HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-18, Page 8The Store with the Stock , Fail and Winter goods We carry a heavy Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to meet the need of our.many Customers Our prices are reasonable NEW COVERT CLOTU A51 inch. Cloth of Extra fine texture, isinrilar to Jersey cloth, 6x ill not stretch. or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses. CHAR1 E AN - in pretty 'shades of Fawn end Navy for Coat's, Suits or Dresses. litLANN.I:.LS - We have 36 piecc'sof Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 51 inch widths, col ors such as cteu•'rbark, Gypsy reel, Tuscan, Sandalwood; Rose - 1. wood, Coral, F.iri: nce blue, Thrush, Burmese blue with white pin stripe, also black and navy. WOO SA.NTOYS - In in Pototan,Blues, Rosewood, Brown, • Fawn, 1°enna, Navy. This cloth is very popular .far fall wear. BOATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50„ yd FLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTES, ETC, 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various widths and qualities at lower prices than last season. °RAPER CLOTHS • In pretty shades of Pinks andBlues with gilt scroll pattern 1 yd. , wide at 60e. yd. and 75c. ayd. SWEATER COATS -For Men, Women, Boyd and Girl's in Season's newest styles. ?UNDERWEAR -For Ladies wear. Penman's, Velva and •Crescent Brands, also Wooltex for Children's wear. IDEAL PATTERNS Wei carry a coni;pIcte tIine ,of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No need of waiting a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and at the remarkable {low price of 20e. each. HAND AT RIGTH PRICES FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON Dutch Setts Wanted. Bring them as soon as you can J. GASCHO & SONS Pmdu.. Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTh /UST RECEIVER A. SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS U. S. L. LtTTP7 IF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND 0TFIER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE 1 N YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. RIATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING,'EXPERT AUTO diEPAIR(NG EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- A3TYLENE WF.LDING. 1 I,;; I t I-l;,�ils(ei ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE H. NIousseau Zurich See our Fall Line of Ladies' and Men's ITosiery, Underwear .. � Etc. MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED AND WHITE; FLA:NNELETT'E ALL LINEN. TOWELING ALL • W'000L' BLANKETS FLANNELETTE • BLANKETS MERNER CREDITON A donation of clothing and fruit was very thankfully :received by the Manager and Matron of the County Home, Clinton, %for the inmates from the: locals ,Women.+.s Institute here. Mrs. Lloyd England. and dau- ghter Ruth, 'have returned home altar 'spending the. week ;with rel- atives at Sarnia and ,Pt. Huron. Mrs, G. Maynard and Mas IT. H. K. rBilber attended ;the Prove incial convention of the Vomen':s Institute in London last dweek.. • Judge E. N. iLe\vis, of Goderich, was in the village ,Tuesday rhast,•' revising the lists for the coming Provincial election. M:s 11 K. iEilber entrr;a'ned her' S. School cla!s stogy a Hahlaw.e'gn party at ,the home 1:5f Miss Alma. Ratz, oneof the member's of Li=e: class, the" evening was ,pleasantly spent,. ' The Youn People's (Rally was observed in the Evangelical chur.oh on Sunday,, when special Services were held both morning and even ing, the morning isubjlect . being "The Youth that will ;Rise and Win" the message was a fine tonic to the old as well tis young, and the evening program ,(va.s put (on by the members of'the (Christian En- „dea'` or, consisting of addreseejs,and 'special music. 0 eaDemea******AisAlasse••ll••M••Ose•sees•s••••••eees0•••• 0 a • FlarexQuebeo Stoves I s :i • s lleola . Furnaces • Nights.. aro getting cool -- Winter will soon be here, this puts us in = I" Mind of that New Stove, one that will • give more heat with less fuel than any • 1 other make on the market, namely. the I Clarex Quebec combined Cooker ,,and 0.: HEATER, A S'POVi] THAT WILL •COOK AND BAKE WITIL :i ANY OF THEM, AND 'FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T .: ITU, \'' ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens 0• An1 s IAND WILL .BURN COAL OR WOOD. sss•sssssssss•sssss•N IN FURNACE'S TACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT • MON14Y CAN BUY, "THE HRECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY A 1 URNAC? THAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO 'THOU a SANDS OE USERS FOR MANY YEARS. The Furna that eq e sa '' hn' tor, or moat in seven. . In having, your Furnace Work Plumbing g Jab or Eavetroughng ia. 