HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-21, Page 1Vol. XXVIi iqo ZURICH, THUR/SDAY NIONING, OCTOBER 21, [926. Save r oney by making your fail puranases Co' 'to sla GISRIDGI L'atItlfta taa MUM GNAW? 4.1 DCBARD43 GAM (1 f44.) I IA ETLI.St R3113iVecl. fre3h ship- ! meat or Nailsoa's J3r3ey Milk Ohoiclate Bixs, reg. 253 while they last at Sale,' Price 19c. IC a ague r - Phone 91 ifdla a MIME. 011)(133i3DIGE•0160DGDGEMGEkkilialDr3 fel* D(RIMIDG Chester I. Smith, Pub,lfektV $1,25 a Year Advent* $1.50 tliARRIIARS:$72 MAY731 eart-Trir"' From the Mere dvertsIns the p,•-• ats E rr, D ga3 ca , • Me members of S. Peter's Ev, I Lutivvrx Church • tbold t heir -services in 11r Town Hell, iralan in a Sunday, Oct. 24th, Morn - l' Wotshia, german., 10 o'clock.; Vespers, English 7.80 'o'clock. Sun- day School Everybody Welcome, a .Tti.++++++l-i--.)-Hri-E+++.14.1-1-0-1-ro, ++++++++•tiel-frt+++++.-vi-H4 11:1; + i + -z• ,.e at ' fi ,'''' . ,, it, k ,,,,,,,, 1... • ;.; v '41,,, 1 t e 4) li 44'1'S * 'a, a Eit.k ,, •.. , ''' + i!!;t: ' 4 t't 4, et $ P .1 ..1. -11- qt. + :cits t Now is the time to Buy your RADIO. Do 4: 1. not wait till spring and miss. all the good .1 -a -a -a + + Give, me a, call before buying elsewhere ' .1. + 4. 4, 4.44.44*,,e+4,444+,1,44444,4e,,t-ffrri4++++++44+++++++4,1* music and Concerts *ESCH Zurich a. 0 Life -Buoy Rubbers 0 '09.CI a Before Long, Yam are Ocala' to ie • "Buy' a pair el Eabber Boots 1 aaii.a if you, are hard an Boots, in- , 0 la 0 stead of Dust tasking for Rub- : bar Boots, ask for LIFE- e • I BUOY CO 0 re veldt wearing: hada you: can 0 aa0 41 ibtay .and you. wilt ,say alaaafter * wearing a.)p) air.. ' . • • 0 3 Thera is af.,3i Ideal -..• .LIFE-• a 'fa • *I BUOY Baet ter e,very ;pup- * pose, on tile taraa„ in thebneh, aever men need. wabarproof * 0 411110aaileatilMtvaaegat140434(94030 .a.saaacilsoseeseipm "woos e A COM.PLETE LINE WE Clair& they are Malang- 1in the garagea in. fact: where- 0 proteation for *lair leet and , 0 * Let Its *our yam Cite boot - e ,, • that suits, yeeir particuaar re- 'saa,.. e quirement 10-40 re n's t ShREP A IRING NE'ATLY DONE 0 0 4100•4140S****.walatelilaCtiggatikMilealikaaefteeleaCe44aae tee** a ---- 11. ,„4,:aiaaaarate4.41.4,,eaketaa a -41.4t 4,40***4 4.44041.4.4e4****4404.4********* 4. 41, t * • 4) 45 ,..4, 'FFIr , r. k .t, . J.,. % E''' E*... 2, ,,...., ' -4 Co .4. • • * 4> 'ao Dashwood ir 's,C, Finkbeiner and daugh- ter Cathern have returned home after visiting the, past few weeks With (ha aormer's- daughter,' Mir. P."Httrable of Sarnia, Mr. Ivan Lippert left o Satur clay for Burnipo, M1c1., where, he will remain.' Mr. aid Ws. Ireland of Strat ford sp-ni- Sunday in !town. Mjs Flossie Kleinstiver of De troit is isitingmher parents Mr. and We. Wm. Kleinstiver. • - .Don't forget the „Hot Fowl Sup- per this Thursday , evening in the Calvary Evangelical Church pro-: perty, Dashwood. , Everybody is invi fed. Mr .P, Moffatt ,,Miss Letta enther and Mils N. Geiser, attend. ed the teachers,' Convention at God. oriel). on Thursday and Friday of last week, Mrs!. Cook o %Chicago, is visiV ins?: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo': 8tiriNel.iaa Fanny prreeter of Kitch- • ener is visiting friends 'fin town:. Mr. Wm., Brenner of Stratford, spent el few days in town last week. Mr. and Mrs, H. Willert of Royal Oak, Mich., tr, .visiting in this .vie- inityi, • • Mr. Lvi Hamacher Of Detrerit is +spending a • feardays. in 'town: P. Mclaac has returned after, Isipendingi the %past week in De- troit. Robt, Hayter !spent .the week -end in Stratford. Mr. and Mrs.. Ed. Kraft returned home Saturday, after spending a Nv e olt on (t motor trip. The death occureel on Tuesday, October 12t1J, of Robert Heideman at.the home of his daughter, Mrs, Sehenk of town. Mr. Heideman reached Ulf Age of 72 years. His remains wero taken to Stratford .tor Western Farmers' Ilutuai Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPANY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429.61, G. Holtzman - Zurich A.GENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANCE, •tt-34 Evangelical Church Notes ZURICH - ON'P. Churcht Re-offienng and Re-ded-, eating, October 31, 10.00 a, M'..and 7.30 p.ni. • r a ri *1. : . 1;1*) 4. t. Friday, 4.10 -Junior League. ( , 7.30 -Prayer and Praise, I 4 .. • 3 'a: '4* ,;,, ; ' 8,30 -Choir practice. 1 RP• , 0- Sunday, Optober .24th 1000 ana. W onahip led by, lii 1i. ia.ni,--Bible ScrtoolC.1„. 6,Kb.r.1).Tin. ' . Geseho, Supt.( 7.30 pna-Worship led by Rev. F. B. Meer, • 44. otro, -at IP a • 4. 4 4* • 44• 4. GASCSO'S ICE 0 • la .**" *41«404:404?4,41? 4 : 4, 4 4, 4, 4, • 4 • PHONE 61 4c? , ; • L11,2,1,./.. DA SIT WOOD Friday, 4,10 -Junior League. ) Mts. ,6%. B. Meyer, SApt. Ruth KIeinativer, Pres. Sunday, October 24th. 101 earra-Worehin, led by Rev. Moyier 11.05 -Bible f'lch.fol, A. Birk, Supt. 7.30 pa -Worship Led by .C L xe,pkg,y, a K. Kepka, supply pastor, at Farah; a.m., Dashwood pan. Sub- ject; "Mesaag.) n the Goalpel of John." Wil Mot address theDash wood E.I„C.E. after aervee, on the 'eubject "Elements of Success. UtV F. B. MEYER, Pastor, aci‘-a „•aa, 4aaa -alaatTar-rc .....................m......-....... MMIs Flora Uttley was a visitor at Mitchell for a few dayla. AO Alice, Johnson is visiting faeridel in Kitchener and Brantford Mr, and Mrs, T. L. Wurin .spent a few (days at Sarnia and Port Huron. Mr „andMrs, Wm. Thiel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Schroeder at Dashwood Mr. Dead Schwartzentrubei, ,of the Bronson Lne, has treated him- self to ia. new Essex coaell. Mx% Henry Weseleh. Ireturned homeaftera week% visit in De- Detroit.ealltdon Mr. and. Mrs, WintLel-t i ; , . H., V. Hutton of Brantford, bold, Babylon ;Lne, Saturday last The vartous teachers of the dist- rat attended. the Teachers' Conven ton at Goderich lest Thursday and FrWial. Mri, and Mrs. Eldon Sne11 ;of Detroit, Mich., are fsiting at the ht9,0wmne. of Mr. and Mrs, J. Scehnll of I 1 Mr.. and Mrs. Tom. Geddes of Detroit thitec1 at the. home of Mr. and 1V,Ers. Henry 'Weseloh. Mil. and Mxs. C. L. SITIEN and. little Mae, were- week -end visitors fat4,1,7acanto, Hainlion, Kithcener and Near Hamburg.' . Mr. and Mrs. Merner Eilberand. 'son Charle.s of Detroit,' .spentthe week -end .at ithe home of Draind. Mrs. Jos. Routledge. Mr. Ed, anell is visiting his par- ent, Mr .and Mrs John Snell for a few days, The Oatter MaSnell continua quite poorly. • Mr. and Mos. 11 Stopkilnf ,..or Etaltener, and Mr. and. Mrs, Ed. Kraemaa' of Ilatt,holl, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Johnson. Mr. Wrrn, S. Johnston left Mon - den mornfor Richmond, *Vir- via to attend the coavention of The Mated Lutheran Church in Aramtaa Rev„ and' 'Mrs,. ]L IL Rerabe Sr. who have Nsen waiting with their son at the Lutheran parsonage, have returned to ther home at Ham J'. ton Beach; Ont. N . Mr. and Mrs, Gem Kraft and daughter. Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs, Latch, all ;of Waterloo, were Sun- day vIrsitors with Mr, and. Mrs. W. 1,0fo1da. Babylon Line. t The annuai fowl supper held under the auspees1 'of the? Evangel - pal church last Thursday evening was a (leaded success in .every way, and the! attendance was a- bout thesame as n former years. Mtii V. Siebert, Milliner, has boob arpotited for Zurich, to rep- resent th.. famous .Elly Burke Dress Co. of ready-to-wear dresses. See her display ad1. in this issue. , Quito al nutriber of Zurich! at- tended. tha) ,moving pictures. sho- wn at the; Cloasie Theatre, Strat- ford, The picturea shown at of thegr oat Reformator,-Martin Lu- ther'a life and work. ‘ Themb Tho fl 1)P]5 of St. Pete.)r'a Ev, Luthern,' Churcla wal lh Did it heir 61.1ne Isola -ices in th Town Hall, beginning Sunday, Oct. 24th, Morn - r, Worship, garman, 10 o'clock; vespers, Engian; 7.30 o'clock, Sun- day Sehooll LL 4.1n, Everybody Welcome: ' On Monday last at Ole ft C. Church, Drysdale, Rev, Fr, J. E. Gerard p erf °med. the ' core mon y which united in marriage Miss Ir- ene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. g, CorrVertu wed Mr.. Treat) Laporte, san of dr, and Mra, Chas, Laporte all of Dralsdale. The happy co- uple WI lreside in Detroit. The. :gad ntelligonea was receiv- ed here on Tuesday of the death of Wm. SaIro.1:011 Se' to -oh, of thQ, 14th canand who Ivokkien at. Ann Ar- bor, Mra Hovital, the past few weeka, anh .at 'wheh place the de- ath. eccured on Tuesday morntag. The remelaa aro being brought o e.:twalt for in Orme o t, and 'Mina to dernito arrartg,emepta are Yet made the fun aral will likely take place po iley',afterneeni Thanks! For rthe Buggy Ride Also for the Tip where to buy your Radio SEE THE NEW DEFOREST CROS- SLEY, MARCONI .AND 't RING RADIOS. LET US GIVE YOU A FREE DE- MONSTRATION 1N YOUR ()WIN HOME • W. G. Hess & Sons A BUY THE BEST, IT IS Ti CHEAPEST. GEN1LTIN H .Lackawana AND L & W &rant() DIRECT FROM THE Inatest SOFT COAL, GENUINE KEICa TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, COEN- GENUINE BY PRODUCTSI Our Telephones are at your mom vice, the iaforrciatio2 is free., cjarltelcin. HENSALL ONT.: Phones -Office 10w. Rouse 44Z,t. Isu.s.m......mmassamatscotatet. 0 Ho 0,4 44 4 44*****44,00.00-0.<044gar • 40 4, 0' 0 • 0 0 4, 'Pe *40.000 *Gs ae. 4.. 4 004 000 0 a 4) a 0'a:04)4404P 4.04,041.41.4'14'011*qa* N ice My Accounts are now ready, and any persons indebted to me kindly call at once and settle same. FRED THIEL - ZURICH 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 44+44 4.44444.44+++++4.444. +++ +4. +40 4.414.444.4,441#+:034,40 song! At?. F Our Stock is complete in many new lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, Ohil- drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work Boots with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. School Shoes of every description 0. FRITZ & SON SHOE MERCHANTS 11 New Fall an Goods YVV.R044it Call and see our new flannel dress Goods and cotton flannel suitable for children's dresses, etc. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS, W BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, AND TINDFA-. WEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS. A. PULL LINE OF STAPLE GOODS. ALL RENINANI BARGAIN PRICES, R DOUGLA GENERAL MEIROHANT PHONE SLAKE t,. I 4. •