Zurich Herald, 1926-11-11, Page 4life o' ...n..-.'?vti,tt4.+ �?t-'MciP .. PncNwwxur.wvwrMl.�.4wM�.4 X Md'r,.S �.rex�x •,vN.r.kr xxta'rusus?�!N9R•"-uis•'� )r.i On the 3rd of Eac 9 :ZURICH HERALD L]D [Mora Dr lr'sS :with is br'ic'k hnomp and 'bank barn •and ,all nt'c e::, fury buildings, pig 'stable, lieu house, Plenty of good water, ,well 'site.tatt'cl well fenced, convenient to 1st:hoot and church. Immediate posses- sion, 20 acres of fall plowing done and balanceseeded down. FOSSES -1 mare 10 ,yr'$4, horse 4 3 ee. old. CATTLE -6 cows milling ,due to calf in April and May, 2 town rami a heifer: ane .to -,calf on December 7 yearlings, 6 Hepring ;calves, these cattle are of the very best and in. good condition. SR t1ti CNcli ativa-, oft e Yews of its business life has added to the Bank of Montreal strength and capacity, for financial service. November, 1817, the Bank established its first office. At this, the beginning of its 110th business year, the Bank, through the medium of over 600 offices located throughout Canada and Newfoundland, in Great Britain, France, the United States and Mexico, offers unix-' celled facilities in all departments of, domestic and foreign banking. BANKO? MONTREAL FOR SALE A Gurney, Base Burner treating s:t'ovq. Apply to Hy. ,Galiman. COUNTY NEWS. equirrels nest containing .12,75 'Trifternuts was found in ,Hay sW- atrnp by 'Hilton Ford; It Tooke laws if the squirrels were preparing lea. a hard winter. An auto accident •t took place ton 'Tao London Pld. north of Wm. 'Welsh's gate When an ,auto from i enrich ran into a (home and buggy ;1n which were Mrs. Kinsman and dMiss Emma Welsh. The •psceup- '-tants were thrown out•\tmnd Miss ei+ah was injured 'in `,,t e knee and . Kinsman was badly !shaken !rup. The buggy was smashed and 'Alio horse slightly hurt. . Seven years in •the penitentiary ewaa the :sentence meted (out to -;:f ihn Jardine, oi Goderich, by'tho Man. Justice Smith, at the Ball sit inga of assizes court at Goderich 'The offense was a ;serious one. Among the addition's ;which, ac- :nording to announcement made by loon. G. S. eflury, are to be made ito the system of Provincial high- nway's, is the road from Elginlield au 'Middlesex Co. to•Cl:nton., The r,geortion of this road in Huron co- -minty is known as ,the London road 7r:zed is about 35 miles in length;. 'The county will be assessed 20 per :cent of the cast lei improvement `4inti. maintenance, i 3Valter Slater, wh.o #for many ye- eahs has lived on the Hay bound- ery line about two 'mile's west of ..11Kippen, died in: London Ilaspital :and was, buried. on Saturday last Rfrmaa St. Andrew's United Church. Tis was long and favorably known rn the district as a fine honorable Iran, was never married but a Ma- iden ester, who ded la few years ago, kept house for him and bis bother Andrew, who is nor: left ,alone as the last of the family, "Rev, R. A. Lundy conducted' the thnneral services. Daniel "Trow, son of D'oe' Crow vtrlae was arrested v, ith his father -''the other morning at their home ''.on the Saugeen Reserve, in con- nection with the fatal shooting of ^Gant iIc:Kay, in the woods on tire' 4srrm • of Daniel Mathie'soe,• ;betty-'• mea the 2nd and dth Concessions of brace, has broken down ini the co- -may jail, at Walkerton, and has :rade a written 'statement to the rotancial officer; 'in which head- ai;itted firing the shot !which reisul- •«'tsd in the death of young MaKay wt rcow was closely questioned and ''red far the truth, and in his ++, suternent he said that when he Abieard• the commotion in the fields sad joining the ,woods, with the :Awaking of his own ,dgo and those -alit the intruders, he .became scar- eosiiil and took down "the rifle, He atinied that he deliberately fired Alta t4hot at young MacKay or at =any other person, they- might be Asesred away.. CREDITON Iuz, 3 sons and 3 daughters were born to them. One -Son predeceas ed father 42 years ;ago and mother died 13 years ago;. . The depart- ed had. disposed •of his 'farm and was moving his h©useholdheffectsee to his, nee �v home in Crediton and was looking forward for ,a, most restful evening .of life. Harrison Holtzman of Detroit, visited here over Sunday, he was accompanied home with his wife and family, who were ;visiting e ith Mrs. Joe Heist. Mr. and Mrks. Sam Pinkbeiner, ;sws* 'ed to their farm onorth of ,Cr- !Edith, Sweitzer s visitng £rends sats eetroit. z Mr. and Mrs. Will Schroeder, rare, moved unto the farm of Wil- sn Anderson. Mrs. D. Mclsa:ac ,and son Lees 'rex, accompanied by Francis Ci- trate I-2itt : xetur.rel haul, after ,vi'.it'ngin '^iii!litiroit. The Young People's Leagneof 'We ,Evangelical church held a alraitowe'en 'social at the, ;home of 4 r, and Mrs, God. Wein, the home Opsit' nicely decoratedlr, IN. Ernest Guettinger went to London Hospital for treatments. INfioh. rinlbeiirer was born !Fel). "; 1866E near Crediton anddied on '4106t. ,30, 1926, after a very brief ill- Amts. In Aug, 1887e2 he was united mlarriage to Preccerikit Rothe HENSALL James Park who left al short time ago for Toronto, 0. in Cal- ifornia, where ,he has eeured a; ery good position. .Geo. Fee who went nest on a harvest trip to hie farm in Saf.ik• has returned home. The auction of household effects of Mrs.Neelands was held the other day bringing fair ,pr-- icee. The real estate wap not •sold. Mr, and Mrs. Roy Neeland and Mrs, Arthur King pf Chicago, attended. the sale. John St act-, who has been vis- iting his son in iHr.iilaton for some time, returnee h me. Thos. Drummond while..aworking in his barn, fell from the loft, hurt • ing his arm and shoulder, and re ceiving a' bad ,shaking •.u:p. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robertr4?n r who have been valued residents: of Hensall f or the last two yeapa, moved their ef£eets to Farquhar, where he has purchases al black 'smith business. Geo. Brock, who leased his shop and,business two years ago to Mr. Robertson, is back on the jjob again. - Joseph Hudson moved into the cottage across from the Post Of- fice, Thos, Appleton is movng into the house vacate,! by R. Robert- son and Jas. Sangster is moving into the house vacated ,by T. Ap- pleton 'tthich he recently pinch arse d. Mr .and Mrs. Owen Geiger re- ceived the sad. news of the death of their 11 -yr. -old grandaughter, Huth. Geiger, in London. She was up taking her music 'lesson on the third floor of a big building and 'when finshed her lesson used the freight ele vat•e.r to descend to the ground floor and her body became caught bet'tve. n the elevator and flooring as 'the elevator .ascended, She was wedged so tightly in the narrow space that it was neces- sary for a section .0L the city fir'? department to cut away a portion of the flooring to permit extricat- ion of tyle remains. Life Was ex- tinct when the fi.remne reached the scene of the tragedy. sot. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brand, of Alt'izrston, visted the latter's ;mo- ther, Mrs R. Mawhinney. Dr H.. J. Browning and Dr. W. E. Weeks were last !week conduct- ing a medical examination sof the .scholars in the public ,school, AUCTION SALE OF FARM, P ARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, AND HO'USEHOLL EFFECTS, In Stephen Tp, :on Lot 19, Con;. 