Zurich Herald, 1926-10-14, Page 6Essentials Essentials in Firenci.
A perfectly smooth surface to work
on is the first essential for successful
F tenth ,polishing, 1Vai1-holes, cracks
T elle or other blemishes should to filed in
BY %I: L. "PATTERSON. and the article "thea treated with fine
Tactical ,umber, and for ,had gone through' the ceiling, It is sandpaper. Every particle of dust :end
Lrly practical p'
several .years have been working for 1 well to make sure that pipes betweengrease must also ire removed.
farmers Almost t.;.caus tielye Here are range and boiler are v.rfire
acted,eir ' If po fished iitof a shauldporous
gone o .be
some cold -weather tips, picked up in
this work, that might help you pre-
vent or remedy trouble brought on by
your water pipes freezing this winter:
I received the following letter from
a farmer who has his home lighted
with acetylene:
"`Dear Sir: My gas machine froze
up,' and I .went down cellar with a
light to thaw it out with hot water. I
and thought
entire length before a with a fi:ler, made from whitening And
if there is any possibility that they
are frozen. turpentine mixed to a stiff' paste -and
theappropriate shade with
burnt umber ar
%fori ✓ week(' ar`t`ia r
Cop,yrls/il" YJr c.
other coloring.
colored to app p
VARIOUS PROBLEMS. h matter: 13y Henry J. Moore.
French polish
Thawing out frozen pipes presents The eomposition ofz
different problem in alriost every '.cries according to the nature of the October is the month to buy and to
case. One: man, living miles from any work and the desired effect, but the pot bulbs for culture in our living
:n ber successfully opened a frozen simplest form consists of GO oz. of roonhs. As a rule these winter flow
sem , ing plants are not difficult to g
wer by pushing a garden hose in the shellac dissolved in a pint of denatured rfection. There are; however,'
pipe. The other end of the hose lens alcohol. Should any gum he included to ps
d the gas was all out of i , elevated and hot. water potued in in the formula, the quantity of shel:ac1 certain principles which touch be;ob-
suppose -branches of
ou ht there was no danger: I through a funnel. This brought hot must be proporticn zt-:y reduced. Place served'in this as in ether
as mistaken. As it' began to thaw water in direct contact with the ice, the shellac and alcohol in a bottle and endow, or.
out, there was an explosion, and the and, as it melted, the hose was pushed aljoia, them to stand for about a8 The kinds of bulbs which are more
o ,
ofthe machine blew out. For- forward. until the ice wase passed• The hones. The' bottle should be kept in genee kinds
ly grown in the .home, than
bottom others, are Hyacinths ordinary and
tunate:y nobody was hurl." idea is Borrowed from the plan plumb- a warm place. Before use,. the mix -
to in the ers use in steaming out frozen pipes; tune must be strained to extract any
Roman, of which the latter may be..
The gas machine referred forced into flower earlier. Tulips of
letter is one of the approved acetylene and, while slower, it is just as effec- sediment. • mercy kinds, including early and late'
generators; there is no better ace y-
section of a cotton -wool firm- ones and
e t tine A polisher's' pad is requiredandis Narcissi. These are the
lenegenerator made. In locating the frozen made from a piece of co
li pipe underground I always look for ,ly folded into the shape of an egg, most popular of the so-called Dutch
T know of several fatal accidents re-ro the nine runs underinclosed bulbs. Then we have Snowdrops,
1 pointed at one end. This ie ino_o ed Glory of tiib Snow, Meadow
suiting from the indiscreet use of some P aces w e.- -
kind of ':t around these machines,' wagon roads, towpaths, or walks. by a piece of soft linen, not too_ fine,
but hal laver known of one to be • Where the earth is packed hard the the ends being gathered up over the
blown up from any other cause. An frost strikes much deeper than in soft cotton -wool to forma handle. Open
electric flashlight is absolutely safe to earth. Sod offers double the p'rotec- the pad and pour -in a little polish at
use., it cannot ignite any escaping gas; tion of plowed ground. A foot or two the back, never at the front. Dab the
of loose small stones placed over a pad against - the palm of the hand and
pipe; and the rest of the trench filled bring the polish quickly through to
with earth, is excellent protection. The the surface.
dead air spaces between the stones are Cover the surface of the wood with
the insulating medium. . . polish, using a. gentle, circular motion
It is important to exercise every forming large figure of eight marks.
