies' Aid of St. Peters' Lutheran Church, in conjjtinction with. the Ladies of ,the. Congreg- ation are holding a ]Baking Sale on Saturday, December 18th: ,Com.- mincing at 3 p.m., lin the ;store of Mr. L. Scltilbe. Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT ROOM 1, for November. - Sr. I—Beatrice Meidinger .505, Ruth Foster 480, Beatrice Thiel 406 Tart Rembe 401, Edith Deichert 90 Will Broit-n 364; Homer Salmon :349, Bert De'ch-1'. 320,'Peter 1Voisin 275, Theresa Zettei 18L absent. Jr. I—Margaret Schwalm ;102, Hubert Smith. 393 8 Edna Iiot'hems 375, Albert (:Iausss'us 375; Lawren-. ee Bedard 303, Lawrence Voisin 242. Sr. "Pr—Pal'iicia Ducharme 33t, Lest*i+ 'i1:ieI 254;` *Mae Smith 253, *Laura I eicitert 241 '- Jr. Pr.—Vera Decker 226; Anth- ony `Voisin 195; Marjorie -,Gellman 182, Mary Merner IN; Maria Bed- ard 105; A;,lphon'sus Grenier 92, * abs_nt. Mrs. G. Koehler, Teacher. AGRICULTURE NOTES %rrar.gernents hare? been made by the Ontario. Department of Ag- ricultut through the local Agric- ultural Representative, Mr. G. It. Paterson, Clinton, for the holding of a four week's course in Blythi. The young men's course in Agric- ultural and the young ladies' co- in's'' in Henn- Economics will h' held during Jenuarv. Live stack field crop's and other agricultural subjects will be dismissed in the boy's classroom, wl11e households 'science, sewing and Home Nursing ani F st A'd. will Corea the- ie^twes Viten tho girl's. Thera will be special lectures in many ,subjects such as poultry and beekeeping, sbwine and :shed: 'marketing and others These courses have been conducted th,aughout the prov- ince rosince for 'several years and the feet that they are ;sh"fted about in each cenety or district: annually gives is td:' :ac n,ne to the numbers that Deny attend. The importaance of aerieult'tr:tl information and ed.n- e ttion is readily rot -ailed. and all who cat 'should without question arrange to attend. Evsngeiical Church Notes ZURICH. -- ON'r. Thursday, Dec, 9, 2.00 ,p.m. Ladies Aid and W.M.S. will .meet for re- , orgar?i.tation. • Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise C. Frit'; Leader, Friday, 2.10 -Junior League. Mrs. L. Hoffman, Supt. Friday 7.30 pant E. L. C. T N. Geiger, Pres, 8.30 --Choir practice. Miss =E Rennie, Leader Sunday, 10.00 ani a.mi Worship led by, C. K. Keoik,ay. 11 ia.n'.—Bible School, Mr. J. E. Gaseho, Supt, 7.30 p,n-,.—Worship (led by f3. Ti ri,nplrav'.. Sunday, Dec'. 19th,Comniunion • Service. DASHWO0i) Wed Dee 8th—Quarterly Conf.and Preparatory Service, Thursday, alit Teaelhe:rs end pffic- erg of ,Bible School meet, p'rp�r,,\day 10th --Choir Praetiee. "Sfinday 12-10 sari Coniinnnion Ser- vice). 11.05—Bible Sebool, A..'l3]rk, Supt. 1.30 x.' - Wtrzlsliip led by 118. S+ SIgirEll, Pastor. ,�•--- �.�:i.:._-:--;..drµ Love„i, M>r. Harry Smith the renown Shorthorn breeder of Exeter, ,was in tiro 'village on Monday. ” Mr Ward Fritz, Miss Pearl SVuertz and Mrs:. H H. Cowen mot- ored to London on ,Wednesday. Mr. and M.s. Dan. La(ybold of near: Wellesley visited relatives for a few plays on the Bronson Liiie. Mr. and Mr's. V. H. Pfile of Hen all, were in the ,village vi+s- iting at the home of Mrs, Lydia Pfile on Sunday,. Dr. Alex, McLeod ,of Wroxeter, a' former Principal of ;the Public school here in Zurich, !renewed fri- ends here on Monday. Mr. John Decher, Jr.,. our noted Standard bred horseman, was in New York ciL'y last' week, u here he purchased a very valuable trotting mare. �- t The firm of .Johnston & Koehler who have carried on a partner- ship,. butcher business in Zurich for a number' of years, have dissolved partnership, Mr. Johnston 1aIr,-ing over the entire business. ,. Say- Council met .on Monday for ita monthly meeting. Their next and `probably last meeting of the wear will likely be next Wednesday 15th, when the treasurer's boor:'~ will be closed in erde;• to lea.. the financial 'statement of the Tp. printed by nomination day,. Dae. 27th. Mr. Joel Geselto ,who has be -en engaged with Ntr. Urban Pfile of the 14th eon. met with a very painful accident the