'l s.: p i r.ng done, You make no :mistake by coming here hero. awl h;i,i+ing it clone byyExpert our kp r t Mr. Ted. Mil�ltehaltz. We appreciate your Patronage g • ISTADE WEIDO ZURICH * ONTS aiw � A A•iMAesAlPaOnAeAIA!>yslbe*lb**6R*IM3'op!M•I1110oo•ikmMA•••• 4 ' HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly ,rneetili;g4' of the Caancil o'f,ithe,Township of Flay tiva,s 'held on Monday, Nov. let. A l members were present,:' The minates of the previous meet- ing we i' adopted ,as read. That petition of 55 interested }lain ties re improvement of drainage 'system in lolice Village ,of Zur-+ 'ieh perbining to area affected be received and the Township ,Eng- ineer was instructed to make are - port, 'survey, estimates, etc., re 'sande in accordance with. ;said pet- ition. . By-law No. 8-1926 re extensions to Hay Municipal Telephone Sy- ste'.n waz read three times andfin- ally passed.L The following acr;ounts were ;passed; E. F. Klolpp, jselecting ,rors, $4.00; W. Hi Edighoffr ?'tt•I -L00; A. F, Hess, ditto 5.00: _., ul. ing and gravel, rd, :9 41,00; E. H. Weltin, steel, Rd.9, 2.88; Municipal. World, 'supplies 5.53; M, iCorriveai , cement work culvert rd. 2 59,63; R: Cudmore cement 3,10; S. ,Hoffman !pay sheet rdg 8 ea- 197.76; ,ditiOo, -b- 97.50: , Uttley, reelpiar;s �t hall 3,35;' .Mris. V. Xeyce<rs, error dog tax 2.00; C, Huiser, ditto 4,00,' C HH Joy, ditto 4.00;, J. Decher Jr. pay sheet Rd, ',8 Tp. and Vile lage 862.25; J, Geoffrey, cutting . weeds rd. 17 6.50; E. Hendrick,pay sheet, rd. 14 69,001C. Aldsworth,pay sheet re culvert rd. (2 20,64; Stade & Weido acct. 56,20; J. E. Druar, 'scrapers 199.30; J. Oesch, ' gleaning drinas 13.85;, T. Kyle, 'hauling gra- vel., cul`+"• rd, 2, 20,00; T. Kyle pay sheet rd. 5, 157,10; L. Schumacher, Bey •sh"et rd 10 210,50; F, Stelck, pay sheet, rd. 4 '191.50; E. Daters, pay sheet Rd., 2, 3 and 17 245.60;' J. Eckstein, tiling rd. 9 X6,75; R. Gei- ger, paysheet rd i9 1541.80; IL IIS. Neeb, Road Supt. and assistance 233.25; 0, Aldsworth, pay ;sheet,rd. 2 and 3 1.8 ,85, 1B• :Kopp, making cement tile 11.60; L, ; Kalbflei'sch, d• 14 78,25; 'sheet rd - pay Can In . Tel. & Supplies material 39,:89; F3e11 Tel. Co. tolls 111.95; Northern Tlec Co material 79.72; Egonon,'- ieal Fire Ins, Co 'insurance on Eel-- office elof[ice 25,00; 0. R. & 1FI. Board re By-law No. 8, 1926 26.00; M, G. Do its labor 46,20, • The Council• adjjourned ,i:o meet again on Monday, Dec. 6 tli• at 1.30 o'clock, pen!. , A. ,1 � Mess, ClcrIr. LOA.:A1 MARKETS Potatoe3 per bag ' • 1.00 Eggs' ... ...... ... ... ... 24-32-36 Butter lb... _ ».- 40 Dried apples ib, .. _ 9 Wheat Oats • 42 Barley ._... ...» ..60 i3uekwheat 65 Flour......... ».»..j - 4.75 375 Shorts per ton__._ _ --.3400 Bran per ton._. _._ ... 82:00 Eggs .__ ... 44-35-24 Chickens 414 lbs and ;over ___18-20 Under 41,4. _ . _.. ... ... ... 13-15' Old hen's '4lbs and over ... 13-15 Hen's under 4 Lbs..... ._. ..... • 9 Ducks white 13e, colored lie Geese live 13e. dressed _. __. 20c Turkeys live 28c. dressed ___ 32e Live, Hogs, cwt. 12;00 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance ' Cr. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61. G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRES A'.3SURANC'R. ' ' tt-34' J. S. Brown, president of the Brown Fruit Company of Edmonton, Alta., returned on the Metagama last week from a,three months' visit to Europe. He was present in Germany 'when the French invaded the Ruhr, and he said that the feeling was very bitter'be- • tween the two races. On the other band, a Canadian, American or Brit- isher was given a cordial welcome; this being largely due to a speech In which Lloyd George advocated . a compromise. Travel in Germany. be said, was surprisingly cheap, he hav- ing made one trip of nearly 190 miles for the sum of 'fifty cents in, Canadim, currency. ' When the Canadlat Pacific steam- ship Metagama, which left St. John's on March first for Glasgow, reaches her destination, Captain G. B. Evans, 0.B,E., ' her commander, will have completed his last voyage in com- mand of the vessel. Captain Evans, who is the oldest and one of the most highlpesteemed commanders in the service of .the Canadian Pacific Steamships, Limited, is retiring atter a career at sea of 48 years, during which time be crossed the Atlantic In command 578 times, and conveyed 247,923 'passengers, of whom 71,000 were Canadian and American troops. He tears in command of the Missana- bie. 