HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-25, Page 5ay, Novamber 25th, 1926 ��.y,�.-�.e+.rvrv+w=.ww..w..o+m*•lw�w.+wwrwra».�,nye!r�.!!wsw»'r!...,nw....,w,.�!..y+,w.w. Z.•VRU B r R I I In order to make room for our Xmas. Stock, we have decided to offer the. following lines at a sacrifice: Men's and Boys' Overcoats, Suits, Hats, Caps, and Sweaters, Ladies Dress Goods, Hats, Silk and Wolle Hosiery, Etc.. It will pay you to come and see . for yourself the many bargains not men- tioned here cflr ca eid & Co. - Dashwood . r• USINESS CARDS writs;, For Sale, Lost, DUDLEYE. Found, Notice, Etc. Ads ITT THIS COLUMN SA.RRISTER, SOLICITOR, 'NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC. *Office, Hamilton Street. Just oft. "'--- " Mae Square, GODERICH, Ont, '4 , Special attention to Counsel and Court Work. Holmes may be consulted at FOR SALE RAY MUNICIPAL TELEPHONE DEBENTURES tederich by" phone and phone Under $ Law Na., ,3, 1926, the charges reversed. By-Law of the Township , of Hay offers debentures of the Hay G amount; Telephone Syatem for :Dd. H. H. ..ala to mount; of $1L90.00 dated Dec. est, 1926, bearing interest at L. D. E1„ D. D. S. ; rate of 13 per cent per annum, DENTAL SURGEON _ stniayable n ten equal tl ne ts. annual in- s kt DEITZ BLOCK, ZURICH ev- I For particulars apply to "Thursday, Friday and Satur- ,ags�y. J!llai» Office 18ABTLE1B'S BLOCK.. DASHWOOD1 --�-- A. F. HESS, Treasurer, Township of Hay - ... NOTICE. ,A -U -C- T-1-: y-1 - .-E„R I wisit toadvise my customers that we request payment of all OSCAR KLOPP ;our past season outstanding counts. V. V. Siebert, Zurich,. Graduate Carey M. Jones Nat- Uyaliii School of Auctaoneering. Try Ifrat for Registered Live Stock ,111 FOR SALE WoBreads). Terms w keeping 'showered with many useful end. l prevailing prices. Choice rvaivable efts, Among the gifts kerma for stale. Will sell anything •.AlloWa ace will.be shade for old ware two valnabl? cheques.. lAftier: , y.where. Battery. Stone your battery ,for p113 presents were tl'1 looked d er. ',�,$,orne 18-93 or write, Zurich,. r LOST --In Zurich. al fountain pen findL'r liitidly. return to. ff(ata.l+:t Off ice, Mrs, Jane Ciluenther 111te1e11, i.spending 'tae week with her mother, 1Vltfs. S. Rennie., Dr. and Mr's, A. J. MacKinnon and 'son Arch`e, were Tuesday vis- itors at London. A jjo nt A.uTstion Sale will° be held in 'Zurich. on Saturday, Nov- ember 27th, by Oscar Klopp, <l.uct- ion;,er•, •wh'.n thrusual various art- icles will be sold. You can't expec't ,too much the way of culture from those who are more interested m food for the 'stomach than h food for thought. Miss Greta Koehler greatly thanks the person who f aund a handkerchief with a small Sum of money in at.' She fpuncl it hang- ing on the fence ion returning from ;school. Following the Joint i. Auction Sale on Saturday, an •;auction 'salo of thirty head of cattle vvi'11 be held at the Dominion ,hotel. This iv'ill gige the farmer's ;who are a little short of cattle, xn opportun- ity to latock np. • RECEPTION • A ,very pleasant 'evening was Spent at the home .of Mr. and Mrs AUCTIQN SALE Garnet Jaco•be;, Parr Line, on OF JOINT ARTICLESThursday evening, November 18. canon a reception Wa's ;held ix; Furniture, Car, Etc. On N. Sar - :141'r. and Mrs, Ia, Rennie 1 of Hea1'aal'1. spent Monday in town, Tvfr. and Mrs, T. L. Wurin were fionday visitors at the .home of Mt Jaw,. Blair, Goderich Township. Mr. and- Mrs Fly. 'Yun(a+biut aril Mr.' and Mrs. Chas 'Weber were Wednesday visitors at Goderich. Well, anyway, the' election will 'b'e nut of th.