HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-11-04, Page 5Ther'arcl'tty'., November 4th, 1926 '&OSt6:NE$S CARDS UDLEYE.11oLMEs ! ,ksarasTBR' SO'.i.,IG'I'I Ori„ ' TOT - A R"u' PUBLIC, ETC, eitlitiee, Hamilton Street, Just o VJRICI;I HERALD Wants, For Safe, Lost, Fou nd51 Notice, Etc. rY'.ds IN THIS COLUMN NOTICE TO CREDITORS Moe Soerare, GODEETCILI, Ont. NOTICE i!a hereby given to all SPeertill latents" too 9epun'sei and persons having claims againsithe Court 'Work, Estate of Magdalena McCormick, Tr, nelrnes pray be consulted .at 6l13er1e,rr charges phone and phone reversed. E. -Knopp, 111S, L a S. DENTAL SURGEON LAIN OFFICE - IIENSALL Dr. IL IL COWEN L. D. 9k, D. D, S. DENTAL SURGEON t DEITT, 13LOCL, ZURICH 'ev- T agar ida.'y, Friday and Sates - Main O3fece 1ASTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD ustdoroxyzonmerawavagemosonuransanasoweamodeuarmawaegismeamso ) LOPP 49radinete Carey ii. Jones Nat- { School of Auctioneerin Stock for Registered Lives Breeds Terms in keeping Choice �i t prevailing prices. . cittF will dell anythin g tradp dor sale. 4LIOrwhl *bone 1.11-0 or write, Zurich. licensed Auctaoneer lateensed Auctioneer for County telt Huron. In a 'position to con- Suex any auction sage, regardless slle to size or articles tod sell. not nolieit your business, chargee for. eaictlsfie,d will make no } `'a Dashwood, i>tthnr -Weber, t3-57 late lof the City of Detroit, in the State of Michigan, U.S.A., deceased. who died leaving propertywith- in the Province of Ontario, to ''send the 'same. duly verified to the un- dersigned, on or before the 18th day of November, 11126, after which date the Adminiatratrix will pro- ceed to diatxibute the said estate among the persona entitled there- to, 'having regard only to the chime of which she then :shall have hadnotice, and that tache be liable for the proceeds of the estate so distributed to any person of whose dairies notice 'shall not then have been received. F. R. DARROW, Gaderiehh, Ontario. Solicitor for Pearl McCormick, A dmini'atratrix of th,e estate of Magdalena McCormick, deceased. DATED at Goderich, October ;26, 1.926. WANTED DUTCH SETTS. We are in sthe market for a limited quantity of Dutch Setts, beginning Monday, Nov. l'st. Setts must be thorough- ly dry ,and put. through fanning milli , Highest market price paid, J, Ga'scho & Sons. 'NOTICE Orders taken for celery packed crates for winter use. S. aa'scho & Sans. NOTICE We are operating our cidermill on Taeaday and: Thursday of each week. Menne Steckle, Branson Line. t23 in AUCTION SALE A joint Auction Sale of Con- signed articles,will be held. in Zur- ich in the near future'. Parties having any articles they would like tb dispose of kindly noity either Oscar Klapp) auctiooneer, or Wail, S. Jola:ns.to nCierk, and have them listed at once STRAYED ------------- Unto my premises, Hay Town- e ship, about July 1st last a year- • ling calf. Owner can have 'same by proving property rand paying >iV..d.l4 al expenses.. Hy. Ciausius, R. R. 1. >• Zone 40 • sr 2 Fresh and Sala Meats : Bologna Sa1xaQs� etc • es Pause for Wool tltiehest Cu'sb ' CASH FOR SSINS .t gaDES• t au:glad 1 • 3 or Deichat ••y•••••••••• • ,ZURICH LIVERY • • 'I lam in a position to accomo- date an requirements in the Livery business, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line GEORGE S, THIEL Phone 53 Zurieh,Ont. 11 L1VE POULTRY. .WANTED Taken e'rery day till :3 O'cloek,p.m. litti not feed fowl barns morning *ten firelight in. �. !Highest Cash Prices 1---01/511 FOR— Cream and Eggs W. O'Brien anions 94 Zurich FARM FOR SALE Farm consisting of 64 acres, known as the Beaver homestead, 15th Con,Hay Township. On the premises 'are a bank barn 40x60. TWO large driving sheds, two hen houses, one new. A new pig pen, a 'solid brick house 36x24+with kit- chen 'attached with 'soft and hard water. Au abundance of fruit such as sweet cherries, plumb, peas, peaches and apples. The land is in good state of eultivation and well underdrained. For further particulars apply ,to E. G.Krueger 14th Con Hay Tp. FOR SALE I have a quantity of god hare dry wood for sale, cut to 'stove .ength. Sol. Gingerieh. STRAYED Unto my premises Bronson Line six spring calves, same came there :on Get. 24th. Owner Balt forsame and pay all coals. Philip Mas'de Subject Radio A .hgraade Radio is a ;Home Feature Sat you will be well eased . with t hl e years r of service. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk issuer of marriage licenses. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile, utomobile, Insueranee Representing Huron & Erie Mortgage Corpor- ation. The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH - ONTARIO INSURANCE E. C. Harvey L. V. Hogarth -- Agents -- Mutual Mutual Life of Canada EXETER AND ST. MARYS Address all ,Corregpnndenee To Box '190, Exeter, Ont. tf4 COAL 1926 WE .ARE SOLE AGENTS VOR THE QENUIN•ii Scranton Coal 111. .,1 WE1 F PrOPe�' _ ,,ibls3, 11f! e13 til llf l" as. Iidal i`e:I§ I•C ALSO CA.R?Et t Coke 'Pocahontas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON MANZ TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS EARLY TO Case & Son LUCAL NEW s Mrs. John Albrecht awns a'• Tuo, q- day visitor at II4n.sall• Mr. Cordon •Walpsr of Detroit, veirt Sunday at hie home Miss Leila Siebert sof Toronto, is visiting at hor horne :oro. Next .Monday, Nov. S8th, iaa observes! as 'rivulksgiving Dar anc and a . public luso1i cl;i. Y Mr.' Theo McAdam'; and 'son, visited last Sunday wth Mr. and ear°:a. W, a'woiitzer at ,Shipkn, Mrs.. Henry Rupp heft for I*.troit where she will ripener the winter months, Mr. and Mrs. ;Arthur :Edighof:^^ 'spent Sunday with friend.. and rol- atis es in Kitchener and ,Waterloo. Mr. and Mr's Roy Oliver of Lon don, are 'spending thio week with Mr a.nd Mrs, a Hy. Eickrneier. Mr .and Mea, Roy Weber of sell. were Sunday visitors ,at the home of Mr. and Mrs,Louis Weber. Mr, and Mira, Ed. Siebert and family of Detroit, istpont :the we- ek -end at the home (of Mr. andMrs W. L. Siebert. Rise Gertrude Schilb: of Lon- don Normal spent the week -end at her home here. Mr. and Mics. Theo. Foster and family of Detroit, (pent;the w•.- ekk-end at the house sof Mr. and We, Louis Weber. Mr. and Mee Harry Lipsitt and family of Delaware, spent the Sunday with Mr. and Mira. Char. Weber. Mr and Mrs• Norman Rupp ancl family of Detroit were t etoi's with the former':s mother, Mrs, . Henry Rupp thea past weelac Hay Council met for it'd monthly meeting o a eIenlay, a full account of the cioin•, will 'appear next 'creek. Mee John J. See th has returped home after 'spending two weeks with relatives and• friends at Lon- don, Ing :.rsoil and Tilsonberg. Dr. and Mrs..H. 13. Co von,briclal couple_, returned from their honey moon trip on Friday evening, and are now comfortably ,setttlsd in their comfortable apartm'ent's in the Deitz Block. Sorry to learn that Mr. Leon- ard Prang, of the village, had the misfortune to fracture 'his right arm.while cnkingr.t car, which back fired. The accident taking place at Exeter. . Halowe'n wa's observed over the week -and with probably not . a'a many pranks aa usual, the little folks look 3 very attractive with their attire nand carrying the Jack 0' Lanterns. Mr, Louis Prang ,wishes to' 'ad- vise the pubes that he has instal- led a modern equipment for re- pairing, rebuilding and chargin;..' auto or radio batteries, and can ;•Eve the best of service along thislino. Mrs. J. Oliver J+acobs of Chic-; ago, I11., 'wes here for 'a few days visiting relatives, and has returned. with. her mother, Mrs. Catherine rs. Warm, 'who intends. to ;end.th'' winter months in Chicago,. At the Hat .Shoppe, Zurich, you will .find towel* view% 'sips, 'luncheon cloths, a,pronsi, bibs fol* children, Bbudour pillow's, ,etc, which will :mala nice Xmas. gifts. We have had on' Shipment and e:;- pect another with buffet 'sets, etc. •shortly'• -•V. V. Siebert. The weather the peat week con= unties about the same, .one Juice