'When this ship was sunk by the Germans 'n 1918, and be will be re- membered by many passengers as the captain of the Minnedosa, the Mont - calm or tbe.Empress of Scotland. School Teacher Takes on Big Job Allee Is.only twenty-one. Yet she already has a profession and a career and left both behind her. From now on her, principal business in to fight hard for life, and whenthe footing does become a little less prboarlous she may take up some other kind of work, but it must not be teaching.. At least that's what the doctors say for the hard work she went through had just one roslilt-they placed her here on a' cot in the,Muskekst Hospital for Con aumptives. Alice smiles bravely when she ,s told she is only a youngster, anksayta her immediate big job is to respond to the. wonderfully sympathetic treat.. Ment she is receiving from the nurses and doctors who art trying to undo in a, few months the harm that die- ease"has wrought iii several years. A gift from you will assist the Hosp., pita; in bringing Alice and other el0111ar 'cases back to health. Contribu1ton8 may be 'sent t fiats, W. A. Chariton, President, 223.Colleget Street, Toronto 2- Ontario. 1 si `t'hnr.Gs,tley, Novc,nbex 3$t3 r sI'I2i i.`,ro . • FURNITURE We have received a large shipment of new Furniture including Living room new ciiningraom suites, and, ckers, kitchen cabinets, tables' and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACil LINE BEDS, BRAN_ BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE ,FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES 1UUNt IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. HARDWARE A FULL LINE OF SHELF AID HEAVY HARDWARE', BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE PRNCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND CEMENT. LEI' US DO YOUR PLUMFIING, EVETROUGBING OR ROOF. ING, 111 WE CARRY A FULL LING OF 100%. PURE MARTIN SENIOUD PAINTS, OILS, CBI-NAMEL VARNISHES, S UPERTEST Gas and Coal Oil. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER - BRING . IN YOUR OLD RAGES, TRADE OR CASH le. I4 , ' Johntojohn.ston tc Kalbflejsch • Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 1 What is A Hunn & Erie Debenture? 11 es the written promise of Abe 62 -year-old financial institution to 1epya at maturity the amount of your 'investment, and 'to ;pay in- terest half -yearly ,during the term at the good rate of 5 per cent. PER ANNUM Huron & Erie Debentures are, is- sued for $100 ,or more for one, two three, four cor five years, r Surplus: security totals $6,850,000.00 . ' Let me chow your ui sample trus- tee debenture before, . you invest a dollar of your waving,, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; --SERVICE .AND SAFETY H i;r.i Y3 1 VI k) ()J 1 WILL? Painting' ;and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING. CRANING, PAPERHANUIN.t & DECORATING, WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS 'WITH EVERY JOE WE DO, TRY US ON YOUR XT JOB. . EICKMEIER, ZURICH — ON'. JOIIIT WARD Drugless Practian-, eer and Optician . EXETER , Moais*, AT WALPER HOUSE, TUM, Every Tuesday, 10 coli, to 4 j *4-f-�P-i�-�F--+--it�--�is-d -- �E--!i•-w►-�l-s--i--�l-l�-l�--�E---r�l� We're 0 Ready 4 + ,'OF . PLL_ Witt an extraordinaryshowing;> of the Se S50Iii p i Newest Materials for Men's Suits" / . IiEE'3 1 WHERE YOU WILL FIND P1TIVELY THE BIGGEST TAILOR-. 1 INCE VALUES EVER HEARD OI+'aF', YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WIT1f ECONOMY IN it !AXING — BITTING THE MATERIAL' DIRECT FROM THEMILLS AND {fi. SELLING To YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS,It TEAT'S WHAT' PUTS THE DOLLAES: IN' YOUR POCKET,e " BETTER TIER tW. HURRY AND GE_.. T YOUR ORDER IN EARLF4i p TME1ltClH'AN'>L TAILOR, W, ITT, ROFFMAN & Son, EMBALMERS LMERS ANT! FUNERAL, DIRE. CTORB. Day ear,;cl Night PLcalse Nur iif. it