HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-21, Page 5• 'Tay ,. Oetoberi, 21, 19'26 16•11. SUSIVIESS CARDS ZURICH HERA4.1) ThiDLEYEJitoLi'us SiARRISTER, soucirroa, NOT- ARY PUBLIC, ETC, Hamilton Street. just off eke 'Square, GODERICII, Ont, Special attention to Counsel and Court Work. Kr. Efolmee may be consulted at elleederich by phone and phone Charges reversed. 411.6imoMA.........oulmavar.isunamoriz•Ampasoirame.muunannaauxarAmmAVV*1.• IGH i S9L DENTAL SURGEON' MAIN OFFICE — EENSALL r. H. H. COWEN 3 L. D.. S4 IL D. S.' DENTAL SURGEON DEITIF. -BLOC*, ZtIBICH ov- ary TInersday, Friday and Satur- Main Office 19lAETLEIB'S BLOCK., DASHWOOD 71,7T, psotm mop.r, ,ifkradtaate Carey 3YL donee NatAa'ie .Sebool of Auctioneering. Try ** for Registered Live Stock pm Breeds). Terms in keeping 1101th prevailing prices. Choice Aifee.tes. or sale. Will sell anything 'Igeereilierte. Itihma 18-93 or Zurich, Licensed Auctioneer Iiii!.030Sed Auctioneer for County eel Huroe‘ In a position to con- t any auction sale, regardless ibe to size or articles to Bell. 1 pel4eit your business, and it not Delisted will -make no charges for mervices. Arther Weber, e Dashwood, &Sore 13-5'1 0000,00qMea0aseoseeevaeaseemea belch ed • Elf. 610 Fretsh and Salt Meats Boiovia -Salasages, etc 11 Highe3t Cash Prize for Wool GASH FOR aleINS &HIDES rangblat & • 1111004101Meetakettlitoleses ZURICH LIVERY am in a position to accomo- -date all requirements in the Livery liminess, have Auto for hire. Any thing done in the teaming line, GEORGE J. THIEL Phone 59 Zurich,Ont. r..........zeoseolow.s..........mair.rms.swasessamm••••••••e. LIVE POULT R Y WANTED Taken every day tin 3 Oeclockae.m. Itlo not feed fowls saroe• morning when brought in, I • *keit Cash Prices —CASH FOR—e- treain and Eggs.. W. O'Brien Zurich phone • WOnts„ For Sale, Lost, Fou'r4cfl I Notice, Etc, Ads IN THIS COLVNIN • rOTICE To Farmers; Beginning Monday Oetober 2lith:, •chopping will ne at % be dothe ra'ill every, afternooni Williams Milling Co. ' • NOTICE We are operating our cider mill on Theeday and Thursday of each week, Menno Steckle, Bronson Line, • t23 AUCTION SALE A joint Auction Sale of Con-. signed artieleeeevill be lield in Zr- ch in the neat future', Parties, having any arteelea they 'would like Le dispose° of kindly noity • either Oscar Klopp, aucti•ooneer, or Wm. 5, 3 °levet° risfelerk, and have them listed at once. .e. -• «rx.••*a•Aw....'Ti=•*..r..rtAraA.naomomgoi STRAYED Unto m pee:mites, Hay Town- ship, about July est -last a year- ling call. Owner can have 'same by proving property and paying expenses. Hy:-.01ausius, R. R. 1. FARM FOR SALE . Farm consisting of .64 acres, known as the Beaver homegtead, 15th. Cetn.Hay Township. On the prenvieee are a bank barn 40x60. Two large driving shedsestwo hen house's, one new. \A new pig pen, g. 'solid brick holm 3fix24 with kit- chen attached with 'soft and .hard. water. An abundance of fruit such 'as sweet cherries, plumb, peas, peaches and apples. The land is in good state of ceetivation and we:I underdrained. For further particulars apply to E. G.Krueger lith Con 'Hay Tp. One of the most attractive fee. tures •of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way Company's pavilion at the Brit - Oh Empire Exhibition, Wembly, will be the illuminated exterior panels, and the Neon lighting effect, eirnilar to that used at the Coliseum, ondon, which is wonderfully pene- trating and effective under all at- mospheric conditions. The interior neethe building • displays, through Working models and magnificent oil and water color paintings, the many 'ramifications of the great transpor- tation system as well as the natural resources of this country. According to E. N. Todd, freight traffic manager of the Canadian