13 i1{ ;mile south of Dash- wood, on TUESDAY NOVEMBER 16th, 1926, at 12.30 (o'clock sharp the following— REAL ESTATE -100 acres ;farm EXETER The death took place in Xx- eter on Saturday last of Mrs. R. Kerslake, who passed away at the age of 70 years, 1 month and 26 days, following an illness pf a few weeks from pneumonia. Thz deceased had been a resident of Exetewr for • ten years, having. moved here from, a farm in Us - borne TR, Archie, the infant ton sof Me and Mrs Roy Weber sof town suf- fered painful burns by corning in centaet with a hot stove. The palms of both hands and onearm from the wrist to elbow here bu- rned. 4r Harry M. Greb won the 3rtl Car- to strh.olarrship for the County of Huron, value 810, The Corte rlseht ola:rshipY are awarded annually throuugh the Dept, of Edueat'-ion in nearly every country in Ontario A candidate reu.st pass !eight Pee pens in Upper School, including 'English., algebra and geometry. The money romeis fror'g ea bequest through the Carter estate. - iY1r. irnd M.'s, ,C, F, Hooner have r oir ne.d i n'i't aft'^r rupenel.ing •sev eral we l i in To;ontb and Wind,. HOGS -1 sow dun lin Jantu ry, 2 'SOWS lsuppo'sed to bel in pig; .1 200 -lbs, pig, • HENS -200. pure .bred white egLhorn hens, it dozen 'pure bred white Leghorn aoosters IMPLEIVIENTS-1 Chevrolet 0. touring oar 1920 modelln A 1: con- dition, M.N. binder 6 -ft. out, mower wagon, gravel box, new top bug- gy, 4eseclion harrows, • McCormick 'fertiserli drill, Doering 12 -hoe fer- tilizer drill nearly .new; (set double harness, single harness, Viking ,cr- eam separator 600-1b capacity, )c'wt-- ter, shotg un, _c -cut saw, spring tooth cultivator, root polp-1, ,cat- tle trough, 3 grain bangs, and eaw, crow bar, bag truck, faun ingmill, bobsleighgs, neckyokes, whippletrees, " disc, forks, shovels, logging chains, 20 loads Alfalfahay 1600 bushels ,nixed grain, e :tension ladder. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 2 ir'Pn beds, springs and.. mattress, cook stove, tables, lounge, $11101eboard,, dressers, clock, a full cline of quilts and bed cloths, carpets, .a quan- tity of fruit and (sealers, milk pails 2 barrel's, phonograph, 12 single. cord hardwood ready for •the'stove churn, a number of ,chairs, and numerous other articles. TERMS—All sums of l$10 and un- der •cash, over that amount 121 months credit will be given on furnishing approved jjoint notes, with a discount -of .3% off for cash1 on credit amount's. REAL EST ATE—IIalf cash on day ,of sale, balance may be loft on a mort- gage for 3 years without interest. Everything is going to be sold as the proprietor is going to ree- tire from farming. Arthi.r Weber, Auctioneer. Wm Deitrich, Proprietor John Greybeil, Clerk. M.w,...YNwnry.r., qp Y14.r...M—r+.I+�MMI The egley,, November Hurn' 194• sli lN° 4. :,. v ;,.til,. e 4.its la .4.,I deur ±dE let 41' &a New , ) ,r)' .., JE T. !'. + -Having been appoi-nted district 4 .:1:gent for the above celebrated gig Carr, 1 will be pleased at any ., 4 4 + y76' ALL KINDS-- —NEW BATTERIES IN STOCK.;" er 't° AUTOS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULID BY EXPERT dt,. zl2RCHANIC.`, SATISFACTION IS OUR MOTTO. ` GIVE i' 't DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE. - rii 4. � tt a. 4. Plow points to fit nn at makes of plows 4. . 