% vvay sh►'for Christ- mas. Mr. Robert Green ,of the Pars Tine 'leen on Wednesday ;morning for Flint, Mich and was accomp- anied by Mr. and Mrls. Tom Kyio and 'son David, who are going 'to td. Owendalei, On their a 'turn home they will be accompanied by Mrs, Robt, Green and little dau- ghter dorothy Wilma,, who has be- et visiting the past few weeks at V4 indsor, Royal Oak, Howell and Flint, 1Vlic:lx. AUCTIONSALE Of CA.TTLG At ZURICH On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, At 3 to`clock, plan, Sharp. • Thirty feeder cattle, .mo(stiiy i s- Ing two ,years old; Consisting of 20 'steers and 1 heifer, all good Durham and Anus cattle. Sale Will be held in Voiain's Yard. TERMS -6 months' credit on fur- nishing approved jjoint notes bear in 6% per annum 9intertest. Qsear Klopp, Auctioneer. Leo Gelines, Proprietor. honor of Mr. W. IT.' Pfile and his bride, who had. Dust ',returned from their wedding a trip. The weather the past week has been of a rather wintry and ,st- oady nat!.u•e, with practically to. snow: ion the g ( :oun d tlh g oiin d Bras Lawn and Lutheran Church Property, Zuelch, on On SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, ena At 1,30 o'clock, ,p,m. 'sharp.• Ford ord car in good +order•, _1is brood sow due Jan 6th, tpra.con type tight wagon, bug ��y, 2r (ul-her tired Pog's. Mee -4 a �f 'fir i''I '>�" ?iM 'ti ' tt'i'IE' �aa Tai beg )00 2.urici._DrugStore School Sup ies We have a complete Stockof everythingnec- essary in this line for the School Boy or Girl. We have a. new Stock of Stock of , Scribblers, IsTote Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks. Also a fine supply of the High School Books used in the Fifth Chas y is frozen hart! enough Ito carry, top 'buggies in good ,order, open �! and the a oeds are getting better buggy, single harness, robe, ,horse 1 . than they have h en for 'some time blanket, bells, light collar and h. - as moist of the ruts and whole's roes; butcher kettle with enclosed Awkw are full of ice now which is a big stand, large !skimmerbutcher tri - improvement to !the deep mud poid, onion crate's, !slio``el, ;manure which has been so prevalent all this,. f all,. • At even o'clock. about twenty- four of the relatives and rfieilds sat down' to a dainty i;abl dec- orated in pink and canary yellow with: a bouquet of mums aL the centre(+,wb .' they all did jtistice to a fowl eu')par Which .' as dainty prepared by the hostess;. The evening was 'so.-'nt in .music, sing- ing and R7.dio .Concerts, taco. num- bers which were very much O'app- reciated by rhes pr'e'sent was a piano !solo ;by Miss -Dorothy Welsh and a dinette( by Mr. Ezra and Muss Idella Bede:, After the ,nxuisical program the brides and groom werf' RUISBERCASE BATTERIES $14.'15 Licensed Auctioneer IFOR HURON & MIDDLESEX • AM IN A POSITION TO' CON - Suet any auction sale, regardless irais to size or articles to sell, 1 wilicit your s, and if not Imitated will bmake sno charges for mites. Arthur Weber, 5.1 Dashwood. ane 19-5'T *114,9111190600004200890.00660- w ' Nov. list. Setts must be thorough- ly dry and put through fanning •• mill Highest market price paid, J. Gascho & Sons. • • the winter with us. Also char;; Repair and Rebuild -Batteries. We have installed an ecuipment for rehuildii' and repairing Batteries Loans Prang, Zurich, tont. FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner heating stove. Apply to Hy. ,Gillman. WANTED DUTCH SETTS. We are in the market fora limited quantity of Dutch Setts, bieginning Monday, Zurich Neat 2 MRRKE__.��... •Fresh and Salt er Meets to eats Bologna Sausages, :i• 1.0 ,highest Calx Fri+co for Wool. CASA FOR SKINS & HIDES • • v • • • 1tt i & t DOiellOr o • • aogl,sosessesoes•••••••••••• ZURICH LIVERY 40 4.4. 