Zurich Herald, 1926-10-28, Page 8Make yD1ir &or:3 your hi;er.dquaa'te.rs. For your Fiat and Winter Buyuig meet 'o u ° l'rion'is here • LADTES' COATS ,x'1:3 HAVE JUST OPENED J.) E=1' A ; IIII'MPNI OP LADIES COATS AND WOULD) BE PL1 SArA Ti) SHOW 'i`II1::'t'I'TO YOU. • THEY CONT AIN THE SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS AT VERY RE AS'J.'`v ,ABLE PRICES. NEW CO J R"l CLOTH A 5! inch (;-loth of T'- tri fine texture, similar to Jersey cloth, ;will not stretch or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses. >VILAl1MEA f --'ire petty shales a; Fawn and Navy for Coat's, Suits or .Dresses, =FLANNELS — We• have 36 l+icer . of Flannels inn' Stock, comprising • the} newest fancy and I)tairt sia.rt:Ya:. in 32 and 51 inch width's, eol ora such ns cr'darbark, Gypsy : end, Tuscan, Sandalwood, Ro'se- wood, Coral, F:arien.•e blue. Thrash, I3ua n se blue with white pin atri ne, als.:] black and !WOOL SANTOYS-- In in 1 otntan, Fliu^s, Rosewood, Brown, Fawn, Henna, .Navy, This cloth is \ ry popular •I'tgi fall wear. g4.OATING SPECIAL 5 Pieces Coatings in 51 -in. wid.th, Extra heavy quality at$1.50 yd rLANNELETTE WRAPI'.EIWJ T" 1"t•'S ETC. 40 y c„ .s of New Flannelettes, c,p -ned up in various widths, and qualities at lower prices than la 3t season, DRAPER CLOTHS In pr .t; -. shad-? of Pinks anrlBlues with gilt Scroll pattern 1 yd. will at nt)t yd. and 75c. a yd. WEArER COATS For Men, Women, Boyd and Girl's in Season's ne fst styles. IDEAL PATTERNS :Wel carry con*,tk'te ;lin:' of IL)E.AL PATTERNS in Stock. No ^e,:l ol waiting ;a we l: for a Pat 'rn. We have them .on hand, and at Jh_:Aaai :able low price of :e. each. II AND AT RIGI'IH PRICES FRESH (ROCERIES ALWAYS ON 7'1 Grant Pri)::1:... \iV a n Led Pliciiie 53 Gary a s,visiles Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENTJINE FORD PARTS SUET Y.t;a.'Hi ".0 A ,K1'iIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES !VE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 17 IN NLEI) 01' A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OI.TR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON V.O., AN 01 flRH CHEAP. BATTERIES, AND BESIDES •WE GIVE YOU SERVICE. ICIi. WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY.. BATTER RE P A 1 I1 ING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO tR'EPAI1'I Ti's EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- i81TYLENE It I.i,DTNG. 1i i;r�P"aLa r7" �JII� LEADING GARAGE�, T yr ;ossa Zurich a eakt liw44)F:,rFascrcf)olaa su` 00111144D0e14141 091VaVilis;gSWA3 0616. 80m411+ era ii ffif ars a9 c'9 q9 a uebeo Ave t[eeiaFurnaces t;.. . ettin cool. —•-, Winter ia) > be here, this pats us in )thine! 'DE axat New Stove, one that will gnv ' 3130ra;ti heat with less fuel than any otli .. ;fadtk•i.e on the market, namely the Clm.rfeK Quebec combined Cooker and +,}'� el THAT \VILE COOK AND BAIE.WITIT :tis• u. , L . %T. AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens ANi) •, ' ;:,; :N COAL OR WOOD. IN i l t r4lr-i'4 i A. 1 I , SA NIX; I+i hr and a r. CAN GIVE YOU TEE VERY BEST THAT “THE II'13ECLA" A REAL OLD.,STANDBY `.11' 11.5 (LIVEN SATISFACTION TO THOU FOR MANY YEARS. The Furnace that (-y0 in 5eve*n, • . ,ace Work, PlumbingJob or Bavetronghing You mike no rn;stak'e by corning here a done by our Expert Mr. Ted, Millteholtz, F 4preciate your Patronage ,fi.3R CH ootoor `. ONT". '! 