HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-12-02, Page 1VOL XXVII No 22 - 44 4444•4444.44.44..44,44.4.4,4,444.4.44-.44, zumicHra THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 2, E926, • * • Chester L, SzjthFablidma, $1.25 s Year hat Advemeeek $1.61 IN A.RR Pt A B8, $2 MAY BB cessetseero nly 3 more .weeks till Xmas, 10 your shopping ,Now! 111 Zurich memeeeepeegmeteek2eeMelkiimoteDozotHaposire(0031-451::"3 Just Received fresh ship -- meat of liallson's Jersay MiikOhotilite Bir, reg. 253 while they last at Sale Price i9o. 1 1 WI a Wagner - Phone 91 DQNSOC DeilltiZent lAtiffieeTileentitekl D MOD D 01111118e1I DOWD 41 D (11161111D43 te++444444-44444-t-e 44.e4-1.44 ++4 44+++++++444-e4444-444.4444 1 .• I 34,1 ph s Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do not wait till spring and miss all the good /music and Concerts • 4 N,44 Give me a call before buying ehewiiere. * gq Zurich 4. 4. 4. 4' 4' - 2 1 1111****1100*******45***000$4040000016***ZettateletteeeefOO*048000 A COMPLETE LINE OF Life -Buoy Rubbers Be4ore Lang You are Grist to Buy a pair or. Bubber Boots if youaret bard on Boot, in- hstead of just asking for Rub- ber Boots, ask for LIFE- BUOY WE Mine they 2ire the long - gest wearing boot you can buy and yoo .will ,say q.-tfter wearing a p air_ There is an -ideal LIFE- BUOY labsot ler every pur- pose on Che fa.rra,,. in the busk, in the garage, ba faet where - ever merit need waterproof 'protection for ibair feet and legs. Let us show yea the boot 'that 'suits y'etzer particniasr quirement.„ IIFE-114 REPAIRING Bre Os out Shop NEATLY DONE qty. ' g 0 • • • • • • • 0 0 " • 0 0 • • • • • • • ; . 0 e 0414100***4tetteittelkae41*CAKetleeolltillttleNiellteenelltieferegelMikeetetIMA 444.4-.94- • ur 40 10 Suits -419 4.0 "411 nn* • 4,44,04'040•40.01,4**004444140*q44,44444,04)....... nd ov T moats Thr wn logc% ther to sell 11! T • Sewn together to Serve Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT • '; • OF! It,For month of November ROOM II. • • Jr ni-Beatrice GesCha, , 2661; Alice Deckhe.r 259, :Margaret itIat,- ores-, 254; Alwyn Stattlaus 213, Quitn be Hese 227; Dorothy ,Stelek 2.0; Ruth Church 2166, Hazel T_Tttley 2021 Roy Smith 197, Rosa 1Zettel 1966, Harry Foster 187, Sr. II-Ch.arlea Thiel ,247, Lenora Haberer 229, Shirley Koehler 21,66, Louise Wiliest 215, Vera. Deichert 205; *Albert Leibolcl 204; Artnencl Granier 198, Stewart Thiel 160, Ross Johnston 144. jr. II --Paul Hess 192, Reta lil- ekschaular 167, Ralpli Uttley Fred Brciwn 152, Leeland. ;Schwalm 115, -blot-ley Salmono,,133, , Jack Mentor 115, *Blanche Granter ,52. Those marked missed. an exam. O. I, O'Brein, Teacher.---wInd,soi. ROOM III. ' - Jr. IV -Ivan Willert 481, Violet Selrwalm 169, Adelitte PFleischaue t15, Hugh MacK'nnon 410, Pearl Sar 1-117a$ 409, Harald Stade „105, Ruby• Church 363, Francis Kipper 351, Mar Y Kocherus 273, HGeorge pa- ella-I:A-1.9; 186, Byron Ducharme. Jr. IV B --Clifford Selman 333, Latfretta Farwell 318, Albert Hei- L'nan 286, Marg,ery Galscha 280, Mi Peter Gingerich of the Bron Olin Faster 222, George .,Grenie1.110, Son Line, Sta.nley, has pupchasecl Sr. it -Earl Flaixboard • 509, the. farm north o J3lake, occup- Massie Steick398, Harvey IClausius led' for 'some years ,by kr; Ross 387, Milverna Geiger 1872, Gordon Johnston, from the owner, Mr, ilio.wald 358, Albert Deichert 348, Itakert Boyes, of near Aeaforth,and Rolland Grenier 317, Leonard Smith gaa posseesion in the Ispring. 270, Antionette Grertier 174,Clar- • .11,T.'Kellbfietisch, Tleacner. ence Srn th., absent. •4q zabuilding of the iot'uor ...........