HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-02, Page 5In order to make room for our Xmas. Stock, we have deckled to offer the following lines at a sacrifice: Tilen's and *ye Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, and Sweaters, Ladies Dress Goods, Hats, Silk and WohtHosiery, Etc. it will pay sou todonde and see for yourself the many bargains not men- tioned here C. ;pu ei Rei s nwo od BUSINESS CARDS Wants, For Sale, Lost, iiJPsJE 1dJ.IoL. Lt's Found r c ice L. IN THI5 COLiJbeiIstiT Ad r9 28,k1IRI:STER, SOLICITOR, NOT -j , "ARY PU BLIC, ETC. l ,/Mee, Hamilton Street, Just ef leo Square, GODERIC'B,, Ont 1Special attention to Coun'sei and Court Work. Mfr. Holmes may be consulted at iderich by phone and phone charges reversed. -' Dr. H. H. C OW E N L. D. S., D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK. ZURICH ev- 1 ram 'Thursday, Friday and Satur-• atty. ;Iain Office 15I ,TL'EIB'S,BLOCI;, DASHWOOD OSCAR I Ti OPI• graduate Carey l/1. Jones Nat - ail School of Auctioneering. Try Stock keeping Choice i nythingi Zurich. Vats for Registered Live $ Breeds). Terme lar lth prevailing prices. =kl rma for sale. Will cell §Sarywh ere. :e 18-93 or write, Licensed Aucliogeer FOR HURON & MIDDLES:EX .AM IN A POSITION TO CON- net any auction sale, regardless Ili to size or articles to sell. I ; Alleit your bueinest3, and if not ;satisfied will make 11Q chargee for iterviee4, Arthur Weber, .4 Dashwood. Allem 13--57 lio'0x ria s100000806 ilRil1••i41N4fd • • • • 0 i0 Boiogna Sausages, tate vosMsgattnelig Cash Price for Wool t CASH FOB SKINS & HIDES• • • I Inm blot & at • Desch • yr• 101•ilss0sirNsO•ssssaNs•• itil I Zurich vent $tlesy,< and Satz Meats 1 ZURICH LIVERY 4 � 1 am fn a► p+olaxtion to accomo- ' fats all requirements in the Livery 'business, Itave A'at° fisr' 146. Amy itg done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THYEL INitnie 53 Zurich,Ont. LIVE OU LT Ry WANTED Waken every day till 3 O'clock,p.m, "sDn not feed fowl Same morning *hen brought in, Highest Cash Prices Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien FOR SALE HAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE DEBENTURLS Under By -Law No. 8, 1926, the Corporation of -the Township of Flay offer debentures of .the .IIay Municipal Telephone System for ;sale to amount of $1190.00 dated Dec. list, 1926, bearing interest at rate of l5 per cent per annum, repayable in ten equal annual in- stallments, n- stallme.ntis, For particulars apply to • A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Township of Hay NOTICE. I wish to advise my customers that we requ:ist payment lot all our past :season outstanding lac - count's.,` V. V. Siebert, Zurich. FOR SALE RUBBER.CASE BATTERIES $14.75 Allowance will be made for old Faltery. Store your battery for the winter with us. , Also chars', Repair and Rebuild Batteries. We have installed. an ecuipment. for rebuildi.rg and repairing Batteries Louis, Prang, Zurich, Ont. FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner iheating atovel. Apply to Hy. ,Gallman. WANTED DUTCH SETTS. We are in .the market for a limited quantity of Dutch Setts, beginning Monday, Nov. 1st, Setts anust be thorough- ly dry and put through fanning mill Highest Market price paid, J. Gascho & Sons. NOTICE Orders taken for celery packed in crates for winter .use. J. Gascho & Sons. NOTICE We are operating our eider mill on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, Menno Steckle, Bronson Line. t23 Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk issuer of marriage license's. