HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-18, Page 1Vol. XXV No 20 /..7P0t11, R ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 18. (92e. .1111•11••••••••••mommliollin Chester Li %nit - $1.25 Year to 41,4ramOok 1/.51 ARREARS,$2 MAY BE OESAESSE1, Save money by making your fall purchases From the Merchants Advertising in the HERALD VIIIIIIDGD CONDO DellINDODOWIDCDGIIIIIDGDOINIED02411110941)0111041 1 SPECIAL i Public • 1 Jast'Rsioeiveol fresh ship- mera of Nallspa's Jersey 1 a . littlkOhoolate Bapr31 reg. 253 while t: ,ft . ii they last at Sale Price 19e. ig <ea W. O. Wagner Phone 91 • INEMIDODOMMIDGDONIMPEDOISID4DGEND(1•41111111D4D01111.114 '411 1)42111111D4 4. + Radios and Supplies i * -4, ÷ 4. Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 4. +- 4 not wait till spring and miss all the good 1: 4.÷ 4,• music and Concerts It * Give me a call before buying elsewhere I •i + + E. DESCH - Zurich * * t.44+44++444+44+44.64-14+4414+ 41+++++1444-54444+44++++4444+ VIIISOS60006••••••••SOGreittra••••••••••••••••••01110••••• • • g • , • • • • • • •- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1••••••os000estae00000atoe69•••••••••‘••••••••••••••• COMPTIE1RI4INE oy , s I Life -Buoy Rubbers• ' • Su§ er Before Lug You are Gorint to a. par of BubbBoots I if you are hard on Boots, in- • stead ot pat asking for Rub- el • ber Boots, ask. for IBUOY 1 . WE Claim they are 'thelong- SI gest wearing hoot you can buy a.o.d path -will say sq after wearing hpair' . There is an ideal 4- LLFE- mi BUOY Hoot for every pur- 2 pose on the farm, in the bush, 6 in the garage,Ain fact where - ever men )f waterproof protection. for 'heir feet and legs,. _ Let Us show you the boot WI that 'suit& your par tiiCiliar Te• - 11. 2 quirement Brown's Boot Shop 1 • BE NEATPLAYIEDINOGNE .10 100.40.01011400.0401040441**04010/ . 4410 0 410 • 0 , 410 40 * 10 ' .0 .: 1 * • .. .' . E • . . • • 440 ... . . 0.40 • 40 • rilik * IFall and Winter Samples .4, • ,.., . . ,,.. • • 0 41p, 410 , VA' TipTop Tailors . . •Nip . • io 41. 41, i .., : 410 $24013° • • .3. "E• < 410 ' 1110 t NW t 40 • 1 • ONE PRICE ONLY 4, •-• . • t , • • • 40 4 40 t di4I• L re norp isli • I ; GASCHO'S OLD ST,11,14110 , PHONE 67 4 ; ! - 411 444•••••,e.v 4A cow 4.4440•410444,44•40.4** 4.4 eeeeee•e••••4••• 1 ; Meeting IN THE ,INTEREST OF , Alex. Neeb Lib -Conservative Candidate South Huron tkHELD AT CREDITON-Monday Nov.. 22 Grand Bend -Monday, Nov. 22 Zurich -Wednesday Nov. 26 Dashwood -Wed. Nov. 24th ( • Exeter -Friday, Nov. 20th • Hon. .G. S. Henry will be at the Exeter imeeting. THE CANDIDATE ANL/. OTHER PROMINENT SPEAKERS WILL ADDRESS. THE MEETINGS; A CORDIAL •INVLTATION 'S EX- TENDED TO ALL LAuTES 'TO ;BE PRESENT AT 'THESE 1VIEETINC,4:-S, GOD SAVE .Tag KING • • CHILDREN'S 'AIO 'SOCIETY The Advisory Committee'of.the' Huron County Childrn's Aid. Soc- iety met in Goderich wtih .every member present, a number of ac- cohng were passed and the local 'superintendent mentioned se‘ eral cashi of 1'1 r2 t 'Nvh [were Viscus - sed anri advice given. It was de- cided to hold the •annul meeting of thh Society on Tuesday, Nov, 16th, in the evneing in Victoria. St. Un- ited Church, Goder:ch, Eh:et:on of officers then to take. lace, as well as addresses by outside speakers OP the work of the Society. BIG OCTOBER Magistrate Charles A. Reid, of Huron°County police court, (reports October as one of the busy mon- ths of the year, (sonie 44 cases in all have been dealt with. Thirty of these were convictions, eight sent up for trial land .six dismissed Ten charges were laidunder 0.T, A. $140 of h total of $197 in fines collected were under this act There w:17.2 ,six jjal terms, the lon- gest being five years in penetent- iary with. lashes. Last 'October 36 cases were dealt with and. $540 in fines collected. • Evangelical 'Church Notes ZURICH - ONT. Thursday 7.30 pan. Prayer and Praise • C. L.