HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-21, Page 8Make our Store your headquarters. For your Fall and Winter Buying meet your friends here LADIES' COATS " WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A SHIPMENT OF LADIES COATS AND WOULD BE PLEASAt, TO SHOW THEM TO YOU. TREY CONTAIN THE SEASON'S 1?E\VE;T STYLES AND CLOTHS AT W7ERY REASONABLE 21sqEW COVERT CLOTH A 54 inch Cloth of Extra fine texture, similar to Jersey cloth, NMI not 'stretch or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses, CHARi`IEAN — in pretty schndes o:. Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits or Dresses. LANNELS — We have 36 pieces of Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and plain shades in 32 and 54 inch widths, col 'moors such as cederbark, Gypsy Ted, Tuscan, Sandalwood;, Rose- wood, Coral, Farience blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin stripe, also black and navy. WOOL SANTOYS — In in Pototan, Btu s, Rosewood; Brown, Pawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular fail wear. {COATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality .at $1.50 yd rLANNELETTE W RAPPERETTLS, ETC. 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various widths and qualities at lower prices than last season. ?RAPER CLOTHS • In pretty ,sh.acles of Pinks andBlues with gilt ;scroll pattern 1 yd. G wide at .60c. yd. and 75c. ayd. EATER COATS—For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's newest styles. IDEAL PATTERNS {W'.ef carry a coMplete cline .of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No :need of waiting. a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and €at the remarkable low price of 20c. each. nAND AT RIGTH PRICES C Prod u�� Wanted FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON ONS Phone 59 uri h's Garage Gas, eils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs aNu:NE FORD PARTS .ITUST RELE1VED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES WE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS A> I r • DWI' alz EV IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR ,PATRONAGE. 1WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE 'ia'OU. SERVICE, WE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. 4'lATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO 2EPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR hMEC13ANICAL, ALSO AC- IETYLENE WELDING: I i I , ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE IL loasseaa Zurioh �t1K1CIi ct :kC ►k•F5' l'huri dykes •cks51dC,24.,Z ; See our Fall Line of Lathes' and den's Hosiery, Underwear etc, .MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS • gel At MER ER The Fall- Millinery • Trade has opened up with a r uiah and the reason. is found in the attractive New Etats we are ;showing. Charm- ing in all the glory of Fall are these lovely Hats. You will find it ,a genuine pleasure to ;select your new M U R RAY.t hat seroma this gay assent- �? E RVICe." blage. The. new high crowns are generously represented. \Ve are enthused over our Millinery this Fall. You will .be enth- used too and pleased with the reasonable prices as well SEE OUR NEW PAR• LOR NT. V. Siebert, Zurich IN THE GASCAO BLOCK as e • Oarex Quebe . Stoves i AO lleela F ••WYIr• 0 • • • • cb • • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • • 0 • • • • • • O • • • • • • • • • • • a • • 6 6 2 Nights Ire getting cool — Winter willst>o li be there, this puts us in mind of that New Stove, one that will give more heat with less fuel than any other (Hake on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and T'BAKE HEATER, Com, ;. � i U VI3 TIIA'I WILL COOK AND WITH 1 ANY Oh i HEST, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE i\I DE IN TWO SIZES18Y18 in. ,and 20x20 in ovens • I AND W.IL., CAN COAL OR WOOD. sal0060000•0000o 0000000 IN FL 11's � . , VE CANGIVEYOU THE VERY BEST THAT MUN.i:. tT , "THE II.RECLA." A REAL OLD STANDBY A Fife s AT HAS (; I V EN SATISFACTION TO THOU • SANDS cs. a t.s FOR MX.NY YEARS. The Furnace that .se saves coal in seven. ' S In havi •r nate W or'c, :Plumbing Job or Eavetroughin g ,Sj and 1t,c.i,,,•,'...,; s Jae' You m,rke no mistake, by corning here here a . , ;. t done by our Expert Mr. Ted; Millte'holtz, 0 0 • 060666 predate your Patronage 411 RICH 406000060006 WEIDO �N16001460060606460166x TEACHERS' CONVENTION The 19th, annual convention of West Huron Teachers was held at Goderich, Oct. 14 and 15th, with135 teachers present, Inspector Tom,. the . president, occupied ,the Omit- Rev hairRev Clark, of N. St. United. eh urch conducted the opening ex- ercises T1 year's minitos were read and confirmed, Owing to the remov- al of Auditor H.