HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-25, Page 1Vote XXVII No 21 • .�..,.: cheater Ii Smiths PublIfe* ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, IoJOVEME>ER25,. (926, Save oney by making your fall purchases $1.25 a Tear fro .i: r *I.51 IN 14.1iREARS,$2 MAY .BR MUMMA From the Merchants Advertising in the . ERALD GtDC�6'E+�D6D6�t.DeD�eD�6.be lSFEOIAi.ACIA oIt � sic l n eel Just R3caivecl fresh ship- ment of Niicni Jersey Oho e1 sate :173, reg. Mc while they last at Sale Price 19e. W. � 'aguet Phone 91 €?6111111DQDQ 100Di1 d2060,61/1D6DC KiD€li 6Fl 6 431 D(4lilQ 1 q 1 6a 1 a 1 1 4 4 i?- z� �8 4 ,t a� Now i r the not wait till spring and miss ail the good 4J. music and Concerts -fes • •'1++-°r++++444++ +++*++++• +II++ ++++bd+•II+P++1+'H'fi+ 4 i• '3+ F+ ,1. nd Suplies time •to Buy your RADIO. Do Give me a call before buying elsewhere E 0E5(011 — 'Zurich 'd� l' f ,`0410ir41�T�eff ;•;t} i 7iC0SFitier 0*•••�ililesdl�'S6$e�yi�+iPv0•65A600400 I A CONIPTAKTE LINE OF is B`si el Rubbers SI Before Lens Font are Goint to la ' is Buy a pail. oflaubber Foote alif you, aro: hard on Boots, in - stead of ynret asking £0r Rub- The S. School Board of Cpa'ah wood Es angelical. Church beg to announce a g matmusical treat one Wednesday Dee. let, to- be 'held ire the aurditoriuln of the Church V. The program wil 1 be given 17y a London Orchestra under the dila; action of Mr, F, Whitehouse, con- sisting of instrumentaland vocal solos, including Mr. Chas, .McGuire d'romboine -soloist of the R. C. R. Band, London; Mr, W. ;Walsh, sol oi•st Claronet; Mr. Charles +Hunt, soloist Cornet; Mr. F. ,Whitehouse Violinist, and other renown ,artists. 12 in 4L11. 'Concert to commence at 8.15. Admission 50c. children 12 and unde r23c. Election returns announced at the close of program Buy your tickets early from the Committee in charge., or from. sift? Herald Office, Zurich. • TO THE ELEC'1'O. S OF' SOUTH HURON Your Votes and influence are respectfullysolicited forthe sel- ection of W. G, (11Iecld, on a)ecent- ber hst, Mr. Medd,tstands for Prohibition, in accordance with the expressed will of the people, adequate and dust returns in the isaleoo'f public a.;>aource.,, and stre coono•,ny in the admin::stration of public business. He. will 'support all legislation that is in the. best ;interests of all the people, ti• It twill "beimipioissible for +.Mn. Medd tomeat all the electors in this short campaign, Give ,'hint 4 your hearty upport and make +sure has election., - Progressive Publicity ,Cons, NOTICE •I hatve been appointed toile - 0 l iting agent for the ;.liroduets of the' : IJohn C. Winston Co„ Toronto, and can 'supply you with Bibles, Testa- • 'lea nt , 'i e.,eh.r'a 1.e p;, Bib 0 S o. e, for C.hilclr: n, Books of Knowledge, Cruver.Yal hand boo's, etc. Every Book Will mako ,a ;eery accept able. Xmas. Me Gift. . Julia Hess, Zurich, 0 a a a tb 69 0 d' y Mr, Edward Schnell iepent the Week -end in Bayfield, Mr, Jacob Weber of Da+ell:eood called on friends here on Monday • Mr. Hamilton of Chatham wan week -end vlsito'r with Mr's. Ham- iton of the village. Mrs. Louis. Debris is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Rebedy at ,Wind- Sor for a few ,weeks. Mr. Clarence Thiel jotSeaforth, is visiting at the 'Shame of Mr. and Mrs, P. Dei.ehert Jr. Mr, C. Fritz, ,Misr Pearl Wurtz, and Mrs. H, 1I. jCo'wen were on a motor trip to London on Tuesday. A number of our it(ttnters went on a "Wild Goose (Chase"' at Camlache, this week and returned with nothing but the "ehaae." 'Mr. Gordon Sehrag leftfor Loa -Ville, N. Y. where the intends to stay for !some time. Mr, and 1Ixs. Nish,. Gingerich, ,bridal couple, from Croghan, N,Y.