HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-11, Page 8eeire 'r+sht The Store with the Stock Fail Winter Goods We carry a heavy Stock of Fall and Winter Goods to meet the need of our many Customers Our prices are. reasonable NEW COVERT CLOTH A 51 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, similar to Jersey cloth, will not stretch or pull, very (suitable for suits or dresses. CHARMEAN -- in pretty shades of Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits or Dresses. •LANNELS - We have 36 piece's of Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 54 inch widths, col .o.. ors 'such as cedarbark, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Rose- wood, Coral, Farienee blue, Thrush, Burmese blue With white pin stripe, also black and navy. i'WOOL SANTOYS - In in Pototan, Blues, Rosewood; Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular Ivor fall wear. COATING SPECIAL i Pieces Coatings in 54 -in, width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd `LANNELE 'TE WRAPPERETTbS, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various widths and qualities at lower prices than last season, EiRAPER CLOTHS In pretty shades of Pinks andBlues with gilt scroll pattern 1 yd. wide at ,60e. yd. and 75c. ayd. • SWEATER COATS -For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls newest styles. :UNDERWEAR -For Ladies wear. Penman's, Velva and Brand's, also Wooltex for Cbildren'le wear. IDEAL PATTERNS in Season's .Crescent - Wei carry a c'om,p.iete cline ,of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No reed of waiting, a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and at the remarkable flow price of 20c. each. HAND AT RIGTH PRICES .FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON Dutch Setts Wanted. Bring them as soon as you can J. GASCHO & SONS Pmdu_Wanted Phone 59 Zurich's Garage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS =ST ttEUE1 v E D A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND. TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS tL s. ram BATTERY' EF IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE, WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AN 0 OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. WE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO ELREPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- 1STYLENE WELDING. t II! i f t t e l4litlLilaL ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE " tiasseau Zurich 6 efts. evire eaeoo®•os. ►N.0sai.6000.io111000 0....4.HBN/. r • [Clarex .Quebec Stoves ._ s • _ lleola Furnaces• i•• • Nigher are getting cool — Winter 1 will sou be, here, this puts us in ; w mind of that New Stove, one that will I give more heat with less fuel than any II I other Make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec. combined Cooker and :. IHEATER, A STOVE THAT WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH : ANY OF. THEM, AND FOR,,,HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T ! , 3 HEY ARE MADE IN ,TWO SIZES18N18 in. and 20x20 in evens j o oses40l.r1*A�w�10l11.*N1 *.! •rr • IN I+U.f'.R w�RS WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT MONE ✓ r.ti v 'BUY, "THE HRECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY A FUR '-;:: ,'tITAT HAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU • SANDS ,i. ;,e1I18 FOR MANY YEARS, The Furnace that 1 saves on , of coal in seven, • ul Inha c` vi -, o, fF,-rnace Work, Plumbing Job or Eavetroughing i ! .„ei one:, You nz:ile no ni:�stake by coming here : here ani . '' ,t done by our Expert Mr. Teel, Millteholtz, Wa.C� rec ate your Patronage 'w . s' .Q \ ■ / !"'� ■ lam► .• AND GY i e t, BURN COAL OR WOOD.. JRICH - ONT. M04w4.0.rA.rs►4wl00AIB•411 f See our Fall Line. of Toadies' and Men's Hosiery, Underwear Etc. ,MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL' STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS, FLANNELETTE BLANKETS J. W. MERNER Wm. Govenlock, of Egmondviile has been appointed returning 'of- ficer for South Huron for the forth coming Provincial election, Geo. R. Muldoon, o fBruwiels is appoint ed in North Huron. Mr, and Mrs. ,Hy: Eickmeier; spent the holidiay at St .Marys. Mr. and Mr's. John L. Routledge and son Bobby, of Dutton, (spent the holiday with the ,former's par- ents, Dr and Mrs, J. Routledge.. Mr. and Mr's. 