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- o mobila Insuerance Representing Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor-, ation. TheCanada Trust Co. ZURICH — ON ARID E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth — Agenta Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -- ONTARIO Subji A high rade Radio is a Home Feature that you will be well pleased with t h e years of service. Zixc^h DASHWOOD ROTOR phEFtVicn LOCAL. NEWS. "spivs, Sdiiaan company aro put - Mr. and :hung, pa 'Kiefer :and. sone Le,c of the 13ronson Line, St-. anley, Mi and Mrs, Andrew Stur- geon of Bayfield moved. to Lon- don the past week. Joseph Char'.rette, an inznate of the County Hone, Clinton, ;and a former resident of Hay 1owns iip passed 'away at the 'Home, and the remains weere interred in the. ii. C. Cemetery at Drytadale;, The Zurich Branch sof the Woin CM'S Institute d.'Hlx"ed to express their many thanks to the. Laad- le's who. donated so ,nobly to the box of goodies for 1:he children at the Goderich Shelter It remind- ed the Ladies while 1,r:cling the box "It sure is :more Blessed to give than to receive." sre." iThose that have donated will not piss: it,whil;. it makes the hearts of gine little orphans very happy. Mr.,Charles F1Fritz had an un• - usual experience a few days ago in has 'shoe store. He'was examin- ing a 'shotgun and thinking it ,was unloaded 'snapped the trigg^r. Charlie was greatly surprised when a Loud report resulted, 1:1v: shot going through a partition into 0 show windo c'. , Luckily theforce large the bullets 'was •dol;ected.ox• like Ltd., Woodstock, and can cbe pur- ,argo plate glass 'would ;haveb-.:'n chased at the Zurich Drug Spur 'shattered, 11 just goes to show. hoc�r that n matter how 'experienced or ca.r•ful a oor,..a)n ,may ben ac- cidents will happen.—Ex. Considerable excitement and l eni.husia'sm h..ic; be:'n cleated in'the•. vicinity by the appearance of a flock of white Artie ,Owls, 1. ho seem to be migrating to warmer climates. A number of ;them have been !=hot and Mr. E. Ge'sch,b ar bc_, .wounded. cine , in the wing, ,ani. has the. same now in Capt; i .y, and has glade arrang menta to place 11 in th •• London, Dnt., Zoo at Springbank Pari;;,• which writ make another addition L) tapir f,ne coikrction ,of birds and animals,. Ring An .ew record ,an the market khat . will play fort or `y •minutes, ,twenty minute's each day. 'DECE,WIi.LR ROl) ANL/ GUN - the arrival of the Bunting 'Seaton comes tile Dm:tabor Issue o•', Mod and Gillis NIth dy :Stock Of reading matter appropriate to the season. '`The Old (slily Luck" by .Theo Stocks s vrcr t )1ea rh 'in while not a story of :big bags, is one. that will .appeal to ;u90 with, the.- hunt in their th- oughts. Bonyeastie Dale also hunts der in Nova Scotia, but with a camera,. Henry A. Praith Waite, well knot,,n eastern guide tellss of his experience',with Mooe(' while Martin i3unte, tells la typ- ical story in "The \Vorif Cub of the Labrador,•' Jas, ;l+r i'se ).as a tim ely Rill page cartoon tin tkt0s num- ber. A ;good yarn of a daylsi adventure on a( B. C, rivet ih3 told under thin, title of "A Chapter of Accidents." In Outdoor Talk, W. C. :1'I.oi.l'y has another interesting woodcraft art role, while the Guns. and ,Ammunition Dept, edited by C.S Landis has some ,good dopo for the man interested in guns as Fishing Notes has also for the angler and Kennel Notes for the dog fanicier. 