other day while out in the bush cutting wood in some 'way; a piece or wood flea up and hit Mr. ,Gascho just above the eye causing a nastyg ash and as a consequence the eye shelled shut. i, DIAMOND SET ENGAGEMENT RINuS :Never before have we had a more beautiful Stock of Diamond Set Rifles as now. LET tis SHOW YOU THESE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS In Prices from $25.00 to $100,00 W. G. Hass & Sons Burn Solvay Hard (Act ct the best Coke obta aabif'a and cut 1-3 off yam` fuel bill ..A..o axit 10 HENSALL ONT;,, Phones—Office low. . Roane La, +i•OV008O.s44E.Oa0.0.08.0 4.0.4,4 • 4 • t • • s o- • • • •• • 0 • a 4 • • p••♦•••4.OP4+*•••••••••••••• a .itis4,444 a#4.4424-44 xgeW4*rA4)Ft4 F?i •.........................„ LEATHER GOOD ETC. 1i,' Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS OF ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES` BRAGS* COIN AND OTTER 'PURSES A PINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE B ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES. ON AUTO 'TIRES RIGHT NOW,, Corrie in and 'see ,our fine display of U'selull Goods. ' HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEt: RED THIEL o ZURI K The ]'reduction Sale sof Fall and 4. Winter Merchandise held in Itter- ner's store beginning Saturday last 1' has brought out large .crowds hungry buyers who are leaving the` `+• store daily well laden with bund- + ]es of real bargains,,. Yes ,multit- udes of well 'satir•Led customers ar' leaving 'thus, store daily and are tell:ng others who will flo 1iket, is:', are you one of +thein? Owing to a .n isunderstandi.ng in the rates of hydro, the Zurich Grisst Mill 'ryas taken off the pot\'er last week, and farm' s t'. ho have beau (in the habit• of having their .chopping ,done at the local mill here. are no -w going .to other places for this work. It is to. be hoped that a satisfactory age-' eerns,nt can ne reached in the near iatu a;aul t':e iaz11 .'wh;ca rs av vtaw hie asset to Zurich., he put ,notion again. The Zurich? Branch of the Wom- en's Institute will Bold their mon- thly meeting at the ,hont'u of Mrs C'. L. Smith on Tuesday evening, Decernb 14th, et 8 o'clock. The meeting will ba i,n ;charge of Mee. P. lirn'son, Mrs. 0. IEoehler land Mrs J. A. Manson. There will he tett, exchange of Xmals,. gifts„any one wilsb..ng to take part in this may de so whether a member or not, bring ,agift valued not over to it ,does no: Matter wh, the you place your name in it or not. If yen will ,bring a gift you will al sn receive `one, Business will be transacted. BOY'S PARLIAMENT ELECTION At a. keenly contested election Yfor th-e sixth Older .Boy's Parlia- n'.ent in South Hurons, Alvin W,. 5,1- 1'ty, of SeaforthM who contested the cot atituency with Alexander Act- .iigln of Bru,cetield, of .Erucefield, was elected by a majjority of 50 tit,e total being 107 for addison aand 163 for Sillery. The places rep.. resented were Ce itr:il"a, Clinton, (.r editon, Elensall, Seaforth, Egmont]. C1-rhe'st, H n a'l, Seafor'th Kippen, ]>recefield, Thames Road Iia'shvvooi, Zurich, 'Winthrop, 1)uftit T.'itt3 tbor o and. 1ixotnr. Zurich Vatesd 14 for i111.e.ty 'tad 9 for* Ad- d ISSOrn il-dssoii. BETTER YALTJ IN RUBBER FOOTWB THAT WEAR LONGER IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT RUBBER FOOTWEAR. WE ARE GLAD TO .SHOW YOU A PAIR EXACTLY SUIT ED FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS. OUR STOCK Is CO PLr EEE IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Meifs Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 Womenis shoes 'soled 3-7 at 75e Misses Shoes, ;soled 11-2 at 65c Rubber heel's, 50e and 35e pr. I 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS e4.4++1+4.4.+i,..+g3.4+4+4.d+4++ + +++A,l+.t+++.1-144.4-e+T+d+4..1++ +.i.+},.1^++4•+'• 44.0. £+ Yuletide Greetin and we are ready with a nice Christmas is drawing near assortment of Christmas Novelties and Gifts. ALSO PEELS, FRUITS NUN Aiv1' CANDIES. f:'+ 2t t EARLY WJIILE OUR ASSOR I 'iI N'T IS COMPLETE. ty� AL DOUGLAS GENE]c'AL. MENOH4NT PHONE. E 11 97 113LAKE a: .