HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-21, Page 3MOST NORTHERLY POST AT BACHE PENINSULA Annual Expedition to Cana- dian Arctic Establishes New Station. • The steamer Beathic, which sailed from North Sydney, Nova Scotia, on July 15, to patrol the Canadian Arctic archipela.go and reprovision the posts In the district carried out the opera- tions. rapidly, and tlie wireless appar- atus kept the North West Territories and Yukon Branch of the Department of the interior in touch with her move-, silents at all points in the patrol. Af- ter visiting Godhavn, Greenland, and Pond Inlet and Dundas Harbour the Bootliie, on July` 30 touched` at Craigg Harbour, and on August' 2 called at Etah, Greenland. The next day .she was at Rice strait, Ellesmere island. and, taking up the supplies left last year at the depot at Fram Havn, reached Bache Peninsula on August 6, ;where a new post was established. Three days were spent here unloading supplies and assisting the detachment 'of police in erecting barracks, Bache Penalise -a, 79 deg. 4' north latitude and 7G deg, 18' west longitude, is the farthest north police post, customs house, and post office in the world: On August 9 the Beathic started on her homeward journey and reached Dundas Harbour on August 13, and Pangnirtung on August 20. After a good run southward from that post she reached North Sydney on August 29. Great Lingoes. "How is your son getting on at col- lege?" He's doing very well in languages. I just paid for three of his courses— ten dollars for Latin, ten dollars for Greek and fifty dollars for Scotch." Bearing an inscription in Espranto, two stamps of different values have been issued in Russia. CoY.ectels should keep watch for them, as they are not expected to remain long in circulation. I LE MODERMIL The Cabin Class Canadian Service steamer is a post-war product designed to -give maximum comfort at mini- mum cost. Should you travel Cabin Class you are assured of accommoda- tion and service equal in every way .to the Pre -War First Class ' at a much reduced rate if Third :Class, you will travel in absolute comfort with con- genial companions and you will find the accommodation ample and the service thorough. A trip to the British Isles, sail- ing from Montreal in the Au- tutnn when the Summer tourist rush, is over has a charm and allure you will find irresistible. Aske yarn* sisamahip moil' about the St. Lawrence roup, to Rarope, or writ e— THE' ROI3%IiT R%'I+'ORD CO., MIMED World's Finest Music for Radio Enthusiasts The programme makers of the Can- adian National Railways Radio De- partment 'have achieved distinction in several features which are to be offered -to the listeners -in during the autumn and winter season, one such feature being the engagement of the Hart House , String Quartette for a series of ten recitals to be broadcast over the radio chain from Moncton, N.B., to Van- couver, B.C. The first programme will be given at the studio of CNRT, in Toronto, and others will follow at Montreal, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Calgary, Regina and the Coast Stations as the organization tours the Dominion. At each radio concert there will be one complete quartette composition of the classical school, the balance of the programme being made up of quartette music from the most noted of the old and new composers. For example, the quartette on the first programme is that of Beethoven in C Minor, opus 18, No. 41 white, by way of contrast, the musi- cians will follow with aroup of folk songs specially arranged for string quartette, Hart House is the recreational centre of the University of Toronto and the Syndics have .given special permission. for broadcasting only to the Radio Department of the Canadian National Railways. The Quartette is composed of Geza de l{resz, first violin; Harry. Adaskin, second violin; Milton Blackstone, viola; and Boris Hambourg, 'cello. GIRLS AND WOMEN NEED RICH BLOOD This Lady Found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a Friend Indeed. Just because she is a woman there are time's when .every woman needs help and strength in the form of a blood -building tonic. To thousands of girls and women Dr, Williams' Pink Pills kave proved a blessing because they enrich the blood, give strength and restore tone to the aching nerves. The anaemic girt who•is.languid and, gale; the wife whose back feels like breaking; the matron whose health -fails as she reaches middle age -for all snoh suf- ferers Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are in- valuable.,because 111 -health in girls and women