Zurich Herald, 1926-10-28, Page 3GrxnadianP/an.3ooL'
In co•operetion with Canadian Architects
'designs of moderate priced homes are pub,
fished in the MacLean Buiklers Guide.
Detailed information on planning,
building, furnishingg, decorafingg and gar -
i dealt*, 1'rofuselyiliustmied.
An ideal reference book.
Send 23 cents fora copy.
ri JAM i ��
MitCLean Builders' Guido
2Y � 344 AdW'
olaldo St. ..
' t Toronto. Ont.
High School Boards and Boards of Education
Are authorized by law to estabilzit
With the approval of the Minister of Education.
nay be conducted ineaccordance with the regulations hewed by
the Department of Education.
la given in various trades. The ochocts and classes are under the
Application for attendance should be made to the Principal of the
for in the Courses of Study in Public, Separate, Continuation and High
Schools, Collegiate institutes, Vocational Scheele and Departments.
Copies of the Regulations Issued by the Minister of Education may be
obtained from the Deputy Minister, Parliament Buildings, Tord'hte.
Man Must Fight With 200,090 Different Kinds of Insects.
Five types of insects are shown hero. No. 1 is the American bumble -bee.
No. 2 is the 'cloaked wasp. No. 3 is the'sphinx moth. No. 4 is the spotted
Ladybird. No. 5 is the so-called potato -bug enemy.
Secrets of Science.
By David Dietz.
Insects represent a special and high-
ly developed branch of the Animal
Kingdom. More than 200,000 species
of insects are known to the biologist.
They afe found in all parts of the
iworld. Insects are found in the Arc -
lttRegion and in the arid deserts.
The ancestry of the insect is lost
1n obscurity. They made their ap-
(pearance upon earth millions of years
(.ago, in"the Era of Ancient Life.
' litany biologists believe that the
!'trilobites which flourished on the
looean floor in the early days of the
lEra of Ancient. Life furnished the an-
,cestral stock from which the insects
Insects are typical winged creatures.
Their bodies are honey -combed with
air tubes or tracheae by which air is
carried to the blood in all parts of the
This is thought to account for the
great activity of insects. Due to this
wide -spread circulation of air through-
out the body, the blood of the insect
is never impure.
The body of the insect is divided
into three distinct regions, The first
is the head. The second is called the
thorax and the third the abdomen.
The head bears a pair, of feelers or
antenae, compound eyes and three
pairs of jaws.
The thorax consists of three seg-
ments, out of each og which usually
grows a pair of legs. A pair of wings
is usually also attached to both the
second and third segments.
The abdomen is usually divided up
into eight or nine segments,
Win These
2nd — $100 in Gold.
3rd — $50 In Gold.
"lth $25 in Gold.
5th — $10 in Gold.
6th to 15th Prizes -45.00
worth each of Hosiery and
16th to 25th Priaos—§3.00
worth caoh of Hosiery and
00In Mysted
Mystery Prize!
I. Every Contestant must
bo 15 or over.
2. -write answers in pee
and idir on one side of
paper only. Put name
and address and name
of this paper, iu upper
right hand corner, stat-
ing whether, Mrs.. Mr,.
or liiss. Do not fiend
typewritten entries.
3. Prizes will bo awarded
according to skin dis-
played in correctly, solv-
ing this Picture -puzzle,
as 15'e11 as In the neat-
ness, hand -writing and
general appearance of
entry, Covent closes
Doe, '.31st, 1056. Judges'
derision is -anal.
4. No employees of this
Company, their friends
Or relatives nun. compote,.
5. You will be noticed len-
attOdtntely if your
answer Is earroct
and will be ro-
auested to ful-
fill a simple
condition of
the contest
that need not
Costyou any
money. Men
answer a t
°nee. i'' o p
have riY u e It
to gain and
nothing t 0
Do Not
Miss This
• .t
What's all the excltement? An aviator nos
National Hosiery Comn an panytisThis mysteriofor us
message contains seven words which are In
their correct order. Each word contains only
the letters as shown. Now, place the letters
of each word in their proper position and
write down the sentence they make. To give
you a clue, the second word is "PAYS".
Test your skill and anail your solution
immediately to compete for this
Wonderful, New 6 Cylinder, 5 Passenger
Pontiac Sedan, Value, $1170.00.
and these 25 other Valuable Prizes.
Everyone has an ectual opportunity of win.
ning. Read the rules and follow them care-
fully to be. sure of a prize.
to acquaint still more people with the money-
saving values in National hosiery and -Under-
wear now sold Direct -by -Mail from thetWorid's
Leading Mills, It Is not necessary to become
our. Agent In order to compete, but, if you
wish to do so, we agree to reward you hand-
somely for your co-operation, in.,addition to
any prizes you may win.
