HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-04, Page 85 COATS Make our Store . your headquarters, For your Fall .and Winter Buying meet your friends here LADIES' COATS WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A SHIPMENT OF LADIES COATS AND WOULD BE PLEASAi, TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. THEY CON'T`AIN THE SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS AT :"ERY REASONABLE PRICES. NEW COVERT CLOTH A 54 inch. Cloth of Extra fine texture, !similar to Jersey cloth', ill not !stretch or pull, very 'suitable for suits or dresses. CHARMEAN — in pretty shades of Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits or Dresses. PLANNELS — We have 36 piece's of Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and ptain shades in 32 and 54 inch widths, col ors such. as eedarbark, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Rose- wood, Coral, Farie-nee blue, Thrush, Buriuesf, blue with white pin stripe, also black and navy. 'S,'U'OOL SANTOYS — In in, Pototan, Blues, Rosewood; Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular ,f we fall wear. ti:O A TING SPECIAL 6 Piece's Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd r.L ANNELETTE WRAPPERETTES, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various width and qualities at lower prices than last season. DRAPER CLOTHS In pretty 'shades of rinks andBlues with gilt scroll pattern 1 wide at 60c. yd.' and 75c. ayd. SWEATER COATS—For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Sea'son's ( newest :styles. IDEAL PATTERNS We carry a complete Cline ,of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No need of waiting a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and at the remarkable (low price of 20c, each. HAND AT P.IGTH PRICES FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON yd. J ASCHo SONS °rodu, . Wanted Phone 59 Zurieli' Zurich's Garage Gas, his, Greases Tres, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS ,5.UST RECE1 r Ely A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 19. B&TTEPV7 F IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO gXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND O'T'HER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE 'YOU SERVICE. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO €%EPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC - ST WELDING, f ' ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE Ho 1ousseaa Zurich . e.4+' •we,raasgevaueealloaeo&® sail a000 •0000.0410O•fA.000••••o • • 3 OlarexQuebec toves. • • , •• • 4. 4. • eola Furnaces Nighty =erre getting cool -- Winter will soou be here, this puts us in mind of that New Stove, one that will 3 give more heat with less fuel. than any other make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and HEATER, A STOVE TIIA'1' WILL COOK AND BAKE WITH ANY OF THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZESI8X.18 in. and 20x20 in ovens AND 6i•', i, . ‘; C; RN COAL OK WOOD. 1 • 40 • • I } • ar 40 IST M IN FUR.' MO NI A I' Ut::N . SANDS 0 cares o In buil;• and ,Re,,., herd'.:lil.1 • • • • • • • • • • s • • 4. • • • • • • • • • 0•••o094,00000,4110•••••• •' • • 9 • WE CAN GIVE YO THE VERY. BEST THAT ;U Y, "THE I3. RECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY h HAT iIAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU ii R 3 FOR MANY YEARS. • The Furnace that coil in seven. Virnace Work, Plumbing Job or Eavetroughing . .:ane, You mike no mistake by corning here t done by our Expert Mr. Ted. Milltehoitz. W 1.1preciate your Patronage E & WEID �l �t ONT. .40,04 044100SAIoommo mosemosi lowboIiiiM1 • •• • • • • L,1JK11: 1a�;1t4L4J n+.�v�.err-m'•..e,..�w�•,•..vm,.,ww..,•,,,a�.�,,,,„, See out PaU, Line of Ladies' and .Men's ilosiery, ;Underwear Etc. •MACKINAC ` FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS J. W.1VlEIZNER Z. P. S. SCHOOL REPORT Room I. Sr 1—Ed;th Deichert',40; Beatre Meidinger 399; Homer Salmon 373 Will Brown 305; Ruth Foster 36 Beatrice Thiel 3.59; Bert ,Deiche 347; Karl. Rembe 343; teeter Voiii 296; Theresa Zettei 1.68, , Jr. 1—Margaret Schwalm .359, Hubert Smith 317, Edna Kocher 321; Lawrence Bedard 301; Albert Clausius 273; Lawrence Voisin 242. Sr, Pr,—Mae Smith ;276; Laura Deicheet 274; Patricia Ducharme 249 Lewis Thiel 209. JrPr. A. ,& E.