'Peter Reichert Sr. gave a princely and excellent Thanksgiving Dinner to a 'numb- er of their friends, 'children, grand children, and their pastor Rev. H., Rembe and his family 'on Monday evening. The after dinner (stories which were "cracked" brought forth many roars of Iaughter,The jolly crowd brought the 'evening to . a close by the singing , of songs in the engiish and german language. DASHWOOD Miss Gladys McDoweil1of Bllyth !sprite the week -end with Miss Letta Guenther, Mr, Leonard Birk, (of the O.A.C. Guelph, spent the holidays with his parents. Miss Alice Hoffman, who is at- tending Normal School at Strat- ford, spent Thanksgiving with her pal•enLs. - Mr. £4 me Tiernan, who is attend ing Western University at London, (spent the holidays with his par- ents. Miss Gladys Guenther and friend of Kitchener, visted in town on Sun day, L " Mr. and Miss. Herman Eidt of In- gersoll spent Sunday with . Mr.and. Mrs. C, Stade. ' Miss Myrte Hoffman sof Kitch- ener •'spent 'Thanksgiving with her parents Miss Luella Schatzz .,of Mitchell visited in town on (Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, May and ,te,iss Tillie Ehlers of Kitchener, 'spent Sunday and Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sain Oestreicher. ti Mr. Gordon Callfas lof Sarnia vis- ited in town a. ,few days t' thiel week, Mr, and .Mrs, .Wilbur Gr ybeil of Woodstock .spnet the holiday with his parents here. J Mr. Mark Bro•ken'shire is vist- ing in St Thomas for a Lew days Mr and M. ;O. Pedersen and fantiily and Mr, C, AnC''_"71 cn",_t a few days in Toronto - :*. Mr. and Mrs. D. Pfaff and Mrs Granger of Sarnia spent the week- end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs, ,J. Smith of Wind- sor, spent Wednesday at the'home of Mr. J. Hartleib, Miss Alice Willertileft for De- troit on Thursday. Miss Margaret Held hof Stratford spent the week -end with her ` par- ents , i Mrs, P. Humble and children of Sarnia, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. C. Finkbemer. Mrs. Gill of •,Grand Bend and Miss Schaefer of Detroit, visited at the• home of Mrs. 3, Hartleib last week M'ss Ferrol Hartleib and bro- ther Harley of London, ,visitedtheir parents over Sunday. L, Miss Anna Tiemrla {spent .the week -end in Crediton. Mr. and Mes. ;Geo. Powell and family of 'Medford ,spent ' Sun- day with Mr, and Mrs, D. Tiernan. Minis Grace Guenther of Mitchell visited in .town a few days `this weekk. Mr. Milford Koch and 'staters of Detroit, spent the holidays with their parents,. Mr and Mrs, Barry, Guenther Of Windsorspent the holidays with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Guenther, Dr, Taylor 'spent Thanksgiving Day at his home in London,. Thi Dashwood Band, attended e Armistice services in ,Exeter'on ,nd v. Mr. :Fred Iehl ifs on .the sick 1• th Ct LOCAL MARKETS. Potatoes per bag ...;., ,...:. ...... 1,00 Eggs __. ,,, 24-32-36 Butter ib.__. _ 40 Dried •apples Ib, ___ 9 Wheat i 1,25 Oats 42 Barley ..._- -,,,-...60 Buckwheat .--__--- _.:._ .. _,.,..,65 Flour .... 4.75 3.75 Shorts per ton__,_ ...34.00 Bran per ton_,_ -._.._ _ ._ 32,00 Egg's ._. .__ • .. .-. 44-35-24 Chickens 414 lbs and Lover Under 4 _ _ --- _._ ... .., 13-15' Old hens 41bas and over Hen's under 4 -lbs. _,. :_.. _._ ..., . 9 Ducks white 13e, colored. ;_,. ile Geese live 13e. dressed ._ .,. 