HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-14, Page 41 0 0 1 1 111 We Owe It To Ourselves and .#2 To Ottr Custorhers osov —to have banking relations only with people of good repute who are honest and prompt in their business obligations. —to make a fair profit on the service we render to customers so that the bank can grow in strength and usefulness. —to make loans with the utmost care and upon approved security to the end that the funds of the bank and its depositors will be safely and construc- tively employed. It is to the interest of every depositor that we strictly observe these principles without which no bank can be strong and permanently helpful. BANK OF MONTREAL Established over WO years Total Assets in excess of 47.5o.000.000 ANNOUNCEMENT aving purchased the Zurich Baking Business from Mr. E. Koehler. Invish to announce that I am in a position to upply the public with a fine line of baked goods tViNG FORMERLY CONDUCTED A SIMLIAR ;BUSINESS IN ITENSALL, AND WE INVITE THE PUBLIC TO VISIT OUR SHOP • ENJOY 1YOUR MEALS BY EATING OUR B AXING. ViVERE TT HAIST Z Urich The Fall Millinery 'Tirade has opened up ,ruisli and the reason is 'found in the ;attractiveNew 8Etfati, we, are showing. Ch arns lag in all the glory of Pall sere these lovely Hats. Yon will find it a genuine pleasure to select your new lhat mom this gay assein- iblage. The new high crowns ewe. generously represented. We are enthused over our Millinery this Pall. iiseissi too and pleased. with. the reasonable prices woe • MURRAY:5 JE ?VC V. V. Siebert, Zurich You will .be enth- as well, SEE OUR NEW PARLOR IN THE GASCHO BLOCK ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • HARD GOAL We have made arrangements II whereby we can supply our custom ers with the very best grades of Scranton Anthracito Coal. Leave : • your order with us and we will fill. • them as shipments arrive, 000D SUPPLY OF BEST B,RANDS OF 111.40UR, CHICK PE - EDS, STOCK FOODS, ETC. ALWAYS ON HAND • WE (AIM TO SATISFY Louis Schilbe - Zurich • 011•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••S • SCHOOL REPORT ,Or S. No:. 11, TXay for month Sea •September. IV—xMarie Charrette, tiketsillo Dunharmet. • tSis IV—Gordon r).4ith, Ruth sIrone Charrette, xAn-, ' Xasse, xlka,yrisond Ka4ing. Lafromboise'. Jr. TII-,,Arnel Disjardine, Nor- man Sararas, Lula Jeffrey; slam) n 13 ChaVrette, xA l a D ire h arm ts xLaird Hendrick, Regis Duch. arme, xMaehn Jeffrey,. Sr.„ If—Marie Lafeomboiseetlfarie Semon, xruehard Meese, e0, ZVAIOR =BALD Masse, Leona Lafroinboise, Phat-sCheerie jeffrey, Eva Merese, Maim Ducherrea. Sr, Pr—Alphonse Meese, Jr, Pr—Leo Charles Lafromboise Joan Mosee, Hareld. Siemori, Cyr- Duchaerne, scNorman Eeterling Veronica Ducharme, Those marked x were absent from school. MM' M. ,Nowald, teacher. - AUCTION SALE OF 70 -ACED FARM, theePrein- ises, Bronson Line on Tuesday,Oct, 19th, 1926, at 2 o'clock. • Farm consists of part Lot 13, Coo. 12, Hay Toweehip, 70 acres all clear„comfortable frame house overflowing well at hoes.), 10 ass res of alfalfa ;seeded good catch, 5 acres timothy. and red clover, 8 acres fell wheat, 15 .acres plowed 7 acres pasture, good orchard., form dation oi (barn, good for another barn, well clrained,' land in good cultivation. ' TERMS -10% ion day of Isale', balence- in 30 days without int- erest, except $2700 may remain mortgage. Barn is burned, Prop rietor is leaving. Oscar Klopp, Auctioneer. Paul Masse, Proprietor. HENSALL J. W. Ortwein ;sold his dwell- ing on Brock St. now occupied by Thos.- Appleton to Jas. -Sangster, whog et s riga.session i'Nov. 1St, Jim Parks left for Toronto where he has secured g 'Sod position,. Mrs, -•Thes, Berry left for an 'extended visit tko the west. She Sitende to go! through 'to thecoest and will be away !several months. Mrs. Robt, Higgins- and Ison Billie, after a very pleasant two week's visit with friends Des troit returned here. Dr. Dougall was taken to. iVet- oria hospital, London, last rweek to be operated bn for appendicitis. He withstood the operation well and /11.p r 0 V; g Mrs, Southerland celebrated her 91st birthday at Jearne'hiere end r?ceieed warm .congratwation3 of her friend's Mrs. Trueenner, while going down the steps,' Mende y iast; fell, and disloea, e her ;shoulder. • Ken McLeod went to Detroit' last week,. where he has 'secured a position:. L. Sam Mrrner, thresSing bad