day, 'and the remainder of than week rough and wet. A ter - riffle storm swept over this part on Monday night, which overturn- ed many articles missed. by the halowe'e.r' invaders the previous night. Farmers are in ,big diffic- ulty \Is the fields :are so wet thee cannot .get on them' to harve'st'their roots ,buckwheat and corn. $5,000 ONTARIO ELECTION CONTEST The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal are having an Election Contest for the Provnc" of Ontario„ n which they offer a total of $5,000, in 'p'rzes for the beat estimates as to the total number of vote's cast in the forthcomng Ont- ario Electon. This Contest is op- en only to readers of the Family Herald in the Provnce of Ontario, The annual isubseripton price of the Family Herald and Weekly Stars $1.00,. One year's subse ipton en - title's New Subscrpers to make flea eIateeates in this election con- test. Present readers who renew rp their isubsctlon for 1927 Now are entitled to one estivate, providing the renewal is sent n during the Contest, At11 previous Pettily He- ald Contests have been well con- ducted. and have ?plroved very popular, The contest will close 'se;-eral days before the election actually takers place. Por an .an- nual subscripton fee oT $.1.00 the reader receives not bialy the gre- atest fatally .and farm paper for one year, Alpe ,also the -opportune ity to Wn aa, cash! prize of 2$,5001. By entering the contest re:aders,tts well as r,ew 'subscribers have noth- ing to lose -yet posshly much to ..,,•., D w t D>el yy : ho .,n -..:s ; .:,►.lair .r LOCAL NEWS Ines. IKeenet'e Pergneen sof Lon- don 13..rigitiog irz'zrds he.r Mrt:. Harry Eicknufier isptmt a £esti ,1<a.ys at Lna,rlou last week. 1c. i12r. Charles Seotchm.er.> of Ba,' - field • ,pent Sunday with friends In the ielletge. AI:v4 [i a "t t Schiff hr '1 l't • for,: wt .! intends a } ,1iiag torr umo Cunei, el re. Ca Cheri SV arm left Suui,ey for Chicago, 'where. Lh' winter t,,ath cudughtnr, Mrs, 3.0. Jacobs, S2r. and Mrs, J. Preeter and family of Kitchener spent • ' th' Weak -wad with relatives and ifri- n ta. Mr T. L. ,Wurm, Mrs. J. Bloch„ Mrds J, Jacobs and Mrs. Catlial.- Ini' Worm motored to ,Sarnia on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs LLloyd Hey of Lnn- '1 in were Sunday visitors µit ih:• huna of Mr, and firs, Ed. Stelck, 14th con. SCHOOL REPORT Report of S. S. No, 0, Hay for the month of October, haeed on exanainutinus sand daily work.Those narked x• were absant a week or more from 'school. Sr. TV--lieitteee Adam% 500, Be- atrice Farwell 416, Sr. III-Pieeciila Farwell Elda Gingerich 182, Jr. ;III -Andrew Foster 267, :.James Adams 10), .Farr G:n;erich 61. ,w Sr. II -Martha Fo':•ster :639, Olive Witmer 610, Violet Adages 530, Kenneth Greb 325, T oui:s Farw' l 288, xAlvin Gingcri,h L70. r Fist Class-W'niefred Battler 5660 Grace 1Vleyera 411, OrlIndo Battler 103, Toe Hoffman, 322; ,:c.Giadyt; Cringericb 2202„ xT.irio Ging,:richles Antleiny Hoffman 116. Sr. Pr.-Gr.tc:' Wein ;G40, Irene Poster 231, Roe Hoffman 59. Jr. Pr. Freddy iParwell 156, Ed- na Adams 149, • No on roll 28, ,Av. attcndance21,2 G. Pepper, Teacher. NOV, ROD AND CAIN A fishing deprar•trae'ac .of more than usual interest with a good aggregation of othet• ' r irons ar- ticles, semis to feature the Novem- ber issue of Rod jand. Gun, v.hich, is just published Two good fic-i tion stories are also included in the aggregation of outdoor read- ing matter, "McLean or the Hud- son's Lay' by Wm. C. Millar and "The Blue 1's ley" by .11 O. Rob- bins. " An Eventful Snipe Shoot- ing Trip" is a trod yarn of sho- oting en the Tidal flits of the St. Lawrence. Bonnycxstle Dale write:; of "Bait Fishes sof the Bay de Ch.alrur," whir' J. W. Winson's article ;las month ion "Cucoo'0 Owls end Cuckoos'." Among 'the writer+n in Fisaing Notes k this nouln aro P. Merrett, ra well kn- e' n '.t awl.