HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1926-10-07, Page 80'k+r �.r si T eCllr; 4H _ t nkt Make our otore your headquarters. For your Fall and Winner Buying ui ct your friends here LADIES' COATS PETE HAVE JUST OPENED UP A SHIPMENT OF LADIES COATS 1 iND WOULD BE P1,EAS:L a, TO SHO' S ' H,Em TO ,'YOU. T11EY !CONTAIN THE SEASON'S NEWEST STYLES AND CLOTHS AT [VERY REASONABLE PRICES. NEW COVERT CLOTH A 54 incl.. Cloth of Extra fine texture, 'similar to Jersey cloth, twill notstretch or pull, very suitable for 'suits or dresses, :CIIARMEEN - in pretty [shades of Fawn and Navy for Coags, Suits or Dresses. j>' `L. NN.E,LS -- We have 36 pieces of 'Flannels in Stock, comprising the" newest fancy and plain shades' in 32 and 54 inch widths, col '1" --ors 'such as cedarl;ark, G-ypsy aced, Tuscan, Sandalwood, •pose- • wood, Coral, Farience blue, Thrash, Burmese blue with white pin stripe, also black and navy. WOOL SANTOYS -- In in Pototan, Blues, Rosewood, Brown, Fawn, `• Henna, Navy. This cloth is very popular •fwe fall wear. COATING SPECIAL 6 Pieces Coatings in 54 -in. width, Extra heavy quality at $1.50 yd tELANNELETTE WRAPPERETTLS, ETC, 40 pieces of New Flannelettes, opened up in various widths] and qualities at lower prices than last season, DRAPER CLOTHS In pretty shades of Pinks andllues with gilt scroll pattern 1 yd. G wide at .60c. yd. and 75c, ayd. Wi'EA.TER COATS -Por Men, Women, Boyd and Girls in. Sea'son's newest styles. IDEAL PATTERNS We carry a con,hilete dine .of IDEAL PATTERNS in Stock. No reed of waiting, a week for a Pattern. We h+i.ve them on hand, and at the remarkable !low price of 20c, each. HAND AT RIGTH PRICES 'FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS -ON V cao .. sas N S Pro:Juv:. cited Phome 59 Zuriuii's a1 vQ1`'r e Gary Hs, Grease GENUINEFORD PERTS Tires, Tubs, Repairs ,FUST RECEIVED A St1TPMENT OF DOMINION TIRES AND TUBES $76 'B ARE AGAIN HANDLING THE FAMOUS ete 17.1.61A l`F IN NEED OF A BATTERY, WE SOLICIT YOUR PATRONAGE. WE GUARANTEE OUR PRICE TO EXCELL THOSE OF T. EATON CO., AND OTHER CHEAP BATTERIES, AND. BESIDES WE GIVE .YOU SERVICE. ii7PE MAKE SATISFACTORY ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD BATT- ERY. E3AT'TERY REPAIRING AND BATTERY CHARGING, EXPERT AUTO REPAIRING EITHER ELECTRICAL OR MF+CHA.NICAL, • ALSO AC- ETYLENE WELDING-. ) ! I ! ' ZURICH'S LEADING GARAGE 'F IT a!VI Ztueich .m iiNtigOef2.4 al 0-, kr 7" Nights are getting cool — Winter 3 win n soon be here, this pens as in mind of that New: Stove, one that will • Fire more heat with less fuel than any other make on the market, namely the Clarex Quebec combined Cooker and HEATER, A STOVE THAI' WILL •COOK AND BAKE WITH ANY AN3: O1+` THEM, AND :FOR IHEATING CANNOT BE BEAT, T HEY ARE MADE IN TWO SIZES18X18 in. and 20x20 in ovens AND S'ii:. [s i>; aN COAL OR WOOD. k 00000.0000000041141100•006 . • • • • I • • • • Se 3 « 457_ appreciate • 0 s • • E WE'D • ...