HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-14, Page 1:••••11/ -+ 66--66- ..66...1.0..••••** ^„ 6666 6666..__. ..._..... ,�.._....._.;.;,..�-..:.:..- ,.................66..., ..66..-...1.�.-,»«- 111_1___.-.- t �,p �g ,�•ro ►�^ ^� p �y L � ^"""Y"",."'w_..._. ..._._ b V � il`� ?a� g �J C..i I[' 6..+' S �r 9�,� 1� � A +,� L. SJ r VOL XXVII No I.�►1 ZURICH, THURSDAY t O Chester L Sruth Pritittirmkge, $4.6625 a Year IA A v i i. $L50 IN ARREARF.*. $2 b9.eLI Ii7. 47kISratak , Sive oney � making your Fall puroh a se S ���� the ���������� Advertising iri the ERA HOT 1, Weather efreshmarits ��Ieiis���Tsg the First IgE CREW. Soft Drinks. l Also Kodaks, Patent Medicines, Stat .onery, B'a_xeiiCaiulyrieecr�eam G socor"ie Oroe.kery, Cigars,.1{�ob- haeo and. Cigarettes' W. aY'",, agner Phone 91 a Martin Luther lea ea B 9 ikl t DCINED e.12A C1IMMtC1'i3 GD OMINEiteed DOME) (.1 ;cr W 3 •F F E�f & •���F-E 3 1 Fir. •E'++ rix 5 , •� i £ +F 4. +4 .S•,•-1- i •i •t t-cet•4.• 4•a• 444,4•.;..;. •11.5 A NEM A freh Stook of Batteries just arrived* • e before buying 4111 60 61) gitie Life.µ tuoy, Ruh ars 00 Before Long,Yen,, are ( tn.t to Buy a, pair of Rubber- Boots iiii if you •arm hard On Boots, In - .a stead of hest. as°= :g for Rub- .0. bIerBoo.,„ as for LIFE - t �g, BUOY' ... t .8 WE Clain. MET aroalong- ,� gest weaxxn , brteit.. Yot card buy and you •.101 luny :sq after VD wearing a.p air., .1 tv Thee is, __t idealLIIr`I<2- 14 BTJOY •B.00t e'er ,every purer .74 poise+ on thea form, in the-buisb, IS in the 1,,arag?e), in. fact where - : ever mets need v„i0,4..r.proof protection, for fir feet and 2legs,it Let ifs. 51.i.•om za+1z the boot that !suits. y, . particular re- cluirorrnerit_ N. c. UM-Bg. r''s cot Come and see .As, I will save You Milley E. ,y ,ESCH - Zurich 4. 4. 4. 4. sir •1• 4. • ,fl•4.•1.+++ .4c . ` ''^ 44 +4.+ t •f°4•t fe .4.l +f+++4,4;3•£ + ••t *• • *4.4.+++irII +++ • L COMPLETE LINE OF REPAIRING Shop NEATLY DONE • • • 0 0 • • 0 0 • 0 0 0 0 0 • 0 0 • • A 0 0 0 • • • 0 0 0.11110 6041 4140119 0040v •irked is gi 111604 640. 544%0060,, 00i/hm®l110 i::� 6666-•-.` ,.-._._.__...,_,.�,�-:6666 �•---- __ �....,_._,.........---�------• 66_____66___ 4444444444,etoeti,44 . 4'p1.4ro ..,04,494.i►4dr 4+•tN4.44,40.40,14.0 44.* tlito '• • Fall an 411. .41 M TipTop T 0 ailors , ter., c+ les 4 ONE I it YG � Wr te ASC 1f3i4 rS- OYL. !u STAND iCE ONLY PRONE 67 4 's'-' 644444'4'*„ ..,: Qpa.teeza .04,*M?+ ,**' O'0*.41).1140,4#0, G, *4*04,?'r.4*. 4. 4. 4 4 4 4. 0 8 e 4 4 ®. Ar n; 4 4. a • 4. 4 f; • ; 44. HIS LIFE AND TIME 1N' CLASSIC EIGHT REEL MOV INC1• PICTURES AT Classic Theatre Sr1'RAri'FOReD ON THURSDAY), OCT. 14TH, At 7 pan and .p}n1,,, Specia, Music Score 1.)y Edward, Rechlin. Follow the many inter- esting events in thisg reat Refor m•- ator's life, as, ge• ren in Reels. DASHWOOD Mrs J. Eidt iof' New Hamburg, visited her liar nts, Mr. 'and. Mrs C. Stade, last week. Miss hazel Snell of Detroit, :Sp- ent the week -end with her par en ts. c Dir. P.Mclsaac is, visiting.,,in De- troit,. Mr. J. Hoffman of London, vis- ited in town on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. R. Stacie of :qua.