•••••avamaaaralawilwas.rmarsow Messrs, Peter and ,George. Pap- ill4au of Detroit, called. on Zurich. freinda bne day last week. and M. C. 0. Smith; of the 5-e6b13, were week -and tors th at Baden and ;New Ram - g.• IL Gellman has returned hante. after an enjojyable visit with relatives in St. ,Thomas, and Mr. Harry. Angel of the village Rae installed a. fine Radio set in ege the home -of Mr. Um, Lesbold, Bab •ylene Line. •if:Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Weseloli, nf.- Detroit, spent' a few days last week, with the formes ; eterente, :14, and Mrs; Henry Weseloh. P. • well under way, as the carpel-A- - Xers are making good progress as NOTICE. weIl„ as the painter and decorators. 1 . Neve been appointed solic- Th day of re -dedication will peob- Mpg agent for. the products o1. the atiytn ay ifor Xmas be the St d I ef e John C. Wineton Co, Toronto, and• can .supply you .witle Bibles, Testa- Zurich. Jubilee Band held their men be d; eachesr ),S helps; Bible Ste's-les arterial businees meeting and re - far Chltiteet, Books of Knowledge, organized for the coming year, Unver ;ti hail beo'As eta Every when Mr. George Hess v.'as elect - e tek w '1 et eke a v cry aeeep t... CLI. ttre'Si.(10 n t ; Hv E: C iiriVIRI,L*, Lead - able Mei ve. Gift, pr, Avid Albert G. Tress, Treaswer. .Tula ;Ilea, Znrich, The 'Baud he4 a mast succeesful ___..... . , ,_ . _ year the past season ttincl the fin - HOUSE FOR SALE . attce-s are in aj healthy condition, , . . A very desirable property sin 1To-day, Wednesday is lection DIAMOND SET ENGAGEMENT RINetS Never before. heeve we had a more beautiful Stock of Diamond Set Rings as now. LET US SHOW YOTJ ,THESE FOR HOLIDAY GIFTS In Pieces from $25.00 to $100,00 G. Hess & Sons Buri Soaay Hard Cokm. the best Coke olitainahre and cut 1-3 off yowl' fuel bill caritelon. HENSALL ONT., Phones -Office low. House 10.; :40•09.0.4044449.4444044,444,p9 ',64,41,4,04.40,4,044.4,moifi 4, • LEATHER GOODS, ETC. Ade Tires Harness Trunks Valises ' • ' 9 WE/ ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNESS 01.4' ALL KINDS, LEATHER CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BRAGS, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BL-; ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND, SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see our fine display of Usefull Goods.. HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICA: 4 4 4, • FRED THIEL ZURICH eas, git4, 7g1 cr.1: •rg: So**0•11.••••40,4***49••44..** o i.ep;,,k4.k.94-ocott3.4,44odeockIlf, Zurich ft:elm?. house,. kitchen and day, and if the: heather can sloe woods4:+44,4,,44,44.444.444.. hed. attached, good 'stable, 2 taken as .a criterion the result will: t lots, hard anrl soft water, some fruit trees. For further particul- ars applY t °Chas. ,Weber, tf25 FARM FOR SALE Consistin gof 25 acres of grass farm, located 011 Zurich Road, op- posite f'..taloylone, Hay Tp. For further particulars apply to Oscar Koehler, Zurich. e122 Evangelical Church Notes v,IIRJCE1 - ONT. Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise C. L. 'Smith, CI ass Leader Friday, .410 -Junior League. Buainess and Social ,meeting h; ma n, Sup t. Friday 7.30 pert, 8. L. 0. fl. AddreSs by W'.H, Sdighoffee, • N. Geiger, Pres, 8.30-Ohoir practice. Miss B. Rennie, Leader The Ladies Aid and W. M, S. will not meet this week. Sunday, • 10,00 an Worship led by, ato • Rev. G, L. ,Groles • 11 a.m.-Bible School, Mr. J. E. S. S. Vice-Snpt. Mr. G. Geiger, will be in charge. t! • 7.30 p.m. -Worship led by • Rev. P. B. Moyer. •• Monday, Dec. 6th, 7,30 p,m. offic- ers and teachers of the 'SBible 4 School will meet to ;arrange el - asses and 'order the literature for • • the coming year. DASHW000 Wednee,lay 8 peal, Choir Practice, .41 R,. Golding, Leader., • • Thursday 1.10, Jr beagle, mr.F.