^ . AA:I i H .- ONT. 1••••0•04i440F.4,4000444140dBNoor,fit••••N0000k000•Oloosoo IN FURNACES WE CAN GIVE YOU THE VERY BEST THAT NIONE ir: CAN BUY, "THE I3RECLA" A REAL OLD STANDBY A FURNACE' 'LIIAT HAS GIVEN; SATISFACTION TO iTHOU SANDS O6 C;SERS FOR MANY YEARS, The Furnace , that naves one ton of coal in iseven. in haviee. ;:r i; Furnace Work Plunubin , Joh' or l7 ve g a trau and :L3�.p0;r,n Prone, You make no mistake he eg here and having it done byistalce by taming here our Expert Mr. Ted,.1Vl.iili:eholtm, • • our,. Fall Line of Ladies' d Men's Hosiery, Underwear Ltca .MACKINAC FLANNELETTE ALL WOOL FLANNEL' STRIPED AND WHITE FLANNELETTE • ALL LINEN TOWELING ALL WOOOL BLANKETS FLANNELETTE BLANKETS j,W,IVE NE ZURICH FALL FAIR The annual. Zurich Fair wa'aheld on the Agricultural (gerounds on Friday ida.y 1a'st, while the weatherman. looked very kind with o, fine morn- ing and up till a little after two o'clock the ,aks•. was overcast with dark clouds and rain again came down freely, compelling the pro - pie to take labelter in auto -s or the show house, The crowd kk as an exceptionally large one, and it seemed regretable to be denied of the afternoon's outing. The •Soc- ir'ty evidently should have ag-ood financial year, as the entire pro - 1 seeds amounted to over $600.00, L • :HORSES General Purpose -Brood mare, 13 Steinbach, 3, A Manson, & Son H. Steinbach; Foal Ed, Haberer; 1 yr. old; S. Deit_ich, J. Smith; 2 -yr old, J .A. 'Man'aon & Son; Span in herneis-H. Steinbach, W. Decher. Agricultural -Broom mare --Jas, McBride, W. W, Chapman; Foal - WE W. Chapman, R. McClinchely ; year old -R. Tinney, 3, MacBride; 3 yr. old -E, Foster; Span i:n wa- gon -J. Ge;inag, •E, Foster. Heavy Draft - Brood mare" - W. i.1 a'laster & Son; Foal -W, Mc- Allister• & Son, T. Snowden; 2 yr. old -W4 W (Chapman; Span in wagon -E. J. Perm!. Roadster -Brood ;mare =.S Hey, J. Decher .Jr; Foal -J. Decher Jr, 2nd and 3rd; 1 yr. old -S. Hey; 2 yr. old -E 'Walper, R. •MeClinchey, S. Hey; Span in harness aril wa- gon -'DE Campbell; ;single road ester -R; McLaren, J. Banjhardt, T. Reid; Lady driver -R. McLaren, J. Armstrong, ang, J. Decher Sr,. Carreige-Brood mare --J. Deck- er Jr; and S. Hoffman 3rd; Foal - S Uoffiiran, J. A, Blanton & Son, and 3rd; 1 yr. old -E. Wallpier; l yr..o'l-J, A. Manson; W. Pyne, R. McCLinchey; Span in ;harne'ss and wagon G. J,%Thiel; Single in • buggy, -R, ;Webster, 3. McKinley, Dr. Campbell. CATTLE Reg, Durham- 131111 Calf 1926-. E. J. Pym, W. ,Oesstreicher, H. St- einbach; Reefer calf 1926-E. J, Pym, H. 'Steinbach; Year old bull calf -E. J Pym, W. Oe'streicher, and 3rd. Other than pure bred -Cow's .