HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-14, Page 8ftkiitES41.0 Make our Store your head4uarters, For your Fall and Winter Buying meet your friends here LADIES' COATS 10/1 HAVE JUST 'OPENED UP A SHIPMENT OF. LADIES COATS • NDaiWOULD BE PLEASAD TO SHOW THEIV1 TO -.YOU. THEY • gONTAIN THE SEASO„N'S NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS AT TERY REASONABLE PRICES. NEW CO TERT CLOTH A 54 inch Cloth of Extra. fine tax.ture, !similar to Jersey Cloth, not stretch or pull, very suitable for suits or dresses. CHARMEAN - in pretty ishades o: Fawn and Navy for Coats, Suits orDresses. 4 " 'LANNELS - We have 36 pieces af. Flannels in Stock, comprising the newest fancy and plain shades, in 32 and 54 inch widths, col ors such as ceclarbark, Gypsy red, Tuscan, Sandalwood>, Rose- wood, Coral, Farience blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin 'stripe, also black and. navy. FOOL SANTOYS - In in Pototan, Rosewood, Brown, Fawn, Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular Iva fall wear. rOATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces 'Coatings. in 54 -in. wid.th, Extra heavy quality at $1,50 yd VLANNELETTE WRAPPERETTES, ETC. 1 40 pieces . of New, Flaunelettea, opened up in various widths and I qualities at lower prices than last season. )10R.A.PER CLOTHS *I' In pretty shades of Pinks ancl.Blues with gilt !scroll pattern 1 yd. wide at 60e. yd. and. - 75c, ayd. DWRA.TER COATS -For Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in Season's a newest styles.' IDEAL PATTERNS Wei carry a Complete kline ,of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No teed of waiting a week for a Pattern. We have them on hand, and ia.t the remarkable ow :)rice of 20c, each. :1EfAND AT RIGTH PRICES •FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON SCHO & SONS Phone 59 J.G v Proitt.,,. Wanted Zurich's (arage Gas, Oils, Greases Tires, Tubs, Repairs GENUINE FORD PARTS NUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES NE ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS 11 IN NEED OF A. BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICES TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO-, AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND BESIDES WE GIVE WOU SERVICE. WIVE MARE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. BATTERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MECHANICAL. ALSO AC- ISTYLENE WELDING. if ;1 •..-L:41.W1 ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE ll iVloasseau Zurich See our Fall Line of Ladies' and lien's Etosiery, Underwear Etc. MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS • W ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Miss Agnes McPpail, who was reelected in Southeast Grey, Nstill the only woman member of Parlia- ment. HAY COUNCIL ga.• The regular monthly metitingof the Council of the Township of: Hay held, the Town Hall, Zurich on October 14tb.. All ,the mem- were present. The minutes of 'the previous meeting were ad- opted aa read. Simon Hoffman was appointed inspector of the Masse Drain. The following accounts • • were (Passedttl-rib OHolspital, re, C. RupPl $39: Burlington iSteel Co., steel rd. 2, 118.52; C.N.R. freigblt and cart- age, Rd, 2, 5.00; Zurich SchoolFair grant, 20.00; Dashwood School -Pair grant 5.00; Zurich Agricultural So - city grant 25.00; E. Er. Weltin, plow repairs v85c; M. Corrleava„ ditehing, Rd. 18, 171.50;A. Fostea- part payment on cement . work, 300.75; A; Sreenan, ,!s13Jeet rd. 18, 45.00; R. !Cameron, fp ay !sheet, Itcla. 1 and 15,1.57,76; L. Schumacher pay .sheet R. 10, 60.75; M. G. Daitz, plow repairs, 22:35; Strom - berg -Carlson Tel Co. supplies 31.84 M G. Deita, !salary 462.00; express act, 35.53; total 498,03, less C.O.P. S. tolia 43,20-454.83; C. N. R. Ire- ight ion wire, 3,95, The Council adjourned. to meet 'again on IVIonddy, November lst, at 1.30 o'clock p.m,. A. P. tHess,101er14. NE ii LOCAL MARKETS Potatoes, per ,bp.g , ... .. 1.00 Egg5 24-32-46 Butter lb.- ...-... 40 Dried apples lb. ...- -L.- 9 Wheat ..... . 1.15 Oats ' 42 Barley ..„.. -..-...».'60 Buckwheat ...... ... 