Every entry will be judged according to the
skill displayed in correctly solving the mes-
sage and submitting the answer. • The follow-
ing well-known gentlemen will act as Judges:
GEO. E. ANSLEY, General Sales Manager,
Pontiac Division, General Motors Products of
Canada, Ltd., .Oshawa,
A. H. MACLAUGHLAN• Manager, Ontario
Branch; Desharais Advt. Agency, Toronto.
R. W. COWAN, Sec, -Treasurer, Print Craft,
• Ltd., 'soronto.
a,nd yeti will immediately be given
an opportunity to WIN AN EXTRA
$50.00 IN GOLD, and there's still
another pleasant surprise in store
for you. Pull particulars will be
mailed the same day your answer
is received. Address
Dept. -34 156 Yongo St., Toronto.
e. se atl
f4 i
VALUE $1170 00
Insects are of vest inenerttance in
the world beoause of :their great nuns-
Many biologists now feel that man
must figlxt bleeds for the po,•-.sseesion
of the world and that unless the flee.
truction of crops and forests by insecta
is ehecked, man may losethe battle
for the possession of -the earth.
That is why every civilized nation
to -day maintains a Department of En-
tomology as part of its governmental
organization, It is the duty of title
department to conduct the war upon
Insects are characterized by
changes in form before the adult stage
is reached.
In the case of some ineects, the new-
' ly hatched insect resembles the parent
insect but does not possess wings. The
insect in this stage is known as a
In higher types of insects, the new-
ly -hatched insect is in the form of a
]a.va—a caterpillar, grub or the like,
Then the larva enters a quiescent
stage known as the pupa or chrysalis
stage. From that it Emerges as an
adult insect.
In addition to the insects which fly,
there are other types. Some crawl
along the ground, others burrow into
it, still others are aquatic, spending
the larval stage in lakes and rivers.
It matters not if heads be white
If hearts be two -and -twenty,
Though grief and sorrow try the soul,
Of joys there are a -plenty;
For who that sees a day reborn
Can languish in. its glory?
Or who that thrills with spring can
His life an outworn story?
Away with all your talk of age!
Speak not of youth's declining,
For I who still count life a friend
Must scorn. your weak repining;
A song for me, a joyous song,
And give me dreaz is a -plenty:
It matters not if heads be white
If hearts be two -and -twenty.
—Thomas Curtis Clark.
Proof That Building Up the
Blood Will Strengthen the
If you want strong nerves you must
make the effort yourself. You can help
yourself by refusing to worry, by tak-
ing the proper rest, sleep and out-of-
door exercise. For medicine take only
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills which prompt-
ly build up the blood and Thus feed
the starved, frayed nerves.
.A case of extreme nervous exhaus-
tion restored by the use of Dr. Wil-
lianas' Pink Pills is that of Mrs. n.
Dundas, Peterboro, Ont., who says:—
"Some years ago I suffered a com-
plete nervous breakdown, I doctored
with two local doctors, but got no re-
lief. In fact I was growing worse and
weaker all the time. In this condition
my mother came to take care of me
and urged me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills, as she had taken them all
through the change of life with splen-
did results. At this time I felt so far
gone that I did not care whether I
lived er not. But the coaxing of my
mother and other relatives finally per-
suaded me to try the pills. By the
time I had taken a few boxes I was
feeling a little improvement and ivas
able to move around. As I kept on
taking the pills I felt myself able to
go out and made a practice of going
to a near -by store every second week
to weigh myself, and I gained rapidly
from 103 to 135 pounds. I continued
taking the pills for several months,
and It Is impossible for me to express
in words the wonders they did for me.
Nobody but myself knows the tortures
I endured from nerve trouble, and
now, thanks to Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills, I am a normal, healthy -woman.
I do not think anyone troubled as I
was can iin•d a better remedy than Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills."
If your dealer does not keep the
pills you can get thein by mail rt 60c
a box by .rnwriting The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
This is success, so to have lived
yOtir years
That all who've knownyou shall
have found you true,
Have seen in some way what is best
in you
And found in you some comfort for.
their tears,
A. smile which passed but often re-
Or heard a word which cheered
them through and through,
And think of you as one who tried
to do
ao.lne friendly service 10 a thio of
f cars.
Highest Gift.
I asked of a seer, wide-eyed, serene,
,'Whet is the greatest •boon?
I asked --who wished to know 80 mush
peforo carne afternoon,
Great fouls in humble bodies octan
The noble spirits walk in common
un thoughtfulness for others they ex -t
A 'gentle friendship marks their
round of days.
Longest remembered at the journey's
end '
Is he who reaped his-guory as a friend.
