HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-11, Page 2.,.,.,,r.,,i ... ..• _ elle.
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Docks an'a farm aro nee an upreiti- goad jab. No better of more lasting
gated evil, though I am very 'sura I wall could bo constructed, and the stty-
shou d not buy a rocky teem for the ing in cement is in p'roport:cn to the
sake of the rocks; I would prefer to size of the reeks used and the solidity
haul the rocks front some other man's of the rack work, though if smel reeks
farmif 1 hada choice in the matter, aro used ut wid? not do to place them
An uncle of mine hada farm that so close es to prevent a strong binding
was rocky all over, and he made rock of the Dement -and -stand concrete,
fences that were still standing when A farmer who wanted to build a
be 'died sten. -good old age, and 1 guess machine shop and hnpler • of shied
still doing service as hired a rock -crusher to'toile to his
fent of thein bb b ace and crush the rock he bad picked
fences and rabbit harbors. � never p�''
was impressed with his rock fences, up and hauled: The crusher was to
though -there can be no doubt that they cost hint $1 a yard of crushed rock
served their purpose well: and basted with a minimum of 50 yards,d crushing,
w h
with the best fences, built as he built was a lot cheaper than haz
them; and considering that the iia- 1 and made his rock • supply cost him
terial was near at hand and had to low, With his ton truck, on a rocky
m the fields,hie Plan was hi•11'side, it was no hard job to gather
art right
takers from o
ht for his day. Now I think the rocks needed. Quite e few farmers
'we can find better use for the rocks, have crushers of their own, and in
Mymeek, also need a good many some cases several farmers own a
rocks to build .a dam across a draw crusher. jointly.
that was cutting a cultivated field in Concrete is the most lasting mate -
two, and the dam caused the draw to rias we can use on the farm for the
fill until there was but a slight de- purpose that it serves, and it can be
pression. The was done gradually, adapted to a great many purposes at
bat before he died the terrace above that—silos, farm buildings, troughs,.
the, waft was above his head when he manure pits, scale pits, floors for feed -
stood in the draw bow vt. ' Ings, walks and curbs, and numerous
Concrete work calls for an abun- other things. One farmer I know peen
dance of rock, ,and an excellent con- ed his barnyard in the semiciree that
orate wall six inches or more in thick- is formed by the buildings, from the
ness 'can be made with a big saving in edge of the lawn back, so there will
cement and Labor of rock crushing if be no mud between the house and the
the rocks are usevd'• whale and the con- buildings. His arrangement is excel•.--
crete poured around them. To de this ent, for the stock does not come inside
it is only necessary to see that at least the tine of the buildings. The poultry -
a half-inch of space is left .between house, machine shop, implement shed,
the rocks and the forms. Mix the ce- cow barn, silos, manure pit and horse
ment with sand, in the proportion of barns a1 harder this concrete yard,
one part to two, and have the mixture while a driveway enters from the
thin enough to run down among the highway, along one side^ of the "Jawn,
rocks freely; then build up the rocks runs back to the paved yard and out
just •ahead of the filling so the corn- to the road again at the other edge of
orete can be worked down to insure a the lawn.
Home Fattening.
Ie it best to fatten at home? That
depends upon conditions. If you are
planning to kill for market, by all
Selecting Stockers and
In selecting stocker and feeder cat-
tle the buyer should keep in mind beef
means first fatten the birds. You may type, breeding, uniformity, quality.
take ever so much pains with the kill- and development for age, says Prof.
ing, dressing, wrapping and packing Wade Toole of the Animal Husbandry
but if the birds are of poor quality Dept. O.A.C. AM cattle so se'le'cted
or are not fat, you- have wasted your should at :'east be sired ley •a pure-bred
time. A dressed bird never will be a bull and should show as much breed
better grade than when it was living character as possible. Blood tells,
but it does pay to dress them for and, if it is practicable, it is well to
market if you have the time and can select cattle which show similarity in
fatten them first. breed character, because this makes
There are two ways to fatten chick- for uniformity and uniformity always
ens. I has a market value. For - instance a
One way ieto put them in a•small I carload •of cattle of the same breed
pen., ellowing about one ,and one=half land color, of equal weight and finish
square feet of floor space for each will generally meet a more ready same
bird. If there is more space, the birds Ithan a mixed' ea. Quality=pis important
will exercise too much. If less space'and size for age is a factor because
is allowed, the weaker ones will be stunted cattle rarely come back and
tramp' -ed upon as well as be crowded' make the gains that thrifty cattle de.