•Staith, Class Leader Friday, 4.10 -Junior League. Mre..L, Hoffman, Supt. Friday 7.30 p.mi. E. L. C. E • N. Geiger, Pres. . 8.30h -Choir practice. Miss A. Rennie, Leader Sunday, Nov. 21st. 10.00 tune Worship 'led byL •• Rev. G. L. ,Gress 11 a.m,-Bible School, Mr. J. E, . • Gascho, Supb. * • 'The "I Serve Class", Mis. O'Broin 4i -do Yu e2.reqo esq lhoh. oehorei 4 4. 4. • ening servicest. 7.30 pone. -Worship 'led by Rev.: P. B. Meyler. 4ksti wo o 1) • Wednesday 8p.M, Choir Practice, R. ;Golding, Loader. Thursday 4.10, Jr, League, Mrs. F. • ( 13. Moyer, Shpt, 7.30 Prayer and Praise, • E. Bonder, •Class L'oader 8 15, Senior E.L.C.D., ;Mrs, G, Link, President Sunday, Nov. 21st. • Am.-Wm:ship) led by Rev, V, 13. Mayor 11.07,.-P,ible School, A. 3'rk, Supt. 1.30 p.m.Noriship led by Rev. G. L. Grass REV. P. B. MEYER, Pastor, • Mr. Ward Fritz was on a buls- jpess trip to London on Tuesday, • „Mr. Ed. Beaver ,of Dashwood, ealled on friends here Monday. • Mr. Elmer C1opp and daughter Neola were Sunday visitors with rM and Mrs L. Schilbe. • 'Mrs. D, ,McLinchey who has been visiting her brother, W. 41 'Wagner has left for ,a. trip to California. • Mr. John Gall:man Sr of the pillage received. a k cry attracti e and tasty box of apples from his son Alfred, of Severn, Sash. They .were grown in British 'Columbia and are of a )fine size and color, 'while the flavor is perhaps not -tart as our .easpter grown apples. • Rev. H. Rearbe ,was, in Waterloo on Tuesday viewing, selecting and buying some fine and artistic fur- niture for the 'Lutheran church and Sunday School room. Mrs. Catherine Kalbfleisch, who was visiting in Holly and Detroit Mich., has returned to her home in town. Mr. Arthur Weber, Anctioneer, . conducting ran auction hale of some fifty live hogs, at the Dom - House,: '.Zurich on ASaturday, of this week, These should t. meet. with quick' dernand. •Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz were week end ;visitors at. Kitchener„Guelph -ad Morristom They also atten- ded the funeral of a relative at Guelph, a (young man from Pt; Arthur, who was droi\ ned :in try- ing to rescue others from drown- ing who; were out Skating on thin ice, • 'Judge Lewis .of God.erich, was in thavillage on Tuesday revis- ing_ the voters. list of Ilay .Town - shin for municipal purposes. A- bout forty changes made. Then the. jjudge was here again on Thursday for the purpose ;of he- aring complaints and revising the list for the coming; Provincial el- ection.• A number of lour young men of the village are spendins An out- ing at the Pinery, orriong them. w enete; 'erd, Jacob And Ted Haber, Lee and Lloyd IO'Broin, ily, Weber, Gid. Koehler, Ivan Yung- biut. We dipl not exactly know what kind of bo•ame.iftley are look- ing for but hope they can tfine enough game to supply thecook The .fowl supper ,luld in %in Lutheran church shed 4sp ;Wed-. atesday• evening ,wfasi :fine ,suc- cess. „ Althouth the weather was most inclement, betwee» 60014and 700 people were present and par- took of the sumptuous mealy Troceeds amounted. 