precaution against freezing of under- Plenty of polish must be applied' to
tween the water front and the range ground pipes if a considerable thaw the wood, but this needs to be done by
boiler freezing solid, thereby shutting follows •a very cold snap, for the frost successive coats, as the pad should
off the circulation. Then, when a fire drives in farther than ever when the never be more than moist. As soon
was started in the range, steam form- weather first turns warm. • I have as the coat becomes tacky it should be
ed in the water front with sufficient known pipes to f z 1 left to dry thoroughly before the next
pressure to burst the water front,
One range that came to my notice
looked as if a stick of dynamite had
caused the destruction. The range was onits face. Do not stop in the middle
beyond repair, the front plate being sible, and use the same precaution
torn out, the fire brick knocked through that was observed during the coldest of applying a coat or the polish will.
into the oven, and one of the stove lids weather. be liable to "pull off,"
This process is known as "bodying
cleaning tubs, faucets, etc., but it must in," and entails the application of
not be kept in the house nor used near about five coats, by which time 'a sub
a flame. A small box of some cleaning stantial shell of polish will have ad
powder added to this shelf saves many hered to the sdurface. This evil have
steps a glossy appearance on which the
On the outside of the cabinet two 1 traces of the rubbing pad will show.
small brass hooks, one on either side, These marks disappear, however, and
will prove usefulUpon one can be' are replaced by the lustre when the
hung a strip of canton flannel about final operation, known as "spiriting
five inches wide for 'wiping dusty i off,' is carried -out: -
shoes. It is morefis ghtly if hemmed I In spiriting err, the polish is gradu-
on all sides, and it must have a Th _1 ally reduced, by the addition of de-
but a lamp, lantern, candle, or •match,
must be taboo.
Last winter many water fronts in
kitchen ranges exploded. These ex-
plosions were caused by the pipes be -
res e upin April that
had been all right throughout the
During the first warm days it is well
to keep the water running where pos.
coat is applied.
To prevent the pad from sticking,
the tip of the finger should be dipped
in linseed oil and lightly dabbed once.
Net until I was married and had
children of niy own did I discover how
my mother overruled our wilfulness
when we were children and got us to or ring fastened to one corner. a natured till all the polislP has
obey her without causing any disturb- words Shoe Cloth embroidered in an • worked out alcoholf the pad. The alcohol
ante; however, once I had learned her outline stitch are a protection against
method I immediately applied it in the misuse. At the other side of the cab -1 also must be put in at the back of the
trainingof mychildren,and my sue- 'net can be hung a similar strip of . 'pad. Rub a trifle harder than before,
cloth for wiping razor blades. This' still in the figure of eight .method,
cess has won the admiration of all can be cut from old face towels or. I until only. alcohol is in the pad. Finally
those knowing our family. bath towels. Such strips also should' take a clear new pad and put a drop
When my little daughter insists on be hemmed and a loop sewed to one of alcohol into it, and rub fairly hard
wearing a certain dress contrary to corner. in the direction of the grain until the
my advice I don't stop to argue with The commode brush can be kept smears have disappeared and the stir -
her as to why she shouldn't wear it. I neatly in an oblong bag made of pretty•
face has •acquired the desired polish.
s'mpiy ignore her wilfulness, call her, cretonne or linen and lined with oil- The article should then be left to dry
attention to some other matter and cloth or rubber sheeting. A number' in a place free from draughts and.
then go away apparently quite uncon- of large eyelets showed be embroidered dust. Great care ought to be taken at
cerned. She may put the dress on and I in the outer covering and in the lining l th's stage to exclude grit, as scratches
even wear it a while but her mind will near the brush end of the bag in order cannot be satisfactorily removed.
be on the wrong she has dope, and she to won't Ve bre to play with ease; back the ' bag low tcan he bbesfihto
shed with aehem. of
French pet shrug should always be
carried out in a warm room.
she'llh d she and draw -tape or ribbon. The tape
The rubber mat for the shower bath Out -
errand for me or insists on my wait-' side, a. few precautions should be
ing until he feels like going, I don't should be thoroughly dried .after taken as follows, says Prof. Eric
"nag" him; I simply go out-of-doors using. In order to have the mat in a taken of the O.A.C.: If possible, bees
and get soma little bay on the street to convenient yet out-of-the-way place, should be wintered behind or inside
run the errand for. me and as sure it may be •hung on two .:small brass natural windbreak; as 'this tends
as ,can be, Robert will run the errand hooks placed near the shower. Two to very much more successful winter
with him, a little ashamed. of his • loops of rubber can be vulcanized to lin than where bees are wintered
disobedience. peach corner of one end or a piece of g
When,4he children quarrel, I don't tape can be sewed across one entire without windbreaks. The packing ma -
allow them to malign one another, nor end and a tape -loop or a brass ring teria;s used should be some material
do I wait for explanations of causes attached to each corner. Another easy. that will pack fairly erose and shed
I simply distract , way to keep this mat is to have a water to some ;degree. Leaves and
of the aterdisagreement; a smallglass towel rod near the shower shavings are the two most economical, every now and then shake it wee, Add .
their attention with something else and most reads' obtained .packin ... d 11 tion Department has worked out.