away front the feed. The troughs or It is well to select cattle that are low
feed pans should be on blocks at least to the ground, showing short, broad
four inches above the floor to keep the heads with strong muzzlesand with
chickens from standing in. "the feed. -plenty of heart girth and middle giv-
Do not keep feed before them all of ling every indication of being able to
the time. Give only what they evil handle large 'quantities of feed to ad -
eat in half an hour then fi11 the vantage. The long-legged, shallow
troughs with' water,. until the next bodied, wasp-waisted, weak -muzzled,
feeding time. Feed either a prepared cat -hammed steer is almost invariably
fattening mash or mix one at home.' a poor doer and a money Loser. As
Give cracked corn soaked in milt or mentioned ‘esevehere, the original
water for the evening feed. If possible, weight of feeding cattle is important,
fatten the young chickens in a separ- ;because whatever spread in price the
ate pen from the ,old ones, as they feeder shows, of course, a profit on
need a longer time since they are 1 this original weight, and for short -
growing as well as fattening. 1 keep' steers the heavier feeder often
The other way to fatten is to use • gives a greater chance for profit,
crates as in the commercial feeding whereas for the long -keep cattle light-
er steers are often selected.
eeries geek/, ar!ic4's
cppyrva 'fere.
When giving a mortgage deal only
with reputable firms or individuals
and get depend•abl•e legal advice. The
terms of payment of principal and in-
terest vary a great deal. Very often a
first mortgage should be what is called
a straight mortgage or one on which
interest only is paid- periodically and
the principal not until the encl of five
years. This is particularly desirable
when a second' mortgage naust also be
carried as in this case substantial
perio:iieai payments plus :accrued in- with a serious sense of the future, ad-
tei'sst must be made on the principal. vantages or disadvantages, that may and ventilation.
You should net only consoler the arise :from the careful or negligent
terms et mortgages in relation to your
own ability to pay, but also as they
a.l'fect the sale of your property at any
What are the chief considerations in
selecting a Irome-bu'il'ding plan? Ar-
ranged in order of importance they
are roughly as follows: Economic lee
cif materials and labor; Convenience;
Comfort; Interior attractiveness; Ex-
terior attractiveness; Fi�aish.
Building a home is a serious busi-
ness, and You should undertake it only
study of those eeatures which make
a home 'valuable or the reveese:
It 1s'w ell' to reverse what would seem,
at first sight, the logical method of
planning a, home. Don't look at Your
dream house from the outside inwards."
Roost at it from the inside out. Try
to place yourself in imagination inside
it. Study the arrangement of the
rooms, stairs, etc„ take into consbdera-
tion the saving of steps, the later In-
stallation of liabor-saving devices, the
question of lighting, passages, cups
boards, windows, recesses, heating
One of our professors at College• and justice. Teach them to like goods
once said. that he could preach a ser- booke and goodinusic.
mon on the two little words, "take
time to read. As a voter, it
not only is your privilege but is your
tine." I do not know what he might duty to keep posted on current 'affairs.
have said in such a sermon but I have Do not vote for a certain individual
often thug t off this counsel
and life. have because he runs on the ticket of the
tried to p y party to which your husband or father
1391 : elle.. ' : 1X� -.k`' The life of the farm woman is of beriongs, but vote for hint because he'
necessity full, I have learned this is the hest mean! Read the classics.
from experi:ance and yet niy advice to Good literature wi71 both rest and up -
all fare women is "take time" to livel lift you.
Learn to work for speed and efficiency Take time to care fox yourself. Be
in your houseevork. Drain your dishes as careful to make yourself attractive
of wiping a presumablyy un- in the eyes of your husband' as you
sanitary towel over them. Use a pretty were when he was your lover. Pay
oil -cloth table cover that can be wiz ed especial attention to your hair, your
off after every meal. Teach the chil- nails and your clothes. Have outside
dren to put things away after using interests which will take you among
them. Do not spend time to iron cum- women who have something else to
hien sheets, pillow slips and other talk about than their neighbors' af-
artici:es which aro just as wellheand, fairs. Active thought stands off a''d
Size 10 requires 3 yard's 86: inch ma -
maintain—better without • it. age.