'Rod. and[x,Gun is pub ':shed n_OnLhly by W. T. Taylor, A real estate ,deal of some rec- ognition was tra.nsactecl in Zurich the other day, 'when C. Fritz ,& San purchased the business ;block owned by Mr. E. E. W'uerth•, and used by Mr. Wuertit as gent's fur- nishing stare, and tivin' over •the store. C. Fritz. & San, we under- stand will convert the lower st- orey into a sh:iv, room, to dem- onstrate their n•w Ford cars of which they have the agency of this district. They will also put in a gas tiller, free air and a full line of se, vie:; supplies. And we heard a rumor Lnat Charlie said "That all o • w fFodcars will rtheir gas " Farm Help for 1927 ncr" a great nu;nb r poverty. :stricken people of Germany apply t:) ma for positions on the farm I can thisyear ;supply Evangel- icals .with. Evangelicals, Lutheran; with Lutherans, Bapt•'s': w;th "Bap- tisL, and Catholics With Caa..tholfc youngyoungmen or domestics at $2)O.O$200..0.)a yelr; each 0100 must b> recom- mended bylhispastor cin Germany. Earner pays fare and x$5.00 per Month, Write -to Rev. K,,, Gretz- enger, Mildmay, Ont. DASHWOOD A Big Chr;stnmas 'Con^^_t will be held in Weyburn Scho'o'l, Lhi:r 0 miles west of DashwoodDashwoodon Wed- nesday evening, December 13tIL, st- arting at 8 o'clock. A splendid programmes is being pr,p: r:'cl by the school, assisted by about fif- tfif- teenyoung p°ople of .the com- munity. .Lot's of music, r'ong and comic -acting. Don't midi it for it promses to be the b:st ever. F. Turnbull, Teacher. Mrs. Gra'ttpner and idaughters of Farmington, Mich.., visited with frl- owners o, r. end, here last week. nextlir. and Mr's. Yates of ,Sarnia, `yc r wa willmlikelylall buy5a ';pent the •w^' k-t'nd with Mr. and T, 117 �. IT•r.•:ry IK^aft, Ford. - , 14 s �Tv'nm N 'diger and daughter, LATE JOSEPH P:IPIIJ.Ge�U. • viite1 in London, ,gist week.' i1I,"a tit Mill'.., left on Saturday, ,�. On' by one sill) 01.1 p10000i o.E f ,r i� oodbr:•l;) where she ,1w -i11 sp-' • the community are pais-ng;into ilii end the •wir)ter with her daughter., great Leyoncl, namely eternity. This _ilia. S'n;•e. weer: 1v .ire called upon to cron- acle the death of Mr. Jos:'ph Pap- il:eau, at the Sauble Line, near St. Joseph, who pase:1 away on Waite: McBride and sister Tuesday afternoon, November 30, C.nma, accompanied by LMias being 81 years of age. Dccea:e':1 G wendoline Clarke, called on ;f>r•i- had been ailing for i4ome Lina^; but ends in. Hens on .Saturday night. only the t f les bt ca,n,. Mr. Eagle Finlay, who •�iPent Ins' c to ;~c"' - , seriou.; ill: II iv;t baro at Jol- the :summer in New ,Ontario, 'sp.^.n1. Tette, Queb;c, and cime to the Si- all- we ;1t his ;hone, he was ubline, Line, with his r•;arenis, at the age, of three ,years,' anci has been practically a resident there ever 'sine, and .endured all Olt hardulirps of pioneer life. Ia; sur- -rived two !sisters, Mrs. ,B^longe, of Toledo and Mrs. Cote, of ocarsr, Mich.; beside:, his widow, -five sons tained a number of their friends namely, Regis, G.nrga Peter Frank t•) a dance last Thursday- night,. and. Fred. of Detroit and Wind:sro. four daughters; Mrs. F. Denomy , Detroit; Mrs. Ulf, Taylor, Chath- am; Mrs. Isadore Denomy of De- troit:, and Abino at home. The funeral will take place on Friday to -the R. C. Cemetary, Dryisdalet village'. Pa r4 Parra OYMAMOViaiwaimiimmavocw•WiAi Zrich DrL. Sc 1 Store ppiies We have a eop e�te Stockof�,Y ever this ��n,._. ,� �, ee essay in this 1i:.e foe the Scheel Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils;, Paras; Water Colors, and all textbooks. Aso a firie supply of the High School Books used in the Fifth Clas A,, J. MacKinnon, Lu Llri i /���sF S r, WAR,' v�'�,A14,' �'lr��>i"V���"fYLtnaP.