- 1 Pfaff. 0. Suererus, is, R. Far- well; Yearling hhelfer-J. Pfaff and 2nd: 2 yr. ' `old heifer -O. Surerus, J Pfaff; Pat cow or heifer - .1. Pfaff, 0. Surerus; 2 fr. old steer J. Pfaff and 2nd, 0. Surerus; Ye- arling 'steer -J. Pfaff e ,1 Tent steer -J. Pfaff; Holsteia i „ in milk -W. B. 13attler & Son; Hol- atein yearling S. R, Farwell. Herd of Grade cattle -J. Pfaff, a Surerus. +SFHEE.P r Leiche'ster-Shearling ram- T. S Yorkshire -Spring boar! -W. Mc Allister & ;Son. POULTRY Hamk•urga--{Hen, W. 13, Battler and 2nd; Barred Rocks -cock, G.'. Heywood took ,all prize; ,White Plymouth Rock -Cock, T. Smow- Glen and 2nd; hen F. Kohcem's, T. Snowden; Cockerel, T. Snowden; Pullett, T. Snowden, Light Br- a:1,,.ans-Ken, W. 13, .Battler & Son; Black Minorcan, --Cock, .W. B. Bat- tler at tler & Son;, hen F. Kochems, W. B. Battier & Son; Cockerels, F., Koch - eras, H. Yungblut; Pullett, F. Ko - deems, II. Yungblut Patridge Rocks. -P Koehema took all prizzes; S. C. W. Leghorns-Cock, G Heywood and 2nd; Hen, G. .Heywood, ,,, J. Thiel; Cockerel, G. Heywood. and 2nd; Pullett, W. Davidson, G, Hey- wood; took all prizzcs; Ancona Cock, 0, Salmon, L. O'Brein; hen, W. B. .Battler & Son,, C. Salmon, Cockerel, W. 13. Battler & Son, L. O'Lrein; Pullett, W. S. tattler & 'son, L. O'Brein; .Bantams, any var- iety -Cock, W. B. Battler :and 2nd;- hen, W. B. Battler & Son, G,. Hey- wood; ,cockerel, W. B,Battler, R. McClinchey; Pullett, W. 13. Batt- ler & Son, G. Heywood; Collect- ion ollect ion of Pigeons -Dr. •MacKinnon, .H. tungblut; Pekin China ducks - .old .old 3, & R. Snowden, T. KocliemE; Young, '.l Snowden; Rean Ducks old, T. Snowde; young, F. Koch - em, T, Snowden; Ducks, any var, -old, T: McAdanse, F, Kocheneis, young, F, Koch.ena's; Geese -old •4Y B. Battler'"& Son; Toulouse Geese - old,. J. Gelinas; Wild duces, A, Mc,u'sseau. ' Judge, Gordon Smith;, Wood•slee.I GRAIN AND SEEDS Bushel white wheat -M. • Rader, G. Jacobe, G. Deters; Red fall wh- eat -W. R. Dougall, E. & R. Snow den; Spring wheat, any var. M. Rader, E & R.' Snowden, G. Det- ers; 6 -rowed barley -M. IRader,W, R. Dougall; H. Truemner; White oats -E. & R. Snowden„ Ii. True - Inner, M Rader; Large peas -E,13• Snowden, P. Schwalm; Small ipeae -I3`• Trueinner, M. Rader; puck- wh-eat M Rader; Bushel red ,cl- over (seed -M. Rader, H, Trueni,ner Lisike clover -H. Truemncr; Swe- et clevorJseed-T Snowden; Tin?- othy .!seed• -R. Turner, NI, Rader, FT'. Truemncr; Small white field beans M. Rader. H, Truem-mer, P. Schwalm Coll grain in heads, any kind -G, Jacobe, .H.FI Neeb; Alfalfa ;seed - M. Rader, G. Raters;' • HORTICULTURAL TURAL . Coll. of apples -J, R, °Stirling W. B. Battler & Son, B 31, Neel);Pall pears -3. R. Stirling, Battler & Son, G. Dat,ere; Winter epples-Ja Stirling, W. B. Battler & Son, H. H. Neeb; King of Tone - Sus -S. Stiriir, , J,, Lecher Jr.; now 'apples—W, B. Battler c Sdn L Ix Neeb, Northern Spies -J. R. tirlinge W'. 