HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-11, Page 5Y41WM30.4.. ta'w+ +cloys November l:A,tI 1926 DIES CMOS DuDLJ Y .iii C 1-10LIviE s "l it RtRISi'I'ER, SOLICITOR,. NOT- ARY PUBLIC, 'ETC. Source, Hamilton Street. Jaet off Square, GODS MCH, Ont, liSragselak attention to Counsel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be cosrsaalte 1 at otlierich by phone and phone charges reversed, Z. Knapp, IL D. S9 L IL Si. DENTAL SURGEON MAIN OFFICE — HENSALL ih 11. H. COWEN 1;, Oa tI1. D+ S. ENTAIL SURGEON 'fit D ITZ BLOC3I, ZURICH ev- `hursday, .Friday and Setups stry ' s/. Math Office I'EID'S i LOC , �a9A.SH /OOD OM'CLOP? M. Jones Nat- du®t® Carey ti l School of Auctioneering. Try Iplie for Registered Te m to keeping ck ISA IRO Breeds), : rices. Choice prevailing Will sell an90iing+ ,�, 4�a sale. iteralhers, 93 or .write. Zurich, Licensed Auctioneer licensed Auctioneer for to County Ralf Huron. In a position any auction sale, regardless Us to size or articles to sell, alslici't your business, and if not tus#]shied will make no charges atervItes. nanhwooa. :Ar•;thur Weber, - ,fie 13-61 r rillit••ffi••••••••#!•s•••••••••• A. Fres] and Salt Meats . ie)togas Sausages, leis a 2 Highest Cash Price far Woes fit 2 CASH FOR SKINS fa B1DES e• i rum, glikat A . 410 Doiche •• is �'gNilo•i•s•�sssN�••NaN • • •a1y Zurich A DIRKET ZURICH LiVERY T am in a position to accomo- •r date a19 requirement's in the Livery 'business, have Auto for hire. Any it3ting done in the teaming line. GEORGE J. THIEL 'Phone 5a Zuriieh,Ont. L I VE IIPOU WANTED 'Taken every day till 3 O'elock,p.m. ;iso riot heed fowl Isamu morning iwhen brought in. !Highest Cask Prices SR FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien Phone 94 Zurich_ Subject Re;: > I ighgrade Radio is a Nome Feature that you will be well leasedwith t h e ears of service. Wa � For Sale,, Lost, Found, Notice, late. Ads iN• TIES COLOMN FOR, SALE 111/13B RCASE BATTERIES $14.7:i Allowance will be nude per old Pattery. Store 'your battery ;for the winter with us. Also charge, Repair and Rebuild Batteries. Ne have Metalled an eeuiprm3nt for rebuilding and repairing Batteries Louie. Prang, Zurich, ]Ont. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE iii hereby given to all p-er:a,on's having claims against the ]Estate of Magdalena McCormick, late of the City ,of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, U.S.A, deceased who died leaving property with- in the Province of Ontario, to send the same duly verified to the un-. dersigned, on :nr before the 18th day of. November, 1926, after which date the AclministratriX will pro- ceed to distribute the tsaid estate among the ]persons entitled there-. to, having regard only to the claims of which Ishe then shall have had notice, and that ishie be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any :person of whose claims notice shall not then have been received. '. R. DAR.ROW, J. t"xaderich, Ontario. Solicitor for Pearl McCormick, Aaininistratrix of the estate of ;Magdalena McCormick, deceased. DATED at Goderich., October 26, 1926.. • WANTED DUTCH SETTS. We are in the Market for a limited ceuantity of Dutch Setts, beginning Monday, Nov. list. Setts must be thorough- ly dry •and put through fanning mill highest market price paid, J. Gesell() & Sons. NOTICE Orders taken for celery packed in crates for winter .use. J. Gaseho & Sons. NOTICE We are operating our cider mill on Tuesday and Thursday of each week, Merano Steckle, Bronson Line. t23 AUCTION SALE A joint Auction Sale of Con- signed articles ,will be held in Zur- ich in the near future Parties having any articlels they 'would like to disp'o'se of kindly noity either Oscar Klopp, auctiooneer, or Wm. S. Jobnato nClerk, and have them listed at once. STRAYED Unto my premises, Hay Town- ship, about July lot last a year- ling calf. Owner can have'same by proving property and paying expenses. Hy., Clausius, R. R. 1. IN MEMORIAM . Wurri —Anna. M. Wurm. In ead and loving memory of our clear sister and daughter? who 1ras,3pd away one year ago' ;to -.lay, 10th, 1925. Rest in: peace, thy .care,' are over; Rest in peace,. thy • work isdone; nYou aro gone where we ' ho love tyou Soon are coming one ty one.. • Loving- Mother, Sisters and pro - then. f - STRAYED Unto „my promise's Bronson Line six 'spring calves, taame came there on Oct. 24th. Owner call forisame and pay all costs. Philip Manse Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk issuer of marriage licenses. