HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-11, Page 1••. Vol. XXVII. No 19 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNINO, NOVEMBER 11, 1926, Chester 1.4 Smith, PAbliohoi 81,25 zq Ye,arblAtivo4tigi $1,50 TN .A.RREARS, 02 MAY .f3 Oraaterrg Save money by making your fall purchasesAdvFrom the Merchanti ertising in the HERALD kii0111111DODGEMEIGNASICADORIMODOINDODOINIDGIMIPINE SKIMIltefi -cso V 1 SPECIAL Just Rezeive1 fresh ship- ment of Nailson's Jersey I Milk _Choc' ate B reg. Tia while el they last at Sale Price 19c. Wagner - Phone 91 OGIIIIDGDOMINIGIVIIINMESSEID104311311)6DOWE4DellaDO )os oamooe' • Radios and Supplies * INow is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 'not wait till swing and miss all the *good * 1 music and Concerts • .4. Give me a can before baying elsewhere ...1. -4. • .E. 1• 4. EgOESCH — Zurich iii. ..I.• 144++++++++.441444i++++++44+ 41++++444+++++++++++++++++44 ------ - • • • • • • • • • • + .. • esseeseseasessiosassoseesosoisimestopiesolosesonlissies • COMPLETE LINE OF • : • • fa .. • Life -Buoy Ru . ers i ,1,* Bame Long, Top are Goinit to • Buy a pair of Dabber frgoots .• • • 1 if you. 'are bard on Bo4,s, in- i • • lb• e steo.d of 'lost asking for Rub-. ber Bootee ask for ,LIFE- • • BUOY • . ..., • • • WE Mint they are thelong- I • I gest wearing facet you can ,• • O buy and you will say aq after•II g --- • • 0 wearing ap air. ,„ "'s There is. an. ideal ,,- LIFE- • • • BUOY Boot Tor every pur- • 8 pose on, Liao farmul, in the bush, : 0 in the gara.ge„ in fact where- • ever men need waterproof • •a 1 s. •• • protection for *air feet and leg •• • that suits your particular re- • Let UI show you the boot 46 11* quiremerit. N' , 0 ii0E-Welf • ., REPAIRING , 1 ... rown -$ oo op NEATLY DONE • : • 34osoessiostoesosesitotiococossiessiessosesomostosoi•••••••: # 0.40.0-0-0....4.464.60***4040.4., .*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • soo '1/4110 • • Winter miles! •13. • al, ors 40e * NLY • • .,370, STAND , -m,ith<0•04,14$044 STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Ruskin Keys 1d Fold City; spent the week -end at the home of his parntes Mr and Mrs. ,Nelr- son Keys of Babylon Lino, Mrs, Jas. 'Reid 'and daughter, Mary of Sea.forth, visited the fore mer brotherMr, .Art Keys on, Sunday', Mr. Menno- Steekle Jr. of .the Bronson Lin, has, purchased the 100 acre farm from Mr. Moses a ex., bei' and the 50 acre farm adjoin- ing from Mr. NV, H. Talbot. T.b.0', price paid for the 150 acres being $0,700, • This property will ;maker Mr. Steckle a good large farm at a reasonable price. Mr. J, T. ;Keys, Whet has not been enjoying good health recent- ly was in • Toronto last week: tak- ing Medical treatment& We are sorry fto state that Mt; Chas. .lithwell has been in peer health for 'some months. He takking treatments in London at present and we hopef or his ispr- edy recovery,. The annuel convention of the Stanley, Hay and Tuckensmith branch, of the 0,.C.RcE. Was held in Goshen United church on Wed- nesday, November 3rd. MiS3 Fleaust of Zurich occupied 0.echair for the afternoon session and Mr. Haugh of Bruecfield for the even- ing. There weere splendid , dressesg iven at both sessions,an. arra music furnished by the :YiSitink choirs „of Varna in ;the afternoon and Zurich Evangelical in 4h -e ev- ening was very much. appreciated. -SCHOOL REPORT Following is the result of test examination's taken during •the, month of October of U.S,S. Hay and Stanley. Those rharked * have been absent for one• or, mole exams. Gwendoline Clarke- :541; D9P*Ifetendered'.a. Xowl .supper one ev- Manson 4.77; Sara Marisoei ,446,eAe ,'ening last' weak to Rev. H. Rembe len Schrag 371*, Phoebe Gelinas ' and family, 'Mrs, C. Fuss, David 166*. • F,Fues, Miss Margaret Puss. pand