HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-25, Page 8r •nn' 1•I�t rF�1Uh. or •' e4M1 `tck ,1{f.[ytvWn1M1.+4n+,.pMMgVwnW.�un,'MM�., Fan a t% inter Goods We carry a heavy Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to meet the need of our many Customers Our prices are reasonable NEW COVERT CLOTH A 51 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, .simi1• r to Jersey cloth, .9011 not .stretch or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses. 'DHAItMEA.N — in pretty shades of Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits or Caresses, InAN N i L.3 — We have 36 pieces of Flannels in Stook, comprising Chu lice,\ est fancy and plain shades, in 32 and 54 inch widths, col •ors ,aa. ia. as cedarbark, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Rose- wood t .i al, Farience blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin striae, ais:o black and navy. Woof. SAN I'OYS — In in Pototan, Blues, :Rosewood; Brown, Fawn, Ileaaa, -Navy. Thies cloth is very popular .fvfir fall wear. COATING SPECIAL ' 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTES, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various widthig and quaaitis at lower prices than last season,• 1 VRAPER CLOTHS In pretty shades of Pinks andBlues with gilt :scroll pattern 1 yd. r wial x at 60e. yd. and 75c. ayd. SWEATER COATS—For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's news sl: styles. UNDERWEAR—For Lades wear. Penman'•s, Velva and Crescent: Brands, also \Vooltex for Children's wear. IDEAL PATTERNS We4 carry a complete Cline ,of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No reed of c4.titing a week for a Pattern, We have them on hand, and at th.,; a,t•m.irk' bee ;low price of 20c. each. HAND A1' RIGTH PRICES GREIT GROCERIES ALWAYS ON Dutch Sei,ts Wanted. Bring them as soon as you can a k Proclu Wanted SS NS Phone 59 6 ; r s Garage Sas, Oars, Greases . Tires, Tubs, Repairs • GPNUINE FORD PARTS 31JS t rcEt'Ei VEi) A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS tar on 39 • 11 aa>s Om Asills fes' iT 17.10) raid 2' IN NLEE) OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES T() EXCEL.L THOSE OF T, EATON C(1 ,- A N r' 0 i H EI CHEAP BATTERI2; , .#.Y D BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERia', BAY{ ERY REPAIRING AND 13ATTJIRY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING E1TEER ELECT1tICAL OR MECHANICAL, ALSO AC - 1ST YLEN E WELDING. i t t :•¢ i s i t a,l, i LJl I ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE ° ousseau Zurich weTo4so.0000900000080000008ftnooa>ee►niesA•••••••••m•••• • • (ilarex QQuebec Stoves lleola Furnaces N Oita are getting cool— Winter I will. soon be here, this puts us in 2 mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any Iother make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and Hr):: L'ER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH A OF THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T IE ARE MADE IN•'TWO SIZES13Lu in. and '20x20 in ovens tit A N0 WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. , ••••••••0•004141 *•••••- IN ' UI;NACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT CAN- BUY, "THE HRT,C'LA" A REAL OLD STANDBYo • • : (');NACR THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO. THOU • s. i)^; OF USERS FOR MANY xEARS. The Furnace that S `G+ ,'nt: ton of coal in sever;. I . l,;a ing your Furnace Work, Plumbing Job or Eavetroughing 1 ., 1,.. -pairing Iona, You, snake no .nai:stake by coming here • id having it done by our Expert Mr. Ted. Millteholtz, • • • • • • • • - • •• a • 1 • • •• • w • • • • A • z • a We appreciate your Patronage • • • a •• 3 • - A • &WEIDOI ••may,im •,r .mi. • ZURICH ONT. -1 :Oemt alw•!•M•••••i••r•••IfdM•••AI+#4 Yileopoe•••00N0.M �,O'Iz[CB ttk8 A Bey Thursday, November 25th; boluxellawkwmagalla v.w+,nlw»n.v,wru .ry m34M141%Wasom rmshiq See our Fall Line of Ladies' and Men's -Hosiery, Underwear Etc. ,.MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED AND WHITE . FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS; J. W. MERNER e tinPu ��'a� Iic �� ' Town Hall, Zurich T esday th At 8 o'clock p. m. SPEAKERS: W. G0`Medd, Candidate Songs Huron Mr. Beecher Parkhouse, Fergus, Ont. Citizen and ladies especially are cordially invited GOD SAVE THE KING NEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST DIr. David Schwart:entruber of the Bronson Line, entertained a number of hiss friends. to .a fowl 'supper one evening last :week. Mr. and Mrs, Ernie Bender and Icon Edvin of Blyth, attended the Pfile reception at the home of Mr, and • Mr's, G. Jacabe, Parr Line. • Polling day Will bens.t Wed- nesday Dec; 1st. Polls ;open at 8 a.m, in the morning and will be Icetp open till '7 o'clock Sa, everyone who has a (desire can go and vote. • Thi local W oanens' Institute will ;send goodies to the LGoderich Chil- dren's shelter and anyone wish- ing to donate any of the •follow- ing article's will be appreciated; Jams, fruit, oranges; cookies, fruit cake, dates, figs, nuts, and can- dies, •cte, It will be °-ery much appreciated by the c .'