Y g
and they go back to their play, no one on which to hang the mat, without materials that the beekeeper can use. t
io victor or the loser. • I any loops.
1 t . that i'sl'e trick of In a bathroom with walls tiled half 'Tear are
Saffron, Dogs Tooth Violet and Scilla.
These last mentioned are all hardy
and excellent for culture in poets where
they should be planted •.close• together.
The Hyacinthe,- Tulips, and Narcissi
being much larger should not, be
crowded so much in their pots...
The best potting hail for winter
flowering bulbs is one composed of
onTe part of loam, one of leaf soil and
a Little sand. It is true the plants may
be flowered in garden soil to which is
added leaf soil or a little old andlwell
rotted stabler manni,re, as that for in-
stance from an old, hot bed. The pots
used should be thoroughly washed. 1n•
side and . out and a layer of orocka
(broken flower pots) be placed over
go and put on the xess
knows T wanted her to wear. : or ribbon ends can be used as loops Packing Bees for Winter.
If Robert fusses about going on an for hanging. When packing bees to winter o
Soap Shampoo.
The writer has discovered what she
thinks is an excellent way to make.
soap shampoo. Take .a half-pint fruit
jar and•a cake of the kind of soap pre-
ferred for washing the hair. If the BY JESSIE CRAWhORD.
soap does not go into the jar easily, '
cut it into two pieces. • Fill the jar If your wall paper is faded or soiled allowing each to dry thoroughly beforetop '
over half-full,dwith water, screw ,the and you can't afford to repaper this putting on the next.
shake it tin it is fall, you may be interested in the
lather. Let it stand for a while, but
cleaning stunts our Interior Decora- When the background of a gay beds'
room paper has faded into gray. you,
can paint the entire wall with blue
size, tinted with dry' kalsomine water -i.
color paint. This •gives a warm glow,
over the paper, the brighter colors of;
the design showing through in an in-!
teresting pattern.
In one small bedroom where the
flower design had faded we painted,
the flowers over with oil paints and a'
small brush. It made the whole room'
bright and new. The hand -painting
process is a long, hard piece of work
if your room is large, but over a small
wall space it'is well worth the time.
If your paper shows any:tears or,
mals from leaks try patching. it. Take
a small piece of paper and cut out that
new piece around the. design instead'
of shaping it im,,a circle or square.'
The piecing will not show so much this
Way. If the old paper has faded put
the rnew piece in the sun for • a day
until it has faded the correct color.
the drainage hole to afford drainage.'
Upon the crooks should be placed a.
layer of fibrous material, that screen
ed from the loam will do or leaf
or moss. This to prevent the potting
• soil from ,sifting flown and clogging
the drainage.
The potting soil sliould°be uniformly,
nixed and be sifted through an inch'
screen, the fibrous soree•nings being
used as forementioned for drainage.
Upon this fibrous material should.nowt
be placed a layer of potting soil up
to within two or three inches of the. •
rim, Tills should• be pressed down
firmly and the bulbs be'placed in pool
tion and then more soil be added and
be firmed. With the exception of the'
Hyacinths and Tulips, .,.the tops of
which should• protrude from the soil,'
the other bulbs• may be entirely Dover•?
ed. In all rases, however, the space
of about an inch'shouid be left at the
top of the pot to allow for the applioa-'
tion of water. After thoroughly water;
ing the soil. the plants should be
placed 'in a cool and dark position for
a period of flve'or six weeks to allow '
of the formation of roots, before they
are brought to the light to fiower. Soo;
cess will largely depend upon this,'
themefore, do not be in too great- a
hurry to have the plants flower. While
the plants area going through this'
period of . root formation the soil'
should be examined at least weekly
to ascertain if water is again neoes-'
When. well rooted the plants may be'
removed to- a cool, well�lit room with
a temperature of about 55 deg. F., and
later, when the leaves and flowers, be-
oome inured to temperature and to'
light, in' perhaps a week the plants
may be placed in the living room to
flower and be enjoyed.