is usually caused by poor blood or insufficient blood. These pills have proved a blessing to thousands of others, why not yoti ?' .At various stages of life Mrs. G. IL Lake, Walton, N.S,, has proved the value of Dr. Wil- liams' 'Pink Pills. She •says:—"I first used these pills when a young girl, for it is during the 'teen Age when nature calls upon every bit of the reserve strength we have, that we need their rejuvenating help. It was then I found Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a. friend Indeed. And again, now that the girl- hood stage is past and I am a mother of four children,, subject to all the cares and worries of the home, Dr, Williams' Pink Pills is the only tonic I take to keep up nly, health and strength, and they have never failed me. Should any ailing girl or weary mother, due to my advice, try these pills, I know they will find them as equally good as I have done." You ° can get these pills from any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Round the Southland Year. Each leaf a voice, in shrub and tree, And every wind a song, Matched are the singing boughs of Araby Our glad Southland along. To music leaps the heeding grass, The lupin„ purple, blue; Lighted, as by the kindling measures pass The poppy flashes through. Fainter the strains when rains are gone, ' Softening the colors where They run up to the hills, and blended on Their sides lie lovelier there. We reek not how the months run here, When summer comes or goes; The heart reads not the dial of the year Where always there's a rose. —John' Vance Cheney, In "At the Sil- ver Gate." Scotland Yard Tracing: s in p0 w Mystery of .Fish Death Scotland Yard has been called on too,Ive one of the strangest mysteries its varied .career, the supposed , isoning of 100,000 goldfish.. The fish ere received recently by a local Lon- don goldfish wholesales from Prance, Italy and China and. Japan. - Shortly afterward two strangers vis - d him and when they had left he •ticed the,fsh herded together In the arners of the .tanks dying by the orbs. They emitted, he said, "a astly -whistling sound es if they were birds." Itis• loss Is estimated O A at $5,000. ' C -DON O CANADIAN SEJ VICE I87 of a moth-, »., MInard's Liniment i' i;eVet e 1te iso IV/entreat Toronto Quebec cc/. John, N.II Ilalifax se Ali @r .fin r.. Thtiore are 4,00e muscles in. the body lffness. Ontario Dental Health Day. What wonderful advancement has been made during the past few de- cades in the prevention and care of disease, and this improvement is due to a large measure to the scientific investigation and research conducted in our laboratories. The knowledge thus gained would be of little use, however, unless sent to those who need it or those 'who can .apply it In the education or treatment of others. The most valuable contributions made by research workers in so far as the health and happiness of the peo- ple are concerned have been in the field of preventive medicine. Many of the diseases which years ago afflicted the people are now seldom heard of and still greater results are confident- ly expected. The prevention of disease.is largely a matter of education. It cannot be accomplished through the efforts of the physician alone; he will lead the way but the general public must be taught to take such an interest in their own health that they will be willing to accept the advice given. Dental infection is one of the most frequent causes of disease and the On- tarso Department of Health has or- ganized a special effort for the pur- pose of informing the people in•regard. to the prevention of dental diseases. This campaign will take the form of a Dental Health Day, to be held on Wed- nesday, October 20th. The activities will include a motion picture film which has been prepared by the Ontario Motion Picture Bureau, radio talks from the various stations, instruction to school children, the dis- tribution of special booklets by the Insurance Companies, newspaper pub- licity which the press is giving .with- out charge, and window display. The dentists of the Province, at the request of the Department of Health, will give private instruction on mouth care to all who desire it, and the gen- oral publicity will stress the import- ance of a proper diet, thorough masti- cation of the food, and careful cleans- ing of the mouth. The educational, health, service and social welfare organizations of the Province are co-operating, and this, the first Province -wide effort of this kind in Canada, promises to be a great success. Characteristics of Flying Man. Courage,' •endurance, determination