13, Battler & Sans; ald}urns-J' R Stirling, H. :True, - 'Snowden, Aged ram -T. Penhale; Shearling ewe -T. Snowden; Ram S lamb -T. Snowden, T. Penhsial`e, B Ewe lamb -T. Snowde, 0, Penh:ale Ewe having raised leamb-•-G Pen - ale, T. Snowden. Lincold Sheep-Sh.eariing Paan-- li%. McAllister & Son; ,Shearling ewe -W McAllister and grid; Ram Iamb -E. F, Klopp, W. McAllister & Son; Ewe lamb -W. McAllister & Son and '2nd; Ewes having raised, lamb -W. Mc.}a".11ieter & Son and second). Shropshire-Shearling Rani -3. A, Manson & San; Shearling `ewe -J. A. Man; on & :Son and 2nd,, Ram lamb ----J. A..'Mans,on & Son; Awe lamb -JT A. Manson & Son. and 2nd Ewe, having raised lamb -J. • A, Mannan & Son, T. Snowden, O:;forcl-•Aged rain T. Snowden, le W B, Settler & o Shearling Son; Scar to an_ l t , g Z. Snowden; Shearling ewe -T, Snowden,, T. M,,A;lanes; Ewelamb - Y A. Manson and 2nd; Ewe! hav- ing Farsed lamb -T. McAda.ln's, ,'p, Snoveclen; Fat 'sheep any class -3, -I , Manson & Son, T. Snowden, HOGS Tamworth --Aged oi�y--W13 13a, t• e' & San, 3. A, Menson Eon; Aged 'hoar -T, Snowden; Spring UO rr-J. A„Manson & ,San, 73.1tl1ni* GSL Son; Spring Isow-Ji,A, 14'T,I;i'san & .Sant h•ncl ,2nd. nner; 1 I, Greerings-V4' ?3, Bat- t 13 I) a it T ler, J. Stirling; Spitzzenberg - J, tir.]ing; Canada Reds -J. Stirling, Truemner; RT'b:ion Pipped --J, iirling, R. Turner; Golden Bni- ets-J. Stirling,:D W 111 a t r s, Ben a"'is J Stirling, G Eaters; Swa- re-J. Stirling; tiG agners-J. St - ling; Banns -J. Stirling, A, tiii,bull; Manns. -J. R. Stirling, W. B. Battler & Son; Weill River- J. Stirling, 13, Trueanner, ,Alexan- ders -F4 Alexandexs-Fi ViWiilert, J Stirling; Mor-, ideede • lush -J. R, Stirling, Men-' helm Pippen-J•. Stirliiag, .L, Wil- lert, Pcwaukee-W. B. Battler & Son, H. Truemncr, Colverbs-J, R. SlEling, W 13, Sadler &•Son; 20 -oz Pippen-J. Stirling, FI, 'Tru:eiuner;. Tallman Sweet -J. Stirling, W, 13, Battler & Son; Coll of Russett, ap- ples -J Stirling, 11, at, Neeb; Coll, fils p gra, ....J. :a Stirling, Ef ;1I, Neeb ; Winter pears -J. Stirling; Pears fall and winter, W. B Bat- tler & Son, J. Stirling; 'Eartlett pe- ars-Hie, e- ass-HI, Neeb; Clapp'.s . Favorite Anna Hese, cTl:, ll Neale; Fess hes- M Smith, 3, R. Stirling; Prunes- W' runes- W Decher; Platt red crab apple's -3. Stirling; W. R. Stir ling W, 13, Battler & Sosi; '.ireglow crab (Continuied on bagee .'Five) Thursday, :October 'Mt, 1 1 11 We Wife e received a .large• shipment of .newFurniture including Livrin..; room, .ew i .i.n .. ',roo , s uites, and rockers, kitchen cabinets, tables .and ;chairs COM IN. AND SEE OUR NEW GR.A:OE