a. bad break, with his machine com gelling him .to shut down and ,go to Waterlob for repairs, Alvin Wurrn .arrix-ed home after snend.i n six ave....Ss in the harvest fields of -the west. The overcoats and robe that were recently 'stole from the Un ited Church eheds were .b eought, hack to town and left at Pfaff - oil station,, • -- Reeve Geiger who es a wens beer of the County Criminal Audit Board, is in Goderich last week inning the .quarterly audit. Mary McKay is spending a few ks weein Detroit. Petqr Cace is in town visiting his brother George. A. reception 'VMS. .held at the home of .Mr. and Mr', George Smelt.. the other evening' in honor of Mr. and Mrs, Otto Saphan, bridal cou- ple, who returned from their wed- ding trip. A, representatiee of the Bickle Fire. Engine Co, of Woodstock,was in town the. other day to givea demonstration of the fire 'engine they. are making. The engine theAr two 'Stren13of e,- th °ugh our own two, and -a half inch hose well over. the top of thee Lownhall tower and other high beild- ings in town, and gave. splendid satisfactiore mo are ing Clin ized ter Mr, of 1. II OBS /pub row whe way ions. Pett ide field groo lege, new A been eld gam Oct. seho will i inary will Th • amen Unite Andr esday dred tative lowi n Gooier hus,s.,o wh. Jr. 11--Iray Disjardine, 112,000 tiunhalltc, eT.;lfi her, Mao, COUNTY NEWS Mr .and Mrs. Ings, Varna tore•rl. to Detroit, where they, 'spending a few days visit-. with friends. On Oct. 5th lin St, Paul's Church • ton, the marriage was solemn. of 4Viarion L. youngest (laugh of 'Mr a.ec.1 H 3 1 ribs, and Gordon L. Hall, youngest son Mr.' and Mrs, GA E. Hall, eath came with .g peat sudden - to a. well known eigure in the lic life oof SeafbrUS and sur- iding community on Oct. 5th, n Mich,. Broderick (massed as at his home, following Eisler illness ;of Slily 3 days On Septiember 25th, Miss Ere y af }Amgen became tthe br- of ,q .Tippet of Bays . They thave returned to the me farm Oust .outside. the 'vil- where, he. has had a fine hoane srected. Hu; 0 A t' i A o int 0 has formed land a track and 1/4f is meet, %with a tournament of ee, ibe held in Clinton on 20th, e Mitchell, Seaforth, Ex- Goderich land Clinton High Ws competing, Each ,school n th.s meantime hoed a perliin field day of its own and then send \its whiners tq the town - I e Huron Presbytery of the d Church convened in St. ew's, Church, Bayfield, on Te - Oct, 12th, Over one hun- clergymon and lay represen- s were ,expected to attend. ring the past week the fol - g steamers discharged at the ich .1farbor—Sarnian, 47,500 1 wheat; Glenrig 140,000 inieh eat and screenings; Inez. bns of whea 1; Mat* elvs, • tale pf wt:at; As: zst. 217;000 bush of wheat; Ontadoe, Ontadoe 215,000 bus. of Wheat and barley.. The steamer .Sarnian un - ' loaded 100,000 bus, of its (=g)of wheat at the floor mills. The (Ys: very' port ;shipments of grain from the Go d eri .el eve tor over t way•s average 150 cars a day eAsent.er,at well known and famile ray figure to two (gonerationa of this district, lased to the great great beyond on Oct. 2nd, 'When Wm. McDougall died at ,his Mare in Egmondville, at the age of .82 years. He had been a partiallin valid for spme time, and a feW, weeks ago fell end fractured .hi shs ithe ock of /the aceident beingtoo smell for his •feeble condition. Quite a lsevere wind and rain storm po assed ver ,Bayfield tat Monday 'evening, not much, .dams age was done, but .John Pollock had a very narrow escape when he'•was. thrown into She N‘ater out of 'M. Ross' boat, The boat which had stalled, was caught by the wind and iwaves and thrown' a- gainst the north pier. Pollock had. innaaged to ..gatch the stern of the bout but was caught setween it ,and the pier and with each wave was obliged to duck his head to keep from ,being crushed. He mana.gecl to work his way arotind. and was rescued, his hand however being badly injured. -. AUCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPL- EMENTS. On ,Lot 24, Con. 2, Hay Township, 1 mile west and 'j toile north of Heinen on h FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15t . ' at 1 p.m. Sale of 'sheep at 3 pm LIVE STOCK -1 driving mare; 1 Scotch Srn hortho'Bull, red 11 months; 1 Scotch Shorthorn Cow roan; red bull 'calf. 4 months old by side; 9 grade Shorthorn cosw in calf or milking; 2 -yr. old, steers; 4 1 -yr. old ,steers; 4 2 -yr. old heifers; 1 -yr. old heifer; 6 pelves. 