all go to the' making of a flying man. Think of Lieutenant Bettis, wrecked with his plane among the Pennsyl- vania mountains, crawling with a broken leg and a doubly broken jaw through five miles of forest and un- derbrush to the read whero� he was found by a passing motorist. Only those who know by experience what the pain of a broken leg, roughly moved, means can fully appreciate the dogged, unconquerabie will -power that made that terrible journey possible. Unhappily, the brave man did not sur- vive his injuries. Distant Relative. "And are you any. relation to Pat O'lleurke 7 "Only very distantly;• 01 was me mother's child and Pat was the thirteenth." rkrr; , TORONTO OFFERS BEST MARKET FOR Poultry, Butter, Eggs Wo Offer Toronto's Best Prices. • LINES, 1-1IHI"TED St. Lawrence Market . ;Toronto 2 i or b TMP From 184 -1830 -gen Original Envelopes Preferred STANDARD STAMP GO. 212 Cran(j Avenue Station L. Toronto, Ont. The Appraisal. Never think silo ]•o.ves him wholly, Never believe her,heart is blind, All his faults are looked securely In a closet' of her mind;; Alu kits indeeis'boris folded Like old flags that time has faded. Limp and stree4ked with rain, And his Cautiousness like garments Frayed and thin, with, many a stain— Let thele be, oh, let them he. There is, treasure to outweigh them, Iris proud will that sharply stirred Climbs as surely as the tide, Senses strained too taut to sleep, Gentleness to beast and bird, Unreel' flickering Bushed and wide As the moon on moving water, And a tenderness too deep To be gathered in a word. CI1ILD1 OOD AILMEATS Can be Quickly Banished With Baby's Own Tablets. The ailments of childhood are many but eine-tenths of them are due to one cause and one cause only—a disorder- ed condition of the r stomach and bowels. To quickly banish any of the minor ailments of babyhood and child- hood the bowels must be made to work regular and the stomach must be sweetened. No other medicine for little ones has had such success as has Baby's Own Tablets. They banish constipation and indigestion; break up colds and giraffe fevers; correct diarrhoea and colic and promote healthful sleep by regulating the functions of the stom ash and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. L. M. Brown, Walton, N.S. writes:—"I cannot speak too highly of Baby's Own Tablets as I have found them excellent for childhood ail- ments." Baby's Own Tablets are sold by medicine dealers, or by marl at 25 cts. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Marigolds. Marigolds burn through the ducky day, Like orange lanterns 'through. som- ber night; Swinging bright bonnets of golden. ray, Harlgolds burn through the dusky day, Lusty and proud and handsomely gay; They glow from terrace and mead'- ow's blight; MarigoIde burn through the dusky day Like orange lanterns through som- ber night. —Gertrude S. McCalmont. Rub your scalp with Minard's Liniment Stopping Car In Garage. '" Many car owners fasten blocks of wood to the garage floor near the rear wall. This is done as a means of atop - ping the car should the driver fail to apply his brakes quickly enough after - driving in. 'Where the flooring 01 the garage is concrete the blocks can be ' joined to the end of a brace which rests en the floor and extends to the rear wall. British Broadcasting Com- pany to Train Voices. The British Broadcasting Company does not stand still. No sooner had it put into operation a committee to standardize the pronunciation of words about which there might be a doubt, than it set about the production of a B. B. C. voice. George Grossmith, the actor -manager, who is en the staff{ of the B. B. C., is credited with the idea of training actors and actresses specially for radiocas•ting plays. It is obvious that where the audience, and the word "audience" here is really ap- •plicable, has to depend entireI'y on the ear for gathering' impressione, it is doubly necessary for the actors to use their voices to the utmost advantage. The different effect of 'various voices on that delicate instrument, the micro- phone, is very marked. The traine•i announcer leans Confidentially toward ft and speaks rater quietly. Tho Academy -Nor Dramatic Art welcomes the idea as it will give a chance to men and women with a dramatic sense and good voioes who, for other res - sons, might shrink from a stage career. Mothers, have you or your daugh- ters goitre? Do not worry. Goitre i can now be removed quickly, painless-; ly and permanently. Johnston's Goltre 1 Remedy, used externally, acts by ab- sorption.. Simply rub in twice a day., After about 2 