—Vera Decher 14 Anthony Voisin 125; Denise (Lap orte 101; Marjjoriy Gellman „ 9 Mary Merner 95, Marie ',Bedard.7 Alphon'sus Grapier 47. Mrs. G. (Koehler, Teacher.. Boom II. Jr. III—Beatrice Ga'sch'o 28 Margaret Haberer 262, Alwyn ,S t ':llti�ll'B 261;. Quit be Hess 250, D.o othy Stelck 243, Ruth IChlircll 24 Alice Decher 238, Harry Foster 21. xHazzel Uttley 183, Roy ;Smith 16 xRase• Zettel 98.. Sr II—Shirley Koehler 205, Le nor Hib'rer 176, Char1:!s Thiel, 17 Vera Deichert 173, Ross ,Johnsto 167, Stewart Th'e1 158, Louise Wil lert 157, xArmand- Grenier 102, 7,Abeet .Leibold 9.0. Jr. II—Paul Hess 222E ;Rap Uttley -199; Rota Fleischauer 175 )red Brown 173, Morley Salmon .1 Leela•nd Schwalm 144; Jack Mer ner 132; Blanche Grenier 103. Those marked x missed one more exain'si. 0. VI, O'Brein, Teacher. Room III Jr. IV t1—Peart ,Sara•ra's 87, Ad- eline F1'iscli;auer 85, Violet ich-1 walm 82:. Ruby Church 81%, van \Villert 81, Mary Itochem's 79, Har- old Stade 75, Francis Kipper 74, Hugh MacKinnon 74, George Du- charme 15, Byron Ducharule 40. ,1r, I'i+' B--Laur.•tta Farwell 75, IvIargery G•a'scho 6:3, Albert Heide- man 62, Olin Faster 57, •Clifford Sal icor 56, Sr. II1—Earl Flaxbnard 186, •F1os-- aie Stelck 80, Harvey IClau'sius 75, Milv�erna Geiger 71, Albert ;Deieb:- ert 69, Gordon Howald 67, Leohard Smith 63, Rolland Grenier 51, An- tionette Grenier 47. F. M. Kalbfleiach, Teacher 1 rt n ,ST 8; 7, 3, 6, r- 6, 9, 8, 1, n 1- 1x 47 or Dashwood Mrs. B. Hartman ,is on the sick list, vlr. Ira Tiernan kof ,;,?- ent• Sunday with his tparents, Mr. and Mrs. E, Tiernan.. Mrs. E, Oe+sch "lot Zurich visited with her mother, Mise. Genttner last week. 1 Mr C, Pfile imri.de a buleine'ss trip to London on Monday, L. Mrs. A, Brenlie Theft Saturday for Stratford, where !she ,will spend the winter with her Ison;.' Mr. and Mr's, ,Hyt• Scliade and family spent Sunday in ,Zurich,;. Mr. Lorne Hite Of Detroit, visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs, Geo. H. Pf ile. Mr. 'and Mrs, iH. Elsie and dau, ghter Thelma are visiting in Sar- nia. • Mr. Wm, S'tire (of .Buffalo iting in town. • Mr. Emberly is !o'n the ' e i c k list, i Mr. Adam Mane of Tavistock was a Sunday night •visitor at the home of Mr. arid •Mils, A. Birk. Mr, 'and Mrs. (Chas. Rinker are visiting in London this .week. Rev, ,H A', Kellerman and ikon if Tavistock, spent Sunday night v.-11.11 the former's father, Mr. Geo, Kellerman.. ; C)+y+t^ a number from here at - t -coded. thl church rr-oneningser- viae's in Zurich or: iSnnd'ay, Fr rike and 'sister, and lvlis's 7,itritr Willett of .Birmingham,Mich '4nrut the wnelc-end with 1VIr, and. 11?rs FP.'r•ed Willett. L BLAKE lwrl 1Vteaa ;4, A. Carni' to 1 fa nily 'Spent Sunday at theheree• LOCAL 1VIARiKETS- Potatoe'4 per bag 1.00 Eggs 24-32-36 Butter Ib.._. _... ... , _ _ _ 40 Dried apples lb, . _._._ — 9 Wheat 1(.25 Oats ... 42 Barley Buckwheat . .. ...._- _.....-65 Flour --..a 4.75 3.76 Short's per ton__.__ ._.._. _.........34,00 Bran per ton... .__ ... 32.00 Eggs , •.. 44-35--24 Chickens 4y lbs and lover .48-20 Under 4% .. 13-15; Old hen's 4lb5 and over ... 13-15 Hens under 4 -lbs. 9 Ducks white 13c, colored . llc Geese live 13c. dressed .. .__ 20c Turkeys live 28c. dressed ,.,- 32c Live Hog's, cwt. 1400 (Corrected every Wednesday) Western Fanners' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61. G. Holtzman -- Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGE- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, tf-34 of Mr and Mrs, R. N. Douglas. Miss Mary Johnston tspent the week -end with friends in 1Zurich, The Misses Ida and Anna Gin- gerieh called on friends in , the village on Sunday night. L Mr. and Mrs. ;J. A.. Manson' and daughter Bea'.rc2 vent the week end with friends IL ,Blythe. Miss Margaret Douglas ,enterta ined a number of herg irl friends to -a