8 r9 k3 a9 e9 to r9 '9 0 4F9 Cc9 r'9 es 4a ct9 w a9 a alp Q9 r W d9 a aAq9, w. as a9 0e edukttelit :',kiAa,a, See our Line a Ladies' and Men3s Hosiery, UnderweaT :Arco "MACKIN AC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED: AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL \WOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Ail., The Fall Millinery. Trade has opened up vita a rush and the reason i3 found in the attraetiveNew LIatsweare ,showing; Chem-e- ing in all the glory of Fall are these to vely . !tats. You will find it ,a genuine Pleasure tt, ~elect your new •M U f RAY:f hat 5 romr this gay assem- .S = R V 1 GY blase. The new high crowns are generously •repre'sented: We ar'.i enthua^d over our Millin ary thi ; used too and pleased with the. reasonable 13 V. V. Siebert, Zurich STRAYED Unto my premises Bronson Ling six spring calves, same came there on Oct. 24th. Owner call for's:ame and pay all costs, Philip Masse CREDITON Rev. W. Y. Dreier of the Evan- gelicat church here and Rev. E.D. Becker of • Evang. church Hanover exchanged pipit. lest Suuud.ay. Mr. and Mrs. Josirnh Brown ,of Bad Axe, Mich., v:3ited at th'; home of Mr. and Mrs. G. K.Browx, Mr. and Mrs. Walter McPherson and family moved last 'week nto the house they recently purchased from Mrs,. Finkhcner. ' Sorry that Mrs J,. Gaiser a on the sick 1st. Mrs. Srhlucter, of Pigeon, Mch, ' i'sted with Mr. and Mrs, G. K. Brown. Jo;>:•I.rlx IilIaist, was born Oct. 14111„ 1858, in Stephen Ip., north oi Crediton on the Hast homt;strata and died n Battle Creek, Mich., at home of his son -n• -law. and daught'n, Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Nier•- garth., on Oet, 1301. Ile departrl one day prior to hs 08th birthday. Health f"ailed him a 1it'1r•. over t year and cleeline>cl until nothing co rad be done. I,oaina 'I+'.likbeinor, born In Ger- -frilly 1940, died Oct. 19th, 1926, at the lif.nne of Mr. anii :Mrs. Harry T3"neer \\h='1" :she had naad.o her t'onv' for a few months. She ca- ra: y to Canada, ',at the age of 23, locating temporally at various nlaci,s in Ont; finally making her hom in Stephen, near Crediton, 5he was married to Jacob Finkb- beiner in 1800, fi v':' son ^-1 . '1, gliter;r, \ser,' horn to O. ar s. )ns and 2 daunhtoi^i and father pr' ,lc:ceas::'d mother. The latter died 31 years ago. --- F-IENSALL Lee . Redden has taken a •poa- it•ion with •Cool: Br:::3 at the mill ' John Young, former propria -et or of the NNaw Commercial hotel and con -in-law, R. Duncan of Har ring t an were r is li''`re. i'ilr. and Mrst A. Love, •spent• the past few weeks ;lith their son at ,i'onkkto n, Mastiff. Ray Petter.son, whine re- cently visiting friends in .;; co-- '.Esti y, was bitten by (%t dog wh- ich r:'quirrd nt a stitches to close AIr ,and 'Mrs. Thos. Richardson moved to a 'Immo nt ar Chiselhurst. The .grain market here ic'svery busy, '1:5 urge• quantitierl of g'r' ain and beans rare corning in daily, while: Bob Higgins. s, making lar; t :s,hilm nta of fowl daily, I41r3. John 131atehford, 'while vis-' icing at 11.hq home of Mrs. S. Swan PSI off the verandah, ;V,adly hur't-- int •li airy Arnold, otic of the heal 1:now•'n business men of .Tleu:;all, and tot many years ,manager \of the• Maisons Bank, later .the Bank ,f Montreal, has resigned ;his pos- ition with the latter (bank, •Mr.