—Edgar A. guest.
A man's heart beats 92,160 times
in a day..
nub your scalp with Minard's Liniment
le it wea'itli, is it fame, is it freedoxn,
What ie the splendid gift?
Tell lie, that it 1 capture 1t
I May guard it, use with thrift..
The ser was silent, but out :of my
Came the answer clear and true—
Lifer—life itself Is the greatest gift
That is bestowed on you.
--George E111aton.
Pasteurizing Milk.
The dairy cow is the most efficient
BAB s OWN TABLETS of all animals inl the production of
e� human foods. Tile ohief haudieap Un-
der which she suffers is tuberculosis.
In this regard, Prince Edward Island
can boast of the Canadian record, -
99.6%a of dairy cattle in the whole
island are free from tuberculosis. Be-
cause this disease affects the human
food, we roust build a first line of de-
fense—pasteurize all milk to be used
by human beings --and follow it up by
a second—eliminate tuberculosis from
the dairy cow.
It has been proven beyond all dIB-
puce that human beings can—and do
develop tuberculosis from the milk
of tuberculous cows. The matter 1s
serious, for we are face to face with
the fact that one of -every two eases
of tuberculous glands in children un-
der five years of age can be blamed up
on tuberculosis germs 1n milk. Fur-
ther, a large amount of abdominal and
bone tuberculosis among children is
directly traceable to milk from dis-
eased. cows.
Milk used by human beings should
be free from the germs of tuberculosis.
Can we hope to supply such a milk?
It is quite possible—keep the germs
out of the milk, and kill them if they
do get in; that's all. The 'milk must
come front healthy cows. Milking and
handling of utensils must be done by
healthy persons; if a person is "not
very well," let flim or her help with
other work, but never with milking or
anything that has to do with the milk.
In spite of our best efforts, germs
of tuberculosis will, however, get into
milk, and before it Is used as food,
they must be killed. The surest way
to ensure this is by pteurizing: heat
to a point in which tate germ cannot
Live (142F. for 30 minutes), chilling
immediately (45F,) and keeping it cold
until used. This will make the milk
free from tuberculosis germs, also
germs of typhoid, diphtheria, scarlet
fever and septic sore throat. It is a
simple matter to treat the milk which
any town or country family is to use
as food in this way. And no one can
say it is too much bother when it
means protection for your family
against the white man's greatest
Because They Are Tasteless and
Are Easy to Take.
One of the strongest poling in favor
of any medicine- for children is that
It is so agreeable that the mother does
not have to fore it down the little
one's throat.
Baby's Own Tablets have no drug
taste, may be crushed to a powder if
desired, and babies like them. They
are perfectly safe for they contain no
opiate or narcotic. They sweeten the
stomach and remove the cause of fret-
Mra. Arthur Charlebois, Pawtucket,
R.I., says: "I have found Baby's Own
Tablets to be a gentle laxative and a
safe remedy for stomach disorders in
children. Our little boy had been
given harsh cathartics but these tab-
lets worked more effectively without
the severe griping. I can recommend
them to all mothers• of little children,"
Baby's Own Tablets are sold by
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
cents a box from The Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Re -Measuring the Months. -
The sub -committee of the League :of
Nations which has-, for the last two
years, beery considering the matter of
reforming the calendar, has now con-
cluded its labors, and a report, recom-
mending some very drastic changes,
has been presented.
It is suggested that Easter shall be
definitely fixed for the second Sunday
in April, regardless of the date. An
overwhelming number of business,
economic, and professional bodies are
in favor of this.
Many leaders of religious thought
are also in agreement with the sug-
gestion, but it is expected that the
Vatican will be hostile. It has inti-
mated that it cannot see its way to
sanction the change unless there is a
general agreement on the subject
throughout Christendom.
It seems unlikely that such agree-
ment will bo reached without prolong-
ed negotiation, for already the great
Eastern Orthodox Church (embracing
some millions of Russians and Greeks)
keeps both Christmas and Easter some
time later than the churches in the
Another proposal which the sub-
committee put forward would equalize
the number of days 1n each of the
four quarters of the year by an ar-
rangement whereby the first two
months of every quarter shall contain
thirty days, and the third month
The extra day would be added to the
beginning of January, and would prob-
ably be known as January 0th. Or
it might be added to one of the thirty -
day months, the quarter in which it
fell having one thirty -day month only.
In a leap year there would be two such
An alternative proposal is that the
year should be divided. into thirteen
months of twenty-eight days ' each, the
odd. day left over having no date but
being known simply as "Year Day."
In leap year the extra day would be -
known as "Leap Day."
Brooms Abolished.