Pacific Railway the year 1924 will be a banner one as regards foreign !capital corning into the country. i"During the year 1923 a number of .silk manufacturers from England and the United States decided to locate in Canada, and from present fraticatfons this particular movement js only in its infancy. At the pres- ent time our industrial department 'is in correspondence with a very Barge number of manufacturers who fare seriously considering locating in Caufs40: • FOR SALE Ag 'ood second hand Oliver Rid- ing, plow. Apply to Louis Prang. Andrew F. Hess, Township Clerk issuer of marriage licenses. Notary Public, Commissioner, Fire and Aut- omobile Insuerance Representing Huron 8:,\ Erie Mortgage Corpor- ation. The Canada Trust Co. ZURICH — ONTARIO TNSURANOE E. C. Harvey • L. Vflogarth • - Am)rits s • Mntual Life of Canada • EXETEAND ST.' MARYS Address all ,Carrespondenee To Box 100, Exeter, Ont. tf4. AO L 1926 lux ubject- io wE .4,An swan AGENTS VOR THE A lighgrade Radio goranthn Coal is a !Horne Feature that you will be well II:leased, with t e years of service. ALSO CARRY Coke Pocahantas and Soft Coal GOOD SUPPLY ON BAND TELEPHONE YOUR ORDERS "RAMA leo IL S. WEIN, . Case & Son itotem suBv.,Iog oh: UNN54/4 41' LOCAL NEWS. Mr, Fink Vieited.his benne at Milcimay on %Sunday, Miaa Geetracie SeMibo of Lon- don, apant lthe week -end underlie° parental roof. Mr. Edward Thiel of Zhriele visa Rod .sei few days, in Leedom 1Vir. Ward Fritz and Dr, IL II, Cowens werts4 tset•orte at Fergus, over Sunday, Mr. Rudy Oesch. in finishing the apartments, in the Deitzz Brockfor Dr .H, H, Cowen, this week'. • • Mr. !Gpirden' IVtanson• ,of Myth, wae a ?ceeekesend visitor at hie home, Stanley, Tee Mr. Alex, Kerrigan,' Mr. zrobiyo. and. Mr. Webber, all of London, spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs, George Thiel. PREE-25e, tooth ,leruleb to ev- ery purchaser of $1,00 worth of toilet • preparation. Also $1,00011 - tette Safety Raver, a tube of Shaving Cream S'or50c, E. Neale Mr. and Mra,. Norman Gesell°, Mr. and Mrs. E. °each, were visit - ora at Wm. McGreggor's ';Eippen on Sunday. Don't forget the Hot Fowl Sup- per thio Thursday evening in the 'VILLAGE OP HENSALL, on - 13y -taw Nor 350 being a Byelaw to ameeti By-law; No. of 1025 stoe eeoeside for e rebate ion .f.11,0Pb:3-. )17,q)1:SI Walker Ms ingb reit read: ti2‘. t.unes, be plea sect and. ssigned by the Reeve awl Clerk anti the see...al of the Corpor aline witaclied. 'fleet the Bond ass filed by P. W, Morlocc, Collector of Taxesfor 1920 bes accepted and filed wan the clerk The following orders. were plea sod •, • Sundry perions, rebate on wall- 0 key Drain $309.93; Hydro Eiectria Commiasion, account .L0.13; Geo. 0 Maeon, Statute Labor, cons. 1.8e19 5.00% Peter Eiaenbach, tie? 5.2e; J. 0 Campbell, gravel .20,10; Dr, A.Moir 20.10; Dr. A. Moir, act. for vaccine 0 talons 2.50; Mawhiimey & repairs at Flynn's:bridge 3,25; 0 Treas. Crediton School Fair, addit- ional grant 6.00, The council adjourned to meet g again in Crediton un Monlay, the iSt, or November .L928 at 1 p.m. Henry. Either, Clerk. AUCTION SALE OP'• REAL ESTATE 'AND PURN- ITURE. • Under eneteuceione rec- eived froin %the Public Trustee of 2 Ontario, the einderaigned wilt offer ; fer sale by public Auction in the 0 0 9 0 00 9 Calvary Evangelical Church pro- perty, Dashwood. Everybody THURSDAY, OCTOBER, 28111, 1S23. is At o'clock p.m. Sharp; invited, All that home and Lot on Albert, Street, Tfensaell, known as lere. Louiee Neciaads House. Thi e will be offered auleject reserve bid, Arse the f °flowing articles; FRONT BEDROOM Black Suitcase Huang, brown hoe linens, bbl. La Mogen Chart 200,00; commode, conem.ode set 7 piec•es. bed spring, mattress, .cernforter & December 1st, next is the date %Jet for the