• W. A. Houston, of Brockville, has • been. appointed' as, succi*sior. �.lo M. Arnold, Who continues to i' c Triair 1. - resident for Hensel!. ;iA xm sting was 'livid in.the Tewn ? a.11. You prices will as well. be enth- SEI OUR, NEW PARLOR IN THJ3 c*A eno'BLOCK Hall the other evening ¢or ithel. purpose of rorganizring a \fire brigade for 'the new ,engine just recently ordered, but which hal not yet arrived. The following were a1pointed—E. Bates, Fire Chief; Geo. Crock, First Licut;•Dr. Campbell, 2nd Lieut; Janie's Foster and Orval Twitchell, drivers; and Chas Moore, engineer. The ,1re- n.ainder of the B.igade are; Alf, Clark, F. Farquhar, :W. Fairburn, D. McKinnon, IL Hogarth, ;,G. Par- ker, E. Drummond and E. Shadd- eek, AUCTION SALE Of Farm, Farm Stock and Implern- end's, The undersigned auctioneer has received instruction' to sell by public Auction at Lot 21,, Con. 2, L RS., T'uckeramith. 'I.ownship, 1 miles east and 19:4 miles north of ' Kippen on WEDNESDAY, NOV-4 P, EYBiaR i0tht, 1920, at 12.30 p. m, Sharp, the t2Nllowing property. Lot 21. L.R.5. Tuckersnlith Tpr., c�tnt°tining 100 acre's. well drained and fenced ,• 10 acrr'sglood bush; 1.0 acres wheat; 23 acres plowed; bal- ance !se,?ded to grass; large brick house and brick kilthen attached furnace and 'soft water in hoarse; 2g ood wells, woodshed and large bank bar,i with ,good stalling and litter carrier, run hju�sn, driven shed with ate..l roof and. other out- buildings. EtORS1S-2 broo 1. mares r'4sing and 8 ;yrs;g ray Perch"ron hors rising 4 years; bay horse .rising years, aged driver, aged mare, 2 '!staring collts; CATTLE --Cow 5 yr old, clue at time •of 'sale, cow 4 yr old due' in. Feby.; cow 3y -es. of with calf at Toot, 3 h'':ierf's rising yrs; 4 spring calvor, all choice Durham cattle. HOGS—York br- ood -sow, due Dec. 10th; 4 Minks .bete: 75 -lbs. Good. Bacon Type, rO\t'IA--7 dn„r, ,Plyni kith Rock. hens; 4 dor. Rock nlIets; 3 doz Hoek cockerels 9 Al"elcy. i1bIT'T,1r.lyll';Nl'S, I11111binder, Dair in r mower, Hay loader, Cocktghutt riding pow, \valkin.r; plot;, 11ltfT cultivator, MIT, drill 13'hoe; 'Wilk insCrig ang blow, wagon. almost new, .gravel bo.. hay rack, silky~ rake 12 font; manure 1s•prrader, st- 'o1 tired bog„'y, bot, '.l'h h, cutter 10g at,'orl 'barrel, fanning tail, sca- les 2000-1b. cao. land roles spring seat, 3 -sec. harrows, 2 set tringle: harness. sot britckrt`n harness new, tsat plow haarde'ss, 5 horse collars, 3 blanket's. bet' loxes and supplies iluf.talo robe; buggy rug, ',,,.:ar. ket tat, sap pail and spile•s, Syrup 4,ua- atn':s,.35 bags potatoes, 3 cord hard wool. 3"0 bush. wheat, 200 bush bar ley, 000 'inhh. ants,, 12 load timothy hay, 4 .lord mallett, 5 rating ropes T'orks.; 'shovel.a, ehainp, neckyokes doubtetrees and numerous other a rtici, sl. 'I'ERIVIS-•.Farm-10% On day of ~~.al:i $40'10 may remain as mortgage. Nat i rV , balance in 5t4 d'i'vll,• Pas- :session as 'session given. `C1rA'r',I'EL.S--\V'he. at and al l!sums mf $10 and gander cash?, over that a. 1ou:nty. 42 'Months' credit will be given on furnilshing a: iproaved joint notes A disH aunt of 5 per cent, allowed for- eas3dr on credit amount's): Oscar _Klopp, Auctioneer. ltX. d"s J, D�aynian, Propriety t, hnirsds�*, etober NE, .