_ dren. We can all !spare a little to make ,their Xmas a happyone Anyone Wishing to donate will leave their parcel with Dr. A„ J. MacKinnon's Drug Store,- as it will there be packed on Saturday ev- ening Nov. 27th, DASHWOOD C'nlvary Evangelical church •are installing a new piano ,which they recently pnrcha.:aed. Mrs. Jan, T. Sheraof Gorie vis- ited at the home of Rev. andMr' F. B. Meyer last week. A Christmas Pageant "The Great elst Gift."' 'Will be ;given in the Evancrelira.1 Church on Christmas night, This program promises to. be) different than anything ever given beirc br.fore. Mrs. Hooper of ;London is vi,s— iling her d;ar.7aliter, Mra. � Earl Guenther, who ins not ,recovering a:s rapirdly as her friends :would like to tree, Mr Otto Wiliest b,a:S p'urcha'sed Mi W'm. Deitrirh'.. farm,, Jnea:, the little ;son of Mr, and ,;T.", 1i I 1 Gq'1,s'r i$ at, present,sick with. pneumonia, We hope for a l npP1v reeove'v (has Steinhagen, who has h;,0,11 v+'inner inParkb i1 for the patst two weeks, has returned„ ¢FtORN .- 1Vtrniton :-. At Dalsih-, wood on Friday, Nov. 19th, 'to Nr ^d. Mrs. Geo, Melton ,,a' (laugh-, ter. wr Western Fara z ; ors' Mutual Weather Nsurance C OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaN Y DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61; G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tit -34 We have received a large shipment of new Furniture including Living room, new diningroorn suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BRDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THIS FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAiq- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FR -MED, 1.1 R ARE A FULL LINE OF SHELF. AND HEAVY HARDWARE~ BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTErp, FENCING, AND CEMENT, glat LET US. DO YOUR PLUM; SING, EVETRODU-HIND OR ROOF- ING., WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF_ 10o% PURE MARTIN SENIOIIR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAME4 VARNISHES, SUPERTEST Gas and Coal- Oil, TRY OIJR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, 'TRADE OR CASH le. Iii. Johnston ee Kalbfiejsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 v�f6V111Y[OL"a9C1[YR1'noren r ewitcu www'�'�..moYW[[bv[y.p,p[,,.y ro"'emnmerrmcw+�asmnrm,zw,mN,,.,� r,, Surplus Security Totals so,8 0,000 This large Sinn is back of every. IN ADDITION TO ":,OLLAR FOR DOLLAR" 'FIIIST IMOET.a. Hut'. GAGE SECURITY. r� ��F, •A�f iAnt Choose this trustee investment whenever you have ,$100 or more upon which you :would like. to receive a ;higher rate of interest than paid on deposite. 5 per cent. PER ANNUM IS PAID ,HALF -YEARLY UPON •$100 OR. MORE FOR 1 TO 5 YEARS, Lot me arrange for a Huron & Erie Debenture Investment, in Your Name, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY M•OTTO;—SERVT4•'E AND SAFETY Have You MADE YOUR WILL? =W..11..N o.uwn. wtl.une g...[.411.a....>W,.WI.FMUn6.1.111..N, Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING:, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN., & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE DO. TRY 'JS ON YOUR XT JOB. H. EICKVIEIER, ZLTRIC.H -- c)•1*, BLAKE. The Blake W:.M!S. held their Thankoffering meeting in the Church on S uiday, Nov. ,2lst, There was a good attendance, ,after the opening exercises, the officers gave their reports, the )meeting was then given •over to Mts. Durant whog ave a splendid addresson China, which was listened to i:ith wrapped attention. L The, Choir was composed of W. NI, S. m;emr- berS, rendered a suitable anthem Miss Emma Dinsmore ;who sp- ent 'several months with friends in the west returned home on Satur- day. Muses Jessie Tough is visiting friend son the Goshen Line Mr. and,. Mrs, ',Dan Gingerich llap- ent Sunday •at the ,home of Air. and Mraa Gerber in the village. Mr. Alvin Walters, ,who went west en the harvesters excursion, returned home last week. 1Ii�ss Margaret Sparks--tof the Bronson Lino, North, left hoist we- ekk for Toronto, where She will spend the winter with her .si'sters Mrs. Oesch, Sr, ,returned home, twist 'week after ,spending ; the 'summer with friends on the Bron- son Line Mrs, Dittman Shephard, accomp- anied by Mrs, Crabtree of Galt spent last week with friends in this vicinity and at ,BayfiedL Mr. Loin McA'sh, laccomp•anieta by Master Dinghy Sch,elog of Detroit* spent the week -end irec-' ently with friends on cthe Goshen Line. Were Ready ; on III inn I1 SOHN WARD Drugless Practiou.- eer and. optician EXETER Pbam•, AT WALPER HOUSE, UREMIA Every Tuesday, 10 a.in, to $ wr IWith an extraordinary ' Newest Materials for Men's Suits showing of the Season's 1 WHERE YOU WILL FIND PIT.IVELY TI3tE BIGGEST TAILOR.- , ENG VALUES EVER HEARD OFF. IYEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN NE TAKING BUYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THEM>1LL.x AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. TEAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKETS BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. ti W. f HOFF.AN i+l, MERCHANT TAILOR, W. H S . ROE'FMAN & Som„ EMrBALi+lt&Ek89 AND FUNERAL nutneTORS, Day and Night Phone No toth # ri+M.-pis +— . -t--e--46—.-+--air'-1'..'. -: --(