Provincial" Election,and the Former Premier, Howard Ferg- ulaan will go before. the people n the "wet" tieleet, teed et:" will be leokked upon by the public with much interest. e . • Mr. ansi Mes. W. P. Finkbeiner ford, too in the. fowl .eupper at w.hite rocker and enehiona table dresser, shade and bulb and da ugetteer Mies Hazelof ' Strat- 2 pet° rya; *day evening, ' . and doilies, oalt.rocker, 3 rugs, 6 framed lecture's, 2 sets curtains & . . the, Evangeeical chuith laat Thura Mr. and Mee, J. Preet?.r and 0-s ereurt Lena. • daughter:1 Merle and Mabele of ...,H,ALL-1 mat, 2 feamed•,pieturee R BEDROOM,North—Weig- le:Ache:nee w7..et.% in. the • villaee last 1-1-1"."- ' .. e shirtsi 6 Prs.. secks, flag, week, and also took la 'Vile big gerl 4 ' ' haversack, electric shade, iron bed, fowl !supper, Thursday evening, Mr. land Mrs. Wm. Bassew and Mr. and eVeee. Theo. McAdams, and son Willie, of the 1.tron'$on, visitOd or. Sunday, at ernditon.;eat Mee Ewald urhe i!'.3 in: poor health. Mr. kand" Mee, A. Beuedict and daughter Merle, and Mr. and elm R. Cooped: of Kitchener, were Sue _day visitore with Mr. and . Mrs. Hy Volland, Bronson Line. Mr. Ed. Snell, who has, returned last week from. a; • trip to ehe Canada f W an reports that thr% threshing; operations are about all over and that snow -was falling very freely prom Winnipeg easel: - ward. OCTOBER ROD AND GUN Many features dealing with all tinase of outdoor sport eembiees to ..lake at very 'attractive magezee nes of the October eseue of Roe And Gun the peblication 'of whice :ells in line.. with the opening of thi. fall heating eaason in Canada. A. novel means of pursuing genie i sedealt with Raymond ,Thonlasee. son in an article. '4Hunting. and Fishing via Scow' The.. country is the vicinity 'of the Athabasca River in Albeeta, The. ieterior of: British Columbia is the scene . .of "Three ,Fishers Went Trailing" by Robert Watson, A timely article by an:,ofel terrier is an article: - on methods of duckshooting by Frank J. Parsons, which contains a num- ber of good wrinkles. A •Bryeee concludes his good• sser- . ies articles "Breezes from the ,West" in thise issue, while a useful seriele of Oldies, on first aid in the bush by ke G. Shakeesteare com- mences. Another of Prise's tinim- itable cartoon's, js one of the sp- ecial features 'of the issue and a special article covering the D.C.R A. matches at Ottawa, ialso sip pear% Rod Fula Gun is published re0.1thly byN. J. Taylor, led , 'FOR SALE . I have a quantity of g od hard dry wood for 'sale, cut to stove length. Sol. Giegeeich, STEPHEN COUNCIL The council of the ToWdabip. ot Stephen met lin the Town Hall, Crediton on Monday, October 4, nt. 1 p.m. All members were preseet: The minutes of the previous' meet- ing were read and adopted. mattreee, eprings, pillow, 2 chairs, commode. and at, wardrobe, ham- mock., 5 hanger% 3 framed pict- aree, met set curt'ins and over car tains, laundry bag. • REAR BEDROOM, South — Oak dre.seer, iron bed, sera-1ga and mit- tress, 2 wool blankets, 3 .euilts, linen eheet 2 covers, 2 pilows, 2 rugs oak roek commoie•and set. 6 framed pictures, shade and bulb sent of curteitie and over certains. HALLe-Electric shade. end bulb, -set curtails and overeurtaare frim ed picture, m'eror, heel rack, umbr- ella holoeue LIVING ,ROOM -13 eections Mahogany finish bOokcasees, 8 of which se'le vase contain books, Wines Wainer % framed pictures, Mah- ogany e'en chair, Mahogany eheir, Mahogany work table,. old mohair "v'ker, wicker rocker, irCiiiie_set trei and cover, leather' cuebien, crishloes, 3 ruts, 2 sets cur tai ;IS an overcurtains, in e men pile:), piano 'stool, 6 -light el- ectrie teeing fieture, sot tan velour pereael DINING ROOM—Couch and cove ei er, Rob'. 