‘,r, 2Fhe program will be given by the United Church Leauge Grand Bendi 8. Meyer, Supt, 7,30 Prayer and Praise, E. Bender, Class Leader 810, Senn' Mes, G Link, President IhuradaY, Ladles 'Aid and WAS. me ting(, 4.10, Sodal •and busies 'meeting, Sunday, 10 a.m.-Worship, led by Rev. F, B. Meyer THERE IN TE.',9' WORMISTIIE PRINCIPLE ON WHICLI OUR .e • ; WITS AND OITRRCOTS ARE MAIM FOR YOU, 4, be rather 'dry; as the weatherman 1+ Alas turned' f.o, eold. with frost and snow, There is always . ag rat 1 + deal of peslin:sete before: an election . is all over,- with, the thought that if itg 0,2S this way or they way * IN RuBBER the country will go to ruin. Well 4 'we have iseen a flew kinds of Gov- * ernment the past twelve years, and + although 'some legislation did not ETTER VALUE FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER, measure Up 'to, otter expectation, t _ yet nobody in our circle has auf-.,X- IP YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT fered ruin through the Noverne t RUBBER, FOOTWEAR. melee: So no matter intoday'sel- .1. WE ARE GLAD TO SHOW YQU A PAIR EXACTLY SUIT eetion, whether the vote goes et ED FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS. OUR STOCK IS COMPL ,evet' or dry ' lei- u.s try and + - un IN ALL SIZES AND sTyLE,§. utak the best of it, and help to + enforce whatever laws come into + NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE effect, • and continue to make this .T. YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Ontario' . of Ames, one' of the beat + + Men's Shoes soled sizes 6-11. $1.00 and finest places to live in, + Women's 'shoes soled 3-7 at 75c + Misees. Shoes, ;soled 11-2 at 65e Z OBITUARY , ‘ , 4' 4 Rubber heels, 50c and 35c pr. Christian Oswald. 'was barn on * 'March 3(th, 1840,, in Wiihnot. :lawn- 4 hip, Waterloo County,* As s a * young boy h moved ev:th his par- t - O. FRITZ & SON eitte and two sisters 1;1'2 HaSHOE MERCHANTc".y Town + .13 ship; where they settled ;on the ++44.44.4444.444444444.4444-e+4+444444444444444.14.4444kkoftu. Bronson Line. He AVIVi. ;married on January 1st, 187 to Elizabeth Styr -who pred,cettae,1 hen 30 years, ago, • To this. -unon there were born four children; ;Wialtiani whose death occur in 1918, Dan- iel of Hay Towneh4e; ,1YEjggietes (Mrs. D. Nevin) of 338 Howland Ave., Torfento,,and son Wurni) o Plato, Saskatchewan; For the, palst fourteen ,ypars; ltd. made his ,home with hie Xclaughter in Toronto where ho died on Saturday morning, 'Nov,. 2Cilt, 192,1 at the rine 61,d :Iv of 81 years, 7 months and 21 dayk, He Wr.ts. of a mnet, kindly dispos- :Itten and no one who knew him could help but love :Mint As feel). leness 1e7arrce ni -tt : was obliged to endure ;a good ti -e! -' 'Ar.ierine; and. pain. Howe ever, he bore this Suffee;ne;Wih (TWO t im's, patience and lilertitude, waiting for the. day of immanent rel!ef. D,ath had no terrors foe him; a life of servic) -foe others end-eherity towards .all elerifiee, the dim uncertainty of the Beyond and relieves 'dOlatb1 ,ialt itettings 11" leet' te erem'en hT't i'ts, one ikko,ailic)1;, Sip t, Ihre°,,,g1111,1,1 • 11 V -i"1 1' c" PRONE 6t *PHONE Rovi. a, L. arof,5,s' pncTs.. Who socognize,rthattnathy thra.t"c;oet , RI3W.; P. Bk MEYER, pasteo,',,''tftwr,a, La'111-, ..0.0,44.4444e Qvii,4644.4.64,4,eiipoo,o,..t*.o**44 1 ,444,..4.444444,nne.r44.........rwm,n4nraneennanone, Yuletide Greetings Christmas 18 drawing near f: and we are ready wig a nice assortment ',)ristinag ovelties 1Gifts ALSO I'BE[S FRtY 4 TS AN Te CAN - come EARLY WHILE OUR ee ell I 'MINT IS COM Anal. StL, A KF` Int