[, O.ark Ripley and X. `t °iI ore, wk ,.f: .articles lace sup - p1 :. )nt 1.1 by' •a- number of others is wet t= a e :pod Queries and. An - 'Lo. C. S. L;adi3' Gums ut t A•nun?t''•a department' h.as ol- ;i to inLE'res.;,ig collection of :sp- •:•snl c. hecributiona. W. 0. Mot- ley i'a OuL:l a:)r Talk ;this month deals with "The Woodcraft r Sign Language. GREAT YEARS IN I'HE •NAT - err ala, her 409, ION'S HISTORY Ir ere'sting things havre happ- enedmin 1926. Commander Byrd in a _Fokker airplane, circled , the North Po1eL Photogr'alphs taken in Europe were transmitted ;. on radio •waves to America, and pub- lished. `hi ne eepap:'rs a few ho- urs later Gertrude Ederl'', dau- ghter of a New York butcher, swam the English Channel .one hour (rester than any of the ifve men who had swum it 'before.. hes: -Is anything interesting goine to hap- pen in 19927? Por pne thing, the Youih''s Companion on April. "t6, will celebrate its Hundredth ;Birth- day . During 19927, the Compan- ion will contain more `nte esting reading than ever before,during its eentttry of successful life, Con - eider what your will get for '$2,00, 52 issues, containing 9 books len- eat •serials, 260 short 'stories by the moat popular authors, more than 100 special articles, a 'weekly see- tion for ingenious boys, called the "Y:C,Lab," a thoeough girls' ids. pertinent. and 52 pages ifo'r chil- dren. Also in each issue, an ex- teesive 'survey of current scents, making it easy for you to follow the affairs of this ,bury world.Don't Mies the greatest year of a {g'r'eat tnag•aiine, Subscribe now, and :eeeive ; 1 Thi Y'oun 's Companion -•52 i's- .,arms in 1.221, and 2.. The rtenaining issues of. 026. All for only $'2 00. 3, Or include tMeCallas !Magazine, they monthly 'authority on ea'sh. lolls, Both publicatbnss, only 0,50 Something new in the 'Spay of rail. way equipment- is the new storage) battery car now operating over Canadian Pacific lines between Galt and lfantilton. The car attains a speed of 35 miles per hourani iiialies two trips a day an each direr• tion, It has .three eompartments: general, passenger,+`. smoking and. baggage, is of an -steel construbtion and will accommodate 50 passeligere, `I'he service is reported to he giving ••i,• ratirration to the rumple :of tee diat,tlet. •ay Page TIN . i 'd i ,•a� Zuric ,' nig Store �d Isct 1 1 d a e have a complete Stockof everytning'nec- essary this line for the School Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers, Note Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and all textbooks. aai os Also a fine supply of the High School Bcol 's used in the Fifth Clasp Dr, A, J, MacKinnon. Zurich muilkymkpmm,w0kWAWNWPMAP,RWMA-1, ++++++÷÷ 4-34÷÷+÷+++++++++++ 34+•II••[••II••4•+++•F••&•+++++ +++++$ri+t-++++++• 4-0 HERE WE HAVE IT COMBINATION DOORS' THE DOOR TIIAT SERVES FOR WINTER AND 31JMMER , BY TAKING OUT iTHE SCREEN 'AND REPLACING A GLASS SASH. ONCE THERE, ALWAYS THERE. • Ne need of taking off a ,shabby looking 'scre•en door pachfall and trying to find, a 'spot on the frame to :securely fasten a battan door which darkens thus r•oo:rai and spoils :the outside appearance of the hou ni, STANDARD SIZES ALWAYS ON STOCK. ODD DOORS MAdE TO ,ORDER r, Place your order for ,Storm Sash Now; and have them when the. cold weather comes., th• -•'ib . 'saving tons of ,coal. CO PHONE 69 61119211111511101131111111111011 rr YL1XSC , 4 ZURICH fi +++.r. • •,}..§•+>.••i -+.@•...;..r+• .++ +++++44.44+ +++4'4.44+ +++4.14 A 45.1 ,Lr see -Ss This Space for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUB13ER YOUR L'CGY WHEELS. HESS - ZIIRICH OIC•I•••A•••!1•••••••••••�•••®+V®�r�•�•�11�n�•4F•/•••••••• I HARD OOAL We have made arrangements t whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of Scranton Anthracito Goal. Leave I your order with us and we will fill. them as shprents arrive. ' • ri 100IlbCO/000N9dt_10 if 0.0 0ile)44*4AbM10L1YlM00.0+llr000414460i'iwG'i4ri4tr•, , GOOD SUPPLY Y 0%' BEST BRANDS OF ii+'LOUR, CHICK I'Pe) FDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC, ALWAYS ON HAND W (AIM TO SATISPIC Louis Schilbe ZotitV.