% lining. 20 cents. which covered the spots nicely. But c These are but a few of the tine uszmvers Take time for picnics and pleasure
tectal, yardg soon finer, marks began to show which can be usd and thus permit en excursions with your family. Take
Our new Fashion Book dress
around the doors aricl'no'amaunt af.tmore time to ":ice." time to get "snaps" of your children
many styles showing how to dress boys 1,:r>T would remove thAm. Whiff:e i Take time to get acquainted with as they are growing up.They Drill
and girCs. Sinip_'_city is the rule r well cr p s painting g • �; ,.o legsand :.':owerpart : those chdldren of yours. They need mean Much to you in later life.
children. Clothes of clvtractcx Paintu.,o the Oat i and s mriath Take time for spiritual life. Your
dressed ch f the stave with black enamel I con- your comradeshipy Y,
d' -tante abe •e ai _law he :' h interest them, body.
So I might go on and on, saying
take time to do these things which,
after all, are not for time but for
them daily lessons in honor, kindness eternity. Think them out for yourself.
This chic little two-piece drees with
skirt joined to lining top has groups
of plaits in front and hack to give the
necessary fulness Long sleeves •gath-
erect into narrow wrist bands, and.a Jan Masaryk
turn -down collar are attractive and zecho=Slov, Jan minister to•Great
becoming features. No. 1391 is for C
girls in sizes 8, 10; 12 •an'd 1•i years. Britain.
d individuality for the junior folks 1 o' . 'e e their ages.Show an inter- soul -needs feed even more than your
are hard to buy, but ear/ to•mal e with ceived the idea of painting an equal i whatever their
1 hi the ' ells on est in the, things whit y
our patterns. A male amount of e
money spent on good materials, out on � 'wt -i doors with the black, The •effect Learn their strong points and help to
: lime. will give• children the' is very I :'easir.,' and now no 'finger develop them: Remember that you are
simple , ;marks can be scan.—L. B their most 'influential teacher. Give
privilege of wearing .adorable things. _
Price of the book 10` cents the copy.
1IOW TO ORDER PATTERNS. Use for. Surgeon's Tape.
Write your name and address plain-
ly, giving numl<er And size of su_h
plants. Be sure the crates are not in
a draft. A room in a barn, the drive-
way of the corn crib (if there are
doors at the end) or a pace in the
poultry house may be used. A crate
twenty-eight inches wide, thirty-six
Breeding Sows for Two
Litters a Year.
In discussing the breeding 'of sows
The adhesive tape that every medi-
cine covet hedids may be very useful.
patterns as you winnt. Enclose 20c In in other houc•elio'•d ways than that of Miss Allison noticed that the wind
stamps or coin (coin preferred; wrap helping to hold in place the small i was rising. She glanced from the win'- of these children come from over a
it carefully) for each number and bandages ,occasioned by cuts and l dew and saw that snow was beginning mi:ie away. Whim the time comes,"
burns. Ona of the best of these is its ' to fall- she, added smiling, "there will' be a
corking salt -cedars both di- "That is'stran'ge.," she said to her-, way!,way!,victual ones:large use in C o °' and 1!arones. lies. Cut a salt• "Tree sun was shining a few, Thema were no lessons at lett that
tiny strip of the adhesive tape to cover moments age. It is probably just a afternoon. The children sat two in
he rk 1•o1a of the sa -t-ce'tar's liese, cloud pissing over." a seat and the time was spent in all
Brighttening the Kitchen. i the sa t-ce• a
Stonn-Bound. get 'home before the storm is any
"We couldn't do that," said Miss
Allison. "Look at those: drifts- Some
address your order to Pattern Dept,
Wilson Publishing Co., 73 West,.Ade-
laide St., Toronto. Patterns sent by
return mail. --_
i I r. Place" the tape The snow, however, continued to fail sorts of ways. First Miss Payne read
•• er the cork openin;•. This wit'. o•-!ini- and the wind blew harder and harder. a story, then one of the boys recited,
So often there is . no wood hex; over I B noon the air was thick with snowthey sang a son
place in 1115 kitchen for a wool hex; � mate the i�rri�batuzg trouble with corks driven before a gale from the north•^ then g•
the crdinaay oras is a catch-all for, that fall out of the salt cellars and get g Once one of the children, :ooking
and trash of any kind .and is > lost. The tape is permanent t '1 you Miss Ai:ison's room was getting cold out of the window ,at the piling snow,
paper m s ite of the bi• stove in the corner. a
consequently an eyesore. I have hadI wish to fill the salt -cellar again. MisspPayne,the other teacher in the wondered how they were ever going
a window seat built of sera lumber; i Bottles that have no corks may ,alsoto get•home.