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insuerance Representing Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- ation, The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO E. C. Harvey & L. V. Hogarth -- Agent's Mutual Life of Canada EXETER -- ONTARIO COAL 1926 Or ,&1ti l' Abu' a hiss FOR THE GENUINE Prop. cart.. • 44,r'acy • SatiVIOA,. " "t•vick . Scranton: Coal ALSO CARRY,, Coke Pocahontas and Soft Coal - OOOD S11 PtY ON ,HAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARL, TO Case :: Son �. 5� • E� w - LOCAL It4 ZURICH &l.gli„al.l0 xwnw+WN.,•••MnM.n.MbY�n.M.."" ,""`4++rZr�...�.T1M...�r�! Mies :'era Sighed. ls�pent a : few dray. 1 est week. ,in Lond,on,Ews t:'r aa'en e and. ,C lalytenbt TLiiioi•.a.i, of Gait, talent the week :,n ! •11. their horn* ,'here, • A1i., a Pearl Loibolci of the Baby- lon i, i , is visiting .]rends at Gods rich, \l ;ssas iVlalton•Ray ituid• R. Allan of .Detroit, are ispending ,a few days at the formers hope here. Mr, Nesbitt woods .of Toronto, ,peUi. the w. 'le -2nd at ;Gurieln and 1 i y t H d c. Mr ,:and Mr:j, Henry Voll.and of Zucker ,inith ,wer: Sunday 'visitors with Mr .ones Mee. LoUi'ai Schilbel. Mr. and Mre, IW, F . Braun and family of Forest, 'agent Sunday at the hoose of Mr. &Wan,, Lamont. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, Mrs,. George '.Thiel and Miss (Flossie We- ber spent the week -end at Kitch- ener and Waterloo,. A !local Pitzz-Corbett •,conte;xti W`1.3 .'an •off in ,a public. .place the other evening, with the village Constable, acting as referee. It is said the referee saw ft'ot it that en - pave play prevailed through- out tho contest which lasted only ocie round, A unique event took place . io the home of Mr:, and Mrs, Henry ?+cosi last Friday evening when a double baptism was held. eRv. H. Recnbe officiated tit the christ- ening of Margaret Ann Fuca and Stewart Henry Adkins. The .eV- rcl'au°aged with then]. ent was preceded by a tasty fowl •tsaipperi 'The balance of ;the er- At the Liberal Convention held ening Was spent by listening to et Hensel' lad week, it was decid a fine Atwater Kept Radio set, p ed not to enter a' candidate in the S Huron riding, so the fight will be left to Alex. Neeb, Conservative and W. D. Medd, ProgreiSsive. Some real fine days have have gr.eet:•d us during the past week, end farmers as well as others ere busy doing their late .:work, and 't looks al though we might have some real nice weather this month y et which 73 badly• needed and wo- uld be wel-ogee to the farmers. To those whoa m'mo:y is not so gco•1 we might mention that last year at this time theg round • /was frozen up with some (snow on the grou s 1. Another demonstration and co- operation of church loyalty voas seen on Sunday night when after the regular preaching tservaoe the members of Lnman' 1 Evangelical Church 7ur'ch 1 dJed th m elves to liquidate the debt of the build- ing fund. The 'pastor took ch- arge 'of this 'service and in a short time the debt was covered- with an over isubscription of one hundred and fifty doll'tr's for good meas- ure Thus before the end of the family (spent Thanksgiving at Conference year this congregation !the home of Mr.- and Mra. Jas. of about 20) members ,will contrite- Carnie, Miss Leila Siebert deft on Tues- day morning for Detroit. . , 1\lesarn Lloyd Sararas ;and Ray. P inh .r of Kitchener, were? 'holiday vieitors here, Rev. and Mies, t. M. Geiger of Cliesloy visited with the former's parents, Mr..Cyrwsa choi h fspent the week --enol at his horse near Kitch- ener. Dr. and Moe. H. 11. Cowen and Mrs. Chas, Fritzz ,spent • Sunday, with friends in London(, t Lost between here ,and Shipka a Ford Baloon tire pith rim at- tached. Finder kindly return to John Hey, Jr, c . Workmen are engaged putting nn asbestos shingles on the house in tho village owned by t1he G; .Merner estate. Messrs. Frank and ]Wan. Siebert, E. Se]Leifle, FI, Pfile, J. Bonson and R. ,Schantz,,.:of Detroit, (.spent the <.veelc-endat the home of Siebert, Mr. Peter Ravelle has improv- ed his dwelling quarteI,a by the addition of a neat little kitchen at the rear end. Tha Misses Celia and Charlotte Farwell from Detroit, !spent the week -end wit's their parents, IVIr. and Mrs.. P. Farwell. Miss Luella piano tsolo's by Miss Cochrane, p piano and Saxophone cluetia,`•th" tater instrument being played by 'Tat" He.s, and popiiLar and folk ta.ongs, BLAKE, Miss Lydia Cingerichiof Seaforth spent last weak under 'the ,parental' roof. - M:GW J. Tough. returned home afire a pleasant visit 'with friends in Llyth. Mr. and Mra. Sam Hey and fam- ily agent Sunday. att jie home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hey Sr., of Zerieh. Mr. and Mrra. Jake Kennel and family, accompanied by Mr Miele Kennel, :spent the week -end ",with friends down east, Mr i.and Mrs, Fred W. Hess of Henaoll, spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr; and Mrs, Jas. Carnie.. Mr eind Mr':;, Gordon, Manson of Blyth spent the week -and with fri. ands in the vicinity. Miss Margaret Tough spent the holidays under the paeental rgof Mr. sand Mee R. N. Douglas and ute in cash and pledges between rine and" ten thousand dollars for religious purposes. Very fitting- ly this Thanksgiving service was closed by 'singing "Praise God. from whom all blessings Flow". ace at the ho.