Brooms are to be abolished from
French barrack rooms. M. Painleve,
minister of war, has giveu instructions
that vacuum cleaners are to be issued
to all units and are to be used daily
in removing the dust from barrack
Minaret's Liniment relieves stiffness
Water Engine With Care.
When the water in the cooling sys-
tem suddenly turns to steam, due to
evaporation or leakage, do not add
water immediatelyto the radiator to
cool the engine, but allow it to drop
to a temperature that will not burn
the fingers. Even then add water
slowly. Be careful when removing the
radiator cap to avoid being scalded
by escaping steam. Pouring cold
water into the jackets of an overheat-
verheat-ed engine is very likely to cause
violent contraction of parts of the
cylinders and head that may result
in the formation of cracks and per-
haps ruin these expensive parts.
A yard where lions, tigers, and
other animals and serpents are bought
and sold is a feature of the East -end
of London.
Are You Tired
100 Practical Farmers, Wanted:—To
take over 10 acres each, finest 4 -crop
combination fruit and vegetable soil
in Central Florida. Railroad, schools,
churches and other facilities. Only re-
quirement, each individual must have
enough money to finance bims•eif. For
further information write to -day. Geo.
N. Davis, 746 Seybold Bldg., Miami, Fla,
Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for
Colds Headache Neuritis Lumbago
Pain Neuralgia Toothache Rheumatism
DOES NT AFFECT •.._ amaswcmtenam;�m,aa
Acct only "Rayer" package
which contains proven directions.
Irandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets
Also bottles of 24 and 100 -•-Druggists.
Aspirin lo the trade marls registered In Canada) et Bayer t.fanrtfaeterm or Monte tcetic-
aoldcnter of SeIloyileaeid (Aeotyl salieylie Aeld, "A. 3. A,"), it is wan Iounta*
that Aspirin tears player tnahnfaeturh, to assist the nubile against 'inaltatloua, the Tablets
of payor temente +rVI11 be stamped with tear gederai trade wade the „Pay00. 0*110K."
Classified Advertisements.
Western Canada,, easy tern a.
Write for free particulars, stating
:what you' want. Continental Horse -
seeker, 2061 Rose Street, Regina, Sask.,
The College Joke of the Week.
Scotch Gent—"Aly lad, are you to be
my caddie?"
Caddie—"Yes, sir."
-"And how are you at finding lost
"Very good, sir."
"Well, look around and find one, and
we'll start the game."
Among the unusual professions fol-
lowed by women are dealing in auto-
graphs, running children's parties
finding names for persons or articles,
and running a roofing factory.
Sneezing ?
The sign of a coaling cold. Beebe
the feet in Minerd's and hot water.
Also inhale.
Mrs. Horn Tells how Lydia E.
rinlcham's Vegetable Compound
Restored Her Health
Bamiilton,Ont.—"I have taken Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
• and would not be
without it now.
I had a female
trouble so badly I
could hardly walk
and I was all run-
down and c ou l d
hardly get around
to do my house-
work. I would bo
in bed three or
four days at a
see' time. I was told
;1-• by a friend to try
your Vegetable Compound. I did, and
by the time I took two bottles I was
beginning to get around again. I took
ten bottles in all, and now I am all
right again and doing my own work.
I have six grown-ups to work for, so
I have plentyto do. I also used Lydia
E. Pinkham's Sanative Wash, and I
think it is good. But I owe my health
to the Vegetable Compound, and I
think if more of it was used women
would be better off. I would not be
without it if it cost much more.“—
Mrs. NELLIE HORN, 28 St. Matthews
Avenue, Hamilton, Ontario.
Do you feel broken down, nervous
and weak sometimes? Lydia E. Pink -
ham's Vegetable Compound is excel-
lent to take at such a time. It always
helps, and if taken regularly and per-
sistently, will relieve this condition.
Pimples on Scalp Itched
d ,�P Cuticura Heals.
"After having the flu my hair
fell out so that I had to have it
bobbed. I also had some pimples
on my scalp and it itched badly.
My hair was lifeless and dry, and
when I combed it, it came out in
"1 sent for a free sample of Cuti-
cula Soap and Ointment. It helped
me so I purchased more, and after
using two cakes of Cuticura Soap,
together with the Cuticura Ointment,
twee completely healed." (Signed)
Mrs. Geo. H. Elliott, West St.,
R. R. 4, Orillia, Ont.
Cuticera Soap, Ointment a n d
Talcum are all you need tot every-
day toilet and nursery 'purposes.
sample tach Pre* by USA Address Cank fan
Depot: stenhouaa, t.td, Afantreel:' Prioo, seep
2oc Ointment 25 rand Mc, Talcum Mc.
etttkinra Sharing Stick 2)ic.
ISSUE No. 43--•'26