- 'isited at the home of Air.( C,l Schrag. Mr. Sam'so'n Colosky .of Dash- wood, is visiting for a few days at the homeof Mr. and Mrs, John Albrecht. Mr. L. Prang hes installed his +second gas pump from. which will flow thecelebrated .Ethyl motor ,fuel, Ith'.ch is giving unto'_dof good Ser i lee to motori'ste, aid.Messrs. Leon 73ard Wagner, ,Ger- , edardr E1sar Mot sseau and �iiiEdwin Gaseho• took in 'tete 'show at S aforth and. al -so transactedsome ku i,;• .s i on Monthlyc:ven'n;' sof this week. Mr. Medd, the Progressive ca,n- didatwe was in the : iliage on Tn- eaday, He will hold .a £.ubhc me- eting in Zurich, on Tuesday even - log, Nov. 301h, >B�I► ber Bca•&% ask. Ear L110` E- _�.. Mr. and Mrs, Irvin D. Sitti,h; BUOY i. a WS Claim they are .the long '1 gest wearing, boot yin's osis buy and you wilt say s after 19 19 wearing ap air., 3 There ka an ideal • LIFE- BUOY Bent ter every pur- ag pose on tOea fare, in the bush, :4 in the garage, en .fart Whore- "' Iuen, need waterproof protection, fo Meta -eet and •1eg& / f Let uai haw you the boot Ithat 'suits your IbasfrikUilar rer- quiremen,t'. liaa-aagr Browner Soot Shop IMPAIRING NLA.TLY DONE NOTICE. MEETING OF' HURON • COUNTY COUNCIL The Council of ,the Corporation 0 of the County of Duron will meet e in the Council Chamber, ,God rich, ® .nt 3 o'clock in at; afternoon of • Tuesday, the 7th day -of Deeent- ® ber, 1926. All accounts against the County must be in tlzc hands 0 of the Clerk not Ilater than Mon, 8 day preceeding the meeting of Council. GEO, W. HOLMANi, . County Clerk ea 0 Goderich• Nov, 20th, 1926. i• ._ 0 a •11, '0.45 X0412 • \Our S:;.its and Ov-rcoats a 0 T 04@i•+i4•••••+•'0+9+A4lyd+di0!••st•A00 Th n together to =yell :rs ,na:a► >1 i..T v ; iso , • ,_ ; 7�' ether Serve •a z: .Qj 4 GASC11011+ OLD, STAND • a' 4i +6, • 4. cit 'In tl+` INT'Ew''.`M' 'ORDS.IS'PBE PRINCIPLE ON [7IIICH :OTi±t . 4. stem Amp OVERCOATS ARE NAM FOR YOU. aoo PHONE 6� 4. 10►o 'tw+at*, *fir+ **Me**ir ******** .+ c: Capital and corragc--and yet again courage iiia capital, and yet again held in combination they can work wonders. • MC is said t'A. man's ,enrioletiy never rivals that of ,a woman'sttn- til 'someone mentions that his name appeared in yesterday's paper. Evangelical Church Notes lURICE — ONC, Thursday 7,30 p.m. Prayer and 1'rai+3� Joel ah Geiger, Leader Friday, 4.10—Junior League. ZVIi L Hoffman, Sept. Friday 7.30 p.ml, E. L, C. Hl. 1t/'. Geiger, Pres, 5.30—Choir practice. Miss ,E. Rennie, Leader Sonaay, November 2Sth, • 10 a.m.-Temperance ieermon by [fey, F. 13. Mayer. 11 raan,—Bible School, Mr. J. E. Gesl'Ito, Supb. 7..30 yam—Temperance sermon by 44. IC. K;eplray. DASHW00 D Nedne'yd.ty 8past, Choir Practice, Lender, l`hursd:iy 410, Ji'. 1 glee, Mrs, 'F • E Meyer, Stalls 1.30 Prayer and Pr. se, I3 Bender, Claes Leader S 15, Senior )3 L,C,E., Vii C9 !11k, President unday, November 28th, .10 a.m..—Temperance (sermon l'by C. 7 , Ia ellilra r . 11.05—Bible S.'1v,o1, A. Birlt, Stint-. 7.30 p,rn.—Te nj)er4nre +s'rnlon by Rev, P. 13. 1iley,or and Larva daughters of Hamilton, motored up and spent ,tLh;e week- end with the former:, ,brothels, C. 0. Smith of the- ,Sairble, and C. L. Smith of the village. The, Zurich School. {Concert will be held in the 4To:<vn Hall on Wed- nesday evening December 22nd,. We all know what agood- time we usually have at this big- event and this year promises to be ono of the biggest. • The iieralcl mak r:a:to nia.n is, in a big perdiciinent this ,week with the large volume of advertising, of, course We all know it's election and every catdid'at' and teveey poi itical party is very ,anxious'- to get in and se they buy ;the space from th:: new'spap'ers and try to educate the peopl - to look: at the big issue as the 'sae them, So we truest our 'readers will not crit•i'se the Herald' to' lsnvereiy at election time, as every space used in ttolitir.