- ich were Sunday visitors in town Mr. Homer Guent.aer of the Can adian Bank of Commerce of Owen S.zund i . ,spewntiing. itis 4rolidays in town. Mr. P. Brown of Detroit, ins ,vTis- iting in thits vihurity. Mr. and Mrs, L. Edighoffer rof 1tilitcli.ld, vi?iited friends here an Tuesday• Pially y Varin Boal �citutctt ll be In e t cS-r 1 ' andi llSt s Nark y CTnnger ei.tch<'ae dayd r the rand a, geood`progra:n g itsk o`ambtug and StraiC?rd, irprepared,Mr.. and Mrs, Ed. Kraft' are on a motor ,trip ;to New York, Buf- falo and Other points. Thur...dsy neve. Oct. 21st, is the date of the Trig Fowl Slipper ,of the Evangelical church, Dashwood to whicir the whole. community; is in itedi Alilford Memel.. and. Herb wil- lert returned deo Detroit on Sat- urday, after speeding the past we- ek wit klir,ends here. The business men of town have decided to keep, Tuesday and Sat- urday ev cnmgs as their open night's for business. The Daishrv-tvod band ,spent 1a,,t Friday in Tii.e'dford where , they were engaged •for t,i,e fan. Miss Clara Kuntz and Miss Jogs- hina ,tFieny sof Lansing, Mich, went the week --end at the home of Mr. ,and John Kuntz, after an estended trip to Washington, New York, .Buffalo and other pe int. The Women's. Missionary and Aid Society of the Evangelical Church, lv.dtl. their annual business meeting at the Chir, ch last Tltnr°s- day afternoon. The repor'S in- dicated a very prosperous year of 'service. •The officers elected ar;e President, Mrs. J, 0. Kid; Vice- PresidentMrs,. F. B. Moyer; Bee- Secy., Mrs 1 Noeb; Coi -Secy rears. R. A, Goetz; Treasurer, Masi, iyVC Snell; Pianist, Mrs. D Tiernan Before another issue of this paper will bo in the hand's of many readers tn^ Dashwood. Ev. Church hot Fowl Supper will be . enloYed by mny v a'litors and £riend.s from tar and near Th.is event prom- ises to be better tdtail the tong last. year in which about one thousand people participated, Evangelical Church Notes • Mr. Elmer Oeschspent Monday London. Miss Vera Siebert and Mrs. T. Williams, were visitors at Lon- dfm on Monday •+: Miss Inez Yungblut, Mr. Ivan •ungblut and Mr. Jack De chert •5',Oent the week -end in Kitchener. Mr. Clayton Hoffman of Galt scent the week -end' at his home .hgere vtr. and 1VIrs, Ifarry Eickmeier iSpent Sunday with the dotter's parents at St Marys. Mr. and M,1s. Harry Simon and daughter Lois, of London, visited reiative's here over the week -end. Mrs. Taylor and Mr. Jack Ham Mond of Sarnia were Sunday vin itors, at the home of C. Fritz. Don't forget the Monster Fowl supper field on the Evangelical church property on Thursday ev- ening of this week,. Mr. R P. Wilson of Londen,and. Mrs. Jane Hobbs of Thorndale, sspent the ,week-Y:nd at the horn of Dr. .T. Routledge. Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Rupp ;and fancily of Detrot,i vhiited wthi the he former'is mother, Mrs. C. Rupp: past weeks Mr. and Mrs. David Gingerich Mr. ,and !firs. William Koehler, Mrs. D \Vitmcr and daugh`._er Miss Pearl 'spent Sunday with fricnds at Sebringv'ille. ' Mr James( !of the Bank of Mon- treal 'staff 4.pent the week -end at his home in Toronto. He was vis itiirg his father 'who is seriously ill Miss Lillian Weeeloh and frond Mr. Arthur Meininger of Detroit, spent the week -end with the for- nier's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Hy. F. Weseioh, Mrs. Weseloh re- turned. to Detroit with them. Mr.. (and Mrs, Sam Lehman and children from Castorland, N. Y.anr•1 Mr. and Mrs, Citrzs. Kennel i of Wellesley, Ont. wore visitors at the home of Mr. and Mr's. C. Schrag. The programs are out for Wae West I3uron Teacher's Con• emins Which will bet held in Goderirh on Thursday ancl' Friday, October 14, and 154 They Goderich etach- ers have arranged for a banquet to be( held in North St. Unite d church, Thursday evening at l 7`' ock. Thanks. For [the Buggy Ride Also for the Tip where to buy your Radio SEE THE NEW DEFOREST CROS- SLEY, MARCONI AND, ; RING ' I•tADIOS. LFT US