•ne of Mr. and Mra. BEFORE THE MAGISTRATE Ross Johnston, Bronson Line ;on Ilvlonday evening last, when a- Magi!atrate Reid of Goderich„ 0)ur twenty-five of 4lheir rolati- held court. at Wingham on Friday I ves pre lent "d Mrs. Johnston with last in the case of David Shapiro a Su rih'11e Bag, which ,was filled charged with fraud in connection t i c:ap.-ac'ty with beautiful gifts, it with the :gale of a business at being the anniversary of her birth Wingham. Shapiro was comm- dey, and who also .has been in poor fitted for trial by a judge !and 'heelth far a number sof month3.The was released on $1,000 ,bail. Ooi Friday afternoon, in • Goderich, . Herbert Warm of Zurich was con- victed on a charge of housebra- aakking and wars sent tto jail for 30 dayts. On Thursday afternoon in the town Hall, Zurich, Gordon Zirk appeared before the Magistrate for running into a buggy from behind ai night. He was fined $10 and costs, in all some $23,00 Mr. and Mrs. ,Thos. Meyers and faniliy ‘.apnet• the holday wiith fri- end, ip the village. r BIRTHDAY CGREETINGS .\ v •r<; lerlpy ,evens: tor)k,pl• e, event .,a't's a g reat pleasure as well as surprise tob e Iso kindly rem- embered by her friends. The ev ening was most pleasantly 'spent in social talk and games, after which they all left ;for their homes each and all hoping to 'see Mr,, Johnsto livery soon restored to her usual health. Relatives were pr- esent from Blake, Zurich, Stanl"y, Fullerton and Mitchell. '"ttiee4satt ;ea Yes nen, theyare sna -proof! r -r it's §nag -Proof, Men! And Yon Know What That Means In A Rubber Boot You know it means longer wear, more comfort and cheaper footwear. You know it means. you' will not have to buy rubber boots as often as before, because Life -Buoy "Snag Proof" boots will last you longer, The Kaufman laboratories have found the way to cure rubber without the perishing heat used heretofore. The LIFE and elasticity are left in Life -Buoy Rubber. A specially woven 'fabric base is used, every fibre of which is permeated and impregnated with purest -fluid rubber. This means a moisture -proof, non•rotting base for the high. grade Kaufman -cured rubber surface. ',- There is no substitute for Life -Buoys. They ask for them by name, The Kaufman Rubber Co., Ltd. ln` lrio Dr, Al J. MacKinnon., Zurich Tr�tyv4MMPJlFlmMmfUellMmrmhmw1+!Rk Frage 14.1.n. .M%.,rMFiM.mnFZvn+„w1A..lR.MPUNI!+1M1!FYh1!1r`pllV!'owMW W WVM Y WW k% €•lWW k' wWMit6 Vii, Zurich Drug Store School Sup lies We have a complete Stoc'kof ever thin -.n. .. essary in this line for the Sobool Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks. Also a fine supply of the High School Books used in the Fifth Class j 1 HERE WE HAVE IT COMBINATION DOORS THE DOOR TIIAT SERVES FOR WINTER AND iSU; I111EK BY TAKING OUT iTTIE SCREEN AND REPLACING A GLASS SASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS THERE. No need of taking off a ;shabby looking screen door teachfall and trying to find a ispot .on the frame to .surely fasten a batten door which darkens the repel. and soils ;the outside 'appearance of the hour:. STANDARD SIZES ALWAYS 3;'v STOCK. ODE; ODORS '_YIAdE TO ORi.ER Place your order for Storni Sash Now; and have •them when the cold weather cones, th:, 'eh,. ea-, ing tons of .coal. . + . ICALBFLEISIC PHONE 69 - ZURICH r .. 4. o 4 4. 4. +++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++4++++++++++++++4.$i. WATCH This Space for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGLY WHEELS, HESS - ZURICH •••I••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HARD COAL We have made arrangements whereby we can supply our custom ers with the . very best grades of Scranton Anthracito' Coal. Leave your order with us and we will fill I them as shipments arrive. GOOD SUPPLY OP BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK PE - FDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND WE (AIM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe Zurich A