4.7 6345 Shorts per ton ' .. -34.00 Bran per ton- 32.00 Live Hogs, cwt. - 12.00 (Corrected every Wednesday) 300,00,0,r4,4300-4.4,00000612+6,V6070114.641$410•006661i0titE901100000444): -^- Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Ca. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST BUSINESS OF ANY CANADIAN COMPaNY DO- ING BUSINESS IN ONTARIO. CASH AND BONDS ON HAND $85,429,61, G. Holtzman — Zurich AGENT, ALSO DEALER IN LIGH- TNING RODS, AND ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSURANQB. tt-34 EXETER Lily' :Payne isuffered a painful accident on her left arm being bad ly burned en the arm when some gaioline ignited. A burner of a gasoline stove became flooded and while( 'Wiping it up the gastedine took fire. iij and Mrs, M. R. Compile and family ;have rettarned. laftersp- ending a fewweek's at Honey Har bor on Georgian Bay. The Canning Co. finished cannig corn the other day. The company • had over 000 acres, the largest the largest they ever hand and th cro has lbeen good,. Mrs. !Vic; Hogarth, of, Stephen, WS1"3 taken ito London Hospital, where she underwent ,an nne.ration 49 !appendicitis. Mrs. A, Jarrott, of Hillagreen, and daughter, Mrs,. A. Madoll, of Seattle, Wash., ivisited with Mr.and Mrs, J. Ford and Mr ,and Mrs. Wm Yule, and other friends in town. Mr. mild Mrs, Roland Eilber, 04 Port Hope, 'Mich, and Edna Eir- e bar' of Maly, Mich., called on ..Mr, • andMrs, Wm, Kuntz, O A, Stewart, ,who Ms been confined to hlis ibpd. for almok • week, was taken to London Ho's- pita' for treatment. Aylmer 'Christie has returned a (ley 'spending the past 'month as assistant jjudgo ;of school fairs in Ontario cbunty ,with. headquartera. at Clxhridgat., Ku las.: welt underwent an operation for tql.te \remotilv of of tonsils, Dr. Browning doing the o.plarationt. 0liVer Davis and bride nee 'della 9. Scheer, of Parkhill., Is,pent a few day% lest week Milli the for - marls parents, Mr. and iMrs. Davis, of Itoavn, leaving to spend ,tirne at Parkhill, ,before going to their new home in Briageburg, Stewart .Stanbury returned to 4 Clarex Quebec Stoves i • lieela Furnaces • • 0 Nights are getting cool -- Winter wilt sooti be here, this pats us in niind Of that New Stove, (Hie that will give more heat with less fuel than any other make on the market, namely the Clorox Quebec combined Cooker and .• • HEATER, A firows, THAT WILL COOK AND BAIZE WITH LI ANY OP THEM, AND FOR HEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens AND WILL BURN COAL OR WOOD. wrmommowifiesomompose • IN PI.TRS.A.CES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VE.RY BEST TalAT ▪ IVIOEY 0.0" 131.1 ,TEE IIRECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY ei A FuE.N.kcE; THAI IIAS GIVEN SATISFACTION TO oTHOU • 3 SANDS OF USERS FOR MANY YrIAPS, Tho Furnace that 1 • saves ono ton of coal in seven, 0 In having your Furnace Work, Pitt/Ailing Job o navetroughirig and Repairing done.'You make no 'mistake by coming here • here and having it done by our Expert Mr, Ted, Millteholtz, • a • We appreciate your Patronage • • • ISTDE & WEIDO tV ZURICH. ONT. • $610.410 iliididoortoto.*tot000tiotili016.011)000446411411140.00416.00.0.4001410004 (Op 1 Thursday October 1404 :41V11 " malvaramvmmumworowieceimmagiteinimiolle141111.11*.imaesommiliminetis -......ouseaturminmogramoimallaillnalinlIMUMMKOMIEr We have received a large shipment of new Furniture including Living room, new diningroom suites, and. rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables and ,cliairs COME IN AND SEE CUR NEW GRACE LINE BEDS, BRASS BEDS, AND A FULL LINE OF THE FAMOUS SIMMONS GUAR- ANTEED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES. BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO. BE FRAMED. f11N1SIOLAMOVAIMIMAJUInatt27.