Hallowe'en party ion Satur- day night. , .. Quite a number from this vic- inity attended r:,-opi'ning !cervices in the. Evangelical Church, ,Zurich, labst Sunday. Mr's. E, Clarke has purchased the; property in . the village owned by Mr, Ross Johnston and intends mov ing thereon in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brisson and family left last week for Windsor where they intend to reside in future. CREDITON N Sambrook, o ,Auroravisited for a few clays with •relativeahere Sorry to report that Hrs. John Gai'ser is under the. Doctor's care. Mr,. and •Mira, H. K. Silber, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. ,1loltztnan, Miss C. Morlock, and Mr. A. ,Amy last weekk attended the 0. R, E. C. Convention in London.. The Crediton Women's ,Institute held their October meeting in the In'stiture Hall, with Mrs. gwicker, the president in the..chair. Arr- angementswere made for ta chick- en pie !supper and ,bazaar to be heTd on Nov. 130th Delegates/ were appointed to the ',Conven- tion in London on Nov, 9th, 10,141. , Jacob Finkbeine.i; tit .o fMat- `thew and "Mary Finkl5einer^ ,wai. born March 17, 1(862 ,in Stephen Tp. and departed this life on Oct. •23 1926, at the home, of +d. Fahner, whei.d' throughout his prolonged afflcto he received' from' tender math; loving hands the ,most kindly tare • a:nd attention, He ;was well Rod:favorably known, having li ('ed. hn this coxntnuwnity practically iaiI his life ti4ne: He ,was unmarried and an adherent of ,Lion Evangel- ical church, Crediton and lived a lite of integrity and uprightness ato gave testimony that he loved God and bits kixrgcloxn,. 'Thursday, Ne4!elnlie 4th; j • .... ai FURNITURE We g Tar a received have recee shipment Of� G of new Furniture including Living� room, new dining .00 . suites and rockers, kitchen cabinets, a , tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE MDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES, BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMTD, HARD gtW E A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY RARDWA.RII6 BEATTY WASH. MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND CEMENT, LET US DO YOUR PLUMING, EVETROUGHfNO OR ROOF- ING.. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF L00% PURE MARTIN SENIOUR PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NA;4fEL VARNISHES( SUPERTEST Gas and Coal Oil. TRY OUR 'OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR. CASH lc. Ik. Johnston ea Ka1bijejsc.h Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 What is A - HUM 80 Erie ebenture? It its the written promise of ,the 62 -year-old financial ,institution tv repya at maturity the amount of your investment, and %o ,pay in- terest half -yearly during the term at the good rate of 5 per cent. PER ANNUM Huron & 'Erie Debentures are is- sued for $100 for more"for one, two three, four or five years. Surplus. security totals $6,850,000.00 Let me !show you as sam.ple'trus- tee debenture before you invest a dollar of your 'savings. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO;—SERVICE AND BARMY f -I . r: Li ,V 1 3 3. YOUR WILL? . Painting and Paper Hanging LET US, DO YOUR PAINT1NG, CRANING, PAPERHANuIN , & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS 17V/TR RITRI g JOB WE DO. TRY US ON YOUR .TOB. H. kEICKMETER, ZURICH — ON', We're- Pon PALL 'With an extraordinary showing of the Season's Newest Materials for Men's Suits 301111. _Drugless eer and EXETER AT WALPER Every Tuesday, WARD Praetion.., Optician P1oi HOtiEt,E, ZURIAUt 10a,ml.to mai t i. 's } n_:. 1 WHERE YOU WILL FIND •� PiTIVELY THE &3fiGfxIO' TAIiI.+QHR-,. ( INO VALUES EVER HEARD OFP, IYEARS OP EXPERIENCE COUPLED WYTIr EeONour is Iii AKINGBI7IRG? TSEMATERIAL DIR.E'C'. 'PROM THE MIt'.lb,'Sr. AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS S.AV'I>11•GS, 7 iTHAT S 'WHAT PUTS •TUE DOLLARS IN YOUR POOKRT.S BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER Iii' EARLY. tW � . HOF MERCHANT TAILOR. W. a aoivitrAN Ile sot,„ ,EM$Alu O ''AND FUNERAL, DIRE0`ro I;3., Day grid Night Phone Nmr, ea, ►l•