Jr. IV -Edith Walters 517, Jean Albert Hess, .A Marconi Radio set Hey 421; Ervin Gingerich r* 415*, .which had been "hooked. up” for Anna Gingerich 393, Claude Gei- evening .entertained 1e gu- inea 136*; Marvin Walters 82*; Ed- mund Schwartzentruber 66* The. Zurich Branch of the Wom- Sr II-Gertie Bechler 466, Rase en's Institute will hold their men - Poker 289, Leonard Jeffrey *. thly meeting on Thursday .evening Ill -Mary Clarke 416, Gord- November 18th in the Town Hall, on Erb 111, Lee Oesch 37t; \Mabel Zurich, a 8 o'clockA g Clerber 358, ,Lloya Jeffrey program is, provided for. ol Oneoc 289*, t , Mervin Baker 93*, David Myers *, of the main 'natures of the even - Earl Kennel *. ing will be the, moonlight Orch- Sr. Gingerich '321, estra seiections, also a report of ka) •Mr. and Mr,s. R. Stade, were Sun day visitors in Dashwood. .. Mr. Wm. Elsie pi Grand Bend, vas in the village on Tuesday, Mr ,and Mrs, John Zettel and. farhily of Kitchener called on fri- ends here Manday,l Mr. Rennie Weber (of Toronto University spent the holiday tat • his home here. • 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Jacobs, Mrs. John Jacobs and daughter Emma of Broadhagen spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. D. Witmer, Baby- lon Line, Messrs. C. Fritzz, H. Mousse -an, Wm .O'Brein and 3. !,Decher are spending a f ew td.aye in the Thedfoed edistrict shooting wid geese and ducks. 47, Mr. and Mrs, Casper Wal.per entertained their pastot Rev. H. Rembe and his family 'to a. pre - Thanksgiving supper On • Sunday evening. A meeting of the Directors and .foficials of the Agricultural Society was held the other (evening. And the Secretary, Mr. A. P. Fless,was Instructed to pay out the prize monies. Mrs. J. Hey, jr., County Pres- ident, and Mrs. C, L. Smith, the local President are attending the Prov' fncial Convention of the Women's Institute held. at London this week. - Mr. and 16'6. Win. Reichard Gus Clarke 31-7, Grace Lielmas 311, Harold Thiel 215*. Jr: I1 -2u le Oes2h igi, 141.2 Wal- ters 274, Clarence Gascho 263, Lloyd Kennel 219, Willie Bechler 208 Wallace Gingerich 140. Class -Mildred Hey, Louise Hartman, Mabel Schwartzentruber, Beatrice. Manson, Carl Thiel, 1Bern- ice Thiel, Lew Schrag, Rubon Gin- garicht. Sr. Pr. -Leonard Bechler, mence aetrrey, Aililn Schwartzen- truber, Ruby Schrag. .Jr. Pr. A -Francis. kennel, Moz- art Gelinas, Beatrice Gerber. jr. Pr, B-Violst Oesch, Anthony Hartman. • Teaclier, G. Bedard. Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ONt. Thursday 7.30 p.m. Prayer and Praise C. L. Smith, Class Leader S 3c -Bible School ofticers and te- achers Conference.. Friday, 4.10 -Junior League. Mrs, L, Hoffman, Supt. Priday 7,30 p.mi. E. Fa and L, C. E N Geiger, Pres. 8,30 -Choir practice. • Mita Rennie, Ld eaer Stinday, November 14th. 10 ofi a in, Wonship led by, . C. 31 la,m,-Bible. .Schaol, Mr. J. E. Gaschon.,Sut. 7.30 p ur-Worship led by Rev. P. B. Meyer. ' DASIIWOOD Wednesday 8 p,m, Choir Practice, Rt, iGolding, Leader. Thursday 4.10, Jr, League, ,Mre.P. C 13.IVIay,er, &Apt 7,30 Prayer and Praise, \ !,E. Bender, .Class Leader 8 15, Senior 111,L,C,E., ilVIrs. G. Link., President Sunday , Nov.. 14th, lo am. -German Worship. Rev. P. B. Meyer, 11..05 -Bible .St. chool, A, Birk, Sup 7,30 p.ro.