•al propaganda is being well paid for with dollars and c•etit•,s Election's come only once in four years, as a rale, so this means .' little harvest every four years, while moist people have a harvest ea pry yeast, L ATE CHRISTIAN O'SWA LD There passed away ;at Toronto at the horse of his daughter, Mrs. Mrs .Nevin, Christian Oswald in his 68th. year. Deceased 'was born and lived practically- all Ai's lifeon the Bronson Line, Hay ,Township', until about twelve years ago when he made his, home .with his dau- ah.ter at Toronto, aM1 ,during the last tow years still sp nt most of 1-t s auinnisr.„ i-nnllths with his son Daniel on the old 110ml:stead. He' Was a real 'loving type of man wed had e;,cceptionally many f.ri— ands in this vicinity {among the oldsrly people. Deet^a'sed's wear' 1.'cdeeens^d him by about 39 ye- urs, a11d i'n survived by three ehtl- drein Daniel Oswald, Bronson, t -fey Pp; Mays, D 1). Nevin, of Toronto, and Mr 'i 1-a11 Wurin of Plato, Sail:, The funeral whs)toh3 on Tuesday afternoon from. the totn�. o fitLr D. ,Oswald, to the 13 iison Ling' centrtcr, 13ev, i+ B,1 Meyer officiating. A fon Ertl isnr- ' ic•.: was :1:s:a hold in 0:0 Evang- REV, F, 13,` llxhYEE, Paettor,, ic.1i, el>,t11rc11, Zurich, Atwdr K 1 THE SET WITH ONLY ONE 0Ni DIAL. THE SHORT CUT TO TIIE STA - T101 YOU WANT. NO DELAY. No GUESSWORK LET US SHOW THIS ADVANCED RADIO SET. p ',IOU DON'T HUNT, YOU JUST SELECT WHAT YOU WANT. LET US SHOW IT ITO YOU, W G. Ness & Sons Burn Solvay Hard C ea the best Coke obtahia c and cut 1-3 off yaw fuel bill HENSAf L ONT., ''hones --Office 10w. Flamm $t3„l{,,,, roe +440444.41.44+o444aaa•aaa Ua.ao1; 4:04...c*.e.+++04960.P4Q 401:4 f • 9 i LEATHER GOODS, ET� A G p • 4 ,y P f. FRED TIL ct' Harness Trunks Valises AO +' WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, ;HARNESS Citi' ALL •KINDS, LEATHER CLUE FAGS, LADIES' BRAGS, COIN AND OTHER PURSES A PINE DISPLAY ,ON HAND a GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE Bl.• a ANXETS, ETC, ON HAND. SPECIAL. PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and See ,Alia fine display of Usefull Goods, HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS S AT YOUR SE.RVFCC+'bi ZUR1011 4.404.O4+4.444!4•40+8'4,44,41 0,1,? i,'@ P o o+t e.,,,s '4r%,.d1'd+*4#4+9 .:'442/O' ft7 4 '_.`+''�'�+3+'g'3+3V`�'+`�'"��� k•2+�5+-�,+�++F+�'�«u�^3<•� +i^+i=+: �.,+� .,,w ry„g,..�,; ,�� >,�,r.,��°y �L+#s".��'%,a,'��� r+;. BETTE!. T IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU' WANT RURBER FOOTWEAR. WE ARE GLAD TO .SHOW YOU A PAIR EXACTLY SUIT ED FOR YOUR 1tEQUIREMeINTS. OUR STOCK I5 CO f1FL. ETE IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME TO H 4VE YOUR SHOES REPA.LRBD Men's Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1,00 Waynenis shoes soled 3-7 at 75c + lis'es Shoes, ,soled 11-2 at 65c Rubber heels, 50c- and 35e pr. 0. FRIT Z 8t, SON SHOE MERCHANTS II+4++++. +++4.++++++4,0d'+F+ i++t +£++ +++++++++++++++.44i a rN New Fall and Winte Goods Gall and see our new flannel dress. Goods and cotton fl,a.n.uel suitable ' for children's dresses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SPURTING AND BLANKETS, Ve;.L BLANKETS, SWEATERS, J131RSEYS, SMOCKS, AND UNDER- WEAR, ALSO GRAIN 13A•G'S. • r1 FELL LINE OF STAPLE GOODS, ALL REMNAN1 BAR(AIN PRICES. R. s DOUGLAS GEAiE'6a'.AlL MEROHANT PHONE ` 11 i' lEiLAKE