`Cran'son, from the inspectorate, Mr. M, C. •M,illiken was appointed, • The first paper wast aken by Miss L'lla ¶Sowerby, of Westfield,' on "Time Table'' Eeonorny . for Plural Schools". • A well arranged and carefully followed. timetable for the proves a great time saver fc • .busy teacher, Miss Grace Lochart, of S.S. 12, W. Wawe noats introduced the 'sub- ject of "Black Board Work This should be a model of neatneyss,not only because it 'tells 40r th? teacher, but ;nerve's as an example to the pupils. "Liket eacher,likc: rupft5. Inspector Tom threw out some '3plenclid hints regarding the full solutions of probl'nns in arithmetic, instead of a collection of mean- ingless figures. •''The subjject of spelling for 'second classes was next thiken up, by Miss M. Ellis, 'of Hen'sall. This subject :sh,ould be built ,i•pon the Phenie method and certain ulree should be given, "as are to be found in the text book. The matter of the teacher'lib- rary, which ils at present in Ex- eter .school, was then discussed, These books, though valuable to _the teachers, are not being read, 'Pe Make it .more cor . . •t for the teachers to get ,these decided to !leave them in lets at each; publid library in the in:sp-c ectorate incl have them moved in cycle order from time .to time: Ths fee for joining the afasoc- nation was lowered 'from 50 cents to 25' and each teacher wag given a reduction of 50e, on all Teachers' Magazines, Mr. Geo. Maw'son oil Exeter,thien discussed the changes in the 1926 Cour' of Study, The enlr*arcs examination 'pap- ers of if126 were discussed by the paretiesi whO examined_: the ';same and •suggestions were thrown out whereby' 'improvements, might . be • rna'l^° in the an'swrxrs both., as to quality and method. Mr. ,J. E. Torn took arithmetic and ',spelling and Mr'.. G S. Howard, grammar, hiistory and liter, atuire, Afternoon Session. Tn:snrctor Torn spoke ,on Rep- orte, he ;strongly aged sa.a in tor mer /ear's, the necessity of teach- ers being promipt to him, .es he ha.w tin 110 with 'hist 'o the T)'•t„ Mr G W. Tlo.fferd, M.A., of 'Lon- don Normal ' an nld. T=fr "on 13ov, teablr rr'v fir, !snbieet. "The Dal- ton, nlan of teaching intrtYrrcleesl, he Mian "Perlch,t t,,t of Dalton, Masa and haS so increased in favor that if: i,., •wale being Used in America and Enrolee. 7vr ilVfol4'av 'of TT'nn'an11, t&ink ran, F11(1 ohetn ,]ur'inro the 'Ro,wrwcl;'l'.cblo r'rrrrfn,+Arrro+ Awad Ind In diiscu'susie n: the, mar'i4f4r tonit defeete o£ mer• nes 'fit 1100 kfk,An intereeting dissuasion at'/:mag den on our prs esent speller. Son -le conderne med it while others were ,loud in its :praise. fPaMiss •Letta Guenther, •,Dashwood introduced the tsubject of theme of the ;History Readers with third classes. These should be read in class' and 'the subject matter; used as Material for coMpoisitioxi On Thursday evening the tea- chers were len ce:rtained at a ban- quet ,giuexa ,by :the :Schooli and Ho Me' Chib 'in North; St. United ch- urch, this ,indeed was a 'treat to the teaeleeris land broke the neon -I otany of the day ;sessions. Friday Forenoon 1. f The opening exercise's . were taken by ,Mx'. MacKay, land the el- ection of officers resulted as fol- lows; Pres, Miss M. A. Ellis, ,Hen- eall; Vice -Pros. Mr. P. B. Moffat, Dashwood; Secy-Treas., G, S.How. ard, Exeter; Councillors, Miss . N. Medd, Exeter; Miss 7,. McCullough, Winch.c'tsea; Auditors, Mr. D. Mc- Rae, Miss tA. Ganser: Resolution Committee, Messrs. W. McKay,, G. MVlaw71son, R. Stonehouse; Misses V. Watson. M. Horton and E, Wiggins Delegate to ;O;•E.A., Mr. T. B. Mof- fat, offat, The auditors report showed a. •good balance., to the! •credit of the :association. Mies Luau F\Citon, of Exeter, fol lowed with ,4;Cate ork for Primary Pupils. , ; Miss •MVlargareit Geieve of Stan- ley, took Arithmetic for the !same grade, ;she would use concrete mat- erial such ,as buttons, leeks, took pickks, 'oto., to ,teach numbers, Mr',Ifefferd ,M A., took lis sec= and -subjec t"Tine New Achievement Tests.' In this he_ showed the difference di making paperia. Some .teachers ,mark too leniently, while • others ,too. severely,. • Tea- chers, ,Should+not guess. Mr. Roy Stonehouse gave a 'splencliclj paper on Auxiliary Class Virorlc, the. $leaning's from a.sun'- mer course ilio took last vacation, "What ;should be done with -.the Backward Pupil is a question be ing looked into by the Department under Dr. Silcox. 