The longer the plants are left in the
cool dark storage the longer will they.
be retarded, •and: it 'should be the prac-
tice to remove them to the room three
weeks, or so before the time they are,
required to flower: For instance
a few pots of bulbs were required for
Christmas, these should =be • removed,!
leaving the others for later flow•ering•j
'to be removed --to flower =at any Later'
or -special time. In this way the time!
of. flowering may be controlled. •
With the exception of the Hyacinths\
and the early flowering Tulips, which'
should be discarded after fi$wering as
they deteriorate (the Darwin Tu1lp'.
however may be 'sexed), all the bulbs'
mentioned may after they have been+
carefully and gradually dried off 1n
their pots be saved. If stared away
in paper bags they may in the Fall be
planted out in the garden.'' Bulbs as a.
rule will not force suocessfu�ly into•
flower in- the living room two years
in succession, but may after a period;
of recuperation (three or four years);
In the garden be again used for indoor
Care should be taken to see that mice
more water as soap gra ua y
`softens andthickens i .... This shampoo
can be made any consistency wanted,
i letter from a farm woman
started us experimenting:
There s a o in
changing the subject or•ignoring with ` way up, one mother found it a prob-
deliberate calmness the stubborn will.' leg to place towel racks low enough
of children. It certainly does for the smaller members of the family.
fulness She solved this problem by fastennng
more good than �s lot of angry words
rise to the children's temper : inexpensive towel rods to the bath -
le giving 1 room door so each little one had her
�' and your own. My mother used to ,
say, "My children have no temper," I own towels within reach_
le and I now can say ahnost the same'
►; , thing for by not arousing their temper Wintering the Tractor.
ie I have not made them aware of its I
When the tractor is to be laid by
existence and what they have is abet-
ed by my diversion or my silence, un -
r consciously teaching them to control
themselves by their own thinking and
• Of course, not all children can be
governed with equal ease by the same
during, the winter months, see that it
does not suffer from its winter idle- inches of packing all around ` and
nesse Give it a dry winter home under underneath, with eight of ten inches
a tight roof. Neglect during the off- of packing on top , Beea can be pack -
season causes more rapid depreciation ed en cases singl-y; in twos or fours,
than hard work but should not'. he p�accl.ed in long
In getting. the tractor ready for win- stands with more than six in
method. Child psychology.teaches tering, drain out all of the water from • stand. Packing should be ,completed
that we should constantly study each to g,
remove the by the middle• of November, and
cannot enter from the top, and this is
and as it is used more water should be elli Editor: the Decoratorslteeper that
usually avoided by placing a of the added to the contents of the jar. A ways >�glooms' Good -
between it and the tops of the cake of soap diluted in this way will dingy v'e'ils make dingy,
frames. A bridge or tunnel must be last for several months. nen knows we can't doubt the fact
provided from the hive entrance to thea
Liquid soap can be made in the same with evidence on every side. The ques-
tion is, what'tb do about 'it?
the bees can fly when conditions are
suitable. The outside entrance should
not be deeper than % of,an"inch, but
can be 4 inches or more long. This
iveill prevent mice getting into the en-
trance. The colonies should have /our
way. If enough water is mixed with
the soap, it will rise to the top after
the jar has stood for a day or so, and
can be poured off and put into a sep-
arate container.
Chicken a la King.
This is a particularly fine recipe for
the always popular chicken 'a la king.
Another nice thing about the dish, the
directions for. which are given below,
is that it is just as good, even better,
when reheated the following day:
Four tablespoonfuls of butter; 3
"One can't repaper every year, yet
with fiiet and dust and coal smoke
walls refuse to stay clean.
"What do you advise?"
Here are the cleaning facts we dis-
The first paper we cleaned was dull-
ed with dust and coal smoke. It had
a greasy. feel. This paper was scrub-
bed with-• small burlap bags filled with
bran. The bran seeping through the
meshes of the burlap cleaned the pa -
the coohng system. To m t to tablespoonfuls. of minced green pepper, per spotlessly. Oatmeal gives just as +
boy and girl with the purpose of giv
water from the radiator alone is not carrier of Ypossabla. Never este P of•flour, 1/4 teaspoon- good results. When it is necessary to mend a
de the timely. •iud that the individual, in ; , _ sufficient, Manymelees of, winter colonies in a room above the 3 tablespoonfuls
g Tract s sofa entranceis fol of paprika 1 tablespoonful of Another's caner for this kind of dirt plain• papor, the, best way to conceal
developing thought steeds. But in tractors have two or three drain cocks: ground, unless an mits�de
every case quietness and confidence are •and al 8f these should be opened to provided.