2 cushions, 5 solid oak 111 diners and nrin chair, jardiniere! stand; Cplumbia Grafanola, 16! recorde; art es-puare, heavy round oak eetension dining table and 3 boards, China cabinet, alarm clock, tray, cream and sugar, electric toaster, wicker tray, tableepoon and '3 desert spoon", 4 teaspoons, 7 kniveg, pickle fork, 7 forks, all is cheap leaver plate; platter, cream Mid !sugar, 5 odd pieces china, 7 framed pictures; 7 framed family Photos; Green electric fiettireeeet• green portiere, ,old walnut settee. cerpet ssweeper, 2 sets curtains and serer curtains, met. KITCHEN -3- burner oil stove, old tentre ,table, dining table, 2 chairs,enamel dishpan, 2 hot water kettles, electric bulb, clot es basket and clothes, set of curtains and over eurtaine, clock and work basket, 4 mats and linoleum on floor, WASHROOM -2 pumpe, pail, 2 oil cane, bath, oil lamp, 2 prs.pant; and overcoat:. Pantry -8 Aluminum cooking rite emits, copper boiler, cheap earth- sthiware, pote and pans. TERMS—Real Estate 10% cash. at -ante of !sale, balance in 30 days on delivery of Deed.. Furniture— Caoh. Artleua Weber, AUctionePr, R. 1R, f)No. Dashwood. K. W. Wright, Public Treetee, Totontoi 0 00 0 0 0 0 0, 9 0 0 0 La a . 60608.000.600000000000 Page PAT 0000•400000000666066 060000 6000660060000000%,000006, Far Imp . .emela s 1 WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR FARM. alPLEMENTS AND HAVE JUST TUE LINE AND KIND OP MACHliNERY YOU NEED THE MOST, ALSO PUMPS, PIPING "ANY) FITTINGS, WE INSTALL OUR PUMPS, See us before purchusing your Farm Implements GAF.AGE SUPPLIES We carry a complete line of Garage Supplies AND CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH ALMOST ANY KIND OF AUTO PARTS. t Tires, iTubes„ Greases and Os WHILE THEY LAST WE ARE OFFERING THE PUBLIC THESE SPECIAL BARGAINS 21.00 Bakeries for $15.00 WE MAKE A LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON OLD BAT- TERIES. eeee.eeeee Our Batteries are duaranteed by the Company and myself ALSO DO BATTERY C'HARGING AND REPAIRINei. .1; •*!' USE BIRD'S PRODUCTS WHY? ▪ THEY ARE THE OLDEST•MANT'FACTURERS OF ROOFINGS 4 - LI CANADA. THE ONLY COM TTtAT MAKES TEleIR ;17: l'EL1 AND USES THElii OWN; PF.ODUCTS FOR • ROOFINGS, TREY GUARANI" L.1. THEIR PRODUCTS AND t WILL REPLACE ANY MATER! %..t, NOT 0 ANNOUNCEMENT Haying purchased the Zurich Baking Business from Mr. g. Koehler. 1 wish to announce that 1 am in a position to supplythe public with a fine line of baked goods HAVING FORMRRLY CONDUCTED A SIMLIAR iBUSINESS IN HENSALL, AND WE INVITE) %km PUBLIC TO VISIT OUR SHOP ENJOY yotat MEALS‘BY EATING OUR BAKING, EVE:REIT ITAIST 1:11,1I4 g, Prop. 55) cgP 4 g etZ00006G0efaCr9e.000e0003i1/00006) SATISFACTORY' 4 - Cab in for •a Sample :lel Pon pt;3`. OM' roofings with any • othor rn the market. Then let us quote you on ereologs, asphalt shinglee, Building Papers, and Waall Bonrds. ALWAYS A LARGE STO`eTe ON HAND. ete , e C. KALBFLEISCII ZURICH PHONE 69 WANDISCIIIIA=2==e CEP + sse eeeee 4,4 ea tee • e e% eefeeiseei ee se++ .1. 4eeeeseeelea te ee + •sts. ÷ 4 el eis W TO e'.. This Space for Prices Regards Auto Tops, Wagon Repairing, Painting, .Etc. IF YOU WANT SERVICE, WE HAVE IT WE RERUBBER YOUR UGGY WHEELS. HESS ZURICH 94 tg, 00000000001100**00400000000000000000000000000000000000 1 0) I E 1 We have made arrangements t 1 whereby we can supply our custom t ers with the very best grades of , Scranton Anthracito Coal. Leave your order with us and we will fill I theni as shipments arrive. • HARD COAL "11111111.1.1M.11MMIterillEM ntellEtn..1.101911=11101111M IGOOD SUPPLY OF BEST BRANDS OF FLOUR, CHICK VH- al, EDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC, ALWAYS ON HAND O WE (AIM TO SATISFY • • LOWS Sehilbe - Zurich , ,10.0' mks. ottostselt, esite„ssOesso.01,106. 0000,sessossis....400 Zlarieb. •