1 purebred Berkshire.sow about 50 Plymouth Bock hens; 35 Dorset Horned Ewes and Rams, all registered or eligible. IMPLEMENTS -51-H manure lep- M. reader, M -II Binder 6 -ft. that*. H. corn binder; Deering mower, 6 cut; ,sweep -rake; M -H side rake and tedder; hay loader, spr ing tooth cultivator 17 tooth.;:Frost & Wood stiff tooth cultivator ;disc harrow, 14 plate outt/trow; 2 side •Ismoothing harrows;, grain drill and grass seeder, 12 hoe; -onion drill; grass .seeder ; furrow ridinet'plow Cockshutt; . walking plow Cock- shutt 21; M -H corn and bean cul- tivator and puller; auto C.. power jack end belt; wagon, hay 'and stook rack, gravel ihox; ,es, inch logeerssesseish;•Jight hob. ,sleieh, 2 ;;:-...70,1•eelat ;S2. cuttees, buggy, light ^wagon; fanning mill bag, er; truck onion thresher; heavy. waggon spr lugs; Z. 'set heavy harness; 3 sin- gle harness; feed cooker, sap pans 4 barrel galv. gathering tank, 'sap pails and Ispiles; Chevrolet to- uring cars - HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -s Beds; beautiful Happy Thought • steel range, coal orf.wood;Happyr Thought 'cast range; 4 -burner coal oil latove; hanging lamps; lady's bicycle; a quantity of wood ;also many other useful articles of house garden and +stable. 75 -ACRE GRASS FARM.—There will be .offered for !sale the 75 -acre grass farm, being the west of lot 16, con, 7, Hay, which is fenced sheep; has good shed, plenty of shade, and never failing. water in ditch. TERMS—Made .no wn day of /sale. 'The proprietor has 'sold the farm and everything ofrfered i for sale.. TERMS—$.10 .and under, cash; over that amount 7 Months' credit on approved. joint notes; ,or 5per cent, persamenn discount •.for cash Frank Taylor; Auctioneer. • W. 0, Pearce Profprietor, \ ZURICH' HERALD Established 1900 ISSUEDEVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE, Herald PrintingOffice SUBSCRIPTION RATES — '41.25 a year, strictly in advance; $1,50 in arrears or $2,00 may be charged. U. S. $1.50 year in advance. No paper discontinued until all arrears are paid unless at- the option of the publisher. The date of which every Subscript- ion le paid is donated on the Label. , ADVERTISING RATES Display Advertising made. known on application. ,Miscellaneous articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, • To Rent, Wanted, Logi, Pound, etc. each insertion 25c, Farm ot Real Estate for 'sale $2,00 for first month, $1,00 for each subsequent month. . Estrayod Animal's — One insertion 50c,, three insertions $1.00, Professional Cardsnot exceeding one inch $5 per year, Auction Sales —'82 per !single in- , eertion if not ,over five. incheora length, Addrega all COMIntirlientiOne to /414r IIEIIAL9 L. AURIC Thursday, paober 14th 1926 t++++.1"11+54-114144-11-4-SieSS.S.S++.14eiee44-144-SeeieselseisSielistee++.5- IT "Me New Day Car' .... ... 1,.. .„, ... 1 , I , 1 ., 1 .,. ,I G3 I Having been appointed district In agent for the Ow ye celebrated Car, I will be pleased at any \,. _ - St' time to give a demonstration. :.i.:. .7. .1,0 AUTOS REPAIRED OR OVERHAULED EY EXPERT 4. Nozomm•••••...........aaram.......,........•••• rr re L•mie.m......•••••r*Frawarmosau•sama......J. WILL ALSO GIVE EXPERT SPRVICE OP BATTERIES qe + + SF ALL KINDS— —NEW BATTERIES IN STOCK. ..a. • •op -t* . E ' .1 KUM:14191C. SATISFACTION 18 OUR MOTTO. GIVE + 4: it PAY AND NIGHT SERVICE,. 1, T3 C3 IS Plowpoints to, fit 'nest makes of plows • It ANGEL, : vrop.- v at greatly reduced prices r,,,- ... i; n•-% ri- -a 0 SALE lirg. ALE In order to quickly dispose of the balance of our Stock on hand, we are offering same below wholesal price. Don't miss these bargains Don'tmiss this bargain! Suits made to measure From $17.50 up ee our windows for other Speci41 Bargains Good P.redeire, -Skint ully done by 'a real Tallies, is aia Refresh- ing to . Your Suit, Jets a good night's Sleep is to you PRESSING AND ALTERATIONS REASONABLY DONE. E. E. WUERTH Tailor, Men'sFurnishings - Zurich, Ont. Where the Good Clothes come froth WeaGeZ04446044e-ese4esvesveciee A 1 mitibmmiimw-kiiivaiwAiwafi Zurich Drug Store School Supplies We have a complete Stock of everything n ea- essary in this line for the School Boy or Girl We have a new Stock of Stock of Scribblers,. Note Books, Pencils, Pens, Water Colors, and alltextbooks. Also a fine supply of the High &hoot Bunks used in, therifthtlass