'The (solution of the problem, is too fit such pupils that they Inv .earn their own way. The Relsoluition Committee ,euh- r itted the following; Resolved, 1 That there bef a deixunte course of Canadian History set for, third el - asses. 2. That the public school 'arithmetic ;should contain more practical problem's.' 3 That a pre scribed eouirsO in English Literat- ure be ;arrang'ed for ;entrance cl ausesr, : That, in connection with. the Normal Training a course be arranged to train !teachers •Iso as t oeenahle (them to dot he work which hitherto leas been done by :school nurser. „ 5 That the tea- eher•s of West Huron Assoc. expres their appreciation of the, Govern- I me'nt's ;special grants towards nil - arias, ti, That the thanks of the 'Aissoeiation be extended to Mr. G. W. Ilofterd, M,A.,, for his interest ing, papersgi von, to. the Goderieh School Board for the use of the', school, to the retiring e' eeutii e for their~ services during the year, to the 'committee, Who providec:i,. the evening entertainment, to all, teachers who Contributed itenn;;Y nrr the program,, and to all citiz- ens )f Gbder" lr w1a �kintly terta•inecd .Else slating teaoho%s•. ... 1 We have received a large shipment of new Furniture including Living room, new diningroo . suites, and,.. rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables and. ,chairs COMB IN AND SEE OUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OE T : E FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO BE FRAMED. wwem°rw.varraowuw..w.vmavawwmc.mww,..+wv.r+41 A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY • HARDWA.RN, BEATTY WASH MACHINES ANI) WRDTGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY! FENCING, AND CEMENT. LET US DO YOUR PLUME,ING, EVETROUGHINU OR ROOF"- ING. f (d. l �. WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF LOU PURE MARTIN SENi0U PAINTS, OILS, cr I-NAMEL VARNISHES. SU } �. 9 `'' TEST Gas and Coal Oily. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH le. ilk Johnston Kathflefsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 v ONLY A -POIBE A. FARMEA'S WIFE OWNED $2,500 WORTH OP SAFE BONDS. . A STOCK SALESMAN, {a stranger) PERSUADED HER TO EXCHANGE TBEM FOR STOCK IN A ,M.ANUF .,.,,„,ACTURING' CONCERN. HE GUARANTEED TO ?Ay F :E1L S%, BUT HIS (HTAR T TEE WAS WORTHLESS ;}1S THE COMPANYHADN'T PAID- ANY DIVIDENLS FOR. SEVERAL YEARS. ; Why place confidence in 'stock salesmen when reliable ad- vice can be obtained right in town, • f 1 I recommend 'Huron & Erie Debenture because the. Govern- men t au' Lhorizes. them far estates funds in the hands of ex- ecutors and ,trustees. 5% -per :annum is paid ha If-yelarly upon $1;00 or ,xisore For 1 to 5 yearn. Application's for Huron & Erie Debentures are accepted at any time . by,—. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOT)'O;—SERVICE AND SAFETY x.113 Y')1 i1 --) YOUR W1��..�' Painting and Paper Hanging LET IIS DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANu:i:N,A & DECORATING. . WE MAKE IT A - MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOE • WE 1)0, TRY ITS ON YOUR 7- KT JOB. %1. ETCKMEIER, ,l URICIH — ON', JOHN Drugless eer and EXETER - AT WALPRR. Every Tuesday, WA.11,1) Practiou... Optician HOUSE, ugT'IaIOW ' 10 a,nna to poet -•-, - .� -= -- .p'-+ * z g �p--�• + • t W&re on IT '. itth an 4. LL extraordinary showing of the Season's Newest Materials for Men's Suits WHERE YOU WILL FIND i ITIVIi LING VALUES EVER HEARD. OFF, YEARS OP EXPERIENCE COUPLED WI'g ECONOMY IN h' TAKING -- •BUY NG THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM TIS. SrII LL• ; AND SELLING TO YOU A'3` TREMENDOUS SAVINGS, THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCK BETTER HURRY AND GRT 'YOUR ORDER IN EARLY 1Wig H. .HOFFM unnottANT TAILOR. W. H. EQiFP'MA " & Son, EMBALI AND 1'UNERAiL DIRECTORS* ht Phan* No Day and I�1'ag , Y THE BLaGST TAILOR 4 "+lH,.: . ,"." f...46•,- tr4-6-- ,—..: , ; ,. , '-6 —6--40-