strong'i of thin cream 2�/x cupfuls borax, one pint of of
minced pimento, % teaspoonful of salt, is made of one-half ounce of powdered the tine of the patch is to scrape the
cupfuls , boiling. water and edge down to •a very thin surface,
influences towards obedience,. remove all the water: Consult the ?n
I tell Short -Cut. of diced cooked chicken, % can `of enough flou> to give it a doughy can tearing it irregularly instead cif cuts
manners. three desig
ulness and plea tractor book given to you when the ii r "dered mushrooms. sistency. This substance is used on ting •it SVC11-4 across.
`` tractor was purchased. Tf the ma= i Outline designs may be emb of
' - • - - •• Melt the butter and cook in it the the wall like a gum eraser.. You can � ,_,_,,,,,.__..-,;'
the latter is soft. buy a similar senimercia,, cleaner if
green pepper until tl Y ., Surprised..
Bathroom Suggestions. ciinne is equipped with a water pump on the sewing machine if te pattern
The bathroom cabinet is frequently instead of the more common thereto- i is simple. The result is pleasing and..
i. o - . . syphon system, run the engine for a a real short cut.
fisted with a varied assortment edof time
. the water cocks Wind the be bin with heavy merces;-
artices, some of which can b replaced time during and -after � cons. It is
d A little water zed thread of. any suitable
best to loosen the lower tension to give
an outline stitch effect. For cable.
e .
have been Opened. : very i
l 1 lits.. Small ha pe
by more usefu imp eine
allowed to remain will do untold dam-,
.age. If.the engine is run, all this will I'
outfits for. polishing^"and cleansing
shoes can fill one Corner of the cabinet,
white a sniall clothes•; brush finds its
place near by,
• It: is convenient to have on another
shelf a small brush for cleaning the
bathtub, together with•a tightly cork-
ed, plainly labelled bottle of kerosene.
If :ii gal•, lame of an�'' kind is used in
he' 1'00M, 'dare should be taken not to
nr,:: the kei�useee wiile It flame is
be forced out.
See that all inipertant bearings and ,
highly polished .parts are well oiled
to prevent moisture from rusting the
surface, To insure a good film of oil
the inside c under surfeee;'r in the'
en y
engine at full speed, there cut the
spark s�iidden�ly»• • 'This will leave the
piston rings and cylinder' walls well
1, ;, ,niisaaf�e is apleiidlcl for coated with oil,
stitching the upper tension should be
loosened and not the lower. Lengthen
the machine stitch and stitch on the.
wrong aide of the goods: The pattern,
of course, must be traced on the wrong
side. The colored bobbin thread traces
the design en the right side.. Eifferent
effects may be obtained by experiment-
ing with white et lilack thread on the
i it.
bother mixing n
Add you seasonings, ns.
irandb y
he 6
Stir in the •
the cream- radttally, stirring 'con- Grease\is easily removed by placing Harold and Elvin went to their drat
slant's. g,
When boiling, set over 'hot a piece of blotting paper over the spot• party.. As it was a party for little
and pressing, it with a hot iron. An- people, their Mother told them they
other remedy is a aste of whiting or would no doubt get only simple re-
p with with water.
re -
French chalk m p.
pay this to the spot and allow it to dry
overnight. The next morning'lt should
be brushed off.,
To avoid spots it is 'advisable .to
varnish the kitchen and bathroem wall
paper. This is 'easy to do and gives
a durable • wall that can be cleaned
with soap and water. Apply two
and add the thicken; mushrooms
Ansi pimentos. �.
okins, pattyshells or
Serve in rats,. , ,
on toast.
One judges with hie reason, but acts
accordingto his character; that is the
Cause of most human inconsistency..
Fresh -water eel's travel a distance
e Ual.to a quarter of the earth's cir-
cumference, about 5,000 miles, in their
freshments. But,- the refreshments
wee ;quite elaborate. After the party
the mother of their small hostess said
"Well,' boys, did you have a nice
;Yes'roil''; said Iliil
, Client aiashlx V , $.
",end did you get enough to eat I"
"Yes, thank you; much more than
coats ;of whites waterproof r!aznish, .;msamxia thokieht we wouldt,"