he :id lifts and is held in place be covered with the adhesive tape little country schoolhouse, appeared in "It isn't time yet," said Miss Al:ii-
t hingedson. "When it is time there will be
with a button which is attached to one I rvhei standing in the medicine e]oset. the I doorway. cold in here," she said, "you
side of the frame. This protects the l For marking children's rubber slicky a way and a good one."
?ass while the box is barns fit' d'. !ere or ruin capes anti- rubbers, ad- had better all come into >ny room with "Trot's sing a song' about sp'r rig,"
g4 suggested Miss Payne.So they sang
d the f •o` 'te spot of i he5iv^ tape is way useful. Write the Your punches, It is much warmer in
When e le it is
i • itr •i .a� . r
the whole family. Being roar ih'e! owner's noire in indelible lost upon the there for we don't feel the wind so one about soft breezee and bright SUIT -
umstove it is warm. The size depends 1 tape's smooth surface. Cut the :elegt:h much," shine and laughed to see .the snow go
entirely upon the size and height of !and appy to the bade of the hanger or So Miss Allison and a:�1 the chi'dren dashing past the windows, driven by
the windarv- at back of the neck of cane or slicker. accepted the invitation., the cold nort the w. .
t _cad 'mace to et the marking tape "It seems to me," said: Miss Payne the cold
getting dark," said one of the
finches long ;and fourteen inches high theD d of ny fre^hly' A g p p
with a partition lengthwise through
the centre is a good size. This was
for two litters a year Dominion I. was real
prow a sal "
Husbandman Mr. G. B. Roth- painted kitchen in the sexing, as I i in rubbers is at the side or under the in a low tone to Miss A,=zson; that we lit" girls in a frightened voice.
t Animal ( poly.~p I3 ought to disinis's them and le't them "That is because the c'lo'uds are hid-
ing the sun," said Miss Payne. "See.,
the clock says it isn't late at ell." So
the time passed. Then just before the
usual' time fox school to close, one of
the boys sitting -near the window gave
a shout—"Look, 'kook," he cried, and
all the children crowded to see.
"Somebody's coining," laughed the
1:t•'ie giro who had bean frightened a
little whir before. "I see Une:c Dan,
driving Tom and Joe."
"I :lee Dad," cried another.
Through tho drifts the l ewerfel
"hor; s fought their rely and four big
Loos;,ids drew up before the door of
th•e itt b echo ihoueafr
"Coma on," ca .cd Une:e Dan d ec.-
ft_di . "Lots of room for very'b•:dY•"
There was plenty of straw in the
big sleds and warns blank:e's and robes
to keep out the store:
Everybody was scion tucked in warm
and comfortable. "I- was seared this
aft mein,".,co; fee a the 'itt:!ogirl to
Unaie Dari «s trWy d ov•r,a1alg., "But
Miss A Biro i said tlia; vwou'_•5 1:,s ti
way w1.aia tiro time came, and there
"There a t mays is, " said Uncle, Dere
t wail) in his recently published p•am- had used only ar.•e coat of flat paint, storm -cap,— -.