'to $419.1.7.Much rredit is alto due to the fine pro- gram • trentlered and •especially to. the fine men's Chorus!, Mro and Mrs. JcIerb, Mousseau of the. Village highly ,and royaly en- tertained a number ciif their fri- ends to, .a fowl supper on • Mon- day evening. ,The fowl consumed were of the numerous wild geese that have met their fate at ,the hands • '"Herb's' powerful shot gun. • They were so .tastfully pre- pared that those who partook of the meal thought it wah the best fowl in the, 4and, and wet hope You will forgive the editor's mod- esty• when h admits 01 being one ,00t the "well :filled'" party. In to vote (of October 23, 1924 when the Ferguson Government took a, pleb:scite on the question of Government control as a -sub- stilute for the Ontario Temperance Act, practically every Municipality in thecounty gave a majority in tIrvor of thz continuance of Qv O T. A., the Otal majjority for the county being 11,970: The 'Annie - now comp'riscd In till Tiding. of ,North Huron gave a Maj- ority of 0,476, And the municipal- it:e% now included. ID South fluron fy.,ave a majority of ,5,503. In both to ngs the; vote WA'i mor: than 11. 0.11,.h. to onOtnr for GOVerritnent -control, Atwater Kent RADIO THE SET WpIII ONLY ;ONE ONE THE SHORT CUT TO THE STA- TION YOU WANT. NO DELAY. No GUESSWORK LET US SHOW THIS ADVANCED RADIO SET. p OU DON'T HUNT, YOU JUST SELECT WHAT YOU WANT. LET US SHOW IT tTO YOU. W. G. Hess & Sons Burn Solvay Hard Wax the best Coke obtainable and cut 1-3 off your fuel bili can.teicom, HENSALL ONT., Phones -Office lOw. Home Mk ••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 •••••••••••••••••••••VE4.1111111111r • • • LEATHER GOODS, ETC. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Harness Trunks Valises Auto Da WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, •HARNRIM Or' ALL KINDS, LEATHER .CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BlitittA„ COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON MAU GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE B,Z90, ANKETS, ETC. ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see fine display of. Unefull Goods... h.% 4: • HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICEN4 FRED THIEL - ZURICH ,•••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••4*44441144Reak 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. ‘+++4444+444444,+.4.4.914444440444-14444.+4- BETTER VALUE IN RU3BER FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER IF YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT' • , RUB BER FOOTWEAR. WE ARE GLAD TO :SHOW YOU A. PAIR EXACTLY' SUIT ED FOR YOUR REQUIREMENTS. OUR STOCK IS COWL ETE IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. • NOW. IS THE TIME .TO HAVE • YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Men'S Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 Women's, shoes soled 3-7 at 75c Ms:sea Shioes, 'soled 11-2 at 65c Rubber heels, 50c and 35c pr. 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS ++• ++++4++++++++++4++444,44.4.4++4+44+++++++++++0444w4%, •••••••••••MOMIVIMMIMORI, New Fall and Winter Goods • Call and sae our new flannel d.ress Goods and cotton flannel suitable' • for children's dresses, etc. ErEA-7 FLANNELETTE sHrEtriNG AND BLANKETS, WOO BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, ANI) UNDBLI- WEAR, ALSO GRAIN hum. A. FULL LINE OF STAPLE. GOODS. ALL REMNANWSA BARGAIN PRICES. 4. R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 97 ' a 1'