1 am in a "position to accomo- ;;Plate all requirements in the Livery ib;ifsiness, have Auto for hire. Any thing " done in the teaming line. , GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 53' Zurich,Ont... 1,1VIE 'VU LT 12 WANTED ;;taker] every day till 3 O'c1oek,P nu. 111,,e :neat feed fowl tsamo morning 'p1ke,n brought in. %hest Cask Prices U POR• -+- Crean; and Eggs W. O'Brien 'Phone 9� in NOTICE Orders taken for celery packed crates ilor winter use. J. Ga'scho & Sons. NOTICE We are operating our cider mill on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, Menno Steckle, Bronson Line, t23 STRAYED Unto :my premises, Hay Town- ship, about July let laist a year- ling calf. ,Owner can have ;same by prroving property and.:: paying est pensse's, Hy..Clausius, R. R. 1, STRAYED Unto my premises Bronson Line six spring calves, 'same came there on Oct. 24th. Owner call forisame and pay all costs. Philip Magee Andrew Township F Hess, Clerk issuer of marriage Licenses. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile In'suerauce Representing Huron & Erie MMMortgage Corpox- ation. The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth Agents' - , Life of Canada ES'KTER -- ONTARIO "Now it is lanno'onced that Alb- .arta coal shipments may be hewld up for lower freight raters. When a railway and a t•ovenremnt don't avant to drr something they are cr; i, reeked to do, '1 '—e ,rat fi i'! r'll °'ora: *4 ui.< Li -604 -AVA 43+JAL 1 us ul los- also Mr, and 1Iis. Pfile .thanked til et friend's for - the many useful .gifts also thanked Mr. and Mrs, Ja.cobe for the kindness in opening their home for each an occlusion. fork, hay fork, "saw, iscoopshoveli, pick, frying pan, tea kettle, pipe wrench, :sling ropes, kitchen tilble 53x33, Phonograph. and 10 records bureau, large bed and Spring; dresser, 2 wash stands, toilet set, couch, 'single bed with spring and mattress, heater for coal':uid wood with pipe's, 3 burner D'•troit vap- or Move, children's bed, rocking crair, 4 chairs, high ,eh dr, 2 per - tor lamps, churn, 3 g ,00d lamp, electric: toaster, electric iron, pr. pillo•o' , 'single •.harnes's, bed ,spr- ings, wringer, garden rake !,and hoes, rainc'at, 14 ch et ens; 1.a rid num crony other articles. Also a lot of 'square timber, sheaVng, ;siding scantling, etc., consisting ,of sup- plies of. Lutheran Church, base- ment ansa'sheds. TERIiS-1111 'articles of i$10 and wider cash. Over that amount 3 mpnt.hs credit on approvet7. notes, 3% off for mei). on credit amounts. O.se:tr Klopp, Auctioneer. Wm. S, Johnston, Clerk. Why I am a Liberal Conservative Candidate in thls,election A brief review oftl>e•workofthe Ferguson adm:ni'strationshows that The finances of the Province have been established upon a sound basis and it is gratifying to they tax gayer to 4 ind A BAL- ANCED BUD Er and lower tastes. A great hnpetuu has been giv- en the c(evelop•ernent of our wealth in Minerals, Forest products, and in the colonization of Northern Ontario. More generous ex- penditure have been made to • Argieulture, and every help given to farmers to organize their inctustr3 ou a co-operative basis and open up markets overseas A reforestation program has b'en established. The Government has pursued an Immigration pot ry of bringing to Ontario onie those foe whom places and occupation have been foun:l, Th' e c- tention of Hydro Electric tsrrvioe has been given careful con aidera- ion. Educational reform's have been effected. Great striahs h-iee been made in child welfare work. The Government has provided assistance to the returned soldiers. The laws of the Province have been rigidly enforced with courage and recilitud.e, I Am an advocate of the old age pension. Benefitsfor the voter; Removal of the am- usement tax; E: eruption on Mun:cipal tax on income's; Reduction of $5.00 in motor car licenses. By reason of the efficient financial administration of the Ferg- uson Government, which has resulted in increasing the revenue by $1G,9O0,00(1.uu generous treatment has been given