hold from twelve to twenty depend- - - • on Breeding and Feeding the
ing on whether cocks and hens or liarkrt Hog, points out that under the =---
sparing Chickens are being fattened. ' two litter -a -year plan the spring litter
Crate fattened bird's shrink tea must needs be farrowed not mater than
much to be profitable if they are ship- the middle of April. This is necessary
pad :live weight, so unless you plan to since September may be regarded as
dress them, it would be better to fat- the limit month for fall -farrowed lit -
ten there in a pen. ters except in the case of the more
specialized breeder who has special
Dress Turkeys Before facilities for housing and caring for
the later litter. The average farmer
can., however, so regulate his breeding
Authorities agree that whenever aaeas that the second litter will arrive
poeeib:e turkeys should be sent to mar net later than the end of September.
ket armed. In bis bulletin on "Tar- � Thus •cienb' r,e the sow to have a brief
keys and their Management," publish; rest between litters .and to be ea tire
ed by the Department of Agriculture gain 'before being bred for the second
at Ottawa, Mr. A. G. Taylor of the" litter. It is very important adds the
Poultry Division of the Experimental i Doran;don 'inimai Husbandman, that
Farm, advises starving the birds dux' the sow be r,':'owe.d two or three weeks
]rig twenty-four hours before killing. to get on the tip -grade, parted las ly if
During this time they should be given she has just weaned' a large Letter:
al: the fresh water they carr drink,', Close ,creeairig shot.id be attempted
which aidsin cleaning the intestines only. when the cow is in geed condition,
and improving the flavor of the flesh. 'Matr7a, for instal; e, the ,form2.r 'tto:.''
Dressed birds, Mr. ''laylor,adds, .7Dould has Ite"n snna 1.
• be thoroughly cooed before packing ]41t . 72othwc su,A, gets hi fire pam-1
and the carcasses should be packed: r.t
,h _, which can be had free, of cost
firmly in the cases so as to prevent, by al:p:.ling to the Pu,• :tati.Or 1
shaking about when in 'transit. ' Branch, Ottawa, that fez thee sprit.
-+r #litter ti • t.:w should bo l: el frem
A Honie-made Fruit Bowl the relddie of November r to December 1
if'. you have art Old wooden bowl' that' 2.0 or not much I �t , . Shewill then
Ifarrcw from somewhere around March
a not sl a—da us'e, buy aro paint
6 the middle of Arai. S'hs can;
land shellac—dark dark shades aro prefer- th'en' be bred for the fall litter front'
able—and give it a coat of paint, ands then about the first 'weeec of May to nee,
when thoroughly dry,she�lac it. The later than. June 10 or 1, in order to
result will be 'a very attractive fruit
farrow by the end of September,
howl. If you know how to make pretty , ....--..........4,-.- -.
Willie heard grandma say she had ' .
mis'l'aid her spectaclee, and when found
they were broken. That evening Willie
borders, such, a finishing touch will
make the bowl even more attrai~tiv.e.
.-4. IL S.
ua:.'ty commands best, prices, hitt gathered the eggs, and tout • one
quality �ae ztot ] e secured from feed idelcen. Ho rushed into the bourn:
q : rt ttnorna l oh, .g'•aiydma ! one of the Little black bear visits csuitii
engage the fted is' e utilized to per National Part, one of the world's creat plitygrouncis. t.+o-i to that effect.
boat :adv:zi•tua,ge,, quality Will be :Iackiii�g: Ilene m% �tirl
Native (to ,a,vaea•tianist who is cone
plainin.g about the thiI1 locality )---
"Well, sir, You. Slidell stay hero until
nest week, and then you will see the
whole dein try stirred up."
VacPatlanist-•-"What wia hsplteu?„
N a.tive-- ` low'i17
Light Burns for "'Yard" Dead•
To, one of the e rri.dors of Soothed
Yard hrurnc a light which never 'hes
been put out, arid the intention le that
K <x.S f"7 d1 ksf > ,a y�rl,aA ZJc :t F,i.:i•,%`..ria. 'never ever shall be. '"It bit
r•?fLakeiatlt� s a, t>cal Jasper tow rn8 ]tl.Itlenl61'V
. $ r,w i.: •h?..
. , of tlzo�:>e hien at the "Yard" who rvera;
n�xW���� _n Alberta, This is in flit area lit of the Jae- kilned in the war, and lias illi 10801