��.. .... �FWRWIFBlY1 +.ON9i4{,lFIlx,Hb4IVA1r�„,,yrh���+�.:`'AFM'41ri We have received a large shipment of new Furniture i.nci'udi ..' : fi r ► a a room, new diniii road suites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets tables and ,chairs COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS 13LDS, ANDA PULL LINE O1»' T E'FAMOUS SIMMONS CIITAR.. ANTEIID SPRINGS AND MA'1'TELSSES, d „.,Qy'r BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. A FULL UNE OF SHELF AND HEAVE? H:AR]iYF1it'� REB BEATf'.Y WASH' MACHINES FURNACES, ,., AND WRINGERS, `�3'a;'`si.&IS ANS, r r WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY. FENCING, AND CE1IEN;T, LET US DO YOTJR PLIJ]9'l3"I1�tGI, EVETROPORTNLl OR HOOP- INGi'. t \VLrCA11I;Y'A3? i i�:d; FULL LINE OF 100% PURE MAIITIN SENIOUi PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES, IF' EST Gas and Loa] ' TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTE BRING IN YOUR 'LD RAGOS, TRADE OR CASH lc. lb. Johnston&Ra1.?*ejch rare , Furniture. Phones 63 Crumnra os....e.mw wsa.cu�Y ,: ,,untmAnvauvssmem wm: ..lags f ..a.........,.. gotsai .. isEmesamsep+Yaziema YF a�q•,ISN�f�Y,1y.•rive.wrNlppy'}„aiC19,YiA.4'fNlbF%lflriYp. 'hat i lir it Erhe It is the written promise of e 62t•r-ar-old financial institution to. roma at maturity the amount of your investment, and Ito spay in- terest half -yearly ;during the term: at the good rate of 5 per cent PER .ANNII:Pr1: Huron & Erie Debenture's are is- sued for $100 lar nior&. for one, two three, four for five years. Surplus security totals • $6,850,000.00 Let me show you .a sample truss, tee debenture before you invest a dollar of your' aa.vings, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO; --.SERVICE AND SAFETY H .l. o' 3 {.) .I VI 'L ) .w Y ; 3 \� 3°' �. LE.? s.urmoauua,z.x1u,varxunowmnu..awc.. uwa..w uu„cwew;usamosesov+vunw xmam+nvaanwmmnrt nnnmcasrsasur ivelmn:,-,r. "m'a wn<nn>..,mmmao.an>v'•Sacam+mnrs n ism.w.aaewmm+oeeo+nsmnnmauwrsa,anaanem+.m. nc.urmenu„ 5 Painting and Paper Handing ; o w `.''. 7 A ".; , 5 LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, ” "� e I, ' CSR A NINCI + 1?'AII:RHAI+I'UI1VU' �;. S1 DECORATING. WE 1JIAE E IT A s MOTTO TO SATISFY OTJE CUS- ,1 TOM IRS t.TITR. EVERY JOB WE 2 DO. TRY US -ON TOUR ''''''XT t Drugless•Praetio - s eer and Optician EXETER ll�ktrtrtiir! lei b EICI MEIER, rI T L ALP> n R0l35N wales Tuesday, a lf, pt f, Every ii> air, qtr k, J �5•, 4,441 09, Fr' t t ��� c l t'k • Area az xtl l/y,eF q.WM LEW With an extraordinary showing of the Sea;so • Ihs Newest Materials for Men's Suits 11411 / i WHERE YOU WILL Ir'I T � N.D kti]aI1J>uI.St THIS BIGGEST T.4,7tLQlz 1 INGI• VALUES EVER HEARD OPP. 1* YEARS OP EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH ECONOMY IN IA1ING l3CTYINGi TIlEI MATERIAL DIRECT FROM TH'd.I11 :30 AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, THAT'SWHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET., BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY. ly ? 31 f4- i f , a y '' kM' 7 ' ✓� MERCHANT TAILOR. W.H BIOIIIl9[AN & Son,, ray IDMP1�4.]G; #. I'AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS, Day anal Night Phoney Vie, eco "''fit--rte--db*4^--'+-f-.-•„s0f-•+&t--4!if-4•1A4rx6-4—•-fffi+'-". ` w l