4. at greatly reduced prices w, e time I: WILL ALSO GIVE EXrPERT St':tf.VlfCE OF BATTERIES I. TiNgaEL, The Fall Millinery. Trade has opened up with a rulsh and the reason is found in the !attractive -Kew Hats we are !showing. Charm- ing harming in: all the glory of Pall ere these lovely Hats. You will find it za genuine pleasure to select ,your new IA U Ri7AYZY hat Iftl'om this gay assess- .f ts'v'Bt✓ lel age. The new high crow ns. are geneiouily represented; We - iVe ,are enthused over our Millin ery this train. used too and pleased with the reacoa;ab1s prices SEE OUR NEW PARLOR': • IN THE GASCHO BLOCK so �r'�.G _ sows,' .. r v.1tJn ....� ..,.,,., V. V. Siebert, Zurich You will as well. ,be -.. \�\1nI ��j11NdJill,nl„nii;�il�''jlllllllll►lililsllf�!•l:�fjll�+;+f�•t4�ilAi411i%9t��j�'.''i�11j�,11u11191Sd11(/'✓ edilitili,1110100111111111111111,11111111,111111,,,,.,,,mullilh �,�' uer-Can You Find the Twins?-ve No, they are not all twins! Two and only two are identical, and are the twists you are asked to find. Can you? To be sure, the 111. pictures all look alike; but look closer. Trow about their hats? There are other differences, tow Read the clues. Only two girls are exact duplicates. They are Twins --ea ,you find them? "CLUES..,.., At first glance all of the pictures look alike. But upon examination you will see that almost every one differs In some way from all the others. In some the difference may the in the light or dark band on the brim of the hat or in the brimming or the hat o' the collar. Or, some may wear necklaces, or ear -rings, or both. Only two are exactly alike. No, it's not as easy as if" looks. You must search carefully. Just look closely—make sure that you have the twins, then send in your answer. Some* body who finds, the right twins is going to win a big prise. Make that "somebody" be YOU. First Prize $2,000,00 MAXIMUM AWARD This is one of the greatest array of Cash Prizes 'ihat has ever been offered in a Mail and Empire Puzzle Contest. That's what it is, folks—aqd you can be p, winner. The prizes range from $2 to $50 and from $50 to $2,000. All prizes Avila be awarded in time to reazciu the winners by Christmas Day. Think of it! You can win as much as $2,000. Yes, sir; $5,000 in cash prizes may be wenn in this interesting puzzle contest, and will be awarded promptly after December llth. There will be 50 winners and the First Prize, the golden eppozrtuaity. $2,000 1N CAM- Won't A ILWon't that be a wonderful Christmas Gift? In the event of tires for any prize. duplicate prizes will be awarded. 1,000 nounswinsFirst Prize. We will give you 950 points for finding the Twins. laza. mediately upon receipt of your correct answer, we wall send yea particnIsrs of a word. building conte, in which, if successful, yo u earn the final 6O points wired to win is $2,000.00 First Prize or one of the 49 other Cash Prizes. MAIL YOUR ANSWER TODAY Now, find the Twins. Write the numbers in the coupon below, fill to your name ant address,, and mail it to the Puzzle Manager. Get started for the Big First Prize. Puzzle Mgr., Roont' 207, THE YMAIL AND EMPIRE, Toronto, Canals Minis, .11.0,.,_ Salilm.i.. i•••••• Own.. ,M.... TWIN:. PUZZLE COUPON I Puzzle Manager„ 1toorn S$1 THE MA & EMP1R... Toronto, Canada. Numbers wad tbe I rat Friars II twins that I have found. If . these -am $2,000 correct please give mire the 050 points' ani 2nd Prise ,!1.000' �' tell rite liow'to gala ttnal.. L polus to 3r'd Prise a ` $700 win •First Prtle. 4th Prise POO 5th Prim . $200 ! game , .. , . . . 6th Pride . a ........ $100 !! •w"v . �..• .:.,Sw..JM•' wew.ww 7th Prize..... $100 I Potatoce nth Prize. X100 9th Prize $100 •,. 1 10th Prize. llth to 50th Prizes, inclusive.. . 5:Q: CASH.PRIZES L.. below are the maximum prizes you can win. $100 Street or $10It.F:t3. Ne... •�....,... r...a. ` r...... nskam .,-,......w..,..,i .,� _au.Mrn�au�sla, ,:,�=ma�us►T�5�1�'.��:.uo.' ..