- W orship (led by 4 K, Ktepkay.... REV. P, B. MEYER, Pastor. the London Convention. will be given. All ladies are cordialy in - iced whether members or not. PPILE-DURST 'The home of Rev. and Mrs. G. L. Gross, West Wawanosh vas the scene of a prettr-wedding at three o'clock on Saturday, November 6th whex 'Ealth Amelia, daughter -of Mr.s. Durst and the, late W. C. Durst of Colborn, became the pride of Mr: William Henry Pfile of Hen - sell, Rev. G. L. Gross officiating. Th" bride wore a becoming gown of blue ',silk canton crepe, whose beauty was enhanced by a cors- age. of Lily of the Valley. At the conclusion of the ceremony qthe happy couple Ieft on'ta. motor trip L, Kitchener, Niagara Palls and Toronto. the bride travelling (sin a rust colored crepe romainefroCk with hat to- match and flu -trimmed 'silk velour coat. On their return they will take up residence 511 Hensall, Ont. LATE SIMON, DEITRICH The cointriunity was cast into a deli* glacim last Saturday morn- ingupon learning of ,the disap- pearance, during the night of Mr. Simon, Deitrich..of the Babylon lin= p.xtwn twelve and: one ',o'clock -thenight Mr: Deitrich heard, ,some ,stra.nge dogs molesting this cattle and he:proceeded after them protected only 'with, a shovel, and he did not return, alarm was et onceg iven and isearch made, however with no results until the following morning when his body was found in an adjoining neigh- 1ors field, death 1).ing dun to heart failure, Th' late Mi' D'' - rich was aged 50 years, 7 months, and 13 days ,and for ,some time hid hacl slight attecks Of a weak heart. Besides a large number of other relatives, h.) is -,urvi:ed, bv .sorrowing family consibling of the 'widow, 3: sone and 3 dough - all being at home. The ite- mai Mi. were laid to rest in the R C, cemetery, Zurich on Monday morning, the funeral being large- 1;gr attended, which 'all OW1in measure of the, high iesteeM the denarted. was held, Much Ispme P'611.y' extended tOeqthe borea\*. 1 falnay, Atwater Kent RADIO WITH ONLY ONE PIAL THE SIMPLEST SET OP ALL THINK WHAT (THIS MEANS NO GUESS WORK NO DELAY ALL THE S TATIONS WITHIN RANGE COME IN .AS-7YOU TURD IT, i v: CU DON'T HUNT, YOU JUST SELECT WHAT YOU WANT, LET US SHOW IT TO YOU. W. G. Hess & Sons COAL, BUY THE BEST, IT 13 TRW Qffg4pBST. GENITINit •*, 1.1ackawanat ANI) • D L 8eW Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MINE* SOFT COAL, GENUINE e4tX.IR TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, COR GENUINE BY PRODUCTS Our' Telephones are at y'oner tern. vice, the information is free', Cairi.teicm., HENSALL ONT., Phones -Office lOw. House lut,ii„ *41•••••••••••••••••••••••eo.••••••••••••••fee.ey441Mgr- ; • • • • • • • • • • • • LEATHER GOODS, ETC. Harness Trunks Valises Auto Tires WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR LEATHER GOODS, HARNES al!' ALL KINDS, LEATHER .CLUB BAGS, LADIES' BRAGS), COIN AND OTHER PURSES A FINE DISPLAY ON HAND GOOD SUPPLY OF MEN'S MITTS, OVERALLS, HORSE BLee ANKETS, ETC, ON HAND. SPECIAL PRICES ON AUTO TIRES RIGHT NOW. Come in and see Our fine display of Usefull Goods. e 40 • • HARNESS REPAIRING ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVIOThr-i FRED THIEIr - ZURICH • • 444 • o • • • ••• ******* ••• oseootos••,...•••.•eo.“,4Poslitl&ffli t,+••••••«•+++++.0++++.44++++- • • • 4. 4. BETTER VALUE IN RUBBER FOOTWEAR THAT WEAR LONGER IP YOU MUST BE OUT IN WET WEATHER YOU WANT RUBBER FOOTWEAR. WE ARE GLAD TO SHOW YOU A :PAIR EXACTLY SUIT.' ED FOR YOUR .REQUIEEMENTS. OUR STOCK IS C.OMPL ETE IN ALL SIZES AND STYLES. NOW IS THE TIME .TO HAVE. - YOUR SHOES REPAIRED Men's Shoes soled sizes 6-11 $1.00 Women's shoes soled 3-7 at 75c Misses Shoes, ,soled 11-2 at 65c Rubber heels, 50c and 35c pr. 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS onneneopamemintIOPW'Reint ••••••••••••••••••...01.11••••••••••••MINIIIIIIIMIffe•TON, New Fall and. Winter Goods Call and see our new flannA dress Goods and cotton flannel suitable for children's dresses, etc. ElEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLA.NKETS, WOOL BLANKETS, SWEATERS, jElg;EYS, SMOCKS, AND UNDER- WEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS. A PULL LINE OP STAPLE GOODS, ALL REMNANTS AT BARGAIN PRICES. N. DQUC3L GENERAL, Al EROHANT PHONE 11 - 97 I- A KEZ