20c T+;rkeys live 28c. dressed ,_._ 32c Live taogs, ewt. 12,00 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61. G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE. tt-34 list, we hope for Is: 'speedy Cee covery. Mrs. R. Baker is visiting in Loh - don. 1 t Mrs. P. Mcisaac ?z,as returned af- Ler spending a few tweeks in Detroit. Mr's. Geo Merner and Mrs., A. Tiernan are visiting in ;LDetrat ths week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Stade of Zur- ich visited in town on Sunday. DIED-Emberley-In ieashwood on Tuesday, Nov. 5th, Emanuel Em berley, aged 63 yea.re. MARRIED - Gale -Kraft- In the Lutheran Church, Dashwood, on Saturday, November 6th, Miss Pearl Kraft ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs,. H. L. Kraft, to Mr. Clarence Gale, both of Stephen& SCHOOL REPORT S. S. .No, 8, flay for and Oct. Names 'appear in order SJ merit. Jr. IV—Norman Walper. Sr. III—Arnold Gagstetter, Jr: IIs-Em,elia Rader, Ervin Ra- der, Pearl Wiegand*, Otto (Becker* Melton Wolper; Sr, II—Edward Gagstetter, Bar old Rader, Dorothy Rader, rJea Weber* • Jr, II -Elmore. Gagstetter, Lorn Bader, Emil Becker--- , • Sr I -Elgin Rader, ,Herbert Mil ler, Vernon Becker, Harold ;Schw t.entrube.r, n e Primer -Donald Oestreicher,Del- tan Schwartzentru.ber; Glen .Wal - per, Elfrieda Becker., Those marked * missed one or more exams. Number of . pupils on Roll 25. Average attendance. 22. Teacher, ,H W, .Brokenshire Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Reom 'IV, for the month of Cetober. Sr. V -Dennis Bedard, Hon Mewrvyn Schwalm, Lloyd biopic, JL4, ''1'-Ca,tlz,ern lzerner, (Stellaj: Cnllfscs, Lawrence How dd, C ar'nce; EFarwe1i, Grace Zettel, Napoleon Bedard ,Wilfred Ducharme. Sr. IV--Leelandt•1"illert . Hon;. Carl Ilaberer, Ron; L�aurene jSch,- -walm, Roe Leibold, `Richard ae- d4rd:, Nelda Schrval'n, Ruth 'Zee tel, 1 u Thur'. -days, Nev'earsl~ier IXt1►1, 1,9* r -- .....wraimmusalmusavasomilograorysigoimmune ................................... 1_ FURNITURE We have received a large shi, of new Furniture includin .lnen Living room, new diningroom suites, and rockers, ,kitchen cabinets, tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OP THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES; - BRING IN YOUIi. PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. HARDWARE A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, BRATTY WASH MA.CHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, . WIRE ,FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND CEMENT, LET US DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETRODUHINQ OR ROOF- ING( WE CARRY A PULL LINE OF leo% PURE MARTIN SENIOUR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES, Hardware � Furnitnre.Phone 63 SUPERTEST Gas and Goal • 011 TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH lc, lb. Kalbfiejsch Hardware -8c furniture. Johnston c� 1 What is A Nunn & Erie Debenture? It its the written promise of Vie 62 -year-old financial institution to repya at maturity the amount of your investment, and .'to ,pay in- terest half -yearly during the term at the good rate of 1 5 per cent. PER ANNUM Huron & 'Erie Debentures are; is- sued for $100 or more for one, ewer three, four or five yearts. Surplus security totals J6,850,000.00 Let me show you a sanaiple true - tee debenture before you invest a dollar of your savings:, Andrew F. Hess, - , Zurich MY MOTTOi--SERVICE AND SAFETY fit✓ 1. fns Ill k3 YJjI WILL? Painting and Paper banging 301111` WARD LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRA.NING, PAPERHANUINu Drugless Practioi .. DECORATING, WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS -WITH EVERY JOB WE eer and Optician DO. TRY US ON YOUR '' KTI SOTI.EXETER MOOR- Et R.EIC%KMEIER, AT WALPER ROS% ave ZURICH — O::• Every ae aY, id film a ;Mp. I - 1* - 414- I --+-g, 44- - i • We're Read Pon PALL TWlth an extraordinary showing— of the Season's; Newest Materials for Men's suits nEltE-35 WHERE YOU WILL FIN() PITIVELY THE 18IGG EST TAJILOR-.' ING VALUES EVER REAR() OFF. T YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITS' ECONOMY IN M, TAKING -- BUYING . THE MATERIAL DrRECT FROM T M < ILl1.,Fa r AND SELLING TO YOU. AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, jTHAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKWL BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. +%fiJ. H. H FEMA (MERC'H'ANT TAILOR. W. .n atone 'MAN & Soni, EM BALIIIER;II . AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS. Day and Night Phone NO cal it