�>:x�.'a��I.>i��,. ++++++++++++++++++++++++44, r,• :• fi• �'• a;m•D p 7 S dr 3• i •i, •r l ti� + •Ii• 1' BLAKE Mr. accompanied by his 'sister, ' Miss Alberta Finlay of London, andMis•s F:1•o'wu of New Ontario. 'Mr. and Mrs, 1Peter Manson )and daught'r spent Saturday even-ing with friends in Hensall. Mr. and Mrs H. Walters ent"r Mr. J, A. Meyers who was on ata extended trip through thn west, returned home last week, Mr, Richard Denomy tof Detroit, accompanied by friends spent the week -end at his house west of the . +++t++++++++++++++4-+÷'++++++++++++++++++++++++++1 4 ' "Th e New Day Car" 3 4 IT JEWETT SIX3 Having Veen appointed district Al R agent for the above celebrated 4 . I Gear, I will be pleased at any S1 3 Itime to give a demonstration. + S + + + •1 WILL ALSO GIVE EXPERT SERVICE OF BATTERIES 4. t 3F ALL KINDS— —NEW BATTERIES IN STOCK, ,1. Eo AUTOS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED BY EXPERT4 3 4 ii 4. NIECHANIC, SATISFACTION IS OUR MOTTO. GIVE 4 I DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. .' L *Plow points to fit most makes at neat y reduced prices. T A AN Ik.N CI' Ls 0 riN 1 + ... YY vo�yp' lko .lux. 4/0,...4 ,xl' , xo 'r.ix...yw.+ Wer r r,YAxx"'ty' 0f�iluu,a ue+/.vv 03 iKY A4 s, 0,40.0„ .. Aboutftdie the as sbro,l5g ail a Alan, 1 i.irg to oXtt16, tin - -r, 1:,, A. Itions sprinlrling o£ granulated suit/ TT EE fitGig ' , ,W } Ay E IT COMBINATION DOORS THE DOOR THAT T SERV':' 70'1, Wa `. ' ;) ;1 \1711.0f( BY TAKING OUP THE SCREEN 1NI) 1',: '.,.1L'1 5.., .. VO FT. o' 'if THERE, ALWAYS T,TiRas. a n t ti of taking off a sha -' 401 ,+1 ti -,,0 1-h ;1 4' an:1 trying to find a 'spot , t:._• ;,_: ..0 u..,) ;:a. -.i • i 0 • 1 battan door which darkens th' 0).1:31, ,.i :;;,1(.),I.:, ,clic outa:•_L, •?” 11 )poarance of till holy.'. '' 9 FA ND 1R1) SIZES ALI.VAY1 ')'•+ STO;'K. ')')1) i.,00R9 MAdE PO ORDER Mice your order for Storm S t:sh N) v; aol h.•+,•� thrum whin in cold s'emlher c0mr s, th., s Till 40, 0 , e KALB'? , , I PONE 6 9 9 ZU I H ;. 4 •r s A .# 3 '.•.<++-F+fi•.}.++.H•p.+•g•,{.,3••p•+;g,.r },r•c•i+•G..3••9++0.M'4.1o3 This space for. Prices --- Regards Auto `fops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, i tee IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBI3ER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH miese•Sieseesti'ssseseeese eesoraeoesses•®sssssocoese • 1 HARD GOAL 1. • We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom I ers with the very bests grades of 1 Scranton Anthracito Coal..11_4eave I tk I your order with us and we will fill. d them as shipments arrive. • . •t GOOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK lei-- EDS STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON I•IAND kr WE On/ TO SATISFY' ouisSoItheZurich 40000s0.00.0e+0o ego e06eneeteee600$ 006010 0009 1 7011' Oil lion unlit to bare,' 0\'01, r 1Y)ay' Wit104 'ot; 1543-I eu w1L•11 cr. I