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Zurich Herald, 1926-11-25, Page 3
VIE TIRED 011JT WOL. ,ti Needs the Help of Der. Williams' Fink Fills to Hegaix Strength. No mother should adiow nervous weakness to get the uppee hand of 'her; if she .does worry will neer her work in the home, and torment her era' mind and body, Tho monotony of the 'average honsewlfe's daily toil is !enough to cause depression, but there are other causes, as every mother .knows, that tend to weaken and snake Sher nerves run-down. A change and .rest might improve her health, but ,best of all for jaded women is a course of Dr, Williams' Pink Pills. These ,pride make new blood, rich with the elements on which the body and nerves thrive, The value of Dr. Williams' Pink 'Pills when the blood is weak and watery, and the system run-down is shown by the experience of Mrs. C. W. Jackson, R•R, 1, Gilford, Ont., who ,Lays; --"Before beginning the use of ;Dr. Willianns' Pink Pills I was com- pletey run-down and could hardily :walk across the floor. As the mother 'of young children with the usual .household duties to perform, my con- `dition was one of seriousness. I had Leven Dr. Williams' Pink Pills adver- ,'ti sed and decided to try them. This ewes a happy decision as I had net been taking the pills very long before 'I began to feel, better both in body .and mind. I continued the use of the 'pills for a couple of months and now ,feel like a new woman, able to per- form all rimy household duties. I 'would not be without the pills in the house and I recommend then to all run-down people." Dr. Wiliarns' Pink Piils are sold by 'all dealers in medicine, or will be sent ,by mail at 50 cents a box. by The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Ding, Dong, Dell! One of the finest carillons • in the world is in the tower of the village school at, Bournville, England, popu- larly kno.vn as "Cadbury Town." In this connection, it is interesting to i learn that Mr. Clifford Ball, the earn- lanneur of the Bonneville Village' Trust, has recently won honors at the i national School of Carillon -Playing at i Malines, Belgium. He is the first Eng-' ilsbman to be so honored. Jr, Bali's playing caused consider- i eb:e enthusiasm, and he has received. Invitations to perform In various Con- tinental towns. Where there's a bill there's a pay. POSSESSESMAN ALONE REASON That Distinguitabea Him From Other Creatures on Earth, rth, - The great =visitor, Rodin inhis famous ivorlr, "The Thinker," showed the beginnings 'of thought in the gen' brutish w achievements of science and engineemin hard their beginnings man_ e To -day's g lr beginttirtgs in the vague strugglingof prehistoric man. Secrets of Science. By David Dietz. So far jive have been surveying evolution from its physical aspect. However, it has another important side. That is the mental. -aisle. The scientist realizes the import- ance of this, for he galls the present age which began when man became the dominant creature on earth, the Age of Reason. One school of scientists maintains that all creatures including man are The next step in the ascending scale only automatic machines and that all 'consists of what have been named mental phenomena are basically no-. tropisms. Thee are obligatory.move- thing but so many chemical reactions inents which the animal makes adjust - within the organism. This is the so- inig its whole body to the cause of called mechanistic view. stimulation. Thus a moth always flies —ut another school adheres to what' into a flame. This is because as the s known as the "vitalistic" view, moth flies by a flame, one eye receives c:aiming that ''mind" .is something more :right than the other. As a result which cannot be exp_ained on a physi- } there is an inequilibmiuin set up in the al basis. moth's nerve cells and muscle .cells f There seems to be an inclined plane which forces it to turn so that both behavior, as it were, starting with eyes are i'aluminated equally. As a the simple one -celled animals. result, it flies into the flame. An amoeba will pursue and engulf or "eat" another amoeba. Here is ap- parently a definite energetic action. Another one -celled animal, the so- called slipper animalcule, when reach- ing a sphere ef, disturbance, will stop, retreat, and set off again at a different angle; Here, apparently, is a definite reaction to environment. In higher types of microscopic ganisms .we find some with several Next .in manly-eelled animals, we find what are called 'reflex actions. That is; the stimulation of certain 'nerve cells causes a definite reaction of the muscles. Thus the earthworm, half out of its burrow, jerks back into it upon the disturbance caused by the tread of a bird. The action is automatic, the disturbande stimulating the nerve tears which in turn cause the action of the muse's. ' se— this 'winter t daihr trait= flaeltu ding The C rlief You really enter sunny Calf• fornia the moment you step aboardoneof the fivefamous Santa Fe cross continent trains. The. new Chief—extra fare— is the finest and fastest of the Santa Fe Ca;iifornia trains. Oinly TWO business days on the way. No extra fare on the four other daily trains... Fred Harvey dining service sets the standard in the transportation world. Enjoy the out.of doors this winter ---take your family. California hotel rates are reasonable. a� 7ttay X send you ourpicturefokleral r' T. 