LINE REDS, BEASS BEDS; AND A FULL 'LINE OF THE FAIIVIOUS SIMMONS GUAR-. ANTI3ED S1'RING$ AND BUTTRESSES. BRING IN YOUR PICTURES TO :BE FRAMED. A FULL LINE OF SHELF AND HEAVY HARDWARE, BEA.TTY WASH MACHINES AND `WRINGERS, STOVES AND' FURNACE'S, WIRE FENCING-, STEEL POSTS, POU,I;TRY..' FENCING, AND CEMENT. T • INET ,FIS DO YOUR PLUMBING, EVETROUGBI QCs OR ROOF- ING, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF 100° PAINTS, OILS, CHI-NAYiJEL `� ITiiRt+. MARTIN summit VARNISHES, '' F' E EST Gas mad Coal oil TRY OUR OILS NONE BETTER BR/NG IN YOUR OLD RAGGS, TRADE OR CASH le, Ih. Jo-hnston Kaibfiejh Hardware ec Furniture. Phone 6 -�••tt,a.eiaa,ixsm N4�I�t�nRil(IEtR� StMiSiSYBW � ����� �llaLnfill/M.�Iy,pmy,°,,,y.���rc O.i''-IY . HIS -P A -FARMER'S WIPE OWN ED $2,500 WORTH OF SAFE BONDS. 'A STOCK SALESMAN, (a stranger) PERSTJADED HER TO EXCHANGE THEM E'OR STOCK IN A MANS ACTURING CONCERN. HE GUARANTEED TO'PAY HER 8%, BUT HIS GUARAN- TEE WAS WORTHLESS AS THE COMPANY HADN'T PAID, ANY DIVIDENDS FOR SEVERAL YEARS. Why place confidence in. 'stock salesmen Evh.en reliable ad- vice aau ,be obtained -right in town,' I recommend 'Huron & Erie Debentures because the Govern- ment authorizes them for estates funds in the hands of ex- ecutors and ,trustees. 5% per annum,, is paid half -yearly upon 8100 or mime for 1 to 5 ream. Applications for Huron & Erie Debentures are accepted at any time by.- , drew F. Hess , - Zurich ;h MY MOTTO i-SERVF.CE AND SAFETY [`tT:'l�3.2 ' k) F.—YOUR `WILL? nalL ailiMa,iaRartitunr.inini lbergri , , , OY.lOLA20fAIIMMIC14.11.f.r.M.PtfEF1C1.1.M.rtM.W2.0•MCOMMIXItiC iffebtarmimILIMPJit IMMUM.iNININ11.1 1 CMM.11 .Yp2115MM6'UMIN1VS 41.11. ,iC11R M.M..O.RIMIVR161.140.11• M,319,01)fMAglll,1. Painting and Paper Hanging LET US DO YOUR PAINTING, GRANING, PAPERHANUIN �4 & DECORATING. WE MAKE IT A MOTTO TO SATISFY OUR CUS- TOMERS WITH EVERY 3013 WE DO, TRY' 'IFS ON YOUR, "' ' g'g 301. IL ,EICICMEIER, JOHN WARP Ai if'a Drugless Taction- ser and optician EXETER -- P' I'LQG AT WALPER 1i!OLJH1 , SUR 'I Every Tuesday, 10 a.m., tar, ._.. •....--I.. ..t...W...raie...,w0.»,.*... ..m, I -. --+--+--.1.-w *-.1 .I 4 46 i1T tai,' '3Ai.•t With all extraordinary ar o dll;tarshowing Y of the Sea�:al� �, Newest Materials for Men' S Suits e re 1�r iIEE'$. B _ WRERE YOU ,ptWILL FIND E'€'k'AV]SIL7t TEE 15IGdXES°i`.AiLQ9P; ( ING VALUES EVER HEARD OFF. + AKINGi UYIN YEARS OF EXPERIENCE COUPLED WITH BCQNolt l i 1111 ,G F - I3. ,- ,f. Cl THE MAT FkiIAI. DIRECT FROM THEM/LES l AND SELLING TO YOU T11MENDO1 4.1 THAT'S WHAT PUTS THE DOLLARS IN Y'0U, TAMER 13101111Y AND GET YOUR ORDER IN EARLY, 1 ,� TAILOR. TAILOR. W. 13, HOFISMAN & Son, EllIBALEIE., , AND i3'UNERAI, fIEIS0TO,31Q Da and Night Phone `{�, 1.1'•, � Ir•F��,AirC vS'L�iY M1M� 3.tl oy 416y° 0.