GIVE YOU A FREE DE- MONSTRATION IN YOUR OWN HOME . W. G. Hess & Sons C BUY THE BEST, IT IS TRW CHEAPEST. CENUINli1t i11Lackav AND D Lee VT Scranton DIRECT FROM THE MIST SOFT COAL, GENUINE X.EI'C41 TUCKY MILLERS CREEK, COME, GENUINE BY PRODUCTS -- Our Telephones are at your watt vice, the information is free Cat io -tENSALL €ONTe,. Phones -Office 10w. House lfaa The McDonald Chevrolet Co. of• Ilen'sall and tire Lorne Tractor Co. of Ingersoll have been succes- sful in placing one of their com- bined chemical and water fire fighting engines in Hensall on Cli-,vrolet Truck. This is a very efficient outfit one that a town the 'size of 1•Iensall can be proud of, and an outfit along this line is what Zurich also needs badly. ZURICH - ONT. Oct. 15-4.10 Junior League. 7.30 -Prayer and Praise, 8.30 -Choir practice f • Oct. 17-10 a.m. .Worship led by Rev. F. 13. 11Tcryten. 11 ia.m,-BibleSchool, Mr. L. C. Ga:scho, Supt., 7.30 p.inr.-W orlship 15isted by Revs. G. L. (xrolss DASTIWt) 0 D Oct;. 15, 4,10 --Junior Leef.?,ite, i'Ir!, (Fero,) P. ) , 1 , i?t l?otl. Klein'stivc , Pres Oct. 17 .Bible Sdhool and 13, y.Cl. E. 10, a :,rn._Wo>'sh,ip, led by , Re,v G. L. 11rolda • 5• 1 *04.404.4. 41440,.4814.4,41.o44444.4.���FaP4*&4►$�✓8�� 041i•N bifF44+moi ; 4. O 3 4 4 s 4 8 sMy Accounts are no NV ready, and + 6666 -any persons indebted to me kindly a • call at once and. settle samen Notice FRED THIEL - ZUMOI 34-"' ,aa" 4a 9.4.a+4, 0" .1.4'04....°."s•dsGc.rm4'44c€N4,•34.414.41KPV. ? tay • 4•t• 3°0•i•000•E•+3+034•1.0014.4•+r•ti•F•4.•k•`Hfi•°1.1 w÷d He�.'4�. �et4EVE`•'St' SO i • � 66,66 z ST 4. •b 4. 4. 4. 1 4. 4 4 4 4. 4. PROPERTY SOLD Mr Harry Eckrueier, our popular Barret Master, Painter and Decor- ator, has purchased from Mr. An drily* Mrttleholtz, Kitchener, the dvuell'"ing property and • six acres of lrttf't ,., occrupied for the Hist num- biz iii wears, by Mr. Ted little- holtz. P,o'ssession :will be given next <:t April 1st, when Mr. Mittl+v- ktoltz will likely move into the vi- rage. This is an exceptional fine piece of land well 'suited for truck farming and raising celery, Last Friday afternoon whileMrs T1. Broderick and 4it11e'son Wer;, w orking in the field on their farm on the Parr Line, a car, drove in and l," there was no one around, and the hose not lockt`cl, th Rom ..tion got buy and r.rnsacl.ed every, 'dr•a.Wer and carried with them what jewelry they could fine which ii,c'luded. 7: gold watch, and al10 about $16.00 in rash, and a- gain went away t.ithout any t ice I,.e,op1e rehatild 't eke warn- acq it Our Stack is complete in many. new lines; Oxfords, Strap Slippers, O i .T, drens Footwear. Men's and Boys best everyday Work eats with outside counters TRUNKS, CLUB BAGS, ETC. School Shoes of every description '' O. FRITZ '.' SON SHOE MERCHANTS ,1•.t°..1.3+++"f'661.4.4'4•;.+1°'{°•;'•'°t+°'+•'. ++4t 01-:'•g•°5'Rr'°l+e4•'Yt•• •'i°'a44-1-g°'H`" "lel"' rYi`��.�'!ct*'j, 1..1.05 -Bible School, A" Birk, Stipa it* and +securely Ioek their hon - 7,30 -program, Of che"strt .1;11 a 11ei` 1,eav Eng sem% Con gird islror i addto5se'81i it3x Whi'.e s .les of Goderl(th id R,VV. F. 13. MEYER) Pastor. w:nkt ing en the' na!pe, yAl Ne tall an Goods Call and see our new flannel dress Goods and. cotton flannel suitable. for children's dresses, etc.. HEAVY FLANNELETTE SHIRTING AND BLANKETS, WOOL BLANKETS, SWEATERS, JERSEYS, SMOCKS, AND UNDER.- WEAR, N E -WEAR, ALSO GRAIN BAGS. r1 FUI;.L LINE OF STAPLE GOODS. ALL REMNANTS A` BARGAIN PRICES.'" /�M � _ ,FSM• � R. AY �6' �y( tLA ti GENERAL M'. 'RC"rHANr PHONE 11 9 � ,, • .