'pencil}. Gen. Agent Santa Fe tlway . 904 'I t•atspn tat, t 1iluilcding netroi£, iricla, Phone-: rutndo£plr :S748 °r And lastly we coin to reason. This reactions to a stimui'us, the creature,is found in man atone and distinguish - trying one after another-. This is,' es man froth the other creatures upon called the "trial and error" method. I the face of the earth. One on Stevenson. disappoint . us! It doehsn't . reallyymmat- I1. L. S. was writing hard one morn- ter how stupid it is, or how badly writ- ing when the door was pushed open ten!" and a much .excited lady rushed in. How this lady was iiinally deported "Oh, Mr. Stevenson!" she exclaim- Ido not remember to have heard. But ed. I won't really keep you long; but she at least paid her footing by sup - I do want you to help me out of a tiff- plying R. L. S. with one.of his best ficwlty'. I have to take a stall at a anecdotes, one that he related with bazaar, and there is not nearly enough sheer delight. material to sell. Somebody told me the Next we find instinctive behavior, as in ants, bees and wasps. Here certain lines of conduct seem to be inborn in the creature. - Gradua£Ily we come to a type of ac- tion in animals which seem to require the assumption of an existence of intelligence rather than instinct to ex- plain them. other day that you are getting so oeie- rirmglea come from blood that's notjust right. braced that even a scrap of your hand you want to get rid of facialablemishes try hand- writing world bringIn ;.hells Syrup. Any drugstore. quite a lot of money. Please give me one or two of your manuscripts. Wee would put lift Makes An Essay? them up to auction:" Yet it is a mere quibble to prete the lady at last paused for that the essay does not have eas breath, her victim replied that it was recognizable manners. It may not in his power to oblige her; he had severely planned, or it may ramble no suitable contribution to offer for untitled mood, but it has its o her bazaar; nothing whatever that point of view that marke it from the would be worthy of such a fate_ . short story proper, or the meeely per - "Oh, Mr, teveuson, don't say that!" serol memoir. That distraction, easily she replied with kindly condescension. felt by the sensitive rearder, is not "Any of the stories would do nicely. readily expressible. Perhaps the true My friend told rime so; she said any— ; meaning of the word essay—an at - thing of yours would sell. Please don't I tempt gives a clue. No matter how' 1, personae of trifling the topic mayb , ! it A Gift for r Little Girl, I'ressente for children need net Cwt a Brest-itrilO int of rnotney in er+der to br'#ng thein rnut,:h heiThtile:ys. Tile writer has sent to several Tittle g14"le a gift which hoe been en.tiauelas- tiealiy reeeive4'1 end 'which yet cost .air. mot nothing. Sewing Tor email dolls (thoee whlelr are perhaps five inches in. 1eeliSth) is once of the happiest occu- pations of little girlhood, and the gift refereed. to eonsist•ed of meterrials for.• titre fascinating employment, They were selected largely rails the con- tents et a piece box. First a gay work -bag was. made, suit- able in size comfortable to lac nt the articles welch wore to be put into it. Next, wes s•e�leeted an abinadant supply of pieces of all sorts of materials pretty for doll dresses. These kers pressed and tied into separate handle. Serape . ribbon, latae, and embroidery wee likewise rolled together, White ,goody appropriate for diminutive lingerie made up another bundle, A. nee:Rebook, containing ]arge-eyed needles: an unusual lrin-en�shion, flIted with unable pins; two spools of thread, one light anti one dark; a tiny thimble and a peer of round -pointed scissors (which really .cat)—were packed into the workbag. ,. One Scar or Many? The smallpox menace is ever with e us. So many unprotected persons are , iriving in every city, town and vet age, LBS,, $2. 5 LES. PATC$ES Ithat one sma:4pox case, whether n x• o, A. McCreary, Chatham, Toronto, Peterbaro, or a town in the Ontario. Classified Advertisements. REMNANTS. GUARD°, CHILDREN FROM AUTUMN COI 1.J The Fall is the most severe season of the year for colds ---one day is warm, the next cold and wet, and un - lees the mother is on her guard, the little ones are seized with colds that may hang on all winter. Baby Own Tablets are mothers' best friend in preventing or banishing colds. They act as a gentle laxative, keeping the bowels and stomach free and sweet. An occasional dose of the Tablets will prevent colds, or if it does come on suddenly thdr pronipt use will relieve the baby. The Tablets are solid by, medicine dealers or be- mail at 25 its. c a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- ( a cine Go., Brockville, Onf.