weeks' treatment, goitre becomes soft and spongy, and then gradually disappears. Usually one bottle is sufficient. Literature and testimonials on request. Price $5.00; mailed anywhere. J. A. JOHNSTON & CO., 171 King St. E., Toronto. Nothing 'like a paper weight for keeping the bills down. Lone.Safety Blade Must Suffice Future Tomnies That somebody in the British War Office is possessed of considerable sense of humor is indicated by the of - tidal announcement last week that in the future Tommy Atkins will be sup- plied with a "safety razor with one blade," in place of the old-Whim/ed. straight razor. There has been much comment on how long the War Office expects a. single blade to last or if it means a short, sprouting beard will have to be adopted by the soldier who wishes to oonvince his • commanding officer that he is entitled to another of his majes- ty's Wades. He who is successful can afford to smile; he that is not cannot afford to do otherwise.—Matthewman, AUZINI Gorr aclian P/c is . go ok In co-operation with Canadian Architects 'de'signs of moderate priced homes are pub-. liohed in the MacLean Builders' Guide. bbuiilding,Atm;ihinagg4ciecorofiailed Infomon on ngandK is denili . Profusely illustrated. An ideal reference book. Send 23 cents for a copy. MacLean Builders' Guide 544 AGololao St... W.. Toronto, Ont. TonoNco HAIRDRESSING ACADEMY SHOWS YOU HOW urn. r., a»4y, a..rdsrn, a.n°ai"icu'NA,rI LTON, ONT. TORONTO .: ONT: HURT ? Unsof IJase the pain with Minard's. It relieves inflammation soothes and heals. Guaranteed hecausemade from our own steel SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO, LTD, MONTREAL VANCOUVER, ST.JOHN,N,p.; TCRCNTO Perfect Protection With Every Roll Every roll of Prince Ed- ward Brand Fox Netting opens out as a 150 foot Iong wall of perfect pro- tection for your foxes. "Prince Edward" does not bag nor sag and has 10% more meshes than any other brand of fox netting. Write or wire for delivered prices. Summerside Helmans P. E. island �,rAaa s WSpecial Ontargent - C. Ruthven, J. M. McGillivray Alliston Priceviile Proved safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Headache Colds Neuralgia Lumbago Pain Toothache Neuritis Rheumatism DOES NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept only '. mer" package which contains proven directions, Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Arspirin le the trade mark (traiatered In Canada) of 'tiller tidennfaeture of litorioacetie- acideeter of saliei'ileaetd (Acetyl Salicylic Acid, 'A. S. A+"), while It is reit known that Adptrtn tseana Beret Manufacture. to +asslet tbo rutslie asalnst imitatlene. the Tablets Of Haler t3ompagy wall lin stamped with then' general trade mark, ika ".Bayer cross.» • CARRIED WIFE TO RSD - Suffered So She Could Not Walk. Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinkharn's Vegetable Compound Minesing, Ontario. -"I ani a raae- Efeal nurse and I recommend Lydia . Pinkham'sVegetc.bie Compound to suffering warneli. For three months I was almost hiMplesa and could not sit at tho table long enough to drink a cup of tea. Mariy a ti1Me my hus- band carried me to bed, I would be so weak. Then he read in the paper of a woman suffering as I did who got better after taking the Vegetable Compound, so he went and got it for me. When I had taken three bottles 1 was just like a new woman and have had splendid health ever since. When I feel any beating -down pains I always take it; sometimes a half bottle or whatever I need, It is my only medicine and I have told many a one about it. Any one wanting to know more about Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I will gladly write to her. I do all I can to rec- ommend it for I feel I owe my_life and strength to it." - Mrs, NEAL BOWSER, R. R. 1, Minesing, Ontario. Do you feel broken-down, nervous, and weak sometimes? Do you have this horrid feeling of fear which some- times comes to women when they are not well? Lydia E. Pinkham's °Veg- etable Compound is excellent to take at such a time. It always helps, and if taken regularly and persistently will relieve this condition. c B1ern sties and Irritations Quickly Disappear When Cuticura is used. Bathe with the Soap and hot water, dry gently and anoint with the Oint- ment. This treatment not only soothes and heals unsightly and annoying pimples, rashes a n d skin irritations but tends to prevent such conditions. sa.,sple Each tree by MaIL Addtt.to Canadhn liap„t: atAnhouse, lLtd•, 7dotatl, i" 1r Jic6, Soat, 2br, Ointment 26 and hoe. Isigetro 54., ii - Cuticle* Shaving Stick 2Sc. i"S1JE No. 42.-' ,