to Municipalities, and it has been possible to return to the people ,by way of giants for the up -keep of schools, public institutions, health c'in;.cs, roads, etc.,during the fiscal year 1925, the large sum of $24,400,000. It is a goy ernment whish has given the Province of Ontario admin- istration that has been clean, caeir and honest. Regarding the 07. A, versus Government Control: I am in favor of Mr. Ferguson's plan, and frankly declare myself impres- sed With his sincerity in offering a remedy •thit will be an impro- vement on ;the present law. No rnun can. say Will'. sincerity that the 0. T. A. has a Tem'p'erance measure has been the ,success we hoped and believed it ,would be. The bringing about of Temper- ance home, of t responsibility 7tt' -tire aircr� is a process of education, ai ma the school and the church. Ibelieve that a firm, rigid system of Government Control,, carefullyaand honestl` worked out, will brjng aboutfor thosewhoareeager tor the best moral interests of pair community and Province tfhe goal we are 'striving for, As the father of ten children I would not dare qo propose any measure which would make it easier for the youth of Ontario to secure liquor. %V•e did not realize the extent to which poison alcohol tram the U.S, A. was pereolatingiuto Ontario communities until we woke up one morning and fotindf ifty of our ,gitiaens dead or c.iyieg from drinking the ;stuff. Which is in the ,best interest of true temperance? To have un- idulterateci liquor, 'sold by well known and disinterested persons responsible to the Government; or to leave the traffic in the. hands of irresponsible per;tons whose sole motive is gain? Do you Loewy that in our own County of Huron the coat of administrating justice lumped from $2,318.00 in 191T to $15,42.00 ill 1924 and ;over 50% of the eirses grew out of tfhe, 0,T,A, 7 oiient'a Do not be mislead .ley the half (nubs as. 'stated by my ofp hill salaried professional spell-binders—weigh carefully tbo issues which are before you and l will be .satisfied with the result. 1 RESPECTFULLY SOLICIT YO1T:R. VOTE AND INFLUENCE ALEX, It LBBB, LIBERAL CONSER ":''xTIVE CANDIDAT.la A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich RWOIMPW WAN ' l MP MY? 51 4 'J whIP :Aka ++4. +++++++++d+d+•i+++•i++i+++4 t ++44 +.... . ••i..!•.i•.F•h+++++dh+•4•++++ •41.- t+ i• .1. STANDARD SITES ALWAYS O'T STOCK. ODD DOORS MAdE TO ORDER e Place your order• for Storni Sash Now; and have then when + the cold weather comes, the ,b aa:'+7.' ton-+ of .coal IJFEII-'E HAVE Ill COMBINATION DOORS THE DOOR TTIA.d' SERVES FOR til'''PR AND S'.L\TMER, BY TAKING OUT 'IRE SCREEN AND • ile LA{'t Nth A Ul..ASS SASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS THERE. No need of taking off a 'shabby looking xai; 1 t%uc.,r and trying to find a spot on the Irene to e -t ur.•iy i i L.:a a batten door -which darkens the rooat•s and spiels ,Lhe outside, appearance of Ilia hots:a. F. C. KALB L PHONE 69 ., 1,++++++++4-1.++++++++++++,1-,M. ++++++++++++++++++++÷.H 2,. . !Q• w,MINORIMo ..rm ZURICH VANED' ATU Tiiis Space for Antes Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, _W .... , Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR L'GGY WHEELS. HESS - ZURICH 411111111111EW 4311111121211113111M 019000.•.••000000.000.01800000+1900006000000elllddReiteeell i 1 iN i HARD COAL • I t s We have made. arrangements l whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best; grades of °acito Coal• Scranton Authi � 7_Leave your order with lis and we will fill. them as shipments arrive. •GOJD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK STOCK Ii'OODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND WE i,A,IM TO SATISFX • t Louis Sohlibe Zurich I CC7p 6r rii4�C9n'�4� 1$�+ 5�6318Ipatir Villi