• • 1 north, will act es the lightest meta the inflammable:material of unva atcd men, women and children make up a large part 'Of Ontar.l population to -day. Smallpox is a winter disease. It true that a few cases are fo througho�rt the year, yet November ways sees fresh outbreaks. And result is that many a. young woman little girl will for the rest` of her have the many scars of an attack smallpox on her face when she co •have pre'vemithec them by one scar vaccination on her term. Unfortunete,Iy, too:, the type of t disease which is showing itself in the Province just now is not mild, but quite virulent; it brings to mind the extremely fatal type which was met in the Windsor epidemic two years ago where only a very small number of unvaccinated patients lived through the attack. Children and travellers, espeicially, should be protected by vaccination. But when one case in a bowling alley, on -a train, at school or in a shop, at a oncert or church service can cause n epidemic which will affect hundreds of people, no one is safe; we must, hen, protect ourselves by vaccination, f• we have not been successfully done itlun seven years. Vaccination does not cost mach, sua•�1y very little, and that only for he doctor's_ time, as the vaccine is applied free for the use. of the people f Ontario by the Dept. of Health. h to 7 A 1a I E S WANTED TO DO cc in- PLAIN and light sewing who home; whole or 'spare time; good ay; • jets work sent any distance; charges paid. is ISend stamp for ppartici:jars. National Manufacturing Co., Montreal, aRATIOS (LITTLE FRIEND) TO al- '' either sex; mailed in plain, en - the ve epe. Paris Specialty Co., Montreal. or I ()NE MAN IN EACH COUNTY to se:I1 Washo. Best seller. Great of repeater. Washes clothes without rub- le], bin an'cl creans everything like magic. of Different. Beats everything. $10fy weekly easy. Sample 'free. P. A. he Lefebvre & 0o., Alexandria, Ont. .Printed Words. Silence and sounds, Rivers black and white, Flaming into fire, Freezing in the light, thi Iron vs. Steel_ "If he's made up his• mind to kiss you he'II do it. He has a will of iron." "That's all right—I've steeled my- self against him," After Shaving—Minard's Liniment. Lady Byng Found Pleasure in Her Rock Garden. A permanent contribution to Cann- dlan hoet culture was made by Lady Byng prior to her departure from the dominion, in her complete, rehabilita. tion of the gardens at Rideau Hall and her intro•ducti0n of a rook garden planted with wild flowers from every* province 111 Canada. Lady Byng was vary fond of that fly rock garden. She gathered hex stones from Reck-cliff's Park, planned plant - be ing so that she would have bloom from ON li2a•y to August and adopted plant from all corners of the globe. A11 I were hardy and most cl them peren- nials, so that the beauty of the rockery would . contra from uo i ou - m year to year. In three years she accomplished what, I norme]ly it would have taken five years to do and her joy in it was not eesemlcd by the fact that she would ave only a short season to enjoy i•t al- before returning to her own English [-there is always a tendency to genes, ,e real"Relieved ize, to walk around the subject or th , expehen•ce, and view it from 5 ow Mog egrBack neve sive ]f;verywheremen, women and children i vantages; Instead of (as In the she aro finding instant relief from Coughs 1 s•,ory) cutting a carefully landscape and Colds'of all kinds by taking Buck - lees Mixture. Everywhere druggists aro - 11ii'th through a chosen tract of huma selling "Buckley's' under positive guar- complications, So an essay can ne'v ante'. The first dose Droves how dif- ferent it is—and there are 40 doses in i be place than attempt, for it is an e 'rt -tent bottler Never be without this i cursion into -the endless. Any student proven conqueror of colds, W. A. Buckley, Limited, 1 of fiction will admit that in the coni -1 142 Mutual St., Toronto : 1 position of a short story many enter- = � � taiiring and valuable e�lctbo;rations may � rise in the mind of the author which NI IX• IZE axe ; must be strictly rejected because they Acis like a flasha single sip Droves l! • do not forward the essential motive. 13ut in the essay (of an informal sort) 1 we ask not relevance to plot, but re cal i searden;a. , mt( Ancient Coins Were Immense. ` d I Some cf the cons used by the an- R.: �• M ;,,e. .F l,• ,a . a n dents were as large as dinner plates. w t .s Thrush at Evening. Day after day he came— And high upon a chimney pot Above that German garden— (Always it was the. same). He waited while the sombre shadows fell And winding gravelled paths grew dim, Before he could begin to tell What twilight meant to hire. Below, on balecaies at rest Sat thee, who ail the day Had toiled for the art of song, "Drassel! Kleine Meister!" he sings best! 'So in the long sweet twilight of the spring He waited for a star to glimmer through, Before he could begirt to sing "Twilight! Sweet! I tell you true:" —Caroline Lawrence DIer•. PA I N. Minard's penetrates, soothes, and relieves pain. Splendid for stiff joints, sore muscles. High School Boards and Boards of Education Are authorized by taw to,establlsh INDUSTRIAL, TECHNICAL* AND ART SCHOOLS With the approval of the Minister of Education. CAY AND EVENING CLASSES may be conducted in accordance the Department of Education. THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL INSTRUCTION 18 given in various trades. The echools and classes are direction of AN ADVISORY COMMITTEE. with the regulations ess, I•etiance to mood. That is why there are s0 marry essay's that are merely marking time. The familiar essay is easier to write than the short story, but imposee equal rcatraints upon a scrupulous author. For in fiction the issued by under the • Application for attendance should be made to the Principal 0=7 tial school. COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS, MANUAL TRAINiNG, HOUSEHOLD SCIENCE AND AGRICULTURE AND HORTICULTURE are provided for In the Courses of Study in Publlc, Separate, Continuation and High Schools, Cnttegiate institutes, Vocational Schools atnd Departments. Copies of eihe Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Iguildings, Toronto, i writer is controlled 'acrd limited air,] swept along by his material; but its the eassay, the writer rides his pen. A good story, once clearly Conceived, le- i most writes itself; but essays are ; Written. •-- Christopher Morley, . in "Modern Essays." Silence Towers Heid Deed. The Towers of Silence aro Parsee erections tit India and Persia for the rmention of their dead. Alexander Had Gold Coffin. l Alexander the Great is said to have been buried In a golden eolith. P h sic. • r ens Use sa l . m l d s I.irii n • 1 r ..r om k Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago ? Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism. DOES S NOT A!F'ECT THE HEART Accept only "Bayer" ckagteswhich contains proven directions. Iia.ndy. "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100-Drugg ists.asssl aas to Ostia dimlretcitclCcia) t gak �itufiiItiiltsehlesteret SAlicylcR(A3 Salicylic "A, 'bles Weknnlst Aspirin manes Beyit .anurRature, to midst the public Against letitations, the 'i'abtets tit grayer Comiisby win be etalnped with 'their general hale task, the "stayer Cross." TrembIfng in the, darkness, Monsters at a birth; One may fling an army Over all the earth. Fearsome, ah, beware! He whose hope ie most May despair in seeaug In 5ach one a ghost. --George Elliston. P/QQ17.rk Biovar Last word in buiiders' aid, Practical, up-to-date suggestions on planning; buiidin•, furnishing, decorating and gardening. Profuselyillustrated, and scores of actual dellar-.savingsug- •gestions. .Send 25 cents for current issue.11 MacLean. Buiid©ra° Guide if 14 Adelaide 3t. li.. r= .late. Ont. RUN-DOWN AFTER BIHTH Of ABY Ottawa Woman Made Strong by Taking Lydia E. Pinkhas 's Vegetable Compound Ottawa, Ontario.—"I was terribly run-down after the birth of ray third baby. I had awful bearing -down pains and was afraid I had serious trouble. I was tired all the time and had no appetite. My sister-in-law is taking Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Com- pound and cannot praise It too highly and asked me to try it. I have had splendid results and feel fine all the time now. Any one who needs a thorough pick-me-up soon learns from me what to take."—Mrs.RENrn PAQUIN', 320 Cumberland Street, Ot•. tawa, Ontario. Terrible Backache Hamilton, Ont. — "After my baby was born I had terrible backache and headaches. Icould not do mywork and felt tired from the first minute 1 got up. in Bworst of all were the mysideswhen1 moved abort. 1 had to sit or lie down for a while af- terwards. I could keep my house in order, but many things had to go un- done at the time, because of my ail- merits, Ly E. Pinaneighbord by a krns Vegetable ah Compound, as she said it would build nie up. I was relieved before I had taken the first we bought and have not had any trouble like it since."— Mrs. T. MARKLE, 115 Ferguson Ave' nue South, Hamilton, Ontario. o BARGE PIMPLES ITCHED SADLY On Face, Shoulders and Arms,. Cuticura Heals, "My trouble began with pimples breaking out on my face, Shoulders any carats. They were large, herd and rad, and festered, and scaled over, causing disfigprement. The pimples itched badly and when 1 ar•ratched therm eruptions formed. My clothing irritated the breaking out on my shoulders. The tremble lasted for some time. "1 began using euticura Soap and Ointment and they af'f'orded relief in a abort time, I continued the treatment and after using foot cakes of Soap and four boxes of Oittteat t I was healed." (Signets) Mist Grace M. Ward, Thetford Center, Vi,, Aug. 12, 1925. Usetuticura to heal Skin troubles. seeps &.0b tten Ay 1411. Address rnaedi*n Moot:"RtenSbaeq Ltd, Montreal" Price, 864 80.ntment £ ,a• o w and Svc. 7`a}M;rim 260. rtetr" Caticaura Shavintt Stink ;St. ISSUE No, 47- -'26,