¢K.I.,L A A FULL LINE OF SHELF' AND HEAVY HARDWARE, BEATTY WASH MACHINES AND WRINGERS, STOVES AND FURNACES, WIRE FENCING, STEEL POSTS, POULTRY FENCING, AND CEMENT. LET US O YOUR PLUMB,ING, EVETROUGHIN(4 OR ROOT- ING.. 1 4. t J WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 100% PURE MARTIN SENIOU PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAMEL VARNISHES, S Pi'.'sIRTEST Gas and Coal Oil. TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER _BRING IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH le. Ib. Johnston & Italbiletsch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 44,0 1111111•7711110119a09131111$ 10(511615119:01,WilimulaniallallaaElz _.40PIMPIMINC111111192O111111112,61 Toronto, Unievrsity to 'enter pri.41 Milli ;year in Art and third year medieine, He Vas taken ill in March and was unable: to writobrs exam's, but was, awartica the year on hits standing, &Se§.04i,. Rt. HON, ARTFIUR mmonErr Who wasi twice. Premier of Can- ada, and. who resigned as leader of the Conservative Party, will go back to tpracticing law,BPs, rie.w !successor is Hon. Hugh. Guthrie, a former. Member of ithe Liberal ranks. CREOTTOT4 Thi' towi 14tIpper held Jpy Vivangeiioil. congregation Ult 'Mir:Orly evening 1W1VS, in every way.a !saltiness, as arentid a thous - and people_ partook of ran well prepared meal, the proceeds an -t - minting to iover $700, which will be used in improevments at the c'e'metery Mr. And Mr. Dan. McIsasc and Helen !spent Sunday at Molore-4 field. Mr ,,and Mrs. 'Russel Clarke of Detroit, were voleits of Mr. and Mrs. P, Clarke Hannah Zwicker of London, vis ited With Mr :and M. C. Zwicker for a few clayksi. Jacob Finkbeiner 1,6 ntilt very ill and helpless. Mr, and Mrs, Francis 'Flynn mo- ved int) their home they pureh- aged in Exeter. On Monday- evening last a very 'pleasant 'tirno was ispent at ithe home af Mr, and MrS, Fred Kerr when they ignev thoir brick and• tile yard employs and their farn iliir '14% a fowl supper, alter which. a !socb,l nVOning was Apent. Mrs Rosina Pinkbeiner, who has 'oft -hero Isorac, time, isloeing very well cared for by 'Beaver, and is COnfinnd to her (b became of 4,,,erierts bodily ,afflictio% ....y.ssonwnrArsuyowamvwTgpmzraoaourevxmtWv, .111.1E1116.3460.1.1431=1.1321.1..,1..N../PMELPISIMACCIMMICIRPRIM R1.5119.102=40.11.1,12311.12101010.61214N191.0.2131:19111111M110,111110e, ONLY A PR MIS A FART,713.'S WIFE OWNED $2,500 WORTH OP SAFn BONDS. A STOCK SALESMAN, (a Stranger) PERSUADED HER TO EXCHANGE THEM FOR nom IN A, MANDE, ACTURING CONCERN. HE GUARANTEED TO PAYHER 3%, BUT 'MS GITARAN- TEE WAS WORTHLESS AS THE COMPANY HADN'T PAID ANY DIVIDENDS FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Why place Confidence in Stock salesmen when reliable ad- vice can be obtained right in tOwn. I recommend `Huron & Erie Debentures because the. Govern- ment authorizes them for estates/ funds in the hands of ex- ecutors, and trustees. 5% per .annum i paid half-yelarly upon •$100 or more tea: 1 to 5 imam Application% for Huron & Erie Debenture% are accepted at any time .4' 4 ndrew F. Hess, - Zurich MY MOTTO i -SERVICE AND SAFETY w, 1.).1 Vi YJI.,13 WILL? ..3.93..,..110400.1[,21.,......11,779141:0.1•=4,411MIMIP....tu MISSIUM140101431P.IMIIIMISAMICOMILIVIIIMMISMIRIVORMITAIRLALIVRIVISOMIAMIZZIOIMIIMMIVIIMI Painting and Paper Hanging 3O1117 LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN' & _DragleSS Practiou DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A ° MOTTO TO' SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY JOB WE eei anu n ult.) ittt* it AR, DO. MY US ON YOUR .r" 'XTI EXETER 1hro4 JOB. WALPER HOUSE, ZURI H.1EICKVIEIER, Every Tuesday, 10 eau. to 4, Fmk ZURICH - Or, - -01,t-f-.6.-4*--4.--44-4-.1.--4?--- OE_ Were on FALL IWith1' an extraordinary showing of the Seaston'a t 1 WHERE YOU WILL FIND PITIVELY THE BIGGEST TAILOI 1.12461. VALIMS EVER REARD OFF. -sramas OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITII ECONOMY DI 14 jAKING - BUYING THE MATERIAL DIRECT FROM THEItfILL AND SELLING TO YOU AT TREMENDOUS SAVINGS. 4 THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN YOUR POCKET., BETTER HURRY AND GET YOUR °lawn IN EARLY., I - 0 Newest Materials for Men's Suits H IMERCHANT TAILOR. W. Hild(OFFMAN & Son;) EMBALM% TANI) PU'NERAL DIRECTORS., Day and Night Phone No. , B43 .4° 4 4E. 4E. -A. 4111, 44 44 .e* -